"Solitude, change, work" Read the full letter

The Great War & After

Olive Schreiner’s analysis of warfare perceives diplomacy as an amoral game of chess between states in which ordinary people are mere pawns, and war in the long-run as having no victors, and she gives primacy to the sufferings of civilians in wartime and also ordinary soldiers who were treated as just ‘cannon fodder’. The ‘Great War & Its Consequences’ letters include Schreiner's prior sense that a major enveloping war was in the making, then Europe on the outbreak of the war, ‘war fever’ in Germany, panic in Holland and jingoism in Britain. The collection covers Schreiner demanding - and getting - a meeting with Lloyd George to protest against South Africa’s involvement in the war, her association with the Union of Democratic Control and the No-Conscription Fellowship and radical pacifism, her meetings with Norman Angell and Bertrand Russell, and her taking Gandhi to task for his role in encouraging wartime support work. This collection also includes letters on the writing of Schreiner’s pacifist allegories, open letters, and her never-completed essay ‘The Dawn of Civilization’.

Over the course of the Great War, Schreiner became isolated from many friends and family because of her absolute pacifism, and she also experienced discrimination because of her German-sounding name. These letters also concern living with war and what that entailed - food shortages, a war economy, the hiked prices of essentials, anxieties about zeppelin raids, jingoism and its puttiness and meaness, the dominance of propaganda, compromised air quality because of the perpetual bombing in France, constant anxiety about male friends and family fighting at various fronts, and frequent news of deaths and injuries. They also concern Schreiner’s focus on what she terms the ‘after the war’, regarding the probable injustice of any peace settlement, the likelihood that the League of Nations then being planned would fail and produce an even more total war in the future, and spiraling economies, together with references to her admiration for key books, by Keynes especially, but also Dillon.


To: Betty Molteno, 19 November 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/31
Saturday night, My dear Friend, I am so glad you are going to England. This old country is too sad for one who has felt all a...
[May be a universal European war]
To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, May 1905: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/12
Haddon Hall, Kloof Rd, Thurs-day, Dear Mrs Murray,, If next Thursday would suit you I would like to come on Thursday morning ...
[English fleet to back the autocratic Czar of Russia]
To: Betty Molteno, April 1913: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/16
Dear Friend, This ought to have gone a week ago. Every thing is so dark & mysterious I can make nothing out of the papers...
[Will be great European war, moral deteriorations of war]
To: Edward Carpenter, 29 April 1913: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/m
De Aar, April 29 / 13, /13, My dear old Edward, I wonder how the world goes with you. I often wonder just what your feeling a...
[If ever force was justfied it is with women but is it ever justified, I am for passive resistance]
To: Vernon Lee (Violet Paget), 20 June 1913: Vernon Lee Collection, OS-13.06.13
De Aar, June 20th 1913, Dear Vernon Lee, I don’t know if you will have forgotten my name. I met you once in Florence ma...
[Unmixed evil of war, one has to have lived amid horrors of war as I have]
To: Frederick (‘Fred’) Pethick-Lawrence, 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/33
Dear Fred, If ever either of you take any kind of peace work, let me know. Am yours. I know all goes well with you. I’m...
[Peace work, when the war fever is on]
To: John Hodgson, 1914: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/83
Monday, Dear John, I did feel unhappy about you last Saturday. Not about “Bombs” but you seemed to me so unwell t...
[War seemed more terrible at first, thinking of those on the batlefield, now worn out]
To: John Hodgson, 1914: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/17
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Monday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I am not very fit – or would have written before. I sh...
[War takes much out of one & for what]
To: John Hodgson, 1914: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/18
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Monday Early, Dear Mr Hodgson, Thank you I think I shall be able to go on Tuesday as ...
[Lady you mention, made speech at peace meeting]
To: Vernon Lee (Violet Paget), 1914: Vernon Lee Collection OS-VL/1
30 St Mary Abbott’s Terrace, Kensington, W., Telephone, 3350 Western., Dear Vernon Lee, Can I tell you how splendid I t...
[Your splendid articles on the war]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 29 May 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/31
Friday, Dear Laddie , I went to that Norman Angel dinner last night. You would have enjoyed it: I wished so you were there. I...
[Norman Angell dinner]
To: Georgiana Solomon, August 1914: Olive Schreiner: Georgiana Solomon MSC 26/2.13.2
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens,, W., Dear Mrs Solomon, Daisy mustnt trouble to come & fetch me....
[More wrong than Boer War, not speak of it]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, 3 August 1914: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/95
Amsterdam , I am here with my friend Dr Jacobs. I arrived from Berlin on Wednesday. I meant to leave for England to-day, but ...
[Arrived from Berlin, trains full of military mobilising & people flying from Germany]
To: Havelock Ellis, 3 August 1914: Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/15
30 St Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington, Monday, Dear Havelock,, Arrived at midnight last night after a most awful journey of...
[War is Hell]
To: Aletta Jacobs, 4 August 1914: Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/290
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington , London, Monday , I arrived here at midnight last night after the most terrible journ...
[Women's peace meeting]
To: Alice Greene, 4 August 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/41
Dear, I have another beautiful interesting letter to thank for you don’t know how I value them. I hope you had a fine t...
[Universal war will have come, war is hell]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 11 August 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/47
Tuesday, 30 Mary Abbott’s Terrace, My darling Will, How are you? My heart is breaking over South Africa Oh if only I ha...
[Went to see Lloyd George on what the war means for Africsa, writing to the Nation]
To: Mohandas Gandhi, 15 August 1914: Olive Schreiner: Hermann Kallenbach MSC 26/2.3.2
Telephone, 3350, 3300Western, 30 St Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington, London W., Saturday, My dear Mr Ghandi, I have at last...
[Hatred of war]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 18 August 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/48
Tuesday, My dear Will, I was glad to get your letter. I don’t know if any good will my come of my talk with Lloyd Georg...
