"Not a personal matter, all women of Cape Colony, Women's Enfranchisement League" Read the full letter

Dramatis Personae

The ‘Dramatis Personae’ provides biographical and other information about all the people to whom Olive Schreiner wrote letters, and also concerning a large number of the people her letters mention as well. Where appropriate and possible, references to the South African and the Oxford dictionaries of national biography and also other relevant publications have been provided.

Just click on the letters of the alphabet below to see the information. In addition, clicking on the live links on people’s names in Olive Schreiner’s letters will also take you straight to this information.

Key: recipient icon signifies the person is a recipient (and mentioned) | mentioned icon signifies the person is only mentioned

A|B|C|D|E|F | G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|All

icon Fawcett, Millicent GarrettDame Millicent Garrett Fawcett (1847-1929) was a British social and political activist and a leader ...
icon Fincham, EdnaEdna Fincham married Oliver Schreiner, Will and Fan Schreiner’s son and Olive Schreiner’...
icon Findlay, AlsieAlice Henrietta Elizabeth (Alsie) Findlay was one of the daughters of Schreiner’s sister Katie...
icon Findlay, BessieElizabeth Aletta (Bessie) Findlay nee Niemeyer was the wife of Schreiner’s nephew (John) Hudso...
icon Findlay, ElizaEliza or Ely Findlay was one of the daughters of Schreiner’s sister Katie Findlay and her husb...
icon Findlay, FredFred Findlay was one of the sons of Schreiner’s sister Katie Findlay and her husband John Find...
icon Findlay, GeorgeGeorge Findlay was one of the sons of Schreiner’s sister Katie Findlay and her husband John Fi...
icon Findlay, HudsonJohn Hudson Lamb Findlay (1867 - 1942), always referred to as Hudson, was the son of Schreiner’...
icon Findlay, JohnJohn Findlay, husband of Katie
icon Findlay, JohnJohn Findlay (1839 - 1902) married Schreiner’s eldest sister Katie in 1860. He was the son of ...
icon Findlay, Katie (Catherine)Katie (Catherine) Whitby Schreiner (1838 - 1898) was the eldest of Gottlob and Rebecca Schreiner’s c...
icon Ford, IsabellaIsabella Ormston Ford (1855-1924) was a British social and political activist, close friend of Olive...
icon Forman, Henry BuxtonHenry (Harry) Buxton Forman (1842 - 1917) was a British publisher, bibliographer and forger. Forman ...
icon Fort, Seymour(George) Seymour Fort (1858 - 1951) was born in Britain and educated at Oxford. He worked for a time...
icon Fourie, JoeyJoey Fourie was a sister of Anna Purcell nee Fourie and she married a member of the Smuts family. Fr...
icon Friendlander, EthelEthel Friedlander was the daughter of one of Cronwright-Schreiner’s business clients in De Aar...