"Sorrowful heart about the Transvaal" Read the full letter

The South African War & After

This collection of Olive Schreiner’s letters on the ‘South African War’ of 1899-1902 covers a nearly four year period, involving the tense pre-war context, the war period itself, and the immediate aftermaths of the war. The pre-war letters are very much of the moment and discuss the prevalent sense of the war as provoked by Milner for Britain so as to quash Boer independence as an obstacle to fully-fledged capitalist imperialist development, the unfolding negotiations and the to-ing and fro-ing of the politicians, the corruption of newspaper journalism, and the writing of Schreiner’s An English South African’s View of the Situation, and its rapid sales and many translations.

Letters here also include Schreiner’s attempts to prevent war by using her fame to ‘win friends and influence people’, an invitation for her to become a wartime newspaper correspondent, the abandonment of her home in Johannesburg and its later destruction by colonial troopers, living under martial law in Hanover, the execution of some Hanover men and her collecting money for their families, and her involvement in women’s relief organisation activities. These letters also comment on malicious gossip that she had accepted bribes from the Transvaal government and written her anti-war articles to order, with her ‘pro-Boer’ stance often occasioning difficult or even violent responses from ‘jingoes’ and she was also boycotted by black domestic workers after the war. There are also letters concerning the aftermaths of the war, the great scarcity of food, the reluctance of black people to sell their labour because financially cushioned by wartime employment by Britain, the impact of typhoid and other diseases on people weakened by long privation, and Schreiner’s growing disillusionment with Boer people because of the narrow instrumentalism in excluding wartime supporters as part of gaining political - and nationalist - control post-war.


To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 17 January 1896: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/5
Jan 17th , Dear Laddie, I enclose two letters from a great friend, of mine, a man of much influence in Johannesburg. They are...
[Rhodes not resting till war between English & Dutch; stand by our guns with pen & tongue]
To: James Rose Innes, 7 May 1896: James Rose Innes MSC 21/2/1896:55
My dear Friend , What tidings are these that I hear of thee on every hand??? , Since I came out from England primed il with S...
[The evidence Innes has about Rhodes, the powers corrupting public life]
To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 1 July 1896: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.105
The Homestead , June 30, July 1 / 96, Dear , I hope you are getting on nicely. You may think it very foolish, but I am feelin...
[Rhodes bringing on war with Transvaal]
To: William Thomas Stead, 20 September 1896: T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/31- pages 137-140
The Homestead, Sep 20 / 96, Dear Friend, I enclose you some cuttings in case you should hear a wrong version of the matter. B...
[War because Rhodes & the Chartered Company were there]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, December 1896: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/36
[page/s missing], to go by that vessel, we are not responsible. It will of course be very unpleasant for us. Rhodes & his...
[Rhodes in public & private, bringing on a war]
To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 3 April 1897: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.109
Grand Hotel , Alassio, Riviera, Italy, April 3rd 1897, Darling Mary , I was so glad to get your letter. It was a misfortune t...
[War seems imminent, commercialism eaten the heart]
To: William Thomas Stead, October 1898: T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/56- pages 221-222
Dear Friend, I have not been able to get your last pamphlet as they are carefuly excluded from the book stall here, can you s...
[Censorship, the Cape Ministry attempting to keep peace, the goading of colonists into war]
To: Jan Smuts, 1899: Smuts A1/186/79
Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts , It was a great pleasure to me to meet your wife. My heart has seldom gone out so to an...
[Chamberlain, Milner, war will not be the walk over the field they dream of, Mrs Chapin]
To: Unknown, 1899: Olive Schreiner 924/2
Hanover , Tuesday , Dear Madam , I am by this post sending you a paper I have written You will probably find it too long to b...
[Covering letter for peace congress, Schreiner's case against England put strongly]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 8 January 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/1
Dear Laddie, I wrote you a long letter of six sheets yesterday but have just torn it up. The weight of each man’s life ...
[War sooner or later, Rhodes will plunge SA into war, blow will fall]
To: Betty Molteno, 9 January 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/3
Monday , Jan 9th 1899, Dear Friend, I have just seen from the paper that Rhodes has got off! What does Cape Town think of the...
[The Johannesburg population will never fight]
To: Jan Smuts, 23 January 1899: Smuts A1/186/75
Primrose Terrace, Berea, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts, Some time ago my husband told me that Mr Rous had mentioned to him that...
[Independence of the Transvaal has deeper more serious meaning, never took money from Transvaal government, Doornkop, international capitalist horde    ]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 8 March 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/7
Dear Fan, Not able to write. Things are never so near getting better as when they look worst., Olive,
[Things looking pretty warlike]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 April 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/14
2 Primrose Terrace, Berea Estate, Dear Friend, Your letter made me very glad. Cron said when I told him you were perhaps comi...
[Rhodes & Chamberlain means war]
To: Betty Molteno, 19 April 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/15
2 Primrose Terrace, Berea Estate, April 19th, Dear Friend, We are filled with delight at the news received this morning of yo...
[War is a terrible thing, feel powerless]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 20 April 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/16
2 Primrose Terrace, Berea Estate, Johannesburg, April 20th 1899, Dear Will, Your letter which reached me this afternoon cause...
[Anti-war feeling in Johannesburg, British troops massing Natal]
To: Betty Molteno, May 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/19
Dearest Friend, I was so glad to see your handwriting again. Things are going rather badly again, the league making the most ...
[League making violent efforts to produce war]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 17 May 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/21
May 17th 1899, My darling Laddie, My heart is all with you in this terrible & trying time., The plot has come out. Curiou...
[The plot has come out, if the Governor goes to Bloemfontein conference]
To: Betty Molteno, 20 May 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/22
May 20 / 99, Dear Friend, By the end of this week I hope to send you my article on the war question. Can you understand with ...
[OS article on the war question]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 30 May 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/23
May 30 / 99, Dear Laddie, I am anxious to know what you think of it my article. It has made much stir here today. What the fu...
[War must come between capitalist & South Africa, next 3 days will decide]
To: Alfred Milner, 30 May 1899: Milner Papers, dep. 209, ff. 278-280
Box 406, Johannesburg, May 30th 1899, Dear Sir Alfred Milner,, I have much wished to see you or to write to you. I have tried...
[Beg Milner read OS article, cabin & palace]
To: Betty Molteno, 31 May 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/24
May 31st 1899., Dear Friend, I wish I could write you a long letter, & tell you all about what is going on here. I have a...
