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Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin

The HRC, Austin, is one of the world leading locations for archival papers pertaining to literary life and manuscripts across a wide period of time, authors and types of literary production. Its website is detailed and helpful and includes a searchable catalogue of its book holdings and a helpful guide to its manuscript collections. Accessing more detailed information about the HRC’s manuscript collections following searching its website will probably need to take the form of an email inquiry. Online searches are possibly for the most important of HRC’s large number of outstanding manuscript holdings, although this includes only one of those relating to Olive Schreiner. See http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/

The Schreiner/Schreiner Related Collections held by the HRC can be organised around correspondence of which people were recipients, as well as letters they themselves wrote, so that, for example, Schreiner’s letters to Havelock Ellis are part of the ‘Ellis: Recipient’ material, while the ‘Olive Schreiner’ collection contains the letters she wrote to a wide array of people as well as manuscripts.

The Schreiner/Schreiner Related Collections held by the HRC are:

Christopher Morley: The Christopher Morley collection is large, diverse and focused on Morley’s collection of literary letters, manuscripts and other materials. The ‘Miscellaneous’ part of collection includes Schreiner’s letters to Frederick Chapman.

Havelock Ellis: The Havelock Ellis collection is large and contains manuscripts and related papers as well as correspondence. The large majority of Schreiner letters to Ellis are catalogued in the ‘Ellis: Recipient’ part of the collection.

Richard Garnett: The Garnett collection is a large one; Schreiner’s letters to Garnett are in two different ‘Garnett: Recipient’ parts of the collection.

Olive Schreiner: The Schreiner collection includes some extant manuscripts as well as letters. There are Catalogued and Uncatalogued sections of the Schreiner letters. The collection includes her letters to a wide array of people.

Oscar Wilde: The Wilde collection is divided between works and correspondence. Some of the works are by people other than Wilde and a part of the correspondence is written between people who were associated with Wilde rather than Wilde himself. There is a helpful but brief online finding aid. The collection contains just one Olive Schreiner letter, catalogued as ‘Oscar Wilde: Recipient’. See http://research.hrc.utexas.edu/fasearch/alphabet.cfm#M

Wilson Barrett: The Wilson Barrett collection contains the papers of the actor manager and playwright Wilson Barrett and includes his manuscripts and papers as well as correspondence. The sole Schreiner letter in the collection is catalogued as part of ‘Wilson Barrett: Recipient’.