[Going to see Gladstone, seeing Lloyd george helped because was doing something, troops massing]
To: Alice Greene, 19 August 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/49
Thank you for your card. Yes, that part of the Karroo is one of the loveliest spots on earth I would rather live there than a...
[This war worse than the Boer war]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 23 August 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/50
Sunday, Dear Laddie, Thankyou for your note. Yes one is on one’s brain ends. This war seems to me the most wicked Engla...
[Wickedest war England has engaged in, fate of Germans in Eng]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 29 August 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/52
Saturday , Dear Laddie, I’m not wrong this time. I do know the date! It will be but a sorrowful birthday to you, but I’...
[Afraid of South Africa joining England's war, colossal crime of killing people who haven't harmed you]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 31 August 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/53
Monday, I have got news of Dorothy von Moltke though Dr Jacobs. Return card: the Russians were still being embarked last nigh...
[Mad thing England sending all her fighting men, hasn't saved Belgium, won't save France]
To: Mary Drew nee Gladstone (m. 1886), September 1914: Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, f.187
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Saturday night, Dear Mrs Drew, Thank you for your letter. Yes I shall still be in Lon...
[Wish could share feelings about South Africa, it is all so wicked]
To: John Hodgson, September 1914: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/21
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Thursday., Dear Mr Hodgson, Have you arrived safely in England I got here on Sunday n...
[All too wicked, you've not lived through it]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 1 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/55
Thanks for note dear I’m glad you are keeping fit. The Merriman’s invited me to dine with them yesterday, but at ...
[A ainful scene, man thought laughing at Kings Uniform]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 4 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/57
Friday, Dear Laddie, I am glad of your note. I don’t know how Merriman knows the parliament is to be called., If the re...
[England wants the Cape to attack Germans on land side]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 8 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/58
London, Tuesday, Dear Laddie, I am sending you privately the paper of a society to which I belong. If you & Oliver would ...
[Peace society, inviting Will and Oliver Schreiner to subscribe]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 10 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/60
Thursday, Dear, Just had a long letter I wrote to you from Amsterdam returned to me by Dr Jacobs, who had it returned to her ...
[North sea battle seems more killed than reported]
To: Alice Greene, 11 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/61
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace , Sep 11th 1914, Darling Alice, Please post the enclosed letter to Cron at de Aar. I am sending yo...
[War wicked, unnecessary for England to have gone into it, hopeless like Boer war]
To: Havelock Ellis, 11 September 1914: Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/14
30 St Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington, Friday, Dear old Havelock, I went to Eastbourne yesterday. It was too sad., I came b...
[No remembrance of the past, only the Labour Leader is standing oout, why has one to stand alone?]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 12 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/5
The Mascot,, Holmwood,, Surrey, Saturday, Dear Laddy, You did not give me your new address so I am sending this to Oliver’...
[Rumours Karl Liebknecht & Rosa Luxembourg executed]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 15 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/62
Tuesday, Dear Laddie, Curry said on Friday – “Merriman sails for Africa tomorrow.” I said “Are you go...
[When OS saw Lloyd George, he said South Africans wanted to take German West]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 15 September 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/63
Wednesday , Dear It was nice to see you & the two dear ones looking so fit. Alice Corthorn told me that she had heard fro...
[Now knows that Will Schreiner approves of Britain's involvement OS will never mention the war again]
To: John Hodgson, October 1914: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/14
Kensington Palace Mansions, De Vere Gardens, Kensington, Saturday, Dear Mr Hodgson, Thank you so much for your kind letters &...
[Expelled from hotel because of 'German' name, pettiness & meanness of war]
To: John Hodgson, October 1914: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/32
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
[Emmeline Pankhurst for war, OS for peace]
To: John Hodgson, October 1914: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/5
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
[Will go to Shaw lecture, the other one probably a jingo thing, war fever about Russia]
To: Bertrand Russell, October 1914: Bertrand Russell: Box 5.44, Document 710.0557091
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
[Arranging to meet, OS has valued what Russell has said on the war]
To: Anna Purcell nee Cambier Faure, October 1914: Olive Schreiner: Anna Purcell MSC 26/2.9.5
Dear Anna, Will you please send the enclosed to Cron. They are beginning to have Martial Law here, & often letters &c...
[War fever worse than Boer war, people don't want to hear truth]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, October 1914: MacFarlane-Muirhead/26
Telephone 7266 Paddington, The Windsor,, 61 & 62 Lancaster Gate, W, Dear Bob, Thanks for your letter & thanks for ask...
[Wicked mad diplomacy leading to war, lying & darkness, France & England suporting autocracy]
To: Sophie Colenso nee Frankland (m.1880), October 1914: Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 7-9
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Telephone: 3675 Kensington. Telegram: Apartment, London, Dear Mr...
[Boer war not so lonely, divided from one's friends, no glory in any war]
To: Sophie Colenso nee Frankland (m.1880), October 1914: Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 4-5
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Telephone: 3675 Kensington. Telegram: Apartment, London, Saturda...
[My heart feels drawn to all who are pacifists]
To: Hermann Kallenbach, 2 October 1914: Olive Schreiner: Hermann Kallenbach MSC 26/2.3.4
Bay View, West Parade, Hythe, Kent, Oct 2nd 1914, Dear Mr Kallenbach, Thank you for your letter I wrote two letters to you, b...
[Thank Gandhi, but I hate war, against my religion]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, 12 October 1914: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/72
The Windsor, 61 & 62 Lancaster Gate, W, London , Oct 12th 1914, My dear dear Friend, I am thinking of you all so often my...
[Fighting only 60 miles from London, Zeppelins, I hate war more & more]
To: Edward Carpenter, 13 October 1914: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/q
The Windsor, 61 & 62 Lancaster Gate, W., Durrants Hotel, Manchester Square, London W., Dear old Edward, I think so much o...