[No-one wants war except Rhodes lot]
To: Betty Molteno, 31 May 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/26
Wire Schreiner, Box 406, Johannesburg , May 31st 1899, Dear Friend, I am publishing my article as a pamphlet at 6d a copy. Wo...
[OS anti-war pamphlet, thinks war is certain; Capitalist women & children fleeing]
To: Jan Smuts, June 1899: Smuts A1/186/78
Strictly Private, Dear Mr Smuts, 1) Do you think there would be any use in my going to see Sir Alfred Milner? I have letters ...
[Should I see Milner, the resistance if England tried to crush]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 2 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/27
2 Primrose Terrace, Berea Estate, Johannesburg, June 2nd 1899, Dear Laddie, Your wire was one of the most valued of the thing...
[Would put up two monuments, Doornkop & Slachter's Nek, pacifism]
To: Betty Molteno, 3 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/33
Thursday afternoon, Dear Friend, Thank-you for your letter. I have just got it. , I send you a little note I got from Mrs Smu...
[Smuts with Kruger at Bloemfontein conference, OS note from Milner]
To: Jan ('Onze Jan') Hendrick Hofmeyr, 3 June 1899: J.H. Hofmeyr MSB 8/Box9/1
2 Primrose Terrace , Berea Estate , Johannesburg , June 3rd 1899, Dear Mr Hofmeyr, I hope you received the copy of my paper o...
[Offering copies of anti-war pamphlet]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 6 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/34
Private, Yes dear, you have hit the nail on the head. What they will try to do here is get up some kind of a "row," (I have b...
[They will try to get up uitlander row, Zulu talk on war]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 11 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/32
Box 406, Johannesburg, June 11, Dear old Laddie, We went over to Pretoria on Saturday at Esselins invitation & spent Satu...
[Manufacturing a war scare]
To: Betty Molteno, 14 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/28
Dear Friend, I am going to Paarde Kraal on Saturday to the great gathering of the Boers: there will be some five or six thous...
[Paarde Kraal people's congress]
To: Edward Carpenter, 17 June 1899: Edward Carpenter 359/83
Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Ed , Things are going on with us from bad to worse. Fancy having absolutely to fight the capitali...
[Fight the capitalist for your life, eve of war]
To: Betty Molteno, 20 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/30
I didn’t go to Paardekraal as I was not feeling fit enough., Many thanks for South African News, some one is going to s...
[If Milner not changed then war at once]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 28 June 1899: Smuts A1/186/83
Tuesday, Dear Mrs Smuts , Many thanks for your letter. I am coming over to Pretoria on Thursd Friday with two dear friends Mi...
[As long as we have this accursed gold they will never leave us in peace]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 28 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/38
Wednesday, Dear Laddie, Miss Molteno & Miss Greene are here & I am going over with them to Pretoria on Friday, & ...
[Johannesburg rabble, fight now or later, if we had natives on our side]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 2 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/1
Sunday, Dear Laddie, I was over at Pretoria on Friday, but Hoffmeyer will be able to tell you so much more about things there...
[The unreasoning crowd, the cry is war]
To: Betty Molteno, 5 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/2
Dear Friends, I will come along at 2 o’clock & bring two fresh bottles of milk & a few provisions for the road,...
[Expecting the thunder clap of war]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 6 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/3
The City of Dreadful Night, Thursday morning, My dear Friends, I was so anxious all night about Miss Greene though I couldn’...
[City of dreadful night, gentlement on train say Will Schreiner etc should have throats cut]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 7 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/6
Tuesday, Thank you, dear Friends, for your letters. The excitement here grows higher & higher, but the real scene of the ...
[Excitement grows higher & higher, in England Africa's fate determined]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 9 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/5
Thurs-day night , Dear Friends, I have just heard that J.H. Hofmeyr is coming over tomorrow at ten o’clock. I am going ...
[National struggle waking women to impersonal interest]
To: Alfred Milner, 10 July 1899: Milner Papers, dep. 210, ff. 396-7
Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Sir Alfred Milner, I wrote you a letter of 16 sheets yesterday, but thinking it over it seems, wh...
[We thought Milner was our new Sir George Grey]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 11 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/4
Tuesday , Dear Laddie, Yesterday the news was about the town that Milner had disch damned you all, & sent for Innes. I be...
[Milner, Hofmeyr, send deputation of women to Britain]
To: Betty Molteno, 13 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/7
2 Primrose Terrace, Berea Estate, Johannesburg, Dear Friend, Things are looking pretty war like here; but it is not we, it is...
[Looking pretty war like here]
To: Betty Molteno, 18 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/8
Monday Afternoon, Dear Friend, I got both your letters this afternoon. There is no fresh news here today. Kolbe’s lett...
[Kolbe's letter, sympathy of other colonies with us]
To: Betty Molteno, 25 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/10
Wednesday , There is no fresh news today. The war party here are quite mad with rage against my Brother & Hofmeyr. Cron s...
[The war party quite mad with rage]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 26 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/11
July 26th 1899, Dear Laddie, You are having a hard time, but it seems we are winning for the moment at last. My friend Mr J T...
[Lloyd sermon, Rhodes speech contemptible, friends in Britain think can be no war]
To: Sun, August 1899: UCT BC 16 1899-Sun
From Olive Schreiner To Sun London, We call attention to the American people to the grievous condition of matters in South Af...
[Call for help from US, war anticipated]
To: Betty Molteno, 14 August 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/17
Monday, Dear Friend, Thanks for your letter. If war comes I think it cannot break out for another 14 days till the troops fro...
[If war not come for another 14 days]
To: Alice Greene, 17 August 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/18
Aug 17th 1899, Thank you so much for your letters, dear Friend. I wonder if Miss Molteno has left for Cape Town. I am going t...
[Things are still touch & go, if England means to crush us]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 18 August 1899: Smuts A1/186/86
Dear Mrs Smuts , I was so sorry I couldn’t come to see you, as I wanted, but I was ill the day I was in Pretoria. I thi...
[Can't be war now, mass of English against, mustn't give up too much, worse things than fighting  ]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 22 August 1899: Smuts A1/186/87
Dear Mrs Smuts , Thank you for your kind letter: if it were possible I much should like to come to Pretoria. Thank you so muc...
[OS leaves for a farm, afraid war while gone, want to be here]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 25 August 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/20
Dear Will, Thanks for your letter. Things look dark here but I am quite in the dark as to the real movement of the moment. Th...
[Things look dark, if war breaks out, I feel I ought not to leave the Transvaal]
To: Betty Molteno, 28 August 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/21
Saturday , Dear Friend, We are just leaving. Thank you for your wires. I don’t think or feel any more I suppose I shall...
