The ‘Native Question’
The ‘Native Question’ collection includes letters in which Olive Schreiner raises or invokes issues surrounding ‘the native question’ and also where the embedded racism of its white population, for her rooted in the foundation of its economic life on the exploitation of black 'hands' for cheap labour, would take South Africa in the future.
For Schreiner regarding the three great 'questions' of the age - the 'Woman Question', the 'Labour Question' and the 'Native Question' - it was people's attitude to the last which was definitional of their political and moral stance generally. These letters write about such matters in general political and moral terms, rather than in relation to specifics (as in the ‘Race & Labour’ collection of her letters). Her comments in the letters here are sometimes parallel to her comments on the woman question and the labour question, although sometimes pronounced on by itself and using the ‘native question’ phrase or something similar. It is clear that over time Schreiner came to see matters of 'race' as THE key issue in South Africa - and also 'the world's great question'.
- To: T. Fisher Unwin, 25 September 1892: HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/19
- Matjesfontein, Sep 25 / 92., Dear Mr Unwin, Thank you for Byzantium. , I couldn’t write the book you mention, it’...
[Most interesting volume for your series would be on Native Races of South Africa] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 9 October 1892: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1892/15
- Matjesfontein, Sunday , Oct 9 / 92, Dear Boy,, I’m writing on the chance of catching you in England. I was so glad of y...
[I was going to go forth on the native question, floggings etc as forerunners of long wave reactionary conduct] - To: Edward Carpenter, 23 November 1892: Edward Carpenter 359/58
- Matjesfontein , S. Africa, Nov 23 / 92, I’ve been lying in bed all day & reading that book of Francis Adams you sen...
[Money making whites, down-trodden blacks, nothing between] - To: Edward Carpenter, 25 December 1892: Edward Carpenter 359/59
- Xmas day, 1892, Dear Ed , I want to write to you this day. It’s so nice here. I’m staying at the old farm where I...
[Sad side of life in Africa is our native question] - To: T. Fisher Unwin, 27 September 1893: HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/22
- So sorry not able to come on Sunday. Thanks for books & letter. Much interested in “Negro Question”. As to th...
[Thanks for book, much interested in 'negro question'] - To: Betty Molteno, 24 May 1895: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold2/1895/4
- The Homestead , Friday morning, Dear Heart,, Yes, Merriman has made a splendid stand. I have had several very interesting let...
[Is your brother sound on native question; Mill and Spencer in the brother's book] - To: William Thomas Stead, 4 January 1896: T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/11- pages 74-5 & 249-250
- Address to Kimberley, The Kowie, Jan 4 / 95, Dear Friend, Your likeness is splendid. You as I like to remember you as you sat...
[Natives benefit from breaking of Rhodes] - To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 6 February 1896: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.99
- Middelburg, Ja Feb 6 / 96, Darling Mary , I don't know why I've been thinking so much of you the last days. Last night in the...
[Race feeling blinds men's eyes] - To: Betty Molteno, May 1896: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/14
- Friday morning , Thank you for your letter. Oh yes, I am very regular with the meals, & cook very well!!!! Dr To day we a...
[Will's retrograde stance on native question at this point] - To: John X. Merriman, 25 May 1896: John X. Merriman MSC 15/71/4/2
- The Homestead , May 25 / 96, Dear Mr Merriman , Thank you for your letter. Your speech was without any doubt the most brillia...
[Two & only two questions in South Africa, the native question - &] - To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, 26 May 1896: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.103
- Yes, darling, I am very sorry for Mr Sauer. He is being deserted by the men whose cause he fought & who should have stood...
[Native question only true test of progressive attitude] - To: Jan Smuts, 1 July 1896: Smuts A1/186/73
- The Homestead, July 1st 1896, Dear Mr Smuts , Thankyou heartily for the letter I got just now. I respond sincerely to its sym...
[Re native, four later articles in series] - To: Betty Molteno, 18 July 1896: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/21
- Dear Friend Am not thinking of coming down for the show now. Cron returned yesterday from Cradock where he had been for ten d...
