"Good bye to Cronwright: have my big stone warmater bottle, yours ever" Read the full letter
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Sheffield City Libraries, Archives & Local Studies: Edward Carpenter Collection, Archives & Local Studies, Sheffield City Libraries: The Edward Carpenter Collection is held by Archives and Local Studies, Sheffield City Libraries. Its website is detailed and includes information across its many manuscript collections. Obviously, these are focused on papers and collections with particular local importance. Read more...
collection icon SheffieldOStoEdCarpenter: Sheffield Libraries, Archives & Information
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/1: Dear E.C. , I’ve been ill for some time & your book has been more help & comfort to me than ever before. I thou...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/2: Hotel Roth , Clarens , Lake of Geneva , Jan 13th 1887 , Dear Edward Carpenter , I’ve heard that K. Pearson is all right...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/3: Grand Hotel, Alassio, Italy , April 11 / 87, Dear Edward Carpenter , Your card was forwarded me here. Thankyou for your the p...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/4: Alassio, Italy , Tuesday night , My dear old Friend, I don’t know why I suddenly want to write to you unless it is that...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/5: Grand Hotel, Alassio, Italy , Why didn’t you come to Agni while I was still here It’s quite close. I am leaving t...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/6: Clarens , May 19 / 87 , Dear Edward Carpenter , Your letter (but not card) was forwarded to me here today. It has made me hap...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/7: 134 Rue d’Assas, Paris, Tuesday , Shall be here till Monday or Tuesday I think when I go on to England. Shall take room...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/8: London E.C., Wednesday, Doesn’t require an answer., I will send the money to Mill thorp tomorrow. , You don’t kno...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/9: 50 Gore Rd, Dear E.C., I’m somewhat tired this evening. I wish sometimes that we were both Christians that we might pra...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/10: [page/s missing] I would take your face close up to mine & make it warm. , I am well going to make my book splendid if I...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/11: Whitby, Tuesday, When you have read the enclosed, (any time when you’ve nothing else to do) please return it to me &...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/12: 50 Gore Rd, Victoria Park , Saturday, Dear Edward Carpenter , I send your St. Augustine. It has been sweet to me to think you...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/13: Xmas morning, I’ve just got your letter & photo. The sun is shining on the terrace out side my door. It is very col...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/14: Alassio, Tuesday night, 9 o’clock, My dear Chips , Will you please tell me what you think of doing I’ve been thin...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/15: Sante Croci , Alassio, Sunday morning , I’ve come up here. It’s a little ruined chapel on a point sticking out in...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/16: Yes, no love would be worth anything that needed cultivating. The true love is that which you fight against; struggle against...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/17: Hotel Oxford et Cambridge, Rue d’Alger, Paris , No, dear old man, it’s not men that trouble me its middle class w...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/18: Hotel Westminster, Bordighera, Italie , Wednesday night, 11: 30, Do you see where I am? When I got to B Ventimiglia I found t...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/19: Alassio, Lady Manchester & Mrs ?Senston asked me to go out with them & I’ve come back feeling so sad. You know ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/20: Alassio, This is a word to greet you in London, if indeed you have left the Riviera. I feel as if you had – so I suppos...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/21: Alassio, Monday, I got your letter from Paris. It’s very unkind of you always to remember that I drove in a cab with lu...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/22: Is there no possibility of your coming to see me for a time in the summer or autumn. I should of course tell you if I didn’...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/23: Alassio, Sunday night, Dear Brother, I’ve got your letter. Yes, I know how you feel in England, that weight & press...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/24: My dear old Brother, I’ve not written to you because I’ve had nothing to say. , It joys me to know that things go...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/25: Harpenden , Sunday afternoon, Pouring rain , I sit here alone , Dear E.C., Maggie Harkness was here the other day & she s...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/26: Dear EC. , I shall be going down to Surrey to look for a tiny cottage at Dorking or Woking or some such place. If I am early ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/27: Thou ?wert right & not right about the article. I should not have mentioned a friend’s name. I’ve tried thre...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/28: The Doctor has ordered me to Mentone. Address Poste Restante there if you need to write. I’ve had low fever: Oh Edward,...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/29: Hotel du Pavillon, Mentone, Dear Edward Carpenter,, Will you please send me back Mrs Bland’s letter. You will forgive m...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/30: Mentone, Sunday, Dear Ed’ard , Yes it’s very beautiful here. I went for a walk this afternoon to that other far p...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/31: Old year’s night , Dear EC, I send you a cutting from Stephen’s article on in an old number of the Nineteenth Ce...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/32: Please return my precious letter to me. I send it you because I want you so much realy to know her. , I was ordered here by D...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/33: Sunday night, My dear Edward, I was glad to get your letter. You must get away to the sunshine if you can. We’ve had ra...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/34: Hotel du Pavillon , Mentone , Thank you, dear old Edward, for your letter. Thank you for telling me you had seen my friend Ka...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/35: Mentone, My dear old Edward , You don’t know how precious your last letter has been to me. You can’t understand. ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/36: Hotel du Parc , Mentone , Thank you, Edward, I know you write just for my sake. Thank you. , You are entirely wrong about me,...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/37: Dear Edward, If you get to know Mr Pearson well you’ll never say any thing of anything I’ve told you of other peo...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/38: Hotel du Parc, Mentone, Feb 5 / 89 , Thank you, Beautiful Boy, for your letter. Yes it’s all right, quite quite right. ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/39: My beautiful old Ed’ard , I have been clinging to you these last days as a little child clings to its mother. Some far ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/40: Dear Edward , Please send this to Bob Muirhead. I didn’t see him to say good bye & so didn’t thank him. I tho...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/41: Ladies Chambers, Chenies Street , Saturday , My dear Edward , If you don’t find the savage book what you like send it b...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/42: Dear Edward , Isn’t the strike splendid? You ought to see the East End now. The strange, earnest look on the people’...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/43: Dear Ed , The sandals are quite perfect. I have already lent one to a woman who wants to have a pair made like them. But no o...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/44: My dear Edward , What I hope you are finding the work begin satisfactorily. I am sailing next Wednesday morning from the Lon...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/45: On Board , Norham Castle, Dartmouth , Friday morning, Goodbye, dear old Brother. You will have to come out after me some day,...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/46: Cape Town , Jan 31 / 90 , My Ed’rd, I send you a note I’ve just got from Ettie. It was a great disappointment to ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/47: Sunday morning , Beautiful blue sky. Mountains twirling up into it. , Feb 15 / 90 , Dear Edward, I have just come back from t...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/48: Cape Town, Dear Ed,, I expect you are all at Abbottsholm. Just a word because I want to communicate with you but I’m to...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/49: Matjesfontein , A wild place in the Karroo , 200 miles from Cape Town. , Hour; 10 at night. , Sky; dark: mixed stars & da...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/50: Matjesfontein, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa , July 20 / 90, It was such a surprise & pleasure to get your letter last ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/51: Matjesfontein, Sep 4 / 90, Dear Edward, You seem to have got very far from me some how Bob says he won’t come with me u...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/52: Matjesfontein, April 22 / 91, My dear old Edward , Why comes it in my heart tonight to write to you. I am sitting here in my ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/53: My dear Edward, I’m some how wanting to hear from you & I don’t! Bob wrote to me the other day, but didn’...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/54: Sunday night, Cape Town , 1892, Dear Edward , It is lateish & I am sitting upstairs in my little room in a boarding house...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/55: Cape Town , May 23 / 92, Dear Ed , It’s nice to think of you being in the world somewhere. It’s nice to think of ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/56: Mount Vernon , Cape Town , Dear Edward, I’ve written to you, but I can’t find the letter now. , Write to me pleas...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/57: They are bring out a cheap 2/- edition of S.A.F. I’m glad because the only people are I really care to read it are peop...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/58: Matjesfontein , S. Africa, Nov 23 / 92, I’ve been lying in bed all day & reading that book of Francis Adams you sen...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/59: Xmas day, 1892, Dear Ed , I want to write to you this day. It’s so nice here. I’m staying at the old farm where I...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/60: Dear Old Ned, I’m coming home in April next. It will be beautiful to see you all. Old Bob & George & all of you...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/61: Highfield, Ben Rhydding, nr Leeds, Yorkshire , Dear Ed,, I think though you are not there I shall come to Millthorpe on Tuesd...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/62: Highfields , Ben Rhydding, Monday, Dear E. C. , Will be home next Tuesday week (tomorrow week) if I come to see you for a cou...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/63: Note address 39 West Hill, St Leonards on Sea, Tuesday , Dear E.C. , Thought you were going down to the Isle of Wight from th...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/64: Millthorpe, Sunday, Dear EC., This place does suit me better than any place I’ve ever been in in England. I shall stay ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/65: New College, Eastbourne Limited, Eastbourne, Sep 22 1893 , Dear EC., I got the paper &c. Thanks. My thoughts are often at...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/66: Middelburg , Nov 9 / 93 , My dear old Ed , I want so to write to you tonight though I have not much to say that is interestin...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/67: Railway Hotel, Grahamstown, South Africa, Dec 4 / 93 , Dear old E. C. , I got your note yesterday. It was good to hear all we...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/68: Middelburg , New Years Day, A good new year to you all at Millthorpe. I was so glad to get your note E.C., Tell Harry he must...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/69: Taungs, Bechuanaland, Jan 19 / 93 , Dear Ed, I’m here nearly halfway up to the Zambezi. My sister is going up with her ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/70: Address C/O S.C. Cronwright, P.O. Halesowen, Cape Colony, South Africa , Dear Ed, , You see you will have a little band of l...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/71: Dear E.C., I was married last Saturday. I am turning into an old farmers wife. I got your sex pamphlet: it’s splendid. ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/72: Krantz Plaats , May 17 / 94 , Dear E.C., Thanks for letter, would much like to help forward any movement for the dropping of ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/73: The Homestead, Kimberley, South Africa , Oct 8 / 94 , Dear old E. C. , The marriage pamphlet has come. I think it splendid! Y...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/74: The Homestead, July 27 / 95, Dear Edward , I am sending you Cron’s little paper. It was very amusing when Cron read it....