[Don't think there can be war now the Transvaal has offered 5 year franchise]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 31 August 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/23
Karree Kloof, Via Kran Kuil, Aug 31st 1899., Dear Laddie, I’ve just got your note enclosing Loch’s. I returned Bu...
[Milner is grand mistake, what can be done to avert war, Johannesburg hell]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 14 September 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/28
Karree Kloof, Kran Kuil, Sep 14 / 99, Dear Laddie, I enclose a letter I have just got from Hobson the Manchester Guardian Rep...
[End of Transvaall independence is death of South Afican freedom, what useful things can OS do]
To: Jan Smuts, 24 September 1899: Smuts A1/186/89
Sep 24 / 99 , Private , Dear Mr Smuts , I have had a cable from the New York Journal asking me take the post of war correspon...
[Invited to be war correspondent, where could OS be useful]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 24 September 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/32
Karee Kloof, Sunday, Sep 24th 1899, Dear Laddy, Your two notes of the 20th & 18th enclosing the cable are to hand. Always...
[Plans to be war correspondent, uitlander hounds working up intrigue]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 24 September 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/31
Sep 24 / 99, Dear dear Friends, The clouds are closing in about us. I seem to be walking about all the time with a knife some...
[New York journal invites OS to be war correspondent]
To: Havelock Ellis, 30 September 1899: Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/17
[page/s missing] the company. It's very hard to refuse. , Johannesburg is now practically depopulated, & the women & ...
[Johannesburg depopulated, war will spread, OS long anti-war article a book almost]
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 3 October 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/35
Karree Kloof, October 3rd , Dear Fan, Thank you for your so soon sending the paper which I got by this post., I’m so so...
[OS wants to go to front with Burgers but afraid of health breaking down, perhaps can do as much by writing]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 6 October 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/36
Oct 6th 1899., Dear Laddie, I am thinking much of you. You must be passing through at time of terrible strain. I am quite sur...
[Will Schreiner's actions the best the situation allowed, Cape Boers view of war, faith in Queen, hatred of Rhodes]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 12 October 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/37
Oct 12th 1899, Dear Laddie, So the blow has fallen. I had a letter from Reitz today telling me of the Ultimatum. It had to co...
[So blow has fallen, the ultimatum]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 12 October 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/38
Oct 12th 1899., My dear Laddie, I enclose the cable. Please have it sent as soon as the money is cabled out: it is perhaps we...
[OS American cable about war]
To: Betty Molteno, 13 October 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/39
Dear Friend, I am longing so to hear new of things in Cape Town. We shall probably leave this on Monday the 23rd & get to...
[So the blow has fallen, I am dead but keep on writing]
To: Betty Molteno, November 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/29
Lyndall, Newlands, My dear dear Friend, I have hardly had time to eat my meals since I came, or I would have written. I have ...
[Gallant Transvaal will not be trampled, brave men dying in eternal cause of freedom]
To: Betty Molteno, 4 November 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/40
Nov 4 / 99, Dear Friend, I cannot help feeling sure that the independence of the Transvaal will yet be preserved. , I have so...
[They laugh at OS saying many troops will be needed, the Transvaal will be preserved, military men]
To: Betty Molteno, 11 November 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/41
Nov 11th 1899, Dear dear Friend, Thank you for your letter. I don’t need the money & won’t use it. But oh I d...
[If only England would replace Milner something might save the situation]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 November 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/42
Lyndall, Newlands, Cape Town, Nov 17 / 99, Dear Friend, I have your letter & return the cuttings. I am sending you a very...
[Brave soldiers dying for miserable uitlanders]
To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, 17 November 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/44
Dear Mrs Murray, I send you a letter & pamphlet which I got by last post. Please when you’ve looked at them send th...
[England committing self murder]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 3 December 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/45
Sunday , Dec 3rd, My Friends, I have so much, so much to tell you but I can’t. Among the last killed was Captain Sydney...
[Sydney Earle killed, my heart seems breaking]
To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, 13 December 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/48
Lyndall , Dec 13th , Dear Mrs Murray, I am sending you a few of the letters sympathetic towards the Transvaal which I have re...
[Sympathy with Transvaal growing]
To: Alice Greene, 19 December 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/49
This is by a young English officer a friend of mine. There are many good earnest men among the English soldiers (God bless th...
[Many good English soliders feel the war wicked as we do]
To: Edward Carpenter, 31 December 1899: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/b
Old years night, Dear Ed, This is just a note to tell you that Cron is going to England next week. He sails on the 10th by th...
[Hellish war, capitalists finding tougher to swallow Boer]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/18
Sunday, Dear Laddie, I find that the Rhodesian curs of Adderly St have been diverting themselves by Premier bating! Both ther...
[Boer Republics as bulwark to capitalists, great campaign of 20th cen against capitalism, Doornkop]
To: Betty Molteno, 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/13
2Monday , I was so glad to get your note to-day. , Isn’t old Cronje making a splendid fight. I have not yet given up ho...
[Cronje making splendid fight, if only they can hold on]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, January 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/5
Dear Fan, I got a letter from Cron’s mother this morning I thought would have interested you, but I've mislaid it. She ...
[Don't our Transvaalers show up well?]
To: Betty Molteno, 1 January 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/1
Dear Friend , I send you a lovely poem of dear old Jackson Millers, sent me from America. Your letter astonished me, dear. Wh...
[Arming the natives, OS ever discusses war or politics with Will Schreiner, lots on wartime situation]
To: Betty Molteno, 21 February 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/11
Wagenaar’s Kraal , Wednesday , Dear Friend, I have been too ill to write for a long time. If I find this place doesn’...
[Far from all the news, the end is not yet, if it is there is 15 years hence]
To: Betty Molteno, 25 February 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/12
Wagenaar’s Kraal , Feb 25 / 00, My dear Friend, I posted a note to you this morning, but am writing again to let you kn...
[News so slowly of the war, history will be with Republics]
To: Betty Molteno, March 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/14
Wagenaar’s Kraal , Dear Friend, I’ve heard of a little cottage at Nels Port that we could get but its unfurnished...
[Tell brother about destruction of OS house, do they have a case?]
To: Betty Molteno, March 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/20
Wagenaar’s Kraal , Sunday afternoon, Dear Friend, I wonder how you found matters in Cape Town. I don’t suppose yo...
[People in England seem madder & wickeder]
To: Betty Molteno, 2 March 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/20
Wagenaar’s Kraal, Three Sisters, Dear Friend, I have just heard of dear old Cronje’s surrender. Every one here is...