[War in German West, best blood of youth, beginning of half century of war]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 20 October 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/75
Durrants Hotel, Manchester Square, W., Dear Will, They threw me out of this Hotel because my name is Schreiner which they sai...
[Thrown out of hotel because of 'German' name]
To: S.C. ('Cron') Cronwright-Schreiner, 12 November 1914: Olive Schreiner: S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner SMD 30/33/i(ii)
Durrants Hotel, Manchester Square, W., Wednesday Monday, My Pal,, Terrible raining, dark weather. Wet fog for five days; gas ...
[London crowded with Belgians, poorest rooms expensive     ]
To: Alice Greene, 23 November 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/80
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London. This is the cable adddress., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hote...
[Norman Angell 'Patriotism Under Three Flags' & 'The Great Illusion']
To: Anna Purcell nee Cambier Faure, December 1914: Olive Schreiner: Anna Purcell MSC 26/2.9.6
Address c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clements Lane, Lombard St, London, Anna dear, I hope your are all having a happy Xmas. My love ...
[Terrible food, can't get to Continent, no women's movement here anymore]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 3 December 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/82
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W. , Thu...
[Give OS a soldier every time, diplomacy game of chess, hell twice over]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 11 December 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/86
Friday , My dear Laddie, If you’ve done with that book of Norman Angels "Patriotism under two flags" return it to me so...
[Norman Angell 'Patriotism Under Three Flags' , German West]
To: Havelock Ellis, 13 December 1914: HRC/CAT/OS/5a-viii
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Sunday , Dear Havelock , It was nice to get a word from you Oh,...
[Not only German name, is because I condemn the war & all war, nationality isn't everything]
To: Betty Molteno, 18 December 1914: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/87
Address c/o Standard Bank, Dec 18th 1914, Dear dear Friend, How much I wish you & Alice were here now. I hope you are fee...
[Treatment of Kallenbach because German, dark dangerous London like a nightmare]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/52
Kensington Place Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dear Laddie, I enclose a letter I have just got I have not answe...
[Is the 'after the war' I dread most]
To: Anna Purcell nee Cambier Faure, 1915: Anna Purcell MSB 386/1.15
Darling Anna , I am enclosing a little poem to you. Its the only really good thing I've seen written since upon the war. It s...
[War makes us forget humanity is one]
To: Edward Carpenter, January 1915: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/rii
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., My dear old Edward, I think you think I am a horrid person, but ...
[Stunned Carpentersupports war, hate & war beget hate & war, will never talk of again]
To: Edward Carpenter, 4 January 1915: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/ri
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Dear Edward, Lady Low came to see me & I dined with her last...
[Meeting Jean Langent, the French socialist]
To: John Hodgson, March 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/4
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
[Bob Muirhead's invention, revolutionize war at sea]
To: Sophie Colenso nee Frankland (m.1880), 1 March 1915: Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 13
Dear Mrs Colenso, I am so sorry I gave away all the copies of Colonal Maudes article. It was in the Evening Standard a short ...
[Air raid on Scarborough]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, 5 March 1915: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/14
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W. , March 5th 1915 , Dear Mrs Murray, I am sending you a few pamphl...
[Books & papers on the warr]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 9 March 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold4/Jan-June1915/10
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Dear...
[Cousin Charles Whitby's son missing]
To: Margaret Gillett nee Clark, 25 March 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold4/Jan-June1915/12
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W. , Thu...
[I am a strong peace person]
To: Betty Molteno, April 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold4/Jan-June1915/22
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W. , Dea...
[Small band desire peace, far future is ours]
To: John Hodgson, April 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/31
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
[OS is a peace woman, Millicent Fawcett a war like woman]
To: John Hodgson, April 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/30
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
[Ursula Schreiner returned from France nursing wounded]
To: Margaret Gillett nee Clark, 19 April 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold4/Jan-June1915/20
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Dear...
[Holland on Saturday]
To: Lucy Molteno nee Mitchell, 20 April 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold4/Jan-June1915/21
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Apri...
[Going to Women's International peace meeting The Hague but stopped]
To: Alice Greene, 18 June 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold4/Jan-June1915/27
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W. , Dar...
[National hatred is terrible, not people who fight but people who make war]
To: Frederick (‘Fred’) Pethick-Lawrence, July 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/27
Llandrindod Wells , Wales , I wonder what you think of the way matters are going? It doesn’t seem to me it will ever be...
[Not a question of dividing up Germany; England finaincial strain; wonderful accounts here, half London destroyed]
To: John Hodgson, July 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/34
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Monday., Dear Mr Hodgson, When does your play come out? What is it about? One seems ...
[Peace may come before Xmas, or may go on for years]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, July 1915: MacFarlane-Muirhead/30
c/o Dr Parker, Trevaldwyn,, Llandrindod Wells., Dear Bob, Thanks for your letter. I never go to peace meetings if I can help ...
[I never go to peace meetings, actually favour their own side]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, July 1915: MacFarlane-Muirhead/29
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Tuesday, Dear Bob,, I’m sorry that so far the invention has not come off. I’...
[Depressing weather in wartime, Oliver Schreiner gone to Front, OS two nieces are nursing]
To: E. Bertram Lloyd, 30 July 1915: Olive Schreiner: E.B. Lloyd MSC 26/2.4.2
c/o Dr Parker , Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Friday, Dear Mr Lloyd, I have just got your letter. Had I heard about yours friends...
[Getting a dress made by a German man]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 31 July 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/6
c/o Dr Parker, Llandindod Wells, Wales., Saturday, Dear Fan, Wills letter told me that you had had a note from the boy in Fra...
[Oliver Schreiner in Flanders]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 13 August 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/12
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Aug 13th 1915., Dear Fan, I had a note from Oliver last week. There does not, from t...
[Note from Oliver Schreiner; glad he's not in Dardanelles, the ship Goliath sunk]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 17 August 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/13
Trevaldwyn, Llandrindod Wells, Dear old man, I hope you two had a good week end at the Schusters. I’m glad Plum is with...