[Hounding the Mashonas; white man's blood, English lust for gold & Empire] - To: Mary Sauer nee Cloete, September 1896: Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.106
- Strictly Private. Is your arm quite strong? , My darling Mary , No, there has been nothing wrong with my womb, I am sure! Eac...
[Sauer, Bond, native question] - To: Betty Molteno, 24 September 1896: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/28
- The Homestead, Thursday, Dear Friend,, I am so distressed about Miss Knight. I have not her address, it was on the letter I s...
[Treatment of natives up there; evidence before select committee] - To: T. Fisher Unwin, 28 September 1896: HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/26
- The Homestead, Kimberley, Cape Colony, 28th Sept. 1896, T. Fisher Unwin Esq., 11 Paternoster Buildings, London E.C., Dear Sir...
[The relations of the Natives, the Dutch & the English] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, December 1896: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/36
- [page/s missing], to go by that vessel, we are not responsible. It will of course be very unpleasant for us. Rhodes & his...
[Better for the native in time to come] - To: Betty Molteno, 18 September 1897: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold4/1897/17
- Matjesfontein, Saturday, Dear Friend, We got here last night, I are resting on our way to Kimberly, from here we are going on...
[Will Schreiner much more liberal on native question] - To: Betty Molteno, 16 December 1897: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold4/1897/25
- Thurs-day, Dearest Friend, I have just got your letter. I can’t tell you how great a joy & comfort your sympathy is...
[Treatment of natives by Charter Company activities in Mashona and Matabele land, they fought for death] - To: John Mackenzie, 12 March 1898: John Mackenzie A75/8/2779
- The Homestead , March 12 / 98, My dear Mr Mackenzie, I have not yet seen your article in the Contemporary Review, but am very...
[Paper to represent true liberal cause, on native question] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 12 June 1898: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/10
- The Homestead, June 12th 1898, Dear Laddie, I am full of anxiety as to how things will go next Tuesday. I fear me there is bu...
[Against Redistribution Bill; I brlieve every adult irrespective of race, sex] - To: Betty Molteno, 1 September 1898: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/22
- Dear Friend, I saw Dick Solomon last night, & he tells me your brother has failed in Tembu-land. It was a terrible blow t...
[Your brother failed in Tembu-land, shaken my faith in the native vote] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 28 June 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/38
- Wednesday, Dear Laddie, Miss Molteno & Miss Greene are here & I am going over with them to Pretoria on Friday, & ...
[If we had the natives on our side, injustice against the black man] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 26 July 1899: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/11
- July 26th 1899, Dear Laddie, You are having a hard time, but it seems we are winning for the moment at last. My friend Mr J T...
[Great native question, we shall reap as we have sown] - To: Henrietta (‘Ettie’) Schreiner m. Stakesby Lewis (1891), January 1904: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/72
- My darling, Theo tells me you are writing on the native question. Do take care what you write, my darling. Remember it is not...
[We must work to promote Federation, only hope for native] - To: Alice Greene, 10 June 1904: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/13
- Little Hell of Desolation, June 10 / 04, Dear Friend, I did not understand you intended to start at once for Hanover, but tho...
[Native war before long, what iota of good have I done?] - To: Edward Carpenter, 17 June 1904: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/c
- Hanover, June 17 / 04, Dear old Edward, Some friends have asked me to come to England & they say you wanted me to come to...
[Natives trained during war, natives will be crushed] - To: Betty Molteno, 1 July 1905: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold4/1905/24
- Hanover, July 1st 1905, My darling Friend, I do hope you will get away to Athens & Rome. (Oh Athens!) Miss Greene is quit...
[Defence of native & Chinese] - To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, 3 October 1905: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/1
- Hanover , October 3rd, 1905 , I am enclosing the note for Malan in case you do not know him. His private address is Kloof Str...
[You must see our Kaffirs, native question is real question] - To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, 9 October 1905: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/2
- Hanover, Monday morning, October 1905, I have just got your note. The strangest thing has happened. In all the years I have l...