[Wire re Cronje's surrender, but this not the end]
To: Betty Molteno, 5 March 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/17
March 5 / 00, Dear Friend, So glad of your letter. Yes, my darling Boys letter in the Speaker was splendid. I will send you h...
[Hooting crowd throwing stones St James, end is not yet]
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 5 March 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/16
Wagenaar’s Kraal, March 5th 1900, Dear old Fan, I was so glad to get your letter this morning. I am working hard to get...
[Hooting crowd throwing stones St James, end not yet, I don't know why I keep my spirits up]
To: Betty Molteno, 9 March 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/18
Wagenaar’s Kraal, March 9 / 00, Dear Friend, What did they say in Cape Town. Do your brothers think there is still a ch...
[Chance of Boers having another great victory? Have promises of support]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 26 March 1900: W.P. Schreiner MSC 27/287
Wagenaars Kraal , Three Sisters , March 26 / 00, Dear Laddy, Thank you for your note, received just now, & the letter of ...
[Letter about Milner, OS woman articles but only one question now]
To: Betty Molteno, 3 April 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/21
April 3rd 1900, Dear Friend, I was so glad to get your note. I have been laid up for a week or should have written sooner. I ...
[Cronwright spoke 15 anti-war meetings Britain, mobs of jingoes, attacked]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 3 April 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/22
Monday , Dear Fan , Thanks so much for your letter, & the two little dogs!!! I send you Cron’s last letter. He does...
[Cronwright kicked insensible in Edinburgh; Theo's miserable lies]
To: Mary Brown nee Solomon, 5 April 1900: Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.7
Wagenaar's Kraal, Three Sisters, Mar April 5th 1900, Dear Mrs Brown,, I got a paper from Cron last week with the Padiham post...
[Things going badly but the Republics will & must be free]
To: Alice Greene, May 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/28
Sunday morning, My dear Miss Greene, I wish I could meet you at Graaff Reinet; but I can’t. I don’t feel I can go...
[If the Boers destroy Johannesburg]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 9 May 1900: W.P. Schreiner MSC 27/406
Dear Laddie, What is the true story about the policeman being shot at in your grounds? Is there any truth in it? , There is n...
[Will Schreiner stands between Rhodes & power, OS Kimberley house a bomb trough roof]
To: Betty Molteno, 23 May 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/30
May 23 / 00, Dear Friend, I am sending you the two articles on the woman question. Please return them when you’ve done ...
[Christians have not come out well in this matter of the war, Lloyd ratted]
To: Alfred Milner, 23 May 1900: Milner Papers, dep. 213, ff. 288-290
Wagenaar’s Kraal, Three Sisters, May 23 / 00, Dear Sir Alfred Milner, You will no doubt be surprised at my writing to y...
[OS an enemy asking Milner a favour for a pro-English man who is ill]
To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, June 1900: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.125
Saturday, Dear Mary, I will come down on the train that leaves Beaufort on Tuesday Wednesday afternoon if I possibly can, am ...
[Those unhappy politicians pulling wires, 10 years after Bostonians threw tea, independence]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 8 June 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/31
Wagenaar’s Kraal., Wednesday, Dear Friends, I had to hire a cart at the station as there was none here to fetch me. I a...
[Lady on train said volunteers wrecked OS Kimberley house on purpose; going to peace Congress]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 June 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/34
Wagenaars Kraal, Three Sisters, June 17 / 00, Dear Friend, I have just got your letter, I am leaving for Beaufort West next T...
[Boers fighting magnificently]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 20 June 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/35
Saturday , Dear old Brother, Enclosed is a note or part of the note I wrote you the other day., I know that the progressives ...
[Hour dark for South Africa but a cheque endorsed by justice to Chamberlain, it will be honoured eventually]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, July 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/38
Saturday night, Dear Fan, Thankyou so much. I am still in doubt & uncertainty, & am so glad to hear of that room. Mis...
[Horrid jingoes & boarding houses]
To: Betty Molteno, July 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/31
Dear Friend, I hear there have been great defeats of the British, two companies & two guns taken beyond Pretoria & de...
[Two great British defeats but may be untrue]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 July 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/37
c/o Mrs Kriel, Registered letter, Beaufort West, July 17 / 00, Dear Friend, Thank you very much. I would like a room at the O...
[How little in England they realize state of affairs here]
To: Hudson Findlay, September 1900: Findlay Family A1199/3837
placed in heaps on the floors, & there are only burnt bits & odds & ends lying about my library, almost all prese...
[Destruction of property at Johannesburg, 'what the publishers have left, the uitlanders have eaten']
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 12 September 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/44
Dear Fan, I enclose cheque for £2. Please pay yourself the 10/8 which the carriage & duty came to on my parcel &...
[People's congress Worcester]
To: Betty Molteno, 22 September 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/48
Hanover, Sep 22nd 1900, I am so sorry Miss Greene is so ill. Caledon is said to be very good for rheumatism., Cron says he is...
[Johannesburg house destroyed, loss of MS, nothing seems to make me really feel]
To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 6 October 1900: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.126
Hanover , Oct 6 / 00, Darling Mary, Your husband & Merriman have made splendid speeches & been fighting grandly; but ...
[Rhodes, OS writing speech for Somerset East congress]
To: Betty Molteno, 7 October 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/56
Hanover, Oct 7 / 00, Dear Friend, Its Nachmaal Lord’s supper. Many of the people have been to see me. Its curious when ...
[Somerset Woman's Peace meeting]
To: Somerset East Women’s Congress, 12 October 1900: A119 Renier / A119-133
Uittreksel van ‘n Toespraak gelewer deur live Schreiner aan ‘n Vroue-Kongres te Somerset-Oos, op 12 Oktober 1900....
[The time is coming, let England remember South Africa]
To: Hudson Findlay, 17 October 1900: Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/2
Hanover, Oct 17 / 00, Dear Hud, Thank you very much for the letter I got that I this morning. I enclose the documents, all I ...
[Hudson Findlay helping about destroyed remains of OS Johannesburg house]
To: Alice Greene, 17 October 1900: GFP/OS-AG/2
Hanover, Oct 17 / 00, Dear Friend,, The clouds are gathering thicker & thicker. God knows what will happen next if they k...
[Clouds getting thicker, if they keep burning houses in the Republic]
To: Edward Carpenter, 22 October 1900: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/cii
Hanover, Oct 22 / 00, Dear old Ed,, The fight still goes on here, & still I have not lost heart, but believe that right m...
