"Fighting Boer women" Read the full letter
Alsie Findlay
Alice Henrietta Elizabeth (Alsie) Findlay was one of the daughters of Schreiner’s sister Katie Findlay and her husband John Findlay. In 1912 she married James Mushet. It is likely that some letters were exchanged between Schreiner and Alsie Findlay, although none have been traced.
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- Cullen Library, Historical Papers, University of Witwatersrand: Historical Papers in the Cullen Library is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many periods, organisation... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Findlay Family A1199/3648:The Homestead, Kimberley, April 24 / 96, Dear John,, I have just this afternoon got your letter & the article. I was very...
- Findlay Family A1199/3709:The Homestead, Kimberley, Dec 3rd 1897, Dear John Findlay, Your truly inexplicable & astonishing letter was forwarded to ...
- Findlay Family A1199/3712:The Homestead , Dec 30 / 97, Dear Hudson, Thank you for your very kind letter. The picture of the house has not come with it ...
- National Archives Depot, Pretoria: The National Archives Depot is Pretoria is a leading location for archival papers across a wide time-period, organisations an... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Smuts A1/190/42:de Aar, Oct 13 / 07, My dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter, & your loving invitation. I fear I shan’t be...
- National Library of South Africa, Cape Town: Special Collections at the NLSA provide one of the leading locations for archival papers across many periods, organisations a... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Olive Schreiner: Katie Findlay MSC 26/2.14.15:Lily Kloof, Sep. 12 / 79., My dear Katie, I was very glad to get your letter & have sent Mama’s on to her. I am onl...
- Olive Schreiner: Katie Findlay MSC 26/2.14.26:Mount Vernon, Cape Town, Dec 6 / 89, Dear Katie, Thank you so much for your kind letter. I should have answered it at once bu...
- Olive Schreiner: Katie Findlay MSC 26/2.14.27:Mount Vernon, Cape Town, My dear Katie, Many thanks for your letter, & for the cards which Mother sent over to me from Gr...
- Olive Schreiner: Katie Findlay MSC 26/2.14.28:Dear Sister Katie, I fear you will find me a very bad correspondent., I dislike letter writing so much, but I am often thinki...
- E.L. Earp MSC 47/1.17/3:Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts, Sep 20 / 88, My dear Emma,, Thank you very much for the letter which I greatly valued. I liked s...
- E.L. Earp MSC 47/1.17/4:The Sanatorium, Ceres, Sunday Night, My dear Emma, Thank you so very much for your kind letter. I should have answered it at ...
- E.L. Earp MSC 47/1.17/6:Dear Emma, Thank you so much for all the trouble you took getting me the rug. I like it very much. You lay yourself open to p...
- E.L. Earp MSC 47/1.17/10:Feb 28th 1906, My dear old Emma, A little bird has told me that I am to be made richer by another little nephew or niece in J...
- University of Cape Town, Historical Manuscripts: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Cape Town is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many per... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/86:Friday afternoon, My darling Effie, I was so surprised & glad to hear from Mrs Lodge this morning that you were coming to...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/104:Matjesfontein, Feb 9 7th 1909, Thursday, Darling, Just a line. I thought Kate wrote daily or I would have sent a line yesterd...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/108:De Aar, July 21st 1909, My darling Ettie, I hope you are getting on well with your work. I told Dr ?Simmington when he & ...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/118:Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Wednesday 191, Dear Wynnie, Thank you so much for your letter. I am posting a letter to Aunt Het...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/124:Milnerton, Wednesday ?evening, I got here my darling this afternoon. It is so nice to feel I am near you at least as far as s...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/125:Thursday night, Darling, I haven’t written because every day I’ve been hoping I would be able to walk up to the H...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/126:My old Ettie, I’m thinking of you all the time, beloved. Do try to get strong: you are in a state of the most extreme m...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/127:My darling, I lay awake in the night thinking so much of you, & all the terrible suffering. When I look at your dear hand...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/148:Monday, My darling , I am so glad to hear from Mr Muskett this morning that the sour milk seems doing you good., There’...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/151:Monday, My darling, I am feeling so anxious about you. Oh my dear old Ettie, that you should have to suffer so fearfully. If ...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/154:Thursday Friday, My darling,, I felt so depressed all day yesterday for no reason I could think of, I’d a feeling you w...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/157:Tuesday, Wynne darling,, I send you a letter I got from Clifford Cawood to-day. I fear my dear little Dora is going too. Dear...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/177:Wednesday, London, Darling Wynnie, I send you a letter from May Parker - the doctors wife at Llandrindod wrote me when Uncle ...
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/187:[page/s missing], 2, office for him to order the oysters., When I got back here I was saying how much you needed someone to h...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/15:The Homestead, Aug 12th 1898, Dear Laddie, I shall think of you on the 13th, but I feel no anxiety. I am sure you come in wit...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/16:The Homestead , Aug 13th 1898, Dear Fan, Thanks for thy letter. I hope you are all keeping fit, & trying no more nice com...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/11:Hanover , May 2nd 1902, Dear Fan, I haven’t heard any news of you since the 24th of March when you wrote me birth-day l...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold2/1903/6:Hanover, April 2nd 1903, Dear Fan, I was so glad of a word from you again. I am so often thinking of you., Our old landlady h...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold5/1906/11:My dear old sister, It was a week yesterday since you left, & I’ve not yet had any news of how you got on. I’...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/5:Matjesfontein, Feb 5th 1909, Dear Laddie, I have just got your wire & answered it. Theo is doing splendidly. His temperat...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/4:Milnerton , Friday night, Dear old Man, I went twice to your chambers before I left Jessie Innes, but you were out both times...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/6:Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Private, Dear Will, I’ve been feeling very hopeful about Ettie ever since we were there. I...