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/75: The Homestead , Aug 31 / 95, Dear Ed , I sent you by last mail the paper on the Political Situation here. I shall send you a ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/76: 19 Russell Rd, Kensington, Jan 30th 1897, My dear old Brother , I asked Alice to write the day I came & tell you how much...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/78: The Grand Hotel , Alassio, Riviera, Italy, April 3 / 97 , Dear old Ed, It was a good thing seeing your face in London. We’...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/77: Alassio, Riviera, Italy, May 2nd 1897 , Dear E.C. , Send Bob’s letter here. I wish I could see the dear old fellow. The...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/79: 31 Lower Belgrave St, S.W., Sunday , Dear E.C. , I didn’t get another sight of your face. We are staying on & on in...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/80: The Homestead, Kimberley , Dec 14 / 97, Dear old Ed, I am sending you a paper concerning our last fight with Rhodes & the...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/81: The Homestead, Jan 18 / 98 , Dear EC, , I’m not at all surprised that George & Lucy & the young ones are going...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/82: Box 2, Johannesburg, Trans Vaal, South Africa, Nov 13th 1898 , Dear E.C. , I don’t know what makes me suddenly want to ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/83: Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Ed , Things are going on with us from bad to worse. Fancy having absolutely to fight the capitali...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/84: July 26th , Dear Ed, Thanks for 12 copies of Towards Dem Englands Ideal. They will be very useful for me to give out in this ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/85: Hanover , May 25th 1902 , Dear EC , I wonder how the world goes with you & if you have been up to Glasgow & stayed w...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/86: Hanover, Jan 5 / 03 , Dear old Ed,, A good new year to you all, especially Mat & his wife. Cron is going down to Cape Tow...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/87: Hanover, Feb 27 / 05, Dear Ed , The more I read your book the more I like it; that’s one thing I have to say. Another i...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/88: Cape Town, May 27 / 05, Many thanks for the book about Prisons. If one were young that is a subject one might well devote a l...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/89: Hanover, Aug 10th 1905 , Dear Ed , I got a letter the other day from a Miss Darby; who says she is a friend of yours. So many...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/90: Hanover, CC Cape Colony , South Africa, Oct 26 / 05 , Dear Edward , It was nice to see your handwriting again. The Lawrence s...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/91: Dear old Edward , I like your picture very much. But I like best the little snap Ellis sent me of you standing in a door. I t...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/92: Hanover , Feb 9th 1907 , Dear old Ed’ard , I send you a bit of a letter I’ve just got from a very dear & rema...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/93: Hanover, April 24th 1907 , Dear Edward, , My thought seem always turning to you now-a-days, or rather, you always seem to be...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/94: Matjesfontein, Cape Colony, Feb 19 / 09, Dear Edward , You are an absolutely wicked boy! I did send those two photographs to ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/95: Oudeberg, nr. Graaff Reinet , Jan 31st 1911 , Dear Ed , I was glad to get your letter. I don’t know why I’ve had ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/96: De Aar , April 3rd 1911 , My dear E.C. , I am sending you a copy of my Woman & Labour. You will see its only a fragment. ...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/97: De Aar, April 28th 1911, Dear Edward , No I like my long sentences – when they come! There are things you want to prese...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/98: De Aar, June 17th 1912, Dear Edward , Thank you much for your book. I would have written sooner but I’ve been through a...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/99: Alassio , Sunday, Dear EC. , I’m here at my beloved Alassio. I wonder if it wouldn’t do your sisters good to come...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/100: 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Sunday, Dear Ed , I’m leaving on Wednesday night for Nauheim If you could come on Tuesday e...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/101: 30 St. Mary Abbott’s Terrace, Kensington, London, Sunday , Dear Edward , I wonder when you are coming to London? I have...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/102: Dear Edward , Cron send me a letter - he did not ask me to send it on to you, he only said in the P.S. you can send this on t...
letter icon Edward Carpenter 359/103: As a rule one wants to kill anyone who sends you a friend’s letter to read, but save this till you have time & it w...