[Right must in the end prevail]
To: Betty Molteno, 23 October 1900: GFP/OS-AG/4
Hanover , Oct 23 / 00, Dear Friend, Things seem growing darker & darker in this country. How dark I sometimes think you p...
[If the Boers were to rise in the Colony, if they keep quiet Republics may have independence in a year]
To: Edward Carpenter, 2 November 1900: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/ci
Dear Edward, Thanks for your article: it's very good - first rate. I am sending you a copy of my speech to letter at a woman'...
[Taking Boer women & children as PoW]
To: Betty Molteno, 5 November 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/64
My dear Friend, I expect you & Miss Greene will be wanting to attend the woman’s congress at the Paarl on the 10th....
[Women's peace meetings]
To: Alice Greene, 7 November 1900: GFP/OS-AG/6
Dear Friend, I wonder if you are realy better Are you able to go long walks., We had a nice sharp frost here the night before...
[OS writing note for peace congress, Mr Censor]
To: Alice Greene, 15 November 1900: GFP/OS-AG/1
Dear Friend, The speeches at the Woman’s Congress seem to me better than any we have yet had. all were good but if one ...
[Speech at Woman's Congress]
To: Betty Molteno, 26 November 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/66
Hanover, Tuesday, Dear Friend, If you see the Merrimans remember me very warmly to them. I was rereading one of Merriman’...
[Burning of houses and capturing of women and children, besotted madness]
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 14 December 1900: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/70
Saturday morning , Dear Fan, If Will’s read that book of Ellis’s I sent him, please send it to Mrs Purcell with t...
[Cronwright's family against OS as they think she making him pro-Boer; jingoes]
To: Betty Molteno, January 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/1
Dear Friend, I was very glad to get your letter, though letterwriting does not seem to be worth much now a days The commando ...
[The commando in the district, troopers in Hanover, trains taken by Boers, singing psalms in the koppies]
To: Alice Greene, January 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/2
Hanover, Sunday night, Thank you for your letter about the dogs & pets, dear one. I would rather hear about them than not...
[Living here alone with my dog, know nothing]
To: Horatio Kitchener, 9 January 1901: Olive Schreiner: Horatio Kitchener 87.17/1/Kitch/1
Hanover, Jan 9th 1901, Lord Kitchener, Dear Sir,, I trust you will pardon the liberty I am taking in asking whether, if you s...
[Wish to put a few points before you about the war]
To: Betty Molteno, 27 January 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/4
Hanover, Jan 27 / 01, Dear Friend, I want to know how things are going with you both. Cron says you are going to live in a li...
[Soldiers on koppies around village]
To: Alice Greene, 29 January 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/6
Hanover, Jan 29 / 01, Dear Friend, I think it will be nice in your little house. I cook for myself on a little parafine stove...
[Not a word of news, I can't believe I shall ever see a friend's face again]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 31 January 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/5
Hanover, Jan 31st 1901, Thursday , Dear Friends, The town is heavy with reports today. The commandant & the magistrate as...
[Town heavy with reports about the commandos, wild stories]
To: Alfred ('Alf', 'Mat') Mattison, 13 February 1901: Alfred Mattison, Goldfields Collection, MS 16098/3
Hanover, Cape Colony, Feb 13 / 01, Dear Mat,, I was ever so glad to get your letter & the photo. I haven't got a photo I ...
[Hell is martial law, one just waits, after the war]
To: Betty Molteno, 15 February 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/8
Hanover, Feb 15 / 01, My dear Friend, I was so glad to get your note. I wonder if you’ve gone to Caledon yet. I am feel...
[Perpetual scares, guns heard, town surrounded]
To: Mary Brown nee Solomon, 24 February 1901: Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.8
Hanover, Feb 24 / 01, Dear Mrs Brown, I hope you are feeling stronger. With the coming of the spring in England one always fe...
[Alone with little dog the war raging, cannons firing mean dead men lying on veld]
To: Betty Molteno, March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/13
Thursday , Dear Friend, You couldn’t come up now, if you came you might not be able to leave for months & I don’...
[Three months under martial law, not one walk]
To: Betty Molteno, March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/22
Dear Friend, The £5 from Miss Hobhouse has come. If it will you collect any more money keep it for the present, because ...
[Money from Miss Hobhouse, the prisoners in de Aar]
To: Betty Molteno, 1 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/7
Hanover, March 1st 1901, I was so glad to get your two notes, dear Friend. Has Miss H returned? or has she written? , We get ...
[Parties of Boers about this place, no attack yet]
To: Betty Molteno, 8 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/11
Hanover, March 8 / 01, Dear Friend , No its not true I have a guard personally round the house. A guard of six men is here ev...
[Guard of six men outside my window]
To: Betty Molteno, 11 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/15
Monday , Dear Friend, I was so glad to get your note. Cape Point must be lovely. I am just going out to buy some meal for a p...
[Money for families of de Aar prisoners]
To: Betty Molteno, 13 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/14
Hanover, March 13 / 01, Wednesday night, No post from Cape Town has come in today, dear Friend, so I have no news from you or...
[Money for destitute families, the men to be shot end of week]
To: Betty Molteno, 19 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/18
Hanover , March 1901 Monday , Thanks dear friend, but I can’t cash the cheque here as there has been no bank open for s...
[Men to be shot at de Aar, I've wired the General]
To: Betty Molteno, 19 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/19
Hanover, Monday night , My dear Friend, I don’t quite know what I write to you today. Did I tell you that three Hanover...
[Men to be shot at de Aar, OS so tied by martial law, the men real 'tack-haars']
To: Betty Molteno, 21 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/20
Dear Friend,, The £6 has come. I have paid the woman’s rent till the end of next month 15/- a month, also bought h...
[Money spent helping the destitute families]
To: Betty Molteno, 21 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/25
Tuesday morning, Dear Friend, No post came yesterday but there is I hear one this morning & I am going down to get the le...
[Wild war rumours flying about]
To: Mary Brown nee Solomon, 29 March 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/24
Hanover, March 29 / 01, Dear Mrs Brown, I have just got your letter. You will have seen from the papers what has happened to ...
[3 Hanover men shot tied in chairs, one's heart very dry]
To: Betty Molteno, April 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/27
Wednesday evening , Dear Friend, Your letter with the second £5 from Miss H - has arrived safely tonight. The Boers are ...
[Tremendous excitement, much firing bit no attack]
To: Alice Greene, 8 April 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/28
Monday , Dear Friend, I’m so sorry Pompey is dead. Tell Miss M I got the whole £20., There was a scare today again...