[South African young men coming over to die, Dutch friend has told OS Dorothy von Moltke had her baby]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 29 August 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/37
Llandrindodd Wells, Tuesday, Dear Old Man, Tomorrow will be your birthday. I’m so glad you’ve at least one of you...
[Baerlin sons fighting, colonial troops in South Africa, Gladys Cawood wants war work driving]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 1 September 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/17
Wednesday, Thank you, dear old man, for your letter. I see in today paper that Mrs Goodhead’s husband has been wounded....
[Goodhead's husband wounded, glad Oliver Schreiner not Dardanelles]
To: Betty Molteno, 10 September 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/20
Dear Betty,, Perhaps this may interest you. Emily Hobhouse who is now quite strong & well is working in Holland with Dr J...
[Perhaps you have got war fever now! Catherine Marshall, Manifesto of German Social democratic Party]
To: Havelock Ellis, 11 September 1915: HRC/CAT/OS/5a-vii
Saturday , Dear Havelock , Can you give me any news of the Zeppelin Raid on London? Such wonderful stories are going about h...
[A Zeppelin raid in London, wonderful stories about it]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 13 September 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/21
Monday, Dear old Man, I don’t think I’m at all foolishly anxious about Zeps; but next time one comes I would be s...
[Zeppelins, stupidly exaggerated stories]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 16 September 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/23
Llandrindod Wells, Thursday, Dear Fan, I am anxious about you all, foolishly no doubt if anything had gone wrong I should, I ...
[Anxious about you all; Caroline Murray's son George off to war]
To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, 16 September 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/24
Llandrindod Wells, Thursday , Dear Mrs Murray,, I have just said good bye to George, who has gone off to the station with May...
[George Murray off to war, Oliver Schreiner in France]
To: John Hodgson, 16 September 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/46
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Dear Mr Hodgson, I hope the world goes well with you, I am very happy here, as happy...
[Air raid, reports that hundreds killed]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, 16 September 1915: MacFarlane-Muirhead/31
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Wednesday, Dear Bob, I am so much better & able to stick to my writing that I do...
[Invention, English sending German submarines to bottom by some device, not yours]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 September 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/22
Dear, May got a wire this afternoon to say George was coming to say good bye tomorrow before he goes off to the Front. I do h...
[George Murray to the front, hope France not dardanelles]
To: Havelock Ellis, 21 September 1915: HRC/CAT/OS/5a-vi
Trevaldwyn,, Llandrindod Wells., Dear Havelock , Can you tell me where I can get that international review printed in Switzer...
[Bertrand Russell's speech, bombings in London, a nice death, Oliver Schreiner & hard fighting in trenches]
To: John Hodgson, 24 September 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/48
Trevaldwyn,, Llandrindod Wells., Dear Mr Hodgson, Thank you so much for your very interesting letter about the condition of t...
[What the next great war will be, financial pressure on England so must make peace]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 28 September 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/26
Trevaldwyn, Llandrindod Wells., Tuesday, Dear Fan, I am thinking all the time of you & Will. You will I know write & ...
[Any news Oliver Schreiner, can't believe the papers, another Neuw Chapelle]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 2 October 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/27
Trevaldwyn, Llandrindod Wells., Saturday morning, Thank you, dear, for writing. It is at least something to hear he had passe...
[4000 killed on that dreadful day, Olive Schreiner passed through it]
To: Havelock Ellis, 3 October 1915: HRC/CAT/OS/5a-v
Trevaldwyn, Llandrindod Wells. , Sunday , Dear Havelock , You talk of bright cold weather! We here have had nothing but rain ...
[The insults in London, hideous English hypocrisy, not about fighting we all do that]
To: John Hodgson, 7 October 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/26
Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Oct 7th , Dear Mr Hodgson, I am sending you the two poems, which I had mislaid among my papers. , I...
[Germany can't have the success, will end in draw, everybody losing]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 10 October 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/30
Llandrindod Wells, Sunday , Dear Fan , Thank you so much for your letter. I am longing for further news of the boy. I do not ...
[Longing for news of Oliver Schreiner, he is safely wounded; full of wounded in Bath & Exeter]
To: John Hodgson, 19 October 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/50
Oct 19th 1915, Tuesday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I shall be coming up to London on Tuesday (to-day week) Would Thurs-day evening at 6...
[Bulgarians shamefully treated by the great powers]
To: Havelock Ellis, 24 October 1915: HRC/CAT/OS/5a-iv
Sunday , Dear Havelock , I shall get to London on Tuesday afternoon. If I am Don’t forget my address 2 Campden Hill Sq....
['Peace' meetings, my condemnation of war I've carried in my heart for half a century]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 7 November 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/29
Saturday, Dear Fan, I hope the bombs didn’t come anywhere near you, & distress you in any way. The wildest reports ...
[Bombs in London, the wildest reports going about]
To: Havelock Ellis, 17 November 1915: HRC/CAT/OS/5a-ii
Bude , Wednesday , Dear Havelock , It is damp here in a way, but so mild & smooth; nothing raw in the air. Last night was...
[Sylvia Pankhurt is for peace; United Suffragists]
To: John Hodgson, 19 November 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/51
Maer Lake, Bude, North Cornwall, Friday, Dear Mr Hodgson, Dont trouble to return those papers. , I grow more and more sick of...
[Grow more sick of war, nationalists in Africa ]
To: Alice Greene, 24 November 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/42
Bude, Nov 24th 1915, Dear Alice, I like to think of you & Betty on your little farm, & Betty has her little "Town Hou...
[Can't go to Italy, would harry me for German name, the worst of war it increases meanness & cowardice in human nature]
To: Frederick (‘Fred’) Pethick-Lawrence, December 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/35
St. Mary Abbotts Terrace, nd, Thanks for your article. I hope your wife’s meeting went off well last night. I have had ...