[The native question is the real question ] - To: Edward Carpenter, 26 October 1905: Edward Carpenter 359/90
- Hanover, CC Cape Colony , South Africa, Oct 26 / 05 , Dear Edward , It was nice to see your handwriting again. The Lawrence s...
[Souls of Black Folk, native war] - To: John X. Merriman, 31 October 1905: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1905:199
- Hanover, Oct 31st 1905, My dear Mr Merriman, It was rather strange that your letter should have come just when I was thinking...
[Du Bois a book I have long been waiting for, the matters of the natives and war] - To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, 31 October 1905: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/4
- Hanover , October 3lst, 1905 , I have your two letters today from the Falls. I am glad it has been so splendid to you there. ...
[Should meet Jabavu, native question, Chinese labour] - To: Betty Molteno, 8 May 1906: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold5/1906/7
- Cronwright-Schreiner & Meyer, Law and Estate Agents., Auctioneers, &c,, Hanover and De Aar, Cronwright-Schreiner,, La...
[Goad natives into one more Isandlawana] - To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, 8 May 1906: MacFarlane-Muirhead/18
- Cronwright-Schreiner & Meyer , Law and Estate Agents. , Auctioneers, &c, Hanover and De Aar , Cronwright-Schreiner, L...
[Natal and Natives filling my thoughts] - To: Edward Carpenter, 9 February 1907: Edward Carpenter 359/92
- Hanover , Feb 9th 1907 , Dear old Ed’ard , I send you a bit of a letter I’ve just got from a very dear & rema...
[Disabilities of sex, above all justice for native, native war] - To: John X. Merriman, 26 February 1907: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1907:16
- Hanover , Feb 26th 1907, Dear Mr Merriman, I am so delighted that Solomon has not got in. it's the finest thing about the ele...
[Here in South Africa on the crest of a wave, native wars] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 22 March 1907: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold6/1907/4
- Hanover, March 22nd 1907, My dear old Laddie, I’ve wanted so much of late to write you along letter about several thing...
[I hope as advanced on the native question] - To: Betty Molteno, May 1907: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/41
- My darling Friend, No card from you again this mail. I see my darling Con is in prison once more. I am very anxious about her...
[BM and AG must come & help us here with woman work and native question] - To: John X. Merriman, 2 August 1907: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1907:91
- Rossyvera , Norfolk Rd , Sea Point, Ju Aug 2nd 1907, My dear Mr Merriman, I was indeed very sorry that I was out when you cal...
[Really big question is native question, minority of one] - To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, 9 December 1907: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold6/1907/33
- Box 24, De Aar, Dec 9 / 07, Dear Mrs Murray, Thank you for sending Betty’s letter. Can you give j me her right address;...
[Woman question secondary to native question] - To: Edward Carpenter, 24 February 1908: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/gi
- De Aar, Feb 24 / 08, Dear Edward , Can you send this letter for me to "Bob". His address is in my desk at Hanover, where I sh...
[Stand for justice to the natives; affairs in Zululand] - To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, 6 April 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/17
- Matjesfontein, April 6th 1908, Dear Mrs Murray, You will have felt surprised that I have left your letter so long unanswered....
[Argue furiously on the Native Question] - To: Julia Solly nee Muspratt, May 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/26
- Dear Mrs Solly, I can’t quite understand your letter & perhaps you don’t quite understand me. I don’t m...
[Fight for suffrage on terms I don't agree with; violated the WEL constitution] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 4 June 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/37
- de Aar, June 4th 1908, Dear Laddie, It was good to see you. I hope the trip will do you good. You can hardly know how glad I ...
[Wise ordering of native question calls for sanest, largest man ] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 26 July 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/48
- Dear Laddie, I was sorry I didn’t hear your speech yesterday. Cron said it was the finest he’d ever heard you mak...
[Given up on Merriman, he is a Tory on native question] - To: Francis (Frank) Ernest Colenso, 23 September 1908: Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 1-3
- de Aar, Sept 23rd Sept 1908, My dear Friend, Thank you for your letter., I don’t think you can dream how my thoughts ar...
