"Emily Hobhouse, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom" Read the full letter

Schreiner on Writing

The many letters in which Olive Schreiner comments about writing are listed below by date and the name of the recipient. Information about how to print particular letters will be found on the page showing the letter in question. Each of the letters in the list is ‘live’, so please click the date/name of recipient to go straight to the letter.

T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/57- pages 223-225
Dear Mr Stead, Please thank your German friend. She touches a much deeper & more all all important truth than I do in my ...
Letters/6: (9 December 1877)
To Mrs. Cawood. , Tarkastad, 9th Dec., I wish you were here to talk matters over with me. I know you always make my affairs ...
Letters/7: (17 January 1878)
To Mrs. Cawood. , Seymour, 17th Jan., ... My year at Ratel Hoek is up on the 10th May, and if I wished I could leave, and I h...
Letters/19: (15 August 1881)
To Mrs. Cawood., Eastbourne, 15th Aug., I don’t think when we human beings really love one another we can ever leave of...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/7: (9 April 1882)
81 Guildford St, Russell Sq. , London. WC, April 9th 1882, My dear Alice,, I was glad once more to hear from you & should...
Letters/22: (11 July 1882)
To Mrs. Cawood., 11, Porchester Gardens, London, 11th July, Will came to say goodbye to me on Thursday. We had a very happy t...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/1: (8 February 1883)
Edinburgh Hopapertorn, Wa papertorn quare, St papertorn nards-on-Sea, Feb 8 / 83., Dear Sir,, Will you allow me to thank you ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/2: (30 March 1883)
Edinburgh House, Warrior Square, St Leonards-on-Sea, March 30 / 83, My dear Sir, I trust you will forgive me troubling you as...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/3: (19 April 1883)
Edinburgh House, Warrior Square, St Leonards-on-Sea, April 19 / 83, My dear Mr Kent, Thanks for your letter. About Smith &...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/4: (1 May 1883)
Edinburgh House, Warrior Square, May 1 / 83., My dear Mr Kent,, I went on Thurs-day to see Mssrs Chapman & Hall, & to...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/5: (3 May 1883)
Edinburgh House, Warrior Square, St Leonards, Ap May 3 / 83, My dear Mr Kent, Thank you for your letter & thank you very ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/6: (12 May 1883)
Edinburgh House, Warrior Square, St Leonards-on-Sea, May 12 / 83, My dear Mr Kent, Many thanks for the notice you sent me. It...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/8: (13 May 1883)
5 Harrington Rd, South Kensington, Tuesday morning, My dear Mr Kent, According to your kind permission I send you the agreeme...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/7: (26 May 1883)
5 Harrington Rd, South Kensington, May 26 / 83, My dear Mr Kent,, I am going to trouble you again, but I think I can promise ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/9: (24 July 1883)
3 Beverley Villas, Barnes, July 24 / 83, My dear Mr Kent,, I send the MS. – a longer one than the one I mentioned. I do...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/10: (23 October 1883)
Girton House, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, Oct 23 / 83, My dear Mr Kent, I have pitched my tent here for the winter., Could you se...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/11: (2 November 1883)
Rose Cottage, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, Nov 2 / 83, My dear Mr Kent, Many thanks for the pencil corrections in the MS. They are...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/8: (3 November 1883)
Rose Cottage, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, Oct Nov 3 / 83, My dear Alice, Many thanks for your letter. I am very sorry to hear you...
Letters/24: (15 November 1883)
To Mrs. Cawood. , Rose Cottage, Bexhill, 15th Nov., I am having to go back to St. Leonard's on account of my chest. ..., I ho...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-PhilipKent/12: (11 December 1883)
New College, Eastbourne, Dec. 11 / 83, My dear Mr Kent,, Thank you very much for your note & and notice. I feel very prou...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-i: (25 February 1884)
Edinburgh Hotel, St. Leonards-on-Sea , Feb 25 / 84 , My dear Sir,, , On my return from a visit to London I found your letter...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-ii: (16 March 1884)
Edinburgh Hotel , St. Leonards-on-Sea, March 16 / 84. , Dear Sir , Thankyou very much for your letter. I shall so like to see...
Letters/25: (20 March 1884)
To Mrs. Cawood., Edinburgh House, St. Leonards, 20th March., ... The great pleasure to me however has been the meeting of som...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-iii: (28 March 1884)
Edinburgh Hotel , March 28 / 84 , My dear Mr. Ellis, I have just finished reading your article in the Westminster, & I ha...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-iv: (8 April 1884)
Edinburgh Hotel , April 8 / 84 , My dear Mr. Ellis , It happens that the book I have been reading the last few days has been ...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-v: (19 April 1884)
Edinburgh Hotel , April 19 / 84. , My dear Mr. Ellis, That extract from Mr. Hinton’s letter I liked very much; though I...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-vi: (2 May 1884)
Edinburgh Hotel , Ap May 2nd 1884 , My dear Mr. Ellis , Heine is not understood, & I almost doubt whether anything one co...
HRC/CAT/OS/1b-xii: (14 May 1884)
7 Pelham St , Wednesday After , line torn away ?letters this morning., but not the Harrington Rd one. Please write all that w...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-HenryNorman/1: (22 May 1884)
32 Fitzroy St, May 22 / 84, Dear Mr Norman, Thinking the matter over I fancy it would be better to have nothing said about my...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xv: (30 May 1884)
Friday. , I think when Mrs. Hinton say that we can “cure license not by restriction but by greater freedom” she i...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xvi: (5 June 1884)
Thursday. , As soon as you had gone out I thought of my likeness. Please send it me. I hope you won’t take cold I have ...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xvii: (9 June 1884)
32 Fitzroy St , Monday. , I didn’t give you Eleanor Marx’s note. I am just starting off to see my fashionable old...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xxvii: (29 June 1884)
Holly Cottage , Sunday evening , I am a bit better this evening. I have been reading Heine. Isn’t it odd how when you s...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xxviii: (2 July 1884)
Wednesday Afternoon , , I got the letter you wrote on Sunday yesterday morning. I haven’t been well enough to answer i...
Letters/26: (2 July 1884)
To Miss Louie Ellis. , Aspley Guise, 2nd July, Dear Louie,, Thank you for your letter. I'm glad you all liked “New Ru...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xxix: (3 July 1884)
Thursday. , Thankyou. I would like to see your diary so much. I have a kind of journal, but that is mainly of events, not of ...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xxx: (4 July 1884)
Aspley Guise , Friday , Henry you are spoiling me by being so good to me. , I can’t write because my bead is too bad. I...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xxxi: (6 July 1884)
Aspley Guise , Sun-day , Yes, you must write to me everyday, when you want, & then let a week or ten days go without writ...
HRC/CAT/OS/1a-xxxii: (8 July 1884)
Aspley Guise , July 8 / 84 , I am so glad I am going tomorrow but I feel weak to pack Yes, I have the feeling as if you &...
HRC/CAT/OS/1b-ii: (11 July 1884)
Friday Night , I do feel better today. I have been sleeping ever since I got here, & yet not fast asleep. , Henry, I am s...
HRC/CAT/OS/1b-iii: (12 July 1884)
[page/s missing], Sh though mine is so completely blended with my mind, that it is not as strong in me. It is not so easily a...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/6: (16 July 1884)
Bole Hill, Wirksworth, Wednesday, Thank you for the Law Breaker. Can I keep that article of yours till you come because I wan...
HRC/CAT/OS/1b-vi: (21 July 1884)
Monday Night , I am so tired. I did not go to to sleep till the dawn light was shining strong in my windows last night. this ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-160: (24 July 1884)
Thursday Afternoon , I have been reading “Love’s Martyrdom” and “The Two Loves.” Do you know th...
HRC/CAT/OS/1b-x: (25 July 1884)
Bole Hill , July 25 / 84 , Friday , I won’t say all I’ve got to say, just cram away for that old exam now, darlin...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-ii: (2 August 1884)
Sat. Night late , I have just come home with Wilfred from a concert. I am tired but I want to write to you. I have so many pl...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-iv: (5 August 1884)
Buxton , Tuesday Night , Sweet, I am soon going to bed very tired. We went for a drive this morning to a place called the “...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-v: (8 August 1884)
Buxton , Friday. , I am so glad that exam is over. Even if you haven’t passed it it’s something to have got rid o...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-vii: (27 August 1884)
Boll Hill, Wednesday Night. , It seems so long since this morning days & days. , Now Mr & Mrs Walker have gone to bed...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-xiv: (28 August 1884)
Thursday Night 9.30. , I have been working since nine o’clock this morning. Have not left off even to eat, eat walking ...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-xv: (29 August 1884)
Bole Hill , Friday night , Walked down to Wirksworth this afternoon to buy quinine & see if there were letters; was caugh...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-xi: (3 September 1884)
Blackwell , Wednesday Ngt , I got here this afternoon. The woman is so horrible: they want me to take & pay for the room ...