[Un-English conscription & need for passes to leave the country, last rag freedom, war spells financial ruin for Eng]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, December 1915: MacFarlane-Muirhead/32
c/o Dr Corthorn, 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, London W., Dear Bob, I found the air too damp & relaxing in Corn...
[War unmixed evil like cancer]
To: Havelock Ellis, 23 December 1915: HRC/CAT/OS/4b-xvi
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace , Kensington W , Thursday , I hope you’ll have a happy Xmas, dear, & feel better. , I ha...
[Oliver Schreiner back from front, Mabel Deamer's 'Letters From a Field Hospital']
To: Betty Molteno, 26 December 1915: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/49
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington , London , Dec 26th 1915, Dear Betty , I think you & I should be a little near eac...
[Mabel Deamer's 'Letters From a Field Hospital', Oliver Schreiner back to front, war is murder of soul]
To: Frederick (‘Fred’) Pethick-Lawrence, 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/32
Sunday , If I come to lunch with you, wouldn’t you like me to tell Norman Angell you were anxious to meet him & wou...
[Pethick Lawrence wants to see Norman Angell - should OS tell him?]
To: Frederick (‘Fred’) Pethick-Lawrence, 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/30
About 1916 - 17, Wednesday night , I would be so glad to see you if you if you could look me up any afternoon about five if t...
[We shall soon be starving in this country]
To: Betty Molteno, 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/62
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Tuesday night, Darling Betty, I tried to come & see you this morning & bring you some...
[Everyone is ill & weak]
To: John Hodgson, January 1916: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/20
Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead, Tuesday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I enjoyed Sunday immensely & am all the better for it., My nephe...
[Oliver Schreiner home, his friend blown to bits]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, January 1916: MacFarlane-Muirhead/33
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Friday, Dear Bob, Thank you for your letter. I wonder what you feel on the cons-cript...
[Joining No-Conscription Fellowship, difficulties will come when war over]
To: The Times, 12 January 1916: The Times, Wednesday 12 January 1916, page 5, column 1
SIR J. SIMON’S SUPPORTERS., ---, LETTER FROM 36 SYMPATHIZERS., The following letter was handed to Sir John Simon last e...
[Letter in The Times opposing conscription]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 13 January 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/2
Thursday, Dear Laddie, Its three weeks to day since I had any news of you dear people I hope you had a good time at Broad sta...
[Can't find quarters due to German name, no one will have her]
To: Havelock Ellis, 13 January 1916: HRC/CAT/OS/5b-iv
Dear Havelock , I met Lady Low the other night, had dinner there She was so glad to have met you. , , We are having wonderfu...
[Anti-conscription deputation meets John Simons in House of Commons]
To: Edward Carpenter, February 1916: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/s
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Monday, My dear Edward, I'm writing to you just to give myself a little pleasure. It was so fine ...
[OS writing tiny thing for Labour Leader, is addressed to No-Conscription Fellowship men]
To: E. Bertram Lloyd, 7 March 1916: Olive Schreiner: E.B. Lloyd MSC 26/2.4.4
Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead , Monday, Dear Mr Lloyd, Thank you for your letter. The reason I was so anxious to see you, apa...
[Tiny thing on consientious objectors, wants Bertram Lloyd's opinion]
To: Havelock Ellis, 11 March 1916: HRC/CAT/OS/5b-v
Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead , Saturday , Dear old Havelock , I do wish you & Edith could let or sell your house at Carb...
[Written little thing on conscription]
To: Edward Carpenter, 13 March 1916: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/t
Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead , Saturday, Dear EC, You will see from the above where I am staying in our dear friends house w...
[Getting stiffened out with this war]
To: Havelock Ellis, 16 March 1916: HRC/CAT/OS/5b-vi
Thursday , Dear Havelock , I am so very very sorry to hear Edith is so ill. Has she tried complete vegetarian¬ism no mea...
[Written Give Unto Caesar in 'Peace & War']
To: Edward Carpenter, 16 March 1916: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/u
Alexi, Hampstead , March 16th 1916, Dear Edward, It was nice to get your letter. Oh it is so good being here. I wrote another...
[Written Give Unto Caesar in 'Peace & War', going on with book begun in wales, would be hapy to get it finished]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 March 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/11
Alexi , 31 The Park , Hampstead , March 17th 1916, Dear Betty, I enclose two cuttings. Please let Mr Balmsforth see them., I ...
[Pacifist men taking an oath]
To: John Hodgson, April 1916: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/94
Dear John, I am so sorry Joan has been ill. Give her my dear love. She must take care of her splendid vitality. I fear she ha...
[Little air raids nothing compared to what the youth of the world is going through]
To: E. Bertram Lloyd, 10 April 1916: Olive Schreiner: E.B. Lloyd MSC 26/2.4.7
"Alexi", 31 The Park, Hampstead, Monday, Dear Mr Lloyd, DIf you & your friend could come about 5 on Saturday I should be ...
[Clifford Allen's speech]
To: Betty Molteno, May 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/36
Alexi,, The Park,, Hampstead, Thursday, My darling Betty, What would I not give to see you & talk with you now. Deeper &...
[Shooting of various pacifists, someone must begin to end horror of hate & bloodshed]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 29 June 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/31
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, June 29th 1916, My dear Fan, I am feeling somewhat uneasy about our boy, as I have a...
[The front, great guns Flanders, affect the atmosphere]
To: John Hodgson, July 1916: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/15
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Sunday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I picture going for a long boating trip up the river to-day...
[Zeppelin raid, Oliver Schreiner's injury]
To: Havelock Ellis, 4 July 1916: HRC/CAT/OS/5b-xv
Llandrindod Wells , Wales , July 34th 1916 , Dear Havelock, Did you get my letters asking you about destroying all my letters...