[Justice to our dark races] - To: Emily Hobhouse, 3 October 1908: Olive Schreiner to Emily Hobhouse HTC/2
- De Aar, Oct 3rd 1908, Dear Emily Hobhouse, I seems too sad that you are really going away from Africa, & yet I feel it’...
[No-one needs me but the native, hard stern work for the bravest souls] - To: Robert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead, 16 November 1908: MacFarlane-Muirhead/21
- Box 24, De Aar, Nov 16th 1908, Dear Bob, I am sending you two photos of my self, take one for yourself & Lenie & send...
[The closer union movement is two white races combining to wipe out natives] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 1 December 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/66
- de Aar, Dec 1st 1908, I got the photograph signed by Dinuzulu yesterday, dear. I suppose you sent it. I like it greatly. Your...
[Smuts only man OS may influence a little on native question] - To: Jan Smuts, 30 December 1908: Smuts A1/191/58
- Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein, Cape Colony, Dec 30 / 08, Dear Neef Jan, Thank you for your letter. No, I don’t want to co...
[Told Milner Englishman holds duty to every South African race] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 30 December 1908: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/73
- Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein, Cape Colony , Dec 30 / 08, Dear Laddie, All good wishes for good work in the New Year. I suppose...
[Convention sitting; curious letter from a Coloured man, freedom for ourselves not others] - To: Francois Stephanus ('FS') Malan, 6 January 1909: Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/7
- Hotel Milner, Matjiesfontein, Cape Colony, Jan 6 1909, My dear F.S. Malan , Thank-you for your letter. I wanted to sit down &...
[The broader view of the native question, it is not love uniting you but greed, gold-thirsty native policy, cheap labour] - To: Lucy Molteno nee Mitchell, 10 January 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/1
- Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein,, Cape Colony, Sunday , Dear Mrs Molteno, I thank you so much for your letter. It is so valued by...
[Notes of sympathy on native question] - To: Henrietta (‘Ettie’) Schreiner m. Stakesby Lewis (1891), February 1909: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/73
- My darling Thanks for your letter. What a splendid victory you had. Not one license given! I rejoice so with you. , It seems ...
[Dwell on our duty to natives] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 12 February 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/11
- Friday, Dear Laddie, Theo is getting on finely. Got a long letter from Dick Solomon who sends affectionate greetings to you. ...
[Richard Solomon letter sympathising my view on native question ] - To: Betty Molteno, 26 February 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/15
- Matjesfontein, 26 February 1909, Beloved Friend, I have your long letter on the native question to-day. Why do you not rather...
[Why not come to educate Kaffir women, Will Schreiner's work for natives] - To: Henrietta ('Ettie') Schreiner m. Stakesby Lewis (1891), 28 February 1909: Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/107
- Private Sunday, Dear I think we should on no account wish for a "referendum" now. There would be a vast majority in favour of...
[Keep quiet on native question, Convention 1909, do not make opposition to Union purely on native question, will ensure its passing] - To: Frederick (‘Fred’) Pethick-Lawrence, 4 March 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/7
- Matjesfontein , March 4th, 1909 , Dear Fred, I see from the papers that your beloved wife and Connie Lytton and other of my f...
[Fighting in South Africa for justice to the native, battle with first long dark terrible years] - To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 10 March 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/18
- Matjesfontein, Wednesday, My dear old sister, I hope you get your glasses all right. I couldn’t anywhere find a good bo...
[Butler's letter on native question] - To: A. Haldane Murray, April 1909: Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/71
- Eastbergholt, Tamboer's Kloof Rd , Tamboer's Kloof , Cape Town , Saturday , Dear Mr Murray , I have just this moment got your...
[Want to talkwith Haldane Murray on native question] - To: Francois Stephanus ('FS') Malan, April 1909: Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/1
- Cap, Eastburgholt, Tamboer's Kloof Road, Tamboer's Kloof, Cape Town , Wednesday , Dear Friend, Please return me that little p...
[Irrespective of race or colour or creed, one day we shall need love & devotion of black & coloured man] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 9 April 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/20
- Good Friday morn, My dear Laddie, I’ve just made a little allegory, in bed this morning. It came to me the minute I ope...