HRC/CAT/OS/2a-xviii: (9 September 1884)
Tuesday Evening , I have got all your letters out & sewed them into little books according to the time I got them & n...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-iii: (12 October 1884)
Sunday. , I have your letters & “Today”. The doctor says it is not asthma it is bronchitis. All I expectorate...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xii: (21 October 1884)
Tuesday night , , Yes, it wasn’t really me. But you know I am tired & feel bitter sometimes I do fight so hard aga...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xiv: (22 October 1884)
Wednesday Night , I’ll join the New Life if you’ll tell me what sort of paper I must write, would ten lines do? T...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xv: (24 October 1884)
Friday Morning , Fancy, I haven’t got the books yet. Were they sent do you think. My brother has been away at Northampt...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xvii: (26 October 1884)
Sunday Night , I have had such pleasure in Miss Haddon’s article. I think it very good, on the whole as good an article...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xviii: (27 October 1884)
Monday Night , My Henry, I came home & found your note, it’s finding your notes here makes the place seem like home...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xix: (28 October 1884)
144 Marina , Tuesday Night , I send Remembrances. I’ve not had time to copy it out. Please send it back soon as I shall...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xx: (29 October 1884)
Wednesday Night , Yes, it is true that I want you most when other people are about me. This afternoon my sister-in-law was he...
HRC/CAT/OS/2b-xxi: (30 October 1884)
144 Marina , Thursday , I’ve been out to post your letter. Harry, come, & I’ll make that heart glad, that swe...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-i: (31 October 1884)
Th Friday Mo Eve. , I have written & thought all day so delightfully. When it was getting dark this evening I went out fo...
HRC/CAT/OS/FRAG/SofLg: (1 November 1884)
Sat night , I have revised & made many little alterations in Remem. Now it is ready. How dreadfully it needed, but you kn...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-ii: (3 November 1884)
Monday Morning, My friend, When will I have conquered my heart & subdued it utterly. Not until death , I want your I woul...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-v: (13 November 1884)
Thursday , I have your lines in the train. Whenever I think how you loved me before you went away I feel a little trembling q...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-x: (16 November 1884)
Sunday Night , I feel very sad, very miserable, very dissatisfied with myself this evening, Henry. Yes, I think you are right...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-viii: (17 November 1884)
144 Marina , Monday night , Chest bad, been lying down all day. Pain under shoulder gets worse. Haven’t written one lin...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-xxi: (18 November 1884)
[page/s missing], I don’t know what her relationship to Frank was. I know that Ettie was in my mind when I drew her, &...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-xi: (19 November 1884)
Wednesday Eve , This afternoon my sister-in-law was here. , Thank I got your letter just after she was gone. Thank you. Some ...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-xii: (21 November 1884)
[page/s missing], when I was ill. These things are somewhat sore to me. I have supported myself ever since I was a child. It ...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-xiii: (22 November 1884)
144 Marina , Sat. Night , My baby, my baby is ill! I want to take care of it I want to love its head & put it to rest and...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-xvi: (24 November 1884)
144 Marina , Monday Morning , Am just going out to look for rooms. Bitterly cold! Have worked well all day the morning. I’...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-xvii-b: (26 November 1884)
Wednesday , Have not been able to post today, comrade. Please find out for me whether the picture of the horned beetle is in ...
HRC/CAT/OS/3a-xviii: (28 November 1884)
Alexandra House , Denmark Place , Hastings , Friday Night , Here I am Harry. It is so sweet to write to you. Do you get that ...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xxiii: (30 November 1884)
Hastings , I have the books, did I tell you; thank Louie for Browning. I am going to try & get back to Edinburgh Hotel if...
HRC/CAT/OS/1b-xvi: (2 December 1884)
Tuesday , I am taking Powel’s Balsam of Aniseed. I am certainly better, I slept nearly all night. I don’t like to...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-iii: (3 December 1884)
Wednesday Night , Still rain & mist What is my boy doing this evening. I am so anxious about that criticism article. I fe...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-iv: (4 December 1884)
Thursday Night , , Harry, I am fell feeling so much better this evening. I’ve worked a little. I slept well last night...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-vi: (6 December 1884)
Sat Night , Worked this evening. It is eleven o’clock now I am going to have my bath. It is true about that self dosing...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-vii: (7 December 1884)
Sunday Night , It has been a glorious warm sunny day. I got up to the top of the hill! Perhaps some day you will walk there t...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-viii: (8 December 1884)
Alexandra House , Hastings, Monday , I like that little boy. What a big forehead he had. It isn’t so big now in proport...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-ix: (10 December 1884)
Wednesday Night, Harry, I do belong to you. If I were married to anyone else, I would still belong to you, because our friend...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-x: (10 December 1884)
Alexandra House , Dec 10 / 84 , Yes, Undine, the last part isn’t bitter because I wrote it not at Rattle Hoek, but at G...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xi: (11 December 1884)
Thursday Night , I am waiting for the bell to ring for dinner. Oh that wild mad noise of the wind & water. It makes one’...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xii: (12 December 1884)
Friday Night , I have just done a scene. Henry my work takes so much out of me & it is so little in quantity when it is d...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xiii: (13 December 1884)
Sat Night , I have just got the enclosed from poor Miss Jones. I have written to say I can’t come to dinner, but will l...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xiva: (14 December 1884)
Sunday, I think that article of Roden Noel’s splendid. It is the best thing that ever was written on Hinton. What is th...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xv: (16 December 1884)
Tuesday Night , I think I read your letter over five times this evening. I am going to sit up & write late, because I ha...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xviii: (18 December 1884)
Thursday afternoon , My boy , I send you Mrs Walters letter I wish you could get to like her something as I do. I told her y...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xxii: (21 December 1884)
Sunday Morning , Harry, my baby, you must feel comforted. I can see from your letters you are very miserable. Is the cold sti...
Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/1: (21 December 1884)
Alexandra House, Denmark Place, Hastings , Dec 21 / 84, My dear Mrs Cobb, Thank you for Matthew Arnold’s speech: it int...
HRC/CAT/OS/FRAG/SofLp: (22 December 1884)
Monday , Please post the enclosed to Mrs Cobb at once. My sweet darling, I like you to see every thing I write & know eve...
HRC/CAT/OS/3b-xxvi: (26 December 1884)
4 Robertson Terrace, Hastings , Friday night , My comrade, I have got here, but I’m not yet in my bedroom. Some one els...
Letters/147: ( 1885)
To Miss Louie Ellis., Thank you for your nice long letter. I've been dreaming about over my work all day but haven't done muc...
Letters/35: (6 January 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., 4, Robertson Terrace, 6th Jan., When I've had something to eat (I am faint now, lying on my back on the b...
Letters/37: (10 January 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 4, Robertson Terrace, 10th Jan., Keep me close to you. I have of late such dead feeling emotionally. I t...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-158: (18 January 1885)
Sunday Morning, Escotts letter I send back. Let us send it now to the Nineteenth Century, (I which is almost sure not to take...
Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/3: (19 January 1885)
4 Robertson Terrace, Hastings, Jan 19th 1885, My dear Mrs Cobb, Thank you very much for your letters. I think I quite underst...
Letters/45: (31 January 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 4, Robertson Terrace, 31st Jan., Please look out for rooms for me for to-day week. My chest is getting ...
Letters/47: (2 February 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 4, Robertson Terrace, 2nd Feb, Is that George Sand? It's funny that when I looked it as I took it out of...
Letters/48: (3 February 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 4, Robertson Terrace, 3rd Feb , I'm as lively as a young cricket this morning. I am going to try and wr...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-13: (5 February 1885)
Thursday eve. , Too cold to go to church & hear Messiah. I don’t want to take cold now I am working. , Have just go...
Letters/49: (5 February 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 4, Robertson Terrace, 5th Feb., I am getting so much better that I really don't need to go to London. I...
