"Affection, farm for sale, go mad here" Read the full letter

Cory Library, Rhodes University

The Cory Library, Grahamstown, is a rich resource for books and archival papers pertaining in particular to the history of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Its website is helpful and its book holdings searchable, although accessing information about its manuscript holdings will require visiting or a detailed email inquiry. See http://www.ru.ac.za/corylibrary

The Schreiner/Schreiner Related Collections held by the Cory Library are:

Alfred Mattison: The Alfred Mattison collection is confined to the letters from Olive Schreiner. There is no finding aid.

General Missionary Commission: Schreiner’s small number of letters to John Henderson, principal of Lovedale College, are part of a large General Missionary Commission Collection that focuses on the Mission’s investigation of ‘The so-called ‘black peril’ in 1911. There is no finding aid.

G.W. Cross: The G.W. Cross collection is confined to the letters from Olive Schreiner. There is no finding aid.