[Martial law, three months since went for a walk]
To: Betty Molteno, 24 April 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/31
Wednesday night, My dear Friend, It will be very nice if the clothes come tomorrow. An old man of 71 has just come in from a ...
[Clothes coming, also OS buying things for the destitute Hanover families]
To: Frances (Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 28 June 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/41
c/o Mr J.A. Van Zyl, Hartebeest Hoek , nr de Aar, Thursday , Dear Fan, We came here last Monday; the change seems doing me go...
[One would not know a war going on but for the censors]
To: Betty Molteno, 6 July 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/43
Hartebeest Hoek, nr de Aar, July 6 / 01, Dear Friend, Thank you so much for your note. We are still here but shall either ret...
[War will go on for years till our hearts broken]
To: Betty Molteno, 22 July 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/46
Dear Friend, I got an impertinent wire from from one of the men on the Cape Times asking me to wire & explain to him why ...
[Military censorship, something of OS in newspaper, can't believe Isabella Ford would have done it]
To: Alice Greene, 1 August 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/49
Aug 1st 1901, My darling Friend, I have not got your but this morning the military commandant called with it. I am in bed but...
[Censorship, please never refer to public matters again in letters]
To: Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, 4 September 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/51
Dear Friends, Thank you for the dates. They are simply lovely; & nothing of the kind is to be got here. , If you can rais...
[Send more clothes for boys & girls if you can]
To: Alice Greene, 12 September 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold2/Misc/4
Wednesday, Dear Miss Greene, I do hope you are feeling quite better again & will be able to go up the mountain on Saturda...
[All my letters pass through de Aar under Martial Law]
To: Alice Greene, 14 November 1901: GFP/OS-AG/5
Hanover, Nov 14 / 01, Darling Friend, I was glad to see your handwriting again. I must be delightful having all those nice ch...
[No newspapers here, the news lies]
To: Alice Greene, 14 November 1901: GFP/OS-AG/7
Dear Friend, I’m so glad to hear you are better. Write & tell me all you can in a letter about the meeting. How muc...
[Destruction of belongings & MSS in Johannesburg; letters are no use]
To: Betty Molteno, 2 December 1901: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/59
Dec 2nd 1901, Dear Friend, I was glad to get your post card. The news here is very very sad. On Sunday the Boers attacked a t...
[War is a very terrible thing]
To: Betty Molteno, 16 April 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/10
Hanover, April 16 / 06, Dear Friend, Did I tell you that Cron was starting business here as a law agent? He has got a nice li...
[Much talk of peace]
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 16 May 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/14
Hanover, May 16th ?1902, Dear Fan, Many thanks for your letter. It’s very nice to have any news of you., If it takes so...
['When the war is over']
To: Betty Molteno, 16 May 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/13
Hanover, May 16 / 02, Dear Friend, Thank you for your letter. I hope its nice & sunny down at Kalk Bay, & that both y...
[Yesterday was peace day, nice that all world isn't a nightmare like Hanover]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 4 June 1902: Smuts A1/187/82
Hanover, June 4th 1902, Dear Isie, I was so very very glad to hear from you again. Please write soon & tell me how all go...
[Told Boers surrendered, heard nothing since, one doesn't know what is true & what not]
To: Betty Molteno, 4 June 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/17
Hanover, June 4th 1902, Dear Friend, It’s a long time since I had any letters from Cape Town from any one. I am wonderi...
[Monday fired off guns & said Boers given in, we've heard nothing of what kind of peace]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 30 June 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/20
Hanover , June 30 / 02, Dear old Sister, Thankyou so much for writing so quickly about the stove & taking so much trouble...
[I can't get any native helpd, the natives boycott me]
To: Betty Molteno, 17 July 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/22
Hanover, July 17th 1902, Dear One,, I wonder if you can have gone to England with Miss Greene. But if you have this will be s...
[Cron handling big rebel case]
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 20 July 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/24
Sunday night, Dear Fan, Thank you so much for writing to me. I’m glad you all had such a good time. It seems almost imp...
[Natives postwar want to teach Boers lesson]
To: Betty Molteno, 27 July 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/23
Hanover, July 27 / 02, Dear Friend, There is much to write of, but there seems to be no time & no strength. Thanks for yo...
[Trial of Pinaar, charged with train wrecking, chief witness man who informed on executed Hanover men]
To: Emily Hobhouse, August 1902: Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/2
From Olive Schreiner, Private, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, From your letter it appears you never got the long letter I wrote to you ...
[Relief work details, Hanover families]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, September 1902: Smuts A1/187/94
Hanover, Sunday night, Dear Isie, I hope you got my last letter all right. I have yours & Daisy’s. , Cron is still ...
[Bullying railway officials postwar]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 23 September 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/25
Hanover, Sep 23rd 1902, Dear Fan, I am very anxious about the little mother & must come down next month to see her about ...
[Treatment by railway officials postwar]
To: Jan Smuts, 26 September 1902: Smuts A1/187/93
Hanover, Sep 26th 1902, Dear Friend, Will you do me a very great favour. , Please write & tell me exactly what you payed ...
[Backlash towards English speakers who supported Boers, the railway incident]
To: Betty Molteno, 5 October 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/26
Hanover, Oct 5th 1902, Dearest Friend, I have not written to you for so long because I have been ill. Did you get my very lon...
[Our rebels a stern time, aftermath of war, the life here killing one, OS soul is dead]
To: Julia Solly nee Muspratt, December 1902: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/36
Hanover, Sunday, Dear Mrs Solly, Thankyou very much for your congratulations, & letter. I am afraid the next general Elec...
[Natives still have money from war, so will not work]
To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 1903: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.132
Sunday, Dear Mary, I shall leave this on Saturday afternoon getting to Cape Town Sunday morning, & shall leave again by M...
[After the war, the women's association, the parties changing]
To: William Thomas Stead, 10 January 1903: T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/34- pages 151-153, 155, 156
Hanover, Jan 10 / 02, Dear Friend, I have wanted so to write to you for a long time, but I feel no faith in any letter of min...
[During martial law nothing came, Ellis says Stead made & making splendid stand on war]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 2 April 1903: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold2/1903/6
Hanover, April 2nd 1903, Dear Fan, I was so glad of a word from you again. I am so often thinking of you., Our old landlady h...
[Jingoes & boarding houses]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 27 April 1903: Smuts A1/187/97
Hanover, April 27th 1903, Dear Isie , How can I thank you enough for your letter & the two wires I got today. I would lik...
[Van der Berg's trial for train wrecking, 50 years before country decent to live in]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, May 1903: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold2/1903/9
Wednesday Hanover, May 1903, Dear Fan,, Cron was a little better before I went to Grahamstown but since my return has been ve...