Letters/51: (23 February 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 23rd Feb., I am always giving you trouble. Now you have to go running about my bag again! I'm g...
Letters/53: (26 February 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 26th Feb., I have not read at all to-day, or thought about anything, but Bertie and Rebekah. I ...
Letters/54: (28 February 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 28th Feb., I sent the George Sand portrait to my brother without saying anything. He says it's ...
Letters/55: (2 March 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 2nd Mar., I have been looking at that life of Schopenhauer to-day. If I had ever read him, or e...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-15: (4 March 1885)
Wednesday , My sweet boy, I have just got your letter. It makes me sad. What can I do to make my comrade happy. I know I’...
Letters/57: (4 March 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 4th Mar., I am going to finish off my scandal-talking women to-day. Somehow I can't bear them. ...
Letters/59: (7 March 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 7th March., I had pretty bad asthma last night. ... I'm glad I'm a member of the New Life, but ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-38: (12 March 1885)
Thursday eve., Have been working today again. The going to Pevensey seems to have soothed me. , I am just reading your letter...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-17: (15 March 1885)
Sunday Afternoon , I’ve been reading that French book so nicely without a dictionary. I think when I’ve done this...
Letters/64: (20 March 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 20th March., Can one talk of a "croning" laugh? I say “Rebekah laughed the small croning ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-19: (23 March 1885)
Monday night , Is my sweet boy sad tonight? I have been sitting in the chair by the fire tonight thinking about him. I wish I...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-40: (25 March 1885)
Wednesd , Evening. , I have been working pretty well today. My head is troublesome it doesn’t ach. It is only full of b...
Letters/67: (29 March 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 29th March., Only about 130 pages revised, and four or five hundred more! When will it be done?...
Letters/70: (2 April 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 2nd April., I can't get out. I sprained my leg on that long walk. Roden Noel called yesterday, ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-23: (3 April 1885)
Friday , Is my darling’s cold better? I am going to work today I feel always I am bothered with legs. My mind is very f...
Letters/71: (4 April 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 4th April., I am better. I am going nearly mad with my work. I have written this half chapter o...
Letters/72: (5 April 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 5th April., My mind struck work to-day and I have been doing needlework. ... Roden Noel returns...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-25: (6 April 1885)
[page/s missing], husband were great likers of S.A.F. & would like to call, but I wasn’t able to see her yesterday....
Letters/74: (9 April 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 9th April., You know I think the brain works hard when one is not conscious of its working. I t...
Letters/75: (10 April 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 10th April., If you're a good boy when you come I’ve got a lovely little story to tell yo...
Letters/76: (11 April 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 11th April., I have been working all the morning, but now I must give in and read French. ... L...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-26: (14 April 1885)
Tuesday , “One is Truth. A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. I am arrived at...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-27: (14 April 1885)
Tuesday Eve. , You didn’t write so nastily, eh? You’re getting good? You like’s Olive? , I wish I had all e...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-30: (25 April 1885)
Sat Night , Just going to bed. , My darling, my darling. You aren’t going to be sad tonight, are you? I want to comfort...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-32: (1 May 1885)
Friday, Thanks for the letters. Have been scribbling all day to-day. Am much better. ?Mun It’s been a perfect day here,...
Letters/80: (1 May 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Hastings, 1st May., The swelling is almost gone. I'm scribbling to-day. It's ten days since I last wrote....
HRC/UNCAT/OS-34: (9 May 1885)
Saturday 6:30 , It was so sweet to me to get your letter. I’m a poor miserable creature, I feel really ill all-over &...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-35: (11 May 1885)
Monday , Forty one was the number. I am going there tomorrow afternoon if I can & to see Mrs Hinton. I feel so well now I...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-37: (12 May 1885)
Tuesday , My boy I have come back. I have been searching all the day in Harewood Sq Glo. Place 8c. Have found nothing Have wr...
Letters/89: (29 May 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., Upper Baker St., 29th May., If your mind is like mine you won't be able to write much while you are readi...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-42: (1 June 1885)
Monday afternoon , My Havelock. , I want just to say a word because I feel so tender to. Oh it is so sweet that you are comin...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-44: (7 June 1885)
Sunday Night , I suddenly felt so near you this evening. I hadn’t been thinking of you at all all day because I was so ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-46: (11 June 1885)
Thursday Night. , I was too tired to stay at the concert. I left after I had been there five minutes. I was sorry for poor ol...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-51: (23 June 1885)
I have come back from a walk in the park, & am going to bed. I feel so clingingly tender to you. The one soul that meets ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/1-2: (30 June 1885)
41 Upper Baker St, Wednesday , My dear Mr Pearson, If possible I shall be there on the 9th. My life is such a whirl, (Did you...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-53: (30 June 1885)
41 Upper Baker St. , June 30 / 85 , My dear sweet other self, the only human being to whom I ever can say that, I was untende...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/105: (July 1885)
Note , In the foregoing paper, the main points with regard to woman’s position & nature which it might be desirable...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/5: (4 July 1885)
9 Blandford Square, Saturday, My dear Mr Pearson, I shall not have a minute to write the short sketch. I think yours will be ...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-xviii: (7 July 1885)
Tuesday Afternoon , That article of Aldis’s is splendid.! I feel as if I’d written every word of it so much I agr...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-61: (26 July 1885)
Sunday Morning , Isn’t it hot! I feel better & rested for yesterday I’d like to come to Anerly, but then it’...
Letters/107: (16 August 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 16, Portsea Place, 16th Aug., Have been so industrious writing sinc...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-64: (18 August 1885)
16 Portsea Place , 6.30 , I lay down & went to sleep on my bed as soon as you had gone. I have got up & had some tea ...
Letters/111: (21 August 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 16, Portsea Place, 21st Aug., I am writing hard. I am going to be ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-68: (29 August 1885)
Saturday , My Havelock, I somehow feel far from you & I can’t bear it. My one, own friend, my other self, to me wha...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/106-107: (September 1885)
My dear Mr Pearson, Thank you for the pamphlets. The Ethic of Freethought I like best of all your writings that I have seen. ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-70: (6 September 1885)
[page/s missing], You must wear this little old handkerchief. I’ve often worn it. , Olive , Last evening I wanted so mu...
Letters/115: (11 September 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 16, Portsea Place, 11th Sept., Sat up almost the whole night writ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/17-20: (15 September 1885)
16 Portsea Place, Connaught Sq, W. , Tuesday , My dear Mr Pearson , Miss Müller (to whom I sent your paper) is very anxi...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-72: (17 September 1885)
Tuesday 1.30. , Oh my baby isn’t coming, & I put on my clean blue dress & did my hair. I got some rumpsteak &...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-73: (17 September 1885)
Wedn Thursday Afternoon , I have just got your card. Oh my boy. You told me yesterday you were all right, but I ought to have...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-74: (17 September 1885)
Thursday evening , I have not even tried to write or think to-day. This morning I was expecting you, & this afternoon I f...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/27-28: (23 September 1885)
16 Portsea Place, Connaught Sq, Sep 23 / 85, My dear Mr Pearson, Thankyou very much for your letter. It was not any one of th...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/31-34: (26 September 1885)
Saturday , My dear Mr Pearson, Miss Sharp has just left me. We have had a delightful talk. I have seldom spoken to any one wh...
Letters/124: (5 October 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 16, Portsea Place, 5th Oct., A splendid flash, a whole story, this morning, so lovely, about a rich gr...
Letters/125: (5 October 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 5th Oct. (2nd letter)., Miss Müller came and took me for a drive this afternoon; we went to Wimble...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/43-53: (11 October 1885)
Dear Mr Pearson , I made a mistake so we all went to 86 Portland Pl. & had to go down to the club. Miss Müller was v...
Letters/134: (5 November 1885)
To Havelock Ellis. , 16, Portsea Place, 5th Nov., Scribbling and thinking all day. How is it my mind takes such a long time ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/70-73: (6 November 1885)
Friday , Thank you for the letter. I had a nice note from her this morning. I do feel intense interest in "the Russians". for...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-79: (16 November 1885)
Monday. , So tired Harry. I can’t write, I can’t work. I will write tomorrow. I found one of your little pencils ...