[Seems impossible with whole world against her Germany should not be crushed]
To: Lucy Molteno nee Mitchell, 18 July 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/33
Thank you much for your letter. I have just heard that Oliver has been wounded on the arm., Olive,
[OliveSchreiner wounded]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 25 July 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/36
Llandrindod Wells , Tuesday, Dear Will,, Thank you for your wire. It was good of you to send me such a full one. I hope we sh...
[Oliver Schreiner's wound]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 29 July 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/37
Saturday , Thank you for your letter. I am so glad the Boy is so near you; I wonder if it chanced so, or if you managed to ar...
[Aren't the lists [of dead & wounded] appalling, scene the same only the partners change, the dawn of civilization will break through though far off]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 2 August 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/38
Wednesday , Dear , Thanks for letter & news. I’m so glad its his right arm not the left. That seems a curious thing...
[Oliver Schreiner, the strain, someone's third son]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, September 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/60
Llandrindodd Wells, Friday, Thanks for your letter, dear. I am always getting anxious about the boy when I don’t hear f...
[Cawood, Baerlin daughter, driving cars in the war]
To: Frederick (Fred) Pethick-Lawrence, October 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/31
Kensington Palace , 1916 - 17. , I am so sorry that tomorrow I have to go out to lunch to meet Norman Angell, an old appointm...
[Appointment with Norman Angell]
To: Georgiana Solomon, 5 October 1916: Olive Schreiner: Georgiana Solomon MSC 26/2.13.3
Dawson Place Mansions, Pembridge Sq, London W., Oct 5th 1916, Dear Mrs Solomon, I have not read Platjes book but will get it ...
[Plaatje's book, he advocates natives coming here, but OS a pacifist]
To: Betty Molteno, 12 October 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/44
Dawson Place , Mansions Hotel, Thursday, As soon as I don’t see you I begin to long to see you. I do so wish you lived ...
[A leaflet on conscientious objection]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 23 October 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/46
Dawson Place Mansions, Monday , Dear Fan, My friend Havelock Ellis writes me three bombs dropped with in a few yards of his h...
[Three bombs near Ellis, sightseers come to look]
To: Georgiana Solomon nee Thompson, 30 November 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/40
Saturday , Dear Mrs Solomon, I am so grieved to hear Daisy has been so unwell. I don’t envy many people anything, but I...
[OS is opposed to African natives & Indians taking part in the war]
To: Ruth Alexander nee Schechter, 1917: Olive Schreiner: Ruth Alexander MSC 26/2.1.10
My darling Ruth, It is all so awful. Oh Ruth its not the fighting its the lying the injustice that is the worst of all & ...
[The worst not the fighting but lying & injustice, this league of curs with Russia]
To: John Hodgson, 1917: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/41
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Saturday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I hope your understood that I took your question on the phone as a...
[Revolution misunderstanding, strike in Germany, violent revolutions in Italy & France]
To: Mrs Wilson, 18 February 1917: Olive Schreiner: Miscellaneous: Dr Wilson MSB 834/1.4.8
19 Adam Street, Portman Squ , London , Feb 18th 1917 , Dear Mrs Wilson , I was so glad to get your letter & have some new...
[Oliver Schreiner won the Military Cross]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, March 1917: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/67
9 Porchester Place, Sunday night, Dear, I heard last Thursday that Jan Smuts was going to take over the command in Egypt. I d...
[Alfred Mahan's book 'The Interest of America in International Coalitions', treats all as game of chess]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 29 March 1917: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold3/1917/11
Dear Laddie, Thank you for your dear old note. I am sorry I wrote as I did, but I am completely broken down the stone in the ...
[German name, practically impossible to get rooms]
To: John Hodgson, April 1917: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/89
9 Porchester Place, Wednesday, Dear John, Yes, it was indeed an experience you had!, Do you know such a funny thing happened....
[Bombing, no busses, Hodgson's narrow escape]
To: Cyril Newton Thompson, April 1917: Joyce Newton Thompson BC 643/B23.1
9 Porchester Place Edgware Rd (close to Marble Arch.) , Its a little street between Oxford Sq & Connaught Sq, Monday, Dea...
[Cyril Thompson looking ill on return from war]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, 10 April 1917: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/31
London, April 10th 1917 , My darling friend, I hope you have got both my letters. Mails to the Cape seem so uncertain now. I ...
[OS could have got treatment at Nauheim had it not been for the war]
To: Bill Schreiner, 19 April 1917: W.P. Schreiner BC112/B31/17
9 Porchester Place, London , April 19th 1917, Dear old Bill, You would be surprised if you knew how much this small person’...
[Cyril Thompson wounded in eye; daily lists]
To: Lucy Molteno nee Mitchell, 12 June 1917: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold3/1917/19
9 Porchester Place, London , June 12th 1917, My dear Lucy, It seems so long since we had any news from the Cape. Our mail as ...
[Air raid yesterday, papers say 500 killed/wounded; small matter to thousands falling all over Europe of all races]
To: John Hodgson, 18 June 1917: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/87
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Dear John, I wonder if you saw the air raid? It was a wonderful & impressive thing. I got...
[Description of air raid from OS balcony]
To: Wynnie Hemming, 3 July 1917: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/167
London, July 3rd 1917, My darling Wynnie, Your sweet letter has just reached me. You & I are the only humanbeings who alw...
[OS heart condition, cures in France or Germany, could go if war was over]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, August 1917: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/41
Dear Laddie, I know of course you won’t agree at all with this l the view in this little allegory – but I’d...
[Will Schreiner won't agree with views in OS allegory 'Who Knocks At the Door']
To: John Hodgson, October 1917: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/90
Dear John, I feel quite anx-ious at getting no news of you & Joan for such a long time. Send me a card to say all is well...
[Air raids every night]
To: Alice Greene, November 1917: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/43
Darling Alice, I’m glad to get such good news of you from Betty, that you are happy & that dear fawn-like child Eva...