[Trial for train wrecking a farce]
To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 17 May 1903: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.130
Monday, May 17 / 03 , Darling Mary, Did you ever get the "Hearts of Men"? Cron is very ill, I have to feed & dress & ...
[Three men shot in Transvaal, our case in Grahamstown]
To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 27 May 1903: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.131
c/o Mrs Kriel, Beaufort West, May 27 / 03, Dear Mary, Thankyou for your sweet letter. I am staying on here, & Cron went o...
[The indifference of Afrikanders to shooting of innocent people]
To: Betty Molteno, June 1903: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/36
Beaufort West, Wednesday, Dear Friend, When you’ve corrected the MS please give them to Cron. I want to send one to Ame...
[The settlement & England will not get Transvaal gold, OS has more contempt for England than a clod of filth in the street, English people braggers of virtue]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, June 1903: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold2/1903/12
P.O. Uitkyk, Thursday, Dear Fan, Did you get the list for Danie Theron I sent to you. Please return to me as I want to try &...
[OS collecting money for Danie Theron monument]
To: Emily Hobhouse, 7 July 1903: Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/1
From Olive Schreiner, Copy, P.O. Uitkyk , July 7, 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, I have been waiting to write to you till I could...
[Women's relief organisation, washing machine for a Hanover woman]
To: Betty Molteno, 4 October 1903: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold2/1903/21
Hanover, Oct 4 / 03, My darling Friend, Thank you for your card. I have got such wonderful photographs of my little mother so...
[Food shortages in Hanover after war, the drought]
To: Emily Hobhouse, 8 October 1903: Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/4
From Olive Schreiner, Copy, Hanover, Oct 8th 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, I am afraid you must be very tired. No one who does n...
[Women's relief work, difficulty of helping wisely]
To: Betty Molteno, 12 October 1903: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold2/1903/23
Hanover, Oct 12 / 03, Dear, Your description of the place seems like paradise. But you must not, & dare not pass Hanover ...
[Strange apathy in Hanover, our social condition is not happy]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 30 October 1903: Smuts A1/187/100
Hanover, Oct 30 / 03, Dear Isie, Thank you for the biltong. We get none here now as the soldiers nearly exterminated the buck...
[After the war, no wildlife left, the executed Hanover men, food shortages]
To: Emily Hobhouse, 5 November 1903: Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/5
From Olive Schreiner. Copy., Hanover, Novbr 5, 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, How must I wish I could have had just one long talk...
[Women's relief work, Mrs Nienaber & the washing machine]
To: Emily Hobhouse, 9 November 1903: Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/6
From Olive Schreiner, Copy , Hanover C.C. , Novbr 9. 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse, Mrs Cilliers has just been in and says David h...
[Mrs Cilliers' message to Hobhouse]
To: Alice Greene, 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/38
Dear Friend, The grapes came yesterday & were lovely. We have not even milk now, so ones diet is very limited., I will go...
['After the war', no-one mentions it, vulgar up-country life]
To: Frances ('Fan') Schreiner nee Reitz, 4 January 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/1
Hanover, Jan 4 / 04, Dearest Fan, I am back again & Hanover & Cron left last night on his six weeks tour. I have no o...
[Postwar typhoid in Hanover]
To: Henrietta (‘Ettie’) Schreiner m. Stakesby Lewis (1891), 15 January 1904: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/74
Hanover, Jan 15th 1904, My darling Ettie, Thank you for your letter dear. In a way I am better., If I should wire for the nur...
[Typhoid raging, natives worse off]
To: Arthur Brown, February 1904: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/75
Hanover, Feb 1904, Dear Arthur, The things are splendid in quality especially the cheese. I wished I had got 4 lb instead of ...
[Typhoid in Hanover]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 12 February 1904: Smuts A1/188/62
Hanover, Feb 12 / 04, Dear Isie, I was so glad this morning to get the really beautiful photo of you three. It’s so goo...
[Mrs Nienaber, typhoid, the common bond gone, after war]
To: William Thomas Stead, 7 March 1904: T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/51- pages 199-203
Dear Friend, I shall be very glad to see you if you can come here tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. The address is 6 Tamboers Klo...
[OS worked to get people to write down experiences of war]
To: William Thomas Stead, 8 March 1904: T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/37- pages 161-164
6 Tamboer’s Kloof Rd, Tamboer’s Kloof, March 8th 1904, Dear Friend! It has indeed been delightful to see you. I s...
[Didn't keep resolve about not discussing war etc with you]
To: Edward Carpenter, 17 June 1904: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/c
Hanover, June 17 / 04, Dear old Edward, Some friends have asked me to come to England & they say you wanted me to come to...
[Natives to be crushed, effects of the war]
To: Alice Greene, 21 June 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/21
Hanover, June 21 / 04, My dear Friend, It’s quite a fine afternoon, the sun shining a little. I am getting my house in ...
[One must just realize the war is over]
To: Betty Molteno, 4 July 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/23
Hanover, July 4 / 04, Darling Friend, Your post card made me so glad today. I hope Caledon will go on being so restful & ...
[People forgotten about war, cut out bits of yourself]
To: Betty Molteno, 27 July 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/32
Hanover, July 27th , Dear dear Friend, I am going to post this this afternoon so you get in Friday before you sale on Saturda...
[War is past, old sympathies dead]
To: Betty Molteno, 7 December 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/55
Hanover, Wednesday night, My dear Friend, My heart goes out with such a longing towards you tonight that though I’m ver...
[Kruger's body passing through Hanover]
To: Alice Greene, 24 December 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/57
Hanover, Xmas Eve, Dear Friend, I am sitting here in my little study again. The time at Pretoria was splendid. No accounts of...
[Kruger's funeral, we're all pro-Boers now]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 1905: Smuts A1/188/71
Do you know two things you said to me at Pretoria were a comfort to me. One was that you mentioned something about the differ...
[A different relation to people since the war, shipwrecked people on a raft, now the bond gone  ]
To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 13 May 1905: Smuts A1/188/72
Eastbergholt, Tamboer’s Kloof Rd , Tamboer’s Kloof, May 13th 1905, My dear Isie, Nearly every day for months I’...
[Gossip & lies about Boer generals during the war]
To: John X. Merriman, 15 May 1905: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1905:76
Eastbergholt , Tambour's Kloof Rd, May 15th / 05, Dear Mr Merriman, No, it was not Mrs Van Heerden I inquired about but ?our ...