Letters/137: (16 November 1885)
To Havelock Ellis., 16, Portsea Place, 16th Nov., Never, except perhaps when I was at Dordrecht, has my mind worked and expan...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-xvii: (17 November 1885)
Wednesday. , I’ve been so troubled & despairing about the woman question. To-day I feel more hopeful & am able ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/97-98: (21 December 1885)
Sat night, I send you Mrs Walter’s letter. I have been thinking about Hinton. We, I, must not be too bitter against him...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-81: (25 December 1885)
Xmas Day , My Havelock , Thankyou for that beautiful book. I keep looking at the place where you’d written my name last...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/103: (31 December 1885)
There will, I think, be a letter mine in the Daily News tomorrow. (Thursday). I hope you are having a good Xmas time. , O.S. ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/1/104: (31 December 1885)
Thursday , Glad to see you tomorrow, any time after 8. Want to talk over my Daily News letter with you. Going to spend tomorr...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/4: (8 January 1886)
The New Life meeting was very interesting. I wanted you to have been there. I leave for Shanklin in the Isle of Wight next Fr...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/13: (28 January 1886)
I think Miss E would make a splendid member of the club. She would do well on the committee if you have not yet someone else....
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/14-17: (February 1886)
Royal Spa Hotel , Shanklin , Thankyou a great deal for your letter. It was the only time I’ve laughed since I came here...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/31-32: (5 February 1886)
Somerset House Bournemouth, Feb 5 / 86, Dear Mr Pearson , I’ve not heard of you from any one for a great while. I hope ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/20-25: (17 February 1886)
Tuesday night, I have had three very terrible dreams in my life that have printed themselves upon me as a part of my life. I ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/26-29: (18 February 1886)
5 Sea View Terrace, West Hill Rd., Bournemouth, Feb 18 / 86, I should much have liked to hear Mr Parker’s paper. Have y...
Letters/163: (1 March 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Bournemouth, 1st March., Mrs.- comes to see me every afternoon. She says it helps her so much. I feel so ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-85: (8 March 1886)
Sweet boy, I have bad asthma. I am going to write a book “For those in physical suffering,” you are to have it af...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/36: (9 March 1886)
What is the book’s exact name, & when will it be out? , O.S., My feeling about R. is like yours. I wish you knew mo...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/37: (10 March 1886)
Tuesday evening, You must feel as if a great weight had rolled off you. You will perhaps feel better in health now that is do...
Letters/165: (10 March 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Bournemouth, 10th March., I never could ever have conceived of the problem till the last two years. But n...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/38-39: (12 March 1886)
Friday night, I didn’t mean I wouldn’t help "men" if I could, I meant anybody. , I like Miss Easty’s letter...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/42: (17 March 1886)
I want much to write notes on paper, but don’t like to keep it longer now. Please send it back to me some time. Please ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-88: (22 March 1886)
Monday , My Havelock. , I want to hear from you. I keep thinking of you: What are you doing today. I wish you & Louie cou...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/43-44: (23 March 1886)
Oxford House, South Bourne-on-Sea, March 23 / 86, Dear K.P. , I return the book. Many thanks. If you come across something ve...
Letters/170: (28 March 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Southbourne-On-Sea, 28th March., The last chapter of Undine, I mean when she dies, is not so bad. Will yo...
Letters/171: (31 March 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Southbourne-On-Sea, 31st March., I do not think it will be very nice at Kilburn. But I am getting resigne...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-90: (1 April 1886)
Southbourne , Thursday , Havelock, I’ve been working such a lot today. My landlady is going to make me pay five or six ...
Letters/172: (1 April 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Southbourne-On-Sea, 1st April., Sweet comrade, I walked on the beach this evening. I like walking against...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/45-49: (4 April 1886)
St Dominic’s. , Mutrix Rd., Kilburn N.W., Sunday afternoon , I have just come back from a solitary walk into the countr...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-ix: (8 April 1886)
Kilburn, Wednesday night , W I have not been out today so couldn’t post-letter. Am working well so don’t want to ...
Letters/174: (10 April 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Kilburn, 10th April., I went to see Holman Hunt's Exhibition this afternoon. You must go to see it, my da...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/50-51: (12 April 1886)
St Dominics Convent, Kilburn, Monday, Dear Mr Pearson, I sent you that MS. not because I thought it good, but because I thoug...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-x: (12 April 1886)
Monday, I so sorry you have to go to Foulgers. Wanted to meet you at National at four, because if I go out early my whole day...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-92: (1 May 1886)
Saturday , I send Field’s letter. It's so beautiful to think of you at Earleswood. We must tell me where you walk becau...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/54-56: (10 May 1886)
St Dominics Convent, Monday, I think that one of the things most difficult of attainment & found only in the men & wo...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/57-59: (13 May 1886)
Convent, Wed. night., I think if you read your paper & Parker’s criticism together, they would form the most valuab...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-96: (13 May 1886)
Sweet Boy, your precious little letter has come. I wonder if you got the letter I sent to Earlswood on Sunday. Dear one, I am...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/8: (14 May 1886)
My Harry, I am going to go tomorrow to the Academy for a couple of hours. On Sat morning I leave for Harrow. Address will jus...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/61-62: (21 May 1886)
The Convent., Harrow-on-the-Hill , No, I can’t write. I am having to hold myself in. I don’t like you to run your...
Letters/182: (27 May 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 27th May., I send you a bit of rough MS. as a specimen. Is it good enough to send to Press in its...
Letters/183: (29 May 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 29th May., Havelock, all day yesterday I was writing and thinking about the unity of the Universe...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/9: (31 May 1886)
Havelock, I've just come back from seeing M. Harkness. Oh, the joy to get back & here again. I could have cried for joy w...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/63: (5 June 1886)
Thanks for letting me know you didn’t want to be interrupted just now. I am reserving my notes on the sex question till...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/64-68: (7 June 1886)
Convent, Monday morning , I think Carpenter is coming this afternoon to go for a walk with me. Shall ask him. , Have forgotte...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/73-78: (11 June 1886)
Convent, Thursday, To say what I want about your paper would be to write another. , Shortly – I think the first part se...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-100: (11 June 1886)
Thank you for that sweet long letter, Please write to me soon. I have been trying to write even one line & can’t. , ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/79-80: (12 June 1886)
The Convent, Saturday night , Why did you never tell me about these lectures before? Have they been printed? I knew that you ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/81-87: (16 June 1886)
The Convent, Wednesday, Thank you for the paper. I send it with this. What I feel is that sometimes you are putting too great...
Karl Pearson 840/4/2/90-91: (23 June 1886)
Sunday night , My dear Mr Pearson , I have spent today not in telling stories to children, but with an older child, a prostit...
Letters/187: (29 June 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 29th June., I feel almost mad to-day, I've had such a succession of painful reproaching letters. ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/34-39: (July 1886)
Tuesday night, Dear K.P. , I have been reading your letter over again, & there are many things it makes me want to say. , ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/2-12: (3 July 1886)
The Convent, Friday , My dear K.P. , You say the senses of taste & touch seem to have no intellectual side, & so you...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/17-21: (7 July 1886)
The Convent, Tuesday night, I cannot enter into the whole question, only touch one point. , If the course of action which liv...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/22-26: (10 July 1886)
The Convent, Friday night, , I am writing to ask you a favour. When I have the first printed proof sheets of my book complet...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/29: (12 July 1886)
Monday , Please send the mother age evidence. I am ready to be convinced. If the Lord saves me it will be through works &...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/30-31: (13 July 1886)
The Convent, July 13 / 86, Your paper is deliciously, tantalizingly, excitingly, suggestive. It sends one off in every direct...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/32-33: (18 July 1886)
Sunday morning, Oh, I am so glad to get back to the convent, & my books on the shelf, & my portraits & the old wo...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-105: (19 July 1886)
My Havelock , I can’t get you out of my thoughts even for a little today. Oh true heart, oh sweet heart, oh beautiful i...
Letters/188: (19 July 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 19th July., I am working so hard. I've never worked like this since I came to England. I could wr...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/40-42: (27 July 1886)
The Convent, Harrow on the Hill, Monday , My dear Mr Pearson , It is good to know a friend is unbending himself so completely...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-106: (28 July 1886)
My Havelock you know when people really belong to each other in head & in natural likeness nothing ever really divides th...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/43-52: (7 August 1886)
The Convent, Saturday night, Aug 7 / 86, I do not know your address, but write tonight that I may send it when I do. Your let...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/53-55: (19 August 1886)
The Convent, Thursday , Thank you for your letter. I have very much I want to talk to you about. Now I am only writing to giv...
Letters/190: (19 August 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 19th Aug., Olive Schreiner can't write a sensational story, can't she! I've written a devil of a ...