[They squirmed & lied, men selling their souls and the future.; Convention, crush the native, the future looking down on them] - To: Abdullah Abdurahman, 9 April 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/21
- Private, Eastbergholt , Tamboer’s Kloof Road, Friday, Dear Dr Abdurahman, It was a great pleasure to me to meet you &...
[Extended rights for natives, do away with colour bar] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 24 April 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/22
- de Aar, April 24 / 09, My dear Laddie, I wonder how the world goes with you. You did splendid work this session. May your fee...
[Native question really the labour question made complicated & virulent by colour] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 30 April 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/23
- de Aar, April 30th 1909, Dear Laddie, I send you a letter from Adela, who says you sent her a box of grapes, for which she is...
[Will Schreiner's great stand on native question] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 7 May 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/24
- de Aar, May 7th 1909, Dear Laddie, If it’s cigarettes, then it’s coming that I am!! But don’t smoke them al...
[The great question; two practical difficulties: future of natives] - To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, July 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/12
- de Aar, nd, but 1909, Thanks so much for your letter, it is good to hear that all goes so well. , We are just going down to C...
[Justice & right towards the native] - To: Francois Stephanus ('FS') Malan, 10 July 1909: Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/8
- De Aar, Saturday , Dear Friend, Your speech was splendid. One friend writes me that there was hardly a woman belonging to us ...
[When you make such a speech on native, will die happy] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 27 July 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/39
- de Aar, July 27th 1909, My dear Laddie, I have a letter from Alice Corthorn by this mail, telling me she had dinner with you ...
[Only hope for native after union is politicians falling out over spoils] - To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, October 1909: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/10
- I have not been working at my book. Running a house with one little coloured girl to help you, you can’t get any time f...
[Splendid letter on the native] - To: Isie Smuts nee Krige, 6 February 1910: Smuts A1/193/81
- Rocklands, Sea Point, February 6th 1910, My darling Isie , Do you think I have forgotten you? I’ve been so ill for a lo...
[Just laws with regards to natives] - To: John X. Merriman, 26 May 1910: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1910:151
- De Aar, May 26th 1910, My dear Mr Merriman, I have just seen the notice in the paper of your mother's death. I hope you will ...
[Treating the South African natives with justice] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 17 October 1910: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold3/1910/19
- De Aar, Monday, Dear old Man, I’m glad you are a senator – they could hardly do less. Moor is a fine man to have ...
[Moor fine man to have as representative of natives] - To: John X. Merriman, 22 December 1910: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1910:507
- c/o Haldane Murray , Portlock , nr Graaff Reinet, Dec 22nd 1910, Dear Mr Merriman, I am writing partly to send you & Mrs ...
[Merriman spoken on native question] - To: Edward Carpenter, 3 April 1911: Edward Carpenter 359/96
- De Aar , April 3rd 1911 , My dear E.C. , I am sending you a copy of my Woman & Labour. You will see its only a fragment. ...
[Native question grows darker & darker] - To: Mary Drew nee Gladstone (m. 1886), 4 April 1911: Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.177-179
- De Aar, April 4th 1911, Dear Mrs Drew, I have just learnt from my niece Lyndall Schreiner that you were in South Africa. I sh...
[Admire brother's stand regarding the native & women] - To: Edward Carpenter, 28 April 1911: Edward Carpenter 359/97
- De Aar, April 28th 1911, Dear Edward , No I like my long sentences – when they come! There are things you want to prese...
[Bad to worse in this country as far as natives concerned] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 2 May 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/19
- de Aar, April , May 2nd 1911, Dear Laddie, I certainly think it would be most unwise to start a branch of the A.P. society he...
[A liberal vew on the native question, band together] - To: John X. Merriman, 3 May 1911: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1911:44
- De Aar, Ap May 3rd 1911, Dear Mr Merriman, Thanks for your letter. I have not seen the article in the "Economist" you mention...
[A safeguard re native question] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 16 May 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/12
- de Aar, Tuesday , Dear Laddie , My one drawback in the pleasure of going with the other dear four, is that you won’t be...