[Been to Women's International meeting, woman in street says 'traitor meeting']
To: Andre Murray, 2 December 1917: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/20
9 Porchester Place, Edgeware Rd, Saturday , My dearest Andre, Thank you for your beautiful long letter. I was so glad, dear t...
[Ursula & Lyndall Schreinernursing, Oliver Schreiner in Mesopotamia]
To: Bill Schreiner, 26 December 1917: W.P. Schreiner BC112/B31/18
Address – if you require it – to, c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clement’s Lane, Lombard St, London, Dec 26th 1917, ...
[We are all much thinner, no one talks about anything other than food]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 27 December 1917: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/2
9 Porchester Place, Thursday, Dear Laddie, Thank you for your letter & your gift. I will spend it on heart-massage. You m...
[Interesting book on Germany in the war]
To: Betty Molteno, 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/76
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Tuesday, My Betty, I am very anxious about both you & Alice. You said perhaps you would b...
[The war sent humanity back 300 years, distant future of justice & freedom]
To: Alice Greene, February 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/5
Wednesday, My darling Alice,, I haven’t written to you because I know it would mean only another letter for you to writ...
[Influenza raging]
To: Betty Molteno, March 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/73
Saturday morning , My darling Betty , I don’t know why I longed so to see you last night & felt such disappointment...
[The government trying to work up Archangel thing ]
To: Alice Greene, 21 March 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/9
Darling Alice, What must you have thought of me that I didn’t write. But I’ve been so bad Alice I couldn’t....
[Better than since the war began, glad Bolsheviks nothing to do with America]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, April 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/8
Monday , Dear old Man, It was nice to see you looking a little more like your old self. I’ve not seen you looking so, s...
[Horror of war, England thinks it's dangerous football]
To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, April 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/37
1918. , same address also nd, I am so glad to see you are going to stand for Hastings: I do hope you will get in. Thank you s...
[Nearly all young men killed, South Africa depleted of young men]
To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, 19 April 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/12
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, April 19th 1918, Dear dear Mrs Murray,, My whole heart is with you. Your beautiful, beautiful...
[George Murray killed; whole heart is with you,Betty Molteno's response]
To: Kathleen Murray, 19 April 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/13
Dear Kathleen, I must write a few words to you. I know how one feels to the little brother one grew up with. Always when I wa...
[George Murray, I always see him at his wedding]
To: May Murray Parker, 22 April 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/14
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd , Sunday, My darling May, All my heart is folding you round with love & tenderness. I know...
[Death of George Murray, I hate war]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, 23 May 1918: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/21
May 23rd 1918, Dear dear friend, Fred Luscomb called on me & gave me your letter. I liked him very much. I feel he's so g...
[Many thousands wounded officers seeking work, all youth of Europe dying]
To: Georgiana Solomon nee Thompson, 27 May 1918: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/18
Dear Mrs Solomon, I was so sorry I had to jump into the bus so quickly I couldn’t say a real good-bye to you. I did so ...
[Hope didn't eat their rations for the week]
To: Wynnie Hemming, 13 June 1918: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/168
London, June 13th 1918, My darling Wynne, Thank you for your letter. How I wish I could see you I don’t often see Uncle...
[I am a pacifist & opposed to all war]
To: John Hodgson, September 1918: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/84
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Monday, My dear dear John, I haven’t written to you for a long long time; at first I di...
[Lyndall Schreiner's 'Hospital Sketches', other books on the war]
To: Havelock Ellis, 19 October 1918: HRC/UNCAT/OS-152
Oct 19th , 9 Porchester Place , Edgeware Rd , Dear Havelock , I’ve been very ill. That’s why I’ve not writt...
[Wish Kaiser would resign, would be the wisest thing]
To: Wynnie Hemming, 21 December 1918: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/169
Dec 21st 1918, (I can’t be a merry Xmas to any of us), Wynnie, This is an awful blow that has fallen on you, my dear, d...
[Oliver Schreiner wrote me from Bagdad in Mesopotamia]
To: John Hodgson, 24 December 1918: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/88
Xmas Night, Dear John, All best wishes the new year. May it be to you both an exceedingly happy one. Joan looked like a star ...
[President Wilson came today, big firing of guns, he the only hope]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, 13 February 1919: MacFarlane-Muirhead/36
Feb 13th 1919., Dear Bob Thank you so much for your letter. Yes, I expect I did distress Edward very much the first time I sa...
[Rift with Carpenter, he thinks war a good thing, I think it hell]
To: John Hodgson, 19 February 1919: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/86
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Wednesday, Dear John, How are you two flourishing in your new nest? I don’t trouble eit...
[The great world world cracking & breaking up around one]
To: Betty Molteno, August 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/1
Tuesday, Darling Betty, I was so glad of that news, that Alice had been for a walk. I cannot but feel that doctors may mistak...
[The one American pacifist who stood out]
To: Joan Hodgson nee Wickham, 18 September 1919: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JOANHodgson/4
Tuesday, Darling Joan, I’ve been wanting so to come & see you ever since I heard the news. The nurse, or whoever th...
[Fascinating book, Emile Dillon's 'The Peace Conference']
To: Betty Molteno, October 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/19
Monday , Dear Betty, I saw Dr Ettie Sayer today. She was telling me of a man in Hull whom she hears cures cancer he comes up ...
[Strike over, means a great deal for whole labour movement]
To: Betty Molteno, October 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/13
Thursday, Dear I’ve not been fit or would have written I am so glad our Alice got out., Lucy doesn’t seem to have...
[Emile Dillon's 'The Peace Conference']
To: Betty Molteno, 12 October 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/21
Sunday , Darling Betty, Oh how I long to see you today. I have not heard from you for two days, so hope to have news from you...
[Albert Hall meeting, Deniken will yet be beaten]
To: Betty Molteno, 23 October 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/26
Thursday night, My darling Betty, If you knew how you & Alice I am so glad she is getting into the room with inner walls....