Letters/191: (20 August 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 20th Aug., My sensation story is lovely. "Olive Schreiner can't write a sensation story!" Ach!, ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/56-58: (27 August 1886)
The Convent, If while abroad references or extracts from books at the British Museum are wanted it would be mental rest from ...
Letters/192: (27 August 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 27th Aug., I've been a hateful girl this afternoon. I'm sure you're right. I shall see just as yo...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-108: (30 August 1886)
The Convent , Tuesday Monday Night , Would Vizeletty care for the book if Mrs. W- translated it I wonder, or are there others...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/59-60: (8 September 1886)
Professor Haycraft & Dr Brown can throw no light on our question; say there is none. , I’ve Brehm’s Thierlebe...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/61-64: (10 September 1886)
On the other side I have scribbled down some such plan of a Woman’s Book as has been in my mind for many years. I wonde...
HRC/ChristopherMorley/Misc/OS-FredericChapman/1: (16 September 1886)
The Convent, Harrow, Sep 16 / 86., Dear Mr Chapman , R. Pears-all Smith the American tells me he sent a letter to your care. ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/65-68: (19 September 1886)
The Convent, Sunday afternoon, Thank you for your letter. It came just when I wanted it. I suppose today you are leaving Made...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/10: (21 September 1886)
The Convent, Harrow, Monday night, I am looking out for a word from you. I've been out to the post today & feel better. I...
Letters/197: (22 September 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Harrow, 22nd Sept., Not able to go into town to-day. It's just the old regular breakdown. Children ought ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-109: (23 September 1886)
Henry, I am going in tomorrow to look for rooms come what will. , My Henry, what ever come you’ll always know however l...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/72: (1 October 1886)
London , 35 Acacia Rd, My dear Mr Pearson, After Monday morning my address will be 9 Blandford Sq again. , Have you worked ou...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/76-79: (11 October 1886)
9 Blandford Square, Monday night , Isn’t Parker splendid! What a horrible mist I was in, none of us were really clear b...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/82-84: (13 October 1886)
9 Blandford Sq, Wednesday, Dear KP, I shall be at home all the day & evening on Thursday: on Friday from 4 to 7 is my "at...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/85-91: (16 October 1886)
Dear K. P. , Your letter was very refreshing to me when I came back from four hours in Bow Street Court. I cannot live among ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/92-97: (18 October 1886)
Monday morning, I want to tell you what Ray Lankester said last night when he & his sister & I were driving home. He ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/102-110: (25 October 1886)
You say we need a Jesus Christ, that we leave the work of preaching in the streets to the Hyndmans & Avelings! We do need...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/111-116: (27 October 1886)
Tuesday night, Dear Karl Pearson , I went to the Old Baley at 9.30 this morning & have just returned at 6.30. , I can’...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/117-121: (30 October 1886)
Friday night, I have just received the enclosed from Chapman to whom I’ve not written. I suppose he has heard I am goin...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/161: (November 1886)
The gentlest impulse in your heart to Mrs Cobb is the manliest. Follow it. I will not write again. Work. I will work. , Shall...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/122-124: (1 November 1886)
In great haste, There is something I want to say to you, I’ve wanted to say it to you for a long time. You of all peopl...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/125-133: (5 November 1886)
Friday night , I should have to write so many sheets to answer your letter as I would like. I can’t now. , One thing. T...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/138-139: (9 November 1886)
9 Blandford Sq, Tuesday , Dear Mr Pearson , I should not have sent you that letter last night. It was brutal, very brutal of ...
Letters/199: (26 November 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Blandford Square, 26th Nov., I send you a rough draft of Jan. Tell me (1) Whether you think printing it w...
Maria Sharpe 840/5/5-6: (30 November 1886)
9 Blandford Sq, Saturday, Dear Miss Sharpe, I hardly expected you in the rain, yet was disappointed. I didn’t send the ...
Maria Sharpe 840/5/7-8: (December 1886)
9 Blandford Square, Tuesday , My dear Miss Sharpe, Thank you for your letter. , I think if Mr Lankester is asked to read a pa...
Maria Sharpe 840/5/9-10: (December 1886)
Dear Miss Sharpe., I have been confined to my bed for ten days The doctor wrote to tell Mr Parker I couldn’t get my pap...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-111: (10 December 1886)
9 Blandford Sq , Dec 9 10 / 86 , Havelock I’m very tired in spirit. , Please tell me about that woman. I want to know v...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/145-146: (11 December 1886)
Dear Mr Pearson, Our agreement was to write to each other on the 9th comparing work. Illness prevented me. Has the work got o...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/157-159: (14 December 1886)
Tuesday afternoon, Thank you for your letter. It is the most valuable & helpful I ever got from you. Thank you for your d...
Karl Pearson 840/4/3/160-161: (16 December 1886)
Dear Mr Pearson , I am afraid Dr Donkin in his kindness must have written to you telling you I was very bad. I’m much b...
Letters/206: (30 December 1886)
To Havelock Ellis., Clarens, 30th Dec., Anything to read would be welcome. I begin to feel I could read. Your letter was a gr...
Letters/207: (12 January 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Clarens, 12th Jan., I have never been so happy and restful. I am picking up in physical strength. I am th...
Edward Carpenter 359/2: (13 January 1887)
Hotel Roth , Clarens , Lake of Geneva , Jan 13th 1887 , Dear Edward Carpenter , I’ve heard that K. Pearson is all right...
Letters/208: (13 January 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Clarens, 13th Jan., You must save money so that you can come to Italy with me in the autumn, to Florence ...
Karl Pearson 840/4/4/1-2: (25 January 1887)
Hotel Roth, Clarens, Lake of Geneva , Jan 25 / 87, Dear Mr Pearson , Dr Donkin has sent me your message. Thank you for thinki...
Karl Pearson 840/4/4/3-8: (30 January 1887)
Hotel Roth, Clarens, Lake of Geneva, Sunday night, Jan 30th 1887, My dear Mr Pearson , I read this morning, for the first tim...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-ii: (31 January 1887)
Hotel Roth , Clarens , Lake of Geneva , Sunday Night , My Havelock, You must never write when you feel drawn I’ll do th...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-i: (2 February 1887)
My Harry boy, Thou understandest thy little comrade & knowest less of her even than Donkin!! I’m very much myself &...
Karl Pearson 840/4/4/9-11: (12 February 1887)
Feb 12 / 87, Clarens, My dear Mr Pearson, On partly opening the letter you returned I find it contains one from yourself. Wil...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-iii: (13 February 1887)
Clarens , Sunday afternoon , My Henry. What are you doing this Sunday afternoon. If you were here we would talk so nice I hav...
Letters/212: (24 February 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Clarens, 24th Feb., I’m writing such a lovely paper on sex experiment. I shall die easier after I’...
Letters/215: (3 March 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Clarens, 3rd March., Writing sex paper still. Getting to think it’s worth-less, but going to finish...
Letters/219: (17 March 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Hof Gersau, Lake Of Lucerne, 17th March., I've been passing through about the stiffest time of my life me...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-v: (27 March 1887)
Grand Hotel D’Alassio , Alassio , Italy , Mar 27 / 87 , My Have- , I like this place. I like this room. I like this sea...
Letters/222: (30 March 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Grand Hotel, Alassio, 30th March., What is the matter that I am getting weaker and weaker every day? It s...
Letters/223: (1 April 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 1st April., If it's not utter nonsense, send it on; but don’t if it is. You can please put...
Letters/224: (2 April 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 2nd April., What do you think of the enclosed? I wrote it since I came up from dinner. The dry a...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-vi: (6 April 1887)
Alassio , I’m going to send some more little allegories to send to papers It’s not waste of time writing them, be...
Edward Carpenter 359/3: (11 April 1887)
Grand Hotel, Alassio, Italy , April 11 / 87, Dear Edward Carpenter , Your card was forwarded me here. Thankyou for your the p...
Edward Carpenter 359/4: (12 April 1887)
Alassio, Italy , Tuesday night , My dear old Friend, I don’t know why I suddenly want to write to you unless it is that...
Letters/225: (15 April 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 15th April., I am working hard. Do you think “Towser the Dog” is good enough for Don...
Letters/226: (16 April 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 16th April., Excuse first draft. I made two new allegories last night after I was in bed. This I...