[Aftermath of the Hanover men shot at de Aar]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 25 August 1905: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold4/1905/34
Hanover, C.C., Aug 25 / 05, My dear old Sister, I expect it seems a weary long time to you since your two went away. If the d...
[Monuments & the living, Malan & family trekking]
To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, 25 October 1905: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/3
Hanover, October 25th, 1905 , I’m glad to know it has been so pleasant at the Falls. I am writing this in the hope of i...
[You must see Boer leaders, Milner's settlements are failing]
To: Alice Greene, 16 March 1906: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold5/1906/5
Cronwright-Schreiner & Meyer, Law and Estate Agents., Auctioneers, &c,, Hanover and De Aar, Cronwright-Schreiner,, La...
[We're all imperialists now]
To: Alice Greene, 14 May 1907: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold6/1907/13
Hanover, CC, May 14 / 07, Darling Alice, I long so to hear from you; & more, to see you. I would write much longer letter...
[To these pitiful smallnesses the Boer nation has sunk]
To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, June 1907: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/18
Tuesday night, Dear Mrs Murray, I had quite forgotten that I had an engagement I can’t change for Thursday. Would it be...
[We are never to remember the war & be lovers of Empire now, everything political very distressing]
To: Mary Brown nee Solomon, 15 October 1907: Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.17
De Aar, Oct 15 / 07, My darling Friend, Thank you for your letter. I am glad of its news., Its my favourite old spot up there...
[Mrs Roos's letter in Ons Land, painful attitude of Boers since war]
To: Edward Carpenter, 6 February 1908: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/gii
De Aar, Feb 6th 1908, Dear Edward, Months ago I began the enclosed letter. I haven't written because I wanted to go on with i...
[De Aar a military camp in the war, relics all round]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 26 February 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/10
Wednesday morning, Dear Laddie, Dear old Kier Hardie is with us he leaves tonight for Cape Town staying at the Royal Hotel Pl...
[Keir Hardie the strongest pro-Boer]
To: Mrs CC (Charles Christiaan) de Villiers, 19 April 1908: De Villiers BC 28/F148
Rossyvera, Norfolk Rd, Sea Point, April 19th 1908, Dear Mrs de Villiers, Thank you so much for your letter. My health is so u...
[Steyn played most heroic part in the war]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 26 April 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/21
Matjesfontein, Sunday night, My dear old Sister, It was wicked of you not to come & see me, but I daresay you had visitor...
[Isabella Ford's involvement in Boer women & children's relief fund during war]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 18 October 1908: W.P. Schreiner MSC 27/1350
De Aar, Oct 18th 1908, Dear Laddie, Thanks for your lines., I am a good bit distressed to hear from Miss Colenso that it appe...
[Dinuzulu trial, Afrikanders think we sided with them for money & paid for writing, donlt understand the liberal attitude of mind]
To: Francois Stephanus ('FS') Malan, 6 January 1909: Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/7
Hotel Milner, Matjiesfontein, Cape Colony, Jan 6 1909, My dear F.S. Malan , Thank-you for your letter. I wanted to sit down &...
[Native policy will plunge SA into war, compared to which Boer War nothing]
To: Francois Stephanus ('FS') Malan, April 1909: Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/1
Cap, Eastburgholt, Tamboer's Kloof Road, Tamboer's Kloof, Cape Town , Wednesday , Dear Friend, Please return me that little p...
[36 natives guarded my door, long months in room]
To: Francois Stephanus ('FS') Malan, 10 July 1909: Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/8
De Aar, Saturday , Dear Friend, Your speech was splendid. One friend writes me that there was hardly a woman belonging to us ...
[You stood forward as our leader during war]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 7 October 1910: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold3/1910/17
De Aar, Oct 7th 1910, My dear old sister, I must write you a line to tell you how I rejoice in your gladness in having your l...
[We arrived in Cape Town lost in war, your loving welcome]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 28 October 1910: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold3/1910/20
De Aar, Oct 28th 1910, Dear Fan, Thankyou so much for the fruit. I did enjoy it greatly. Thank you for wanting me to come, de...
[The bitterest thing the war did personally was to land us in Hanover it seems for ever]
To: Havelock Ellis, 25 August 1912: HRC/UNCAT/OS-148-a
Sunday Morning., Dear Havelock Boy. , I’ve been looking again at those bust things of yours. They are splendid. The man...
[Failure of English in Boer War]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, April 1913: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/62
My dear Friend, Your letter & Mr Murrays went to my heart. You are the kind of souls that have to be taken care of by you...
[Hobhouse unveiling Boer Women's Monument]
To: Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes, 29 August 1913: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/30
De Aar , Aug 29th 1913, My dear dear friend, Writing seems so difficult to me now-a-days or I should have written long ago. I...
[Hobhouse unveiling Boer Women's Monument]
To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, November 1913: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/47
Private, Dear Laddie, I am sorry about the hurried note I wrote you the other day, as it is quite unlikely you will meet Miss...
[Hobhouse impossible, OS made to revise Hobhouse speech unveling the Boer Women's Monument]
To: Georgiana Solomon, August 1914: Olive Schreiner: Georgiana Solomon MSC 26/2.13.2
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens,, W., Dear Mrs Solomon, Daisy mustnt trouble to come & fetch me....
[Feel more strongly about this war than Boer War; we'd better not talk about war dear]
To: Sophie Colenso nee Frankland (m.1880), October 1914: Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 7-9
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Telephone: 3675 Kensington. Telegram: Apartment, London, Dear Mr...
[No glory in any war]
To: Anna Purcell nee Cambier Faure, October 1914: Olive Schreiner: Anna Purcell MSC 26/2.9.5
Dear Anna, Will you please send the enclosed to Cron. They are beginning to have Martial Law here, & often letters &c...
[War fever worse here than in Boer War]
To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, October 1914: MacFarlane-Muirhead/26
Telephone 7266 Paddington, The Windsor,, 61 & 62 Lancaster Gate, W, Dear Bob, Thanks for your letter & thanks for ask...
[Boer war seems nothing compared to Great War]
To: Edward Carpenter, January 1915: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/rii
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., My dear old Edward, I think you think I am a horrid person, but ...
[It stunned me that you approved of the war, South Arica again bathed in blood]
To: John Hodgson, April 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/31
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
[Millicent Fawcett came to South Africa & urged the merciless English on during the Boer war]
To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 25 October 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/48
My dear old sister, Friday will be your birthday. Many happier returns of it, with all your children & your friends about...
[When the British would not allow OS & Cronwright back to the Transvaal, turned up homeless wanderers & Fan made them feel welcome & no burder]