"Opposition to vote on same terms as men, our constitution was violated, politics of Women's Enfranchisement League" Read the full letter
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Cory Library, Rhodes University: The Cory Library, Grahamstown, is a rich resource for books and archival papers pertaining in particular to the history of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Its website is helpful and its book holdings searchable, although accessing information about its manuscript holdings will require visiting or a detailed email inquiry. Read more...
collection icon CoryGenJHenderson: Cory Library
letter icon General Missionary Commission, Folder 25: Letters to Mr. J. Henderson MS 14, 847/1: De Aar, June ?28th 1911, Dear Mr Henderson, I am sending you my paper. I hope you will be able to read it. If it is too late ...
letter icon General Missionary Commission, Folder 25: Letters to Mr. J. Henderson MS 14, 847/2: Villa Flandre, Newlands, Dec 26th 1911, Dear Sir, I find the letter I kept at de Aar to be posted to you was never sent. I wr...
letter icon General Missionary Commission, Folder 25: Letters to Mr. J. Henderson MS 14, 847/3: De Aar, June 28th 1912, Dear Sir, I deeply regret you have not got the returns One was sent to Mrs Sprigg, one to Rev Canon M...
letter icon General Missionary Commission, Folder 25: Letters to Mr. J. Henderson MS 14, 847/4: De Aar, July 15th 1912, Dear Mr Henderson, Those who heard your speech in Cape Town tell me it was most impressive, I wish I ...
letter icon General Missionary Commission, Folder 25: Letters to Mr. J. Henderson MS 14, 847/5: De Aar, July 29th 1912 , Dear Mr Henderson, I had no idea you would have any use to make of the answers when once the confere...

collection icon CoryGWCross: Cory Library
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/1: Dear Mr Cross, Did you get the article on the Wanderings of Boer I sent this week? If so when done with please pass on to my ...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/2: Dear Mr Cross, We leave this on Monday by the early train for GT: spend a few hours there at the Railway Hotel with my little...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/3: New College , Eastbourne, Feb 4 / 97, Dear Friend, I sent you last week the copy of a little South African story. Please rega...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/4: The Homestead , Feb 20 / 95, My very dear Friend, I have just been reading your letter which was a very great comfort & h...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/5: The Homestead, May 5th 1896, Dear Mr Cross, Thank you for your letter. Keep the article I don't want it back. I will send you...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/6: P.O. Box 406, Johannesburg , 5.4.99 , My dear Friend, I am just sending you a wire from Olive, who was so glad to get your le...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/7: Dear Mr Cross, This is to introduce to you one of my dearest & oldest friends. If you haven't met each other before I kno...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/8: My very dear Friend, I have sent you a copy of the paper on the political situation which I & my husband produced & w...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/9: Dear Friend, Thanks for the card & the cutting. It was very good to have a peep at you, though it would have been better ...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/10: Yes, dear Friend, marriage has been a very rich & beautiful development of my life. Month by month as we live together we...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/11: Coles Hotel, The Kowie, Thursday , Dear Mr Cross, Thank you so much for coming to meet us. It cheered my heart. We have had p...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/12: My dear Mr Cross, I return with many thanks Mr Moffats letter though with sorrow that I have to return it. I much wish I coul...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/13: Private, My dear Friend, Please be careful not to say anything to my dear little mother that's about my political views. I ne...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/14: Dear Friend, Are you still waiting for evidence of Rhodes' complicity - or, have you got it now???, Yours ever, Olive Schrein...
letter icon G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/15: The Homestead , Saturday night, Dear Friend, Thankyou for your letter. I have of late a curious increasing clinging to all my...

collection icon CoryOSAlfMattison: Cory Library
letter icon Alfred Mattison, Goldfields Collection, MS 16098/1: The Homestead Kimberley S.A., April 13 / 96, Dear Mat, Political affairs have been taking all the life out of me to such an e...
letter icon Alfred Mattison, Goldfields Collection, MS 16098/2: 13 Gildredge Rd , Eastbourne, Aug 4 / 97, Dear Mat, Thank you for your letters I was glad to hear you were fighting the goo...
letter icon Alfred Mattison, Goldfields Collection, MS 16098/3: Hanover, Cape Colony, Feb 13 / 01, Dear Mat,, I was ever so glad to get your letter & the photo. I haven't got a photo I ...

collection icon CoryHay: Cory Library
letter icon Olive Schreiner - Uncat: London, Feb 11 / 97, Dear Mr Hay, I am sending you a copy of my little story, which is to appear on the 17th of this month. P...