[Economic conference called by Save the Children committee]
To: May Murray Parker nee Murray, 27 October 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/28
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Saturday, My darling May,, Betty came up a couple of day ago, meaning to spend two weeks in L...
[Chicken so fine, food gets scarcer & dearer]
To: Betty Molteno, November 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/39
Friday night, My darling Betty, I have just had a telephone call from Lucy – she says she has been in London since Tues...
[Eva Greene in Germany, they starvation, her dry bread sticks in throat]
To: Betty Molteno, November 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/33
9 Pl, Tuesday, Darling Betty, You are ever with me. I know all you are living through, but you have this, that you know you a...
[Myer Doss husband dead, war broke his eart]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 November 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/40
Monday, Darling Betty, I am so glad Eva is with you., Yesterday Lucy came to see me & stayed about three hours. She was g...
[Emile Dillon's 'The Peace Conference']
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 12 December 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/44
Dec 12th 1919, Dear old Sister, I wasn’t able to write to anyone last week, even Cron. Edna told me she had a letter fr...
[Food shortages & dearer, clothes, people on continent dying of hunger]
To: Betty Molteno, 12 December 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/43
Friday, My darling Betty, I have drawn my table up close to the fire & am really going to try & write to you. It is a...
[Clemenceau visit to England bodes no good]
To: Joan Hodgson nee Wickham, 19 December 1919: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JOANHodgson/7
Dec 19, Dear Joan, On Thursday Weds I set out to see you but when I got to Sloane Square, I got so bad I had to turn back, &...
[John Maynard Keynes 'The Economic Consequences of the Peace', Oliver Schreiner & family can't find rooms, in land supposedly fit for heroes]
To: May Murray Parker nee Murray, 23 December 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/48
My dear May, I am sending you Aunt Betty’s letter which I have just got, Alice I think must be getting near the end. Pl...
[John Maynard Keynes 'The Economic Consequences of the Peace', evil work of peace committee in Paris]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, January 1920: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/54
Address c/o Standard Bank 10 Clen Clements Lane Lombard St London, My dear Friend, Thank you for your splendid long letter. W...
[Terrible five long years shut up in London, prices rising, will be revolution soon unless stopped]
To: Betty Molteno, 1 January 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/1
New Years Day , Darling Betty, I have written to Margaret & sent her off Dillon’s book. I have ordered the other tw...
[Emile Dillon's 'The Peace Conference', John Maynard Keynes 'The Economic Consequences of the Peace']
To: Jessie Rose Innes nee Dods Pringle, 1 January 1920: Olive Schreiner: Jessie Rose Innes MSC 26/2.6.7
9 Porchester Place , Edgware Rd, London W, New Year's Day 1920, A happy new year to you, dear. I've never had a word of news ...
[Nightmare of cold & bad food, England very terrible, food dearer & scarcer]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 4 January 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/2
Jan 4th 1920, Sunday night, It’s just twelve o’clock but as I can’t sleep I may as well write. Oh we are ha...
[Food worse & dearer, never been like this before, will be a revolution if it goes on like this]
To: Betty Molteno, 7 January 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/3
Wednesday, Darling Betty, Mrs Swanwick is dying of cancer. We made a little collection for her. Ah, that I could have given m...
[Collection for Helena Swanwickof Union Democratic Control]
To: Lucy Molteno nee Mitchell, 18 January 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/10
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Jan 18th 1920, Dear Lucy, I expect you & her father are rejoicing over your big beautiful...
[A sadly changed world, England & America, hopes it won't come to war]
To: Betty Molteno, February 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/1
My own Betty, I don’t like your being so alone there. Are Helen & Polly still in their cottage? , I sent off the “...
[Emile Dillon's 'The Peace Conference', John Maynard Keynes 'The Economic Consequences of the Peace']
To: John Brown, 2 February 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/23
Dear JB,, I think you would be surprised if you knew how continually my thoughts are with you & Mary. How I long to see y...
[If only there had been no war, things never so bad before, a revolution unless profits of profiteers brought down]
To: Frances (Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 3 February 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/22
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Feb 3rd 1920, Dear old sister, I must tell you that I saw Edna & Oliver at their rooms ye...
[Government taking off controls over prices]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 9 February 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/27
Feb 9th 1920, My dear old Sister , At last yesterday I managed to get to see Edna. She looks very well, so pretty; she looks ...
[Tries to get rations but too cold]
To: Betty Molteno, 15 February 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/30
Sunday, Darling Betty, I send you dear Lucy’s letter. She’s such a sweet natural child. I’ve not seen Edna,...
[What will become of this Polish movement?]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 28 April 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/9
Sunday afternoon, My dear old sister, Thank you for your dear letter. I hope you won’t find it lonesome down at St Jame...
[Sending food to the continent]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, 13 May 1920: MacFarlane-Muirhead/37
May 13th 1920, 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, London, Dear old Bob, Thank you for your letter, & for your letter in the ...
[More hopeful of the world's future, the dawn will come though far off, working men refusing to load ship with guns for the Poles]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 17 June 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/13
June 17th 192, Dear old Sister, Its ages since I had any news of you! I am going to see Edna next Saturday. I’ve not se...
[Having war bread again & things much dearer]
To: Havelock Ellis, 4 August 1920: HRC/UNCAT/OS-153
Aug 4th 1920 , Dear Havelock , I hope you will have a happy holiday in Ireland. It will be so interesting. I am so sorry I sh...
[Sad to leave Europe when Labour freedom beginning to dawn after long years of capitalist darkness]
To: Havelock Ellis, 7 November 1920: HRC/UNCAT/OS-155
Thanks for your letter. I hope you have seen more of Cron, he was quite enthusiastic about you after his visit with you to th...
[Theodore Stoddart 'Rising Tide of Colour', white races committed suicide in this war, but don't agree with his views of inferiority of Africans ]