Letters/227: (19 April 1887)
To Miss Louie Ellis., Alassio, 19th April., I am going to leave this on the seventh for Switzerland, because I’m afraid...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-114: (20 April 1887)
I send you my card to Pearson, the last thing that will ever pass between us. I shall send back any p letter or paper he send...
Edward Carpenter 359/5: (23 April 1887)
Grand Hotel, Alassio, Italy , Why didn’t you come to Agni while I was still here It’s quite close. I am leaving t...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-117: (30 April 1887)
Alassio, Italy April 30 / 87 , I am just finishing my packing, I feel so sad tonight. All my heart turns with love to you all...
Letters/231: (11 May 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Gersau, 11th May., I am going to work now. I have had terrible asthma all night; even chloral didn't give...
Edward Carpenter 359/6: (19 May 1887)
Clarens , May 19 / 87 , Dear Edward Carpenter , Your letter (but not card) was forwarded to me here today. It has made me hap...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/12: (June 1887)
Sunday afternoon, My darling old Ettie., I am so glad to think you are going to see Mrs Brown. You must write & tell me j...
Edward Carpenter 359/7: (2 June 1887)
134 Rue d’Assas, Paris, Tuesday , Shall be here till Monday or Tuesday I think when I go on to England. Shall take room...
Letters/237: (20 June 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Gore Road, London, 20th June., Do you know, I'm going to finish my book. I'm getting jolly hard, like I u...
Ernest Rhys Papers vol II (W.H. Dirks) Eg. 3248, ff.18-19B: (July 1887)
Morley's Hotel, Early Sunday morning , Dear Mr Dirks, I have your letter & shall be very glad to see you on Tuesday morni...
Edward Carpenter 359/9: (12 August 1887)
50 Gore Rd, Dear E.C., I’m somewhat tired this evening. I wish sometimes that we were both Christians that we might pra...
Edward Carpenter 359/10: (29 August 1887)
[page/s missing] I would take your face close up to mine & make it warm. , I am well going to make my book splendid if I...
Edward Carpenter 359/11: (5 September 1887)
Whitby, Tuesday, When you have read the enclosed, (any time when you’ve nothing else to do) please return it to me &...
Edward Carpenter 359/12: (10 September 1887)
50 Gore Rd, Victoria Park , Saturday, Dear Edward Carpenter , I send your St. Augustine. It has been sweet to me to think you...
Karl Pearson 840/4/4/12-14: (5 October 1887)
53 Marina, St Leonards, I want to go to Italy. , I had hoped to finish some work, but find I cannot. Will you lend me thirty ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/6: (19 October 1887)
Lungarno, Florence, Italy, Oct 19 / 87., Dear Mr Unwin, I had hoped to come & see you before I left England, but was unab...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1887/2: (24 October 1887)
Address Alassio Italy , I was so sorry not to see Will. His letter was sent on to me here. Will write when able. Have had the...
Letters/248: (30 October 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Boboli Gardens, Florence, 30th Oct., I am sitting here at the foot of a statue. It is as it were the top ...
Letters/249: (2 November 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 2nd Nov., In my old quarters. Slept at Genoa last night. Leaning Tower at Pisa splendid as seen ...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.149-150: (17 November 1887)
Grand Hotel, Alassio, Italy, Nov 17 / 87, Dear Mrs Drew, Mr MacColl forwarded me your note It would give me great pleasure th...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1887/1: (21 November 1887)
I’m going to send you some little dreams for yourself, but I haven’t anything really of the kind you would like. ...
Letters/255: (21 November 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 21st Nov., I have been sitting up to finish writing out a dream I am sending to Canon MacColl an...
Letters/256: (24 November 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 24th Nov., What work I do is splendid, but my heart is somewhat like stone. Perhaps it is when o...
Letters/257: (10 December 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 10th Dec, I love my new book so, a hundred times better than I ever loved An African Farm. …...
Letters/258: (13 December 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 13th Dec., I wish you were here this evening and you and I would sit down on the floor before th...
Letters/260: (14 December 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 14th Dec., I am working. But the last days I've got into the allegory state.,
Letters/261: (18 December 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 18th Dec., Am working hard. Never come back to myself sometimes for a couple of days and that is...
Letters/262: (22 December 1887)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 22nd Dec., I cannot tell you what this air and blue sea and sky are to me now I love them. I am ...
Edward Carpenter 359/14: (28 December 1887)
Alassio, Tuesday night, 9 o’clock, My dear Chips , Will you please tell me what you think of doing I’ve been thin...
Edward Carpenter 359/33: ( 1888)
Sunday night, My dear Edward, I was glad to get your letter. You must get away to the sunshine if you can. We’ve had ra...
Lytton 01229/11: ( 1888)
It’s one of the first stories I made for myself when I was a child. OS.,
HRC/UNCAT/OS-119: (3 January 1888)
Alassio , Jan. 3rd 1888 , Don’t criticise my allegory darling. It isn’t written. It came like that. Do you think ...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.155-156: (5 January 1888)
Alassio, Italy, Jan 5 / 88, Dear Mrs Drew, I take the great liberty of sending you a little dream printed long ago in my brot...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.151-154: (6 January 1888)
Alassio , Riviera, Italy , Dear Mrs Drew, Would you do me the very great favour of sending the little ms. not back to me but ...
Edward Carpenter 359/15: (8 January 1888)
Sante Croci , Alassio, Sunday morning , I’ve come up here. It’s a little ruined chapel on a point sticking out in...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.157-159: (16 January 1888)
Grand Hotel , Alassio, Italy, Jan 16 / 88, Dear Mrs Drew , //Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you also for the card...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/7: (19 January 1888)
Grand Hotel, Alassio, Italy, Jan 19 / 88, My dear Mr Unwin,, Having travelled up to the house of the Greek Consul, & trav...
HRC/CAT/OS/1b-xviii: (24 January 1888)
Alassio , Tuesday Night , I am sitting here at my desk. It’s about eight. I ought to get to my writing. I love you a li...
Karl Pearson 840/4/5/1-2: (25 January 1888)
I kept your cheque as a reserved fund to fall back in in case of need. I send it to you as there is no bankers here. Send me ...
HRC/CAT/OS/4a-viii: (25 January 1888)
Glad you are working at Norwegian. , It’s just that paper of Pearson’s that you & he agree on, & its just...
Letters/264: (27 January 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 27th Jan., You don't realise what a very brave thing a man in Pearson's position has done in pri...
Ernest Rhys Papers vol II (Ernest Rhys) Eg. 3248, ff.11-17B: (February 1888)
Hotel Mediterranio, Alassio , Dear Mr Rhys, It will take me still two months of night & day work at least to bring Mary W...
Karl Pearson 840/4/5/3-5: (5 February 1888)
I cannot understand how I could have misunderstood you. It flashed on me five minutes ago! I have opened & read the note ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/8: (7 February 1888)
Thank you very much for promise of reviews. Yes, I don’t think I’ll publish the “Dreams” till I’...
Letters/267: (7 February 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 7th Feb., I have begun Italian. I shall get on very fast. Have you Boccaccio's stories in Italia...
Letters/268: (9 February 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 9th Feb., I am all wild on the Mary Wollstonecraft Introduction. Will you tell me more about the...
Letters/269: (9 February 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 9th Feb., You are quite wrong about my working a few hours every day. The way in which my brain ...
Letters/270: (18 February 1888)
To Mrs. J. H. P.Hilpot., Alassio, 18th Feb., I get to my work which is sometimes writing, more often walking up and down my r...
Letters/271: (20 February 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 20th Feb., Working night and day at Introduction to Mary W; love it better than anything I've wr...
Letters/274: (9 March 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 9th March., Don’t mention to anyone Carpenter being here. I'm always trying to keep people...
Beatrice Webb (nee Potter): Passfield/2/1/2/9, Folios 690-693: (April 1888)
Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts., Dear Miss Potter, I should like very much to come, but cannot leave my work just now I am bette...
Edward Carpenter 359/17: (1 April 1888)
Hotel Oxford et Cambridge, Rue d’Alger, Paris , No, dear old man, it’s not men that trouble me its middle class w...
Edward Carpenter 359/18: (5 April 1888)
Hotel Westminster, Bordighera, Italie , Wednesday night, 11: 30, Do you see where I am? When I got to B Ventimiglia I found t...
Letters/278: (10 April 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 10th April., I'm so glad you are better. I'm not nearly so affectionate to you as I was! ... I'v...
Edward Carpenter 359/20: (12 April 1888)
Alassio, This is a word to greet you in London, if indeed you have left the Riviera. I feel as if you had – so I suppos...
