"How OS makes bread, the yeast, the sheep tail fat" Read the full letter

Meet the Editorial Team

The Olive Schreiner Letters Project and its research publications - including The Olive Schreiner Letters Online - were awarded an 'OUTSTANDING' evaluation by the UK's Ecnomic and Social Research Council (ESRC), which funded the project.

Brief information is provided below about members of the editorial and technical teams involved in producing and also in researching the Schreiner letters. More detailed information, including about its publications, will be found on the Project's separate website - see http://www.oliveschreinerletters.ed.ac.uk/index.html

Principal Investigator - Prof Liz Stanley, University of Edinburgh http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/staff/sociology/stanley_liz 
Liz had responsibility for managing the Schreiner Letters Project as a whole, and also transcribed many of Olive Schreiner's letters, checked quite a few transcriptions, organised and contributed to the notations associated with many of them, played the leading role in writing and producing the editorial apparatus surrounding the letters and the website, as well as in producing individual and team publications.

Co-Investigator - Prof David Shepherd. David headed up the technical side of the project and managed the technical team at HRI, University of Sheffield.

Co-Investigator - Dr Helen Dampier, Leeds Beckett University.
Helen transcribed and checked many of Schreiner's letters, contributed to aspects of the editorial apparatus surrounding the letters, and helped in producing team publications.

Research Associate - Dr Andrea Salter, University of Edinburgh http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/staff/sociology/salter_andrea 
Andrea transcribed many of Schreiner's letters, played a key role in preparing the letters overall in xml and html, contributed to aspects of producing the Schreiner letters editorial apparatus, and also team publications. She has also played the major role in maintaining the Project website at the University of Edinburgh.

ESRC PhD Studentship-Holder - Dr Sarah Poustie, formerly University of Edinburgh. Sarah's thesis topic is concerned with the epistolary networks of various of Schreiner's correspondents and with how 'letterness' can be conceptualised in relation to their wider letter-writing activities.

AHRC PhD Studentship-Holder - Dr Donna Hetherington, formerly University of Edinburgh. Donna's thesis topic is concerned with networks of women writers, including Olive Schreiner, in 1880s London, their writing, and also their walking and remaking the city.

Technical Officers - Dr Michael Meredith, Katherine Rogers, Matthew Groves at HRI, University of Sheffield 

Data Developer - Dr Kiera Chapman, University of Sheffield