[Paper at Races Congress] - To: Julia Solly nee Muspratt, 24 May 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/11
- De Aar, May 24th 1911, Dear Mrs Solly, I’m sorry but I couldn’t possibly sign those letters., I’ve never me...
[Macfadyen bitterest enemy natives have] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 25 May 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/10
- Wednesday, Dear Laddie, I wrote yesterday to tell you I couldn’t go, but Cron wouldn’t let me post the letter. To...
[Black Peril business, Races Congress] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, July 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/33
- Saturday, Dear old Man, I hope you’ll have a good time of rest. You need it. I’m so glad our little woman is goin...
[Macfadyen, races congress, OS writing something for congress] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, July 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/31
- Dear Laddie, If you meet my friend Professor Rhys Davids at the Races Congress hail him in my name & give him my greeting...
[Races congress] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 3 July 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/36
- Dear old Man, Just a line to wish you all a good voyage & a good time. Stay as long as you can. I am enclosing a little n...
[Forward this little note to be read at Races Congress] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 28 July 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/30
- De Aar, July 28th 1911, My dear Laddie, My thoughts are always with you there over the water. That first day in London, how I...
[Races congress] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 26 August 1911: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/39
- De Aar, August 26th 1911, Dear old Man, It was a disappointment to me to see from Adelas letter that you had not spoken at th...
[Races congress, why did you not speak?] - To: John X. Merriman, 1912: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1912:207
- De Aar, Sunday night , Dear Mr Merriman, Thank you very much for your letter. The woman question, as you know, lies so near t...
[The treatment of our fellows brown & black] - To: Caroline Murray nee Molteno, 30 March 1912: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/9
- Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Dearest Mrs Murray, I hope you understood only that I only came for Dot’s sake. I have not...
[Taking vote away from coloured] - To: Edward Carpenter, 24 April 1912: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/l
- De Aar, April 24th 1912, Dear Edward, I now & then hear a word of you from some one who has seen you & they say all s...
[Natives slowly awakening] - To: Havelock Ellis, 30 June 1912: Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/5
- De Aar, June 30th 1912, Dear old Boy, Thanks for your letter. Of course each person's "diary works" (I mean simple, spontaneo...
[Things in South Africa grow darker, Hertzog minister for native affairs] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 28 May 1913: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/22
- Dear Laddie, Thanks for the letter. He seems a "good old sort." As for me I’m so weary with the so called Liberal Gover...
[Hopeless about future for native, whites will pay in the long run] - To: John X. Merriman, June 1913: John X. Merriman MSC 15/1913:71
- De Aar, Wednesday., Dear Mr Merriman, I thought your speech on the Native Bill very fine, but oh if you could have seen your ...
[Merriman speech on Natives Land Bill, racial parties] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 17 June 1913: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/25
- My dear Laddie, I am rejoicing with you. I knew our boy would do well, but I wanted to know just what. Is the prize a medal o...
[Native Bill, why didn't Merriman vote against?] - To: Edward Carpenter, 23 July 1913: Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/n
- De Aar, July 23rd 1913, Dear Edward, I am sending you an account of our Sundays meeting. If you want to understand the labour...
[Passed terrible native land bill] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 25 July 1913: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/29
- Friday morning, Dear Will, Jim Sauer’s body went past this morning at a quarter past two. Oh Will, the tragedy of it th...
[Sauer's last act his legacy the native land act] - To: Patrick Duncan, 10 September 1913: Patrick Duncan BC 294/D1.33.3
- De Aar, Sep 10th 1913, Dear Mr Duncan, Both my husband & I have been profoundly interested in your program in ?today pape...
[Would our views on native question make working together impossible?] - To: William Philip ('Will') Schreiner, 14 September 1913: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/38
- Saturday, My dear old Boy, It was nice to have a peep at you. Please tell me know just when you pass here. I hope its gone we...
[Extreme views of Hertzog's party on native question] - To: Mary Drew nee Gladstone (m. 1886), 5 December 1913: Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.185-186
- Villa Flandre, Newlands, Dec 5th 1913 , Dear Mrs Drew, It was indeed a surprise & pleasure to me to get your letter. I ha...