Edward Carpenter 359/21: (16 April 1888)
Alassio, Monday, I got your letter from Paris. It’s very unkind of you always to remember that I drove in a cab with lu...
Edward Carpenter 359/23: (23 April 1888)
Alassio, Sunday night, Dear Brother, I’ve got your letter. Yes, I know how you feel in England, that weight & press...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, f.163: (May 1888)
Hotel Mediterrane, Alassio , Italy, Dear Mrs Drew, Thank you much for sending me your article. I am delighted to know how muc...
Letters/280: (6 May 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Riva, Lago Di Garda, 6th May., Are you quite strong? You mustn't come out till I’ve finished my boo...
Ernest Rhys Papers vol II (Ernest Rhys) Eg. 3248, ff.20-21B: (June 1888)
Roseneath, Harpenden, Dear Mr Rhys, I send Rights of Woman & will in a day or two send Godwin's Life of Mary W. which I c...
HRC/OscarWilde/RecipHanley/OS-OscarWilde/1: (June 1888)
Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts, Dear Mr Wilde, Please be sure to send me the proofs. I wrote the thing in a letter to a friend t...
Edward Carpenter 359/24: (11 June 1888)
My dear old Brother, I’ve not written to you because I’ve had nothing to say. , It joys me to know that things go...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.168-171: (16 June 1888)
Roseneath , Harpenden , Herts, June 16 / 88, Dear Mrs Drew, Your letter has just been sent on to me. When I read the first pa...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/1: (July 1888)
Harpenden, Dear Mr Unwin,, I want £1,000 for copy right of my book & I’m sure you wouldn’t care to give ...
Olive Schreiner MSL/2: (July 1888)
Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts., Saturday, Dear Mr Chapman, My profits seem to be getting small & more small & beautiful...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-121: (1 July 1888)
Sunday Night , Alice is here. Have been working today. Don’t know special part of Kilburn. Mean that direction generall...
Autograph Letters Collection: Alys Pearsall Smith ALC/7/3/2: (2 July 1888)
Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts, Sunday, Dear Miss Smith , Thankyou very much all three for having come. I was quite lonely when ...
Autograph Letters Collection: Alys Pearsall Smith ALC/7/3/9: (2 July 1888)
Many thanks for Nineteenth. Liked account very much. Makes one want to be there. Thank you much for invitation but I'm going ...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-122: (2 July 1888)
Ford first rate. Am quite satisfied!!! Isn’t he delightful too. I am always in touch with him at once. Bad, sad, weathe...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-123: (6 July 1888)
Friday night , Yes it is this Koverlipsky. Please if you have any work in the way of Russian translation ever in your hands t...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-v: (22 July 1888)
Saturday , Yes, I can write better now than ever, my imagination has never worked so ligh easily My reason has never been so ...
Letters/297: (August 1888)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Harpenden, Aug., A little allegory is coming out in next month's Woman’s World. It’s not ...
Letters/298: (August 1888)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., London Institution, Finsbury Circus, Aug., It will be many years before either of my books are ready,...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/9: (23 August 1888)
Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts, Aug 23 / 88, Dear Mr Unwin, Thanks, I have got the paper, but not the promised novel. The notice...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-FrankHarris/1: (23 August 1888)
Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts, Aug 23 / 88, Dear Mr Harris, Would you kindly let me know where the Russian paper will appear as...
Letters/301: (9 September 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Harpenden, 9th Sept., Will you please send one copy of The Woman's World, with my thing marked, to Stead ...
Letters/304: (14 September 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Harpenden, 14th Sept., My sex book would do for your Science Series. It is a purely scientific collection...
Ernest Rhys Papers vol II (W.H. Dirks) Eg. 3248, f.10: (October 1888)
Grand Hotel, Alassio, Alassio, Dear Mr Dirks, The books ha just arrived. I cannot promise MS for a couple of months, but it m...
Letters/314: (October 1888)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Alassio, Oct., All goes splendidly with me. I am working hard and very happy. Nothing but work makes ...
Letters/305: (3 October 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Harpenden, 3rd Oct., I have bronchitis. I am very ill. If I am not better to-morrow I must get someone fr...
Letters/306: (3 October 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Harpenden, 3rd Oct. (second letter)., Oh, it is awful to be a woman. These women are killing me. Give my ...
Letters/312: (26 October 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 26th Oct., I am working, so of course quite happy.,
Letters/321: (November 1888)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Alassio (about same time)., When I've finished this book and the next, I'm going to sit on the seasho...
Letters/315: (2 November 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 2nd Nov., I am well and working, don't sometimes remember for two days who I am. The being able ...
Letters/316: (2 November 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 2nd Nov. (second letter)., Please order for me a copy of your Ibsen and send it to my brother Fr...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/11: (3 November 1888)
Alassio, Italy, Nov 3 / 1888, Please put 3/- of stamps in the enclosed letter & post it. Wilde only sent me one copy of W...
Edward Carpenter 359/27: (11 November 1888)
Thou ?wert right & not right about the article. I should not have mentioned a friend’s name. I’ve tried thre...
Letters/319: (11 November 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 11th Nov., I've been working hard at my Mary Wollstonecraft all day. What troubles me is that I ...
Letters/322: (15 November 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 15th Nov., Yes, I get plenty to eat, etc. Yet I stop weak. ... You know either my Mary Wollstone...
Letters/323: (17 November 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Alassio, 17th Nov., I made a little Dream to-day, which I've sent to Miss Muller for her paper. Shall sen...
Edward Carpenter 359/32: (December 1888)
Please return my precious letter to me. I send it you because I want you so much realy to know her. , I was ordered here by D...
Olive Schreiner: Frederic Chapman MSC 26/14.1/1: (December 1888)
Hotel du Park , Mentone, Dear Mr Chapman, My brother has forwarded me the enclosed. Would you not kindly make arrangements wi...
Edward Carpenter 359/30: (17 December 1888)
Mentone, Sunday, Dear Ed’ard , Yes it’s very beautiful here. I went for a walk this afternoon to that other far p...
Letters/329: (22 December 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Mentone, 22nd Dec., Don't speak about those Dreams to me. I'm mad enough about it, as it is. I wrote the ...
Letters/330: (23 December 1888)
To Havelock Ellis., Mentone, 23rd Dec., The enclosed is from the Swede. I value the love of people who don't know who I am an...
Edward Carpenter 359/31: (31 December 1888)
Old year’s night , Dear EC, I send you a cutting from Stephen’s article on in an old number of the Nineteenth Ce...
Letters/346: ( 1889)
To Dr. King Roberts., Paris., I went to Notre Dame to-day. Isn't it glorious? It seems to me something I have been looking fo...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/1- pages 39-41: (January 1889)
Mentone, I am very glad to hear about Greenwood., I shall never be of much use to your paper, but you & it will be follow...
Letters/333: (4 January 1889)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Mentone, 4th Jan., I've had such a happy day, working all the time. People think I have a sad, lonely...
HRC/RichardGarnett/Recip/OS-RichardGarnett/8: (5 January 1889)
Hotel du Pavillon, Mentone, Dear Dr Garnett,, What do I think of you tales? I think they are delicious I don’t think ma...
Edward Carpenter 359/34: (10 January 1889)
Hotel du Pavillon , Mentone , Thank you, dear old Edward, for your letter. Thank you for telling me you had seen my friend Ka...
Edward Carpenter 359/35: (21 January 1889)
Mentone, My dear old Edward , You don’t know how precious your last letter has been to me. You can’t understand. ...
Edward Carpenter 359/37: (28 January 1889)
Dear Edward, If you get to know Mr Pearson well you’ll never say any thing of anything I’ve told you of other peo...
Edward Carpenter 359/36: (31 January 1889)
Hotel du Parc , Mentone , Thank you, Edward, I know you write just for my sake. Thank you. , You are entirely wrong about me,...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/12: (February 1889)
Hotel du Parc, Mentone, Dear Mr Unwin, Thankyou for your letter I won’t write to Vernon Lee unless she is hopelessly il...
Letters/336: (1 February 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Mentone, 1st Feb., Havelock, I am so well and happy I can't understand it. It feels as if I don't mind an...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-112: (2 February 1889)
Mentone , Feb 2nd 1889 , Don’t you pitch into me, Henry Havelock. I’m just learning you to do the damn fine horse...
