"Kran Kuil, writing papers, war" Read the full letter
Cullen Library, Historical Papers, University of Witwatersrand: Historical Papers in the Cullen Library is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many periods, organisations and persons in South Africa’s historical and recent past. Many of its collections relate to the period of Schreiner’s activities and constitute a major set of resources for those researching the South African past, including its recent past. It has a helpful and fully-searchable website which provides detailed information, including a fully-searchable catalogue of many of its manuscript collections. Staff are knowledgeable and as its website explains it would be helpful to let them know in advance if a visit is planned. Read more...
CullenFindlayA1199Box7: William Cullen Library Historical Papers
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/1: Copy, Address: c/o W.P. Schreiner Esq, Lyndall Newlands C.T., Hanover, Cape Colony, November 9th 1900, Messrs Little, Brown &...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/2: Hanover, Oct 17 / 00, Dear Hud, Thank you very much for the letter I got that I this morning. I enclose the documents, all I ...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/3: Hanover, Oct 9 / 0, Dear Hud, I have kept a copy of the enclosed letter. When you have carefully read it if you are so good a...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/4: Hanover 10 / 00, Dear Hudson, Thank you very much for your letter I enclose the one you sent signed. I did not write before a...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/5: Hanover, Oct 20 / 00, Dear Hud, Its possible as the cheque was returned to me for Peter Halket was returned just before I lef...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/6: There should have been no printer's bill if they had kept their terms in our agreement, & published the articles in newsp...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/8: Keep the letter & make a copy of my answer before sending it., Understand well, Brown Little & Co shall never touch m...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/12: Address: - Olive Schreiner, c/o Hon. W.P. Schreiner Q.C., Lyndall, Newlands, Cape Colony,, South Africa, 5th Oct. 1900, Messr...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/13: This is a copy of one of the endless letters I have received with regard to the publications of my Stray Thought articles in ...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/16: Stray Thoughts - Roberts Bros, Memorandum of Agreement, made the twenty fifth day of November 1895; between Olive Schreiner o...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/17: Peter Halket - Roberts Bros, Memorandum of Agreement, made the fourth day of February 1897; between Olive Schreiner, of Kimbe...
CullenFindlayFamilyA1199: William Cullen Library Historical Papers
Findlay Family A1199/1067: Dordrecht, Oct 12th 1871, My dearest Katie!, I have not heard from you for some time, but I know you must find more than enou...
Findlay Family A1199/1051: My dearest Katie!, Your truly welcome letter reached me last post enclosing the likenesses of. I was so glad to receive them ...
Findlay Family A1199/1088: New Rush,, Feb. 7th 1873, My dearest Katie, I was so glad when yesterday's post brought me your long looked for letter, many ...
Findlay Family A1199/1098: Dordrecht, April 6th 1872, My dearest Katie!, Its a long time since I last wrote to you; but I fancy I am right in thinking t...
Findlay Family A1199/1118: My dearest Katie, I arrived in Hertzog yesterday & found your note waiting for me. I was truly glad to hear from you afte...
Findlay Family A1199/1124: Hertzog, August 18th 1872, My dearest Katie!, You must not expect a long letter from me to day, as I have a bad head ache., I...
Findlay Family A1199/1127: Hertzog, Aug 27th 1872, My dearest Katie!, I don't feel at all well this evening, but I must write you a few lines to congrat...
Findlay Family A1199/1149: New Rush, December 24th 1872, My dearest Katie!, I had only time to send you such a line before I left Hertzog but I must try...
Findlay Family A1199/1153: New Rush, Jan 1st 1873, My dearest Katie!, I have just got your kind letter for which many thanks. I've only time to day for ...
Findlay Family A1199/1166: New Rush, March 24th 1873., My dearest Katie!, Many thanks for the letter, which last post brought me. I was very sorry to he...
Findlay Family A1199/1180: New Rush, April 30th 1873, My dearest Katie, I have just received your kind letter & the very nice little book for both o...
Findlay Family A1199/1189: De Beers New Rush, May 24th 1873, My dearest Katie!, I was much grieved to hear of heavy trial you have had to pass through, ...
Findlay Family A1199/1203: Hertzog, March 1st 1874, My dearest Katie., I have a very bad thumb & can hardly hold my pen but I must try & write m...
Findlay Family A1199/1209: Hertzog, April 8th 1874, My dearest Katie!, I must thank you for your kind letter received last week. I was glad to hear that...
Findlay Family A1199/1216: Cradock, May 13th 1874, My dearest Katie!, I don't know when I last heard from you & you have now two letters to answer b...
Findlay Family A1199/1219: Colesberg, May 25th 1874, My dear Sister!, I was so glad when on opening Mamma's letter I found it contained one from your se...
Findlay Family A1199/1221: Colesberg, June 28th 1874, My dearest Katie!, It is some time since I heard from you & I think you are two letters in my ...
Findlay Family A1199/1226a: Hermon, August 4th 1871, My dearest Katie!, I have just received your letter dated the 4th of May, so it has been just three ...
Findlay Family A1199/1238: Colesberg, October 20th 1874, My dearest Katie,, You have for a long time past owed me two letters, but having for a wonder p...
Findlay Family A1199/1254: Ganna Hoek, April 28th 1875, My dearest Katie!, Your kind letter has just reached me & I must thank you for it at once. I...
Findlay Family A1199/2307: 3 Beverley Villas, Barnes, July 22 / 83, Dear Sister,, Many happy returns of your birthday. You are not forgotten by your lit...
Findlay Family A1199/3329: From Matjesfontein, 21.9.1892, van Olive Schreiner, aan Hudson Findlay, Hearty congratulations,
Findlay Family A1199/3589: The Homestead , Kimberley, 9 May 95, My dear Bessie,, Your kind note to your Aunt, about my brother Alfred, arrived yesterday...
Findlay Family A1199/3649: Dear Brother, Cron is going over your MS & I have written to England about it to a magazine editor. I hope he will take i...
Findlay Family A1199/3648: The Homestead, Kimberley, April 24 / 96, Dear John,, I have just this afternoon got your letter & the article. I was very...
Findlay Family A1199/3709: The Homestead, Kimberley, Dec 3rd 1897, Dear John Findlay, Your truly inexplicable & astonishing letter was forwarded to ...
Findlay Family A1199/3712: The Homestead , Dec 30 / 97, Dear Hudson, Thank you for your very kind letter. The picture of the house has not come with it ...
Findlay Family A1199/3837: placed in heaps on the floors, & there are only burnt bits & odds & ends lying about my library, almost all prese...
Findlay Family A1199/4081: De Aar, July 15th 1909, My dear Hud, Thanks so much for your letter. It's fine your having a farm & Bess going there. Tel...
Findlay Family A1199/4457: 9 Porchester Place, Edgeware Rd, London W. , Feb 3rd 1920, Dear Bessie, You've never answered my last letter, but in the war ...
CullenMackenzie: William Cullen Library Historical Papers
John Mackenzie A75/8/2779: The Homestead , March 12 / 98, My dear Mr Mackenzie, I have not yet seen your article in the Contemporary Review, but am very...
CullenNourse: William Cullen Library Historical Papers
Henry Nourse (Miss Battie) A743/Bf3: Saturday , My dear Miss Battie, I wrote to Cape Town to Miss Burgers there & asked her what was the ordinary price in Cap...