[Bad time ahead for natives, native policy] - To: Mary Drew nee Gladstone (m. 1886), September 1914: Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, f.187
- 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Saturday night, Dear Mrs Drew, Thank you for your letter. Yes I shall still be in Lon...
[Wish I could share happy view on native question] - To: John Hodgson, 19 November 1915: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/51
- Maer Lake, Bude, North Cornwall, Friday, Dear Mr Hodgson, Dont trouble to return those papers. , I grow more and more sick of...
[Our poor natives coming in for bad times] - To: Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz, 19 January 1916: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/3
- Wednesday, Dear Fan, I shall come on Friday to fetch my box & portmanteau its been too bad to trouble you with them so lo...
[Jan Smuts will make his great native war] - To: Georgiana Solomon, 5 October 1916: Olive Schreiner: Georgiana Solomon MSC 26/2.13.3
- Dawson Place Mansions, Pembridge Sq, London W., Oct 5th 1916, Dear Mrs Solomon, I have not read Platjes book but will get it ...
[Plaatje advocating natives fighting in war; Blue Book on Native Land Act] - To: John Hodgson, 1917: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/41
- 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Saturday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I hope your understood that I took your question on the phone as a...
[Bitterly opposed to Smuts's native policy, ghastly & terrible] - To: John Hodgson, 19 February 1917: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/74
- I wrote a card to you last week to tell you how much I had enjoyed the play, & hoped you were feeling better; but I dropp...
[Article of yours on native question somewhere] - To: John Hodgson, 5 April 1917: HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/97
- Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, W 1, Thursday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I was so disappointed not to be able to go on Sunday to the pla...
[Shameful article on Native Land Act] - To: Frederick ('Fred') Pethick-Lawrence, July 1919: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/28
- Thursday, Which afternoon this week or next would you be able to have the delegates to tea? Please give me a couple of aftern...
[South African Native paper, marked an article] - To: Betty Molteno, 1 January 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold3/Jan-Feb1920/1
- New Years Day , Darling Betty, I have written to Margaret & sent her off Dillon’s book. I have ordered the other tw...
[Our poor natives in SA] - To: Jessie Rose Innes nee Dods Pringle, October 1920: Olive Schreiner: Jessie Rose Innes MSC 26/2.6.10
- Oak Hall, Tramway Terminus, Wynburg, Thursday, Dear Jessie, I'm so glad to think you've come back again. I hope you've had a ...
[Much distressed about native question] - To: Jan Smuts, 19 October 1920: Smuts A1/207/185
- Address , c/o Mrs. W P Schreiner, Lyndall , Garden Street , Plumstead, nr. Cape Town , Oct 19th 1920, Dear Jan, Thank you for...
[Native question is world's greatest question] - To: Julia Solly nee Musprat, 1 November 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/32
- Oak Hall, Tramway Terminus, Wynberg, Monday, Dear Mrs Solly, Thanks so much for your letter. Things are indeed is a dark way ...
[Shooting down & imprisoning natives] - To: Betty Molteno, 5 November 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/33
- Oct Nov 5th 1920, My darling darling Betty, Oh how I wish you were here: all this trouble with the poor natives makes me long...
[Greatest mistake in my life coming out to South Africa; poor natives, Nationalist narrow racialism] - To: Havelock Ellis, 7 November 1920: HRC/UNCAT/OS-155
- Thanks for your letter. I hope you have seen more of Cron, he was quite enthusiastic about you after his visit with you to th...
[Rising Tide of Colour, white races committed suicide in this war, but donlt agree with him about inferiority of African races] - To: Betty Molteno, 10 November 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/35
- Oak Hall, Tramway Terminus, Wynberg, Sunday, My darling Betty, I got two letters from you from the Standard Bank this week, t...
[The strike in Port Elizabeth, natives will drop it, only shot if they strike] - To: Betty Molteno, 8 December 1920: Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/46
- Dec 8th 1920, My darling Betty, Mrs Murray has just been to see me, looking so beautiful & sweet. But so tired., Margaret...
[Natives will need help whoever gets in at the election]