"Destroying letters, letters as sacred as a promise" Read the full letter
Lochs (The)
Refers to Elizabeth Loch and Henry Broughham Loch

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British Library, London: The British Library, London, is one of the world leading locations for archival papers across many periods of time, countries... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, f.184:De Aar, June 28th 1911, Dear Mrs Drew, I don't think you can understand at all what a bitter disappointment it was to me not ...
Lytton Family Papers: Schreiner’s letters to Constance Lytton are part of the extensive family papers of the Lytton family and are held in th... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Lytton 01229/10:The Homestead, Nr Kimberley, Feb 3 / 95, Dear Con, I could not help a great feeling of joy for you when I saw in the paper th...
National Library of South Africa, Cape Town: Special Collections at the NLSA provide one of the leading locations for archival papers across many periods, organisations a... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.2:Pine Grove, Hof Street, Gardens., Cape Town, Friday, My dear Mrs Sauer, Thank you for your letter. & for what you said ve...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.25:Thursday, My darling Mary,, Thank you for your letter, dear. I will tell Mrs Anderson you will be glad to see her when she co...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.35:57 Grove Street, Saturday night, Dear Mary, I send you some letters about Naude which may interest you. Return please. I neve...
University of Cape Town, Historical Manuscripts: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Cape Town is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many per... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/23:57 Grove Street , July 16 / 91, My darling sister, I was so glad to get your letter this morning. Your joy makes me very happ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/11:Dear Jessie, Only yesterday I received a New Year’s wire that you sent me to Port Elizabeth? Thanks for it dear. , It w...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold6/1907/30:De Aar, Nov 8th 1907, Dear Friend, I haven’t been able to write of late, but it’s such a curious comfort to me to...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold1/Jan-July1919/27:My dear old sister, I tried to come & see you last night as I heard Ol & Edna with the Lochs were to dine at Dr Corth...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/26:Dear Fan, I’m sending you Will’s to me, in case it should have any news he’s not had time to give you., I’...