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National English Literary Museum, Grahamstown

The National English Literary Museum is the leading location for collections pertaining to the imaginative and creative writings in English of southern African writers. It holds unpublished manuscripts and drafts as well as proofs, diaries, and private correspondence; all genres of creative or imaginative writing published by Southern African authors: poetry, plays, novels, short stories, diaries, memoirs, journals and travelogues, including books for children; and critical matter about Southern African authors. Its website is helpful but not searchable, so accessing information about NELM’s manuscript holdings will require visiting or a detailed email inquiry. NELM staff are extremely helpful, and NELM itself is an excellent place to visit and work in. See http://www.ru.ac.za/static/institutes/nelm//?request=nelm/

The Schreiner/Schreiner Related Collections held by NELM are:

Olive Schreiner: A cluster of related collections of manuscripts and letters by Olive Schreiner, which were purchased by or donated to NELM at different times. The letters include to those to Minnie Murray, F.S. Malan, a sub-set of letters to Edward Carpenter and a smaller number to Havelock Ellis, and a number of one-off letters, including to General Kitchener and Daniel Boonzaier. There is a brief finding aid held by the archivist, who is an expert and very helpful guide to the NELM collections.

S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner: A number of interesting smaller collections of material deriving from or written by Schreiner’s estranged husband Cronwright-Schreiner, including his diaries and his account of Schreiner’s interment on Buffels Kop as well as some letters. Again, there is a brief finding aid held by the archivist, who is an expert guide to the NELM collections.