Edward Carpenter 359/38: (5 February 1889)
Hotel du Parc, Mentone, Feb 5 / 89 , Thank you, Beautiful Boy, for your letter. Yes it’s all right, quite quite right. ...
Letters/337: (5 February 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Mentone, 5th Feb., Harry Boy, it's a lovely morning, I'm going to work, but am shuffling out of it for a ...
Letters/338: (9 February 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Mentone, 9th Feb., I've a little Dream about Poet and Thinker. It's good, at least true. ... This house i...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/11: (14 February 1889)
Dear Mr Unwin,, I have just heard that Vernon Lee has been very ill & is quite broken down in health. Do you know if this...
Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.6: (14 February 1889)
I have almost given up writing letters at all now I'm so busy. I'm going to send you the Prelude to one of my stories to read...
Letters/340: (14 February 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Mentone, 14th Feb., I often - no, I don't often, but I did just now - wonder what all my work would be li...
Letters/343: (23 February 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Mentone, 23rd Feb., I send a little Dream. If you think it's good enough for Fortnightly, send it on at o...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-128: (17 March 1889)
My Havelock, Will you please write to me. Never since I first knew you has my heart turned to you so much as in the last two ...
Letters/344: (17 March 1889)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Mentone, 17th March., I wish I was large and strong and could put my arms round all the tired lonely ...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-ii: (18 March 1889)
Monday , My Havelock, You remember that long ago I told you how nearly 20 years ago when I was at Dordrecht I had such a horr...
Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.5A: (26 March 1889)
Will you, please, send to Robert Brothers, the large full face photo you have? It's the only copy. They'll send it back all r...
Letters/345: (26 March 1889)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Paris, 26th March., I am making dreams here at a great rate; I always do in Paris. Only they are all ...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/13: (6 April 1889)
Paris, You quite intentionally misunderstand me in every thing, or, sometimes I think are we grown so wide apart that no unde...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-i: (11 April 1889)
Paris , Thursday. , My dear Boy, I am completely demoralized. I can’t work at all I eat, & sleep, that is all, &...
Letters/347: (15 April 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., 25, Montagu St., London, 15th April., I came on Saturday evening, late. I like to think you are near. I a...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/2- pages 42-4 & 218-220: (16 April 1889)
25 Montague St., Russell Sq., Tuesday, Dear Mr Stead, Your letter after wandering all over Europe has just this moment reache...
Letters/352: (20 May 1889)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Knaphill, 20th May., When all my work is done I'll go into Society-in another world. You know I would...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, f.172: (June 1889)
Ladies' Chambers, Chenies St , London WC, Dear Mrs Drew, I've been waiting so long always in the unwavering faith that some d...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-FrankHarris/2: (June 1889)
Ladies’ Chambers, Chenies St, W.C., My dear Mr Harris, I shall try to have the thing copied by Thursday morning, if I’...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/3- pages 45-6: (June 1889)
Ladies Chambers, Chenies St., Thursday Night., My dear Mr Stead, My article is not coming out in this months Fortnightly, I h...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1889/5: (24 July 1889)
Don’t know name of steamer. It will be down at Liverpool on the 27th I think; they sailed from New York on the 19th. I ...
Letters/357: (5 August 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., London, 5th Aug., Will you come to see me some time next week? Ettie leaves on Friday and after that I sh...
Letters/358: (12 August 1889)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., London, 12th Aug., Stead came to see me on Saturday. I attacked him so violently for what I considere...
Edward Carpenter 359/43: (September 1889)
Dear Ed , The sandals are quite perfect. I have already lent one to a woman who wants to have a pair made like them. But no o...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/53- page 208: (September 1889)
Edinburgh House, St Leonards, My dear Mr Stead, I send you a little allegory which will appear in this next months Fortnightl...
Edward Carpenter 359/44: (October 1889)
My dear Edward , What I hope you are finding the work begin satisfactorily. I am sailing next Wednesday morning from the Lon...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/17: (October 1889)
Cape Town, Thursday, Darling Et,, I know you will be glad to know I am quite well here. Of course weak, but all right., Splen...
Letters/366: (6 October 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Eastbourne, 6th Oct., I shall sail on Wednesday. Coming up to London by the early train. I have a nurse a...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/20: (November 1889)
Grahamstown, Wednesday, My Ettie., How strangely unlike anything we had planned all is turning out. Here I am at Lillies. We ...
E.L. Earp MSC 47/1.17/4: (November 1889)
The Sanatorium, Ceres, Sunday Night, My dear Emma, Thank you so very much for your kind letter. I should have answered it at ...
Olive Schreiner: Miscellaneous MSC 26/2.25.1: (13 November 1889)
Montague, Nov. 13. 89., This is a little desolate up-country town among the mts. Rocks, rocks, rocks piled all about me. I le...
Letters/375: (18 November 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Ceres, 18th Nov., It is a beautifully hot day, such heat as is not known in England, hot and light. I sha...
Letters/376: (23 November 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 23rd Nov., Thank you for the book; it looks interesting, but, as far as I've glanced at it, mi...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-134: (8 December 1889)
Mount Vernon , Cape Town , Dec 8 / 89 , Private, I’m glad your work gets on so I would give any thing to see you You ar...
Letters/380: (18 December 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Mount Vernon, 18th Dec., I am sitting in my bedroom. “Dot" is sleeping on the bed. To-morrow they w...
Letters/381: (31 December 1889)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 31st Dec., I wish you were in the sun with me a little. It's beautiful and hot. I am working. ...
Letters/382: (31 December 1889)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Mount Vernon, Cape Town, 31st Dec., With me all goes very well. The sunshine is beautiful and my peop...
Olive Schreiner: Katie Findlay MSC 26/2.14.29: ( 1890)
Matjesfontein, My dear Sister , I fear I am a very bad correspondent but I have so much writing to do that I hate to write a ...
Letters/406: ( 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein., I've been talking so much to you all this week that now I sit down to write I seem to hav...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/24- page 120: ( 1890)
page/s missing, Your penny Poets are first rate. We have them all. I hope you got f the photos I sent you., Yours ever, Olive...
Letters/383: (4 January 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Mount Vernon, Cape Town, 4th Jan., My Havelock, I am sending the MS. of the Allegories. Please take care ...
Letters/384: (7 January 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 7th Jan., You seem much depressed in your letters, Havelock. Perhaps it was only the weather. ...
Letters/386: (21 January 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 21st Jan., There's a little verandah here before the drawing-room with a vine growing over it ...
Letters/387: (30 January 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 30th Jan., I am working delightfully. Yesterday I climbed to the top of Signal Hill. It was gl...
Olive Schreiner: S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner-Extra SMD 30/33/b: (February 1890)
Mount Vernon, Cape Town, Darling,, You must not wait for my visit. All I can say is that if at allpossible before I leave Sou...
Letters/388: (6 February 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 6th Feb., It will be lovely when you are in Paris. I shall never live in London again, but in ...
Letters/389: (13 February 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 13th Feb., Everyone here is very kind to. me. Sometimes when I go to pay a chemist he says he ...
Edward Carpenter 359/47: (15 February 1890)
Sunday morning , Beautiful blue sky. Mountains twirling up into it. , Feb 15 / 90 , Dear Edward, I have just come back from t...
Letters/390: (24 February 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 24th Feb., Old Rumenyi, the great Hungarian violin player, is in Africa. I am seeing a great d...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/6- pages 58-61: (March 1890)
Thank you, good friend, for your letter. But your last two letters don’t seem like you. Perhaps it is only their being ...
HRC/CAT/OS-4b-xiv: (19 March 1890)
My Havelock , Next week I hope to be at Matjesfontein & I shall have heard of your arrival in Paris. If you like I will k...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/10: (23 March 1890)
“Mount Vernon”, Cape Town,, South Africa, March 23 / 9., Dear Mr Unwin, I got a note from you just before leaving...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-xv: (5 April 1890)
Sitting in my bedroom , Matjesfontein , M April 5 / 90 , It is a wild windy night, a glorious fullmoon & big clouds outsi...
Letters/396: (15 April 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 15th April., I have finished a chapter this evening, so my mind feels nice and free. Harry...
Edward Carpenter 359/49: (19 April 1890)
Matjesfontein , A wild place in the Karroo , 200 miles from Cape Town. , Hour; 10 at night. , Sky; dark: mixed stars & da...
Letters/397: (20 April 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 20th April., It is one of those glorious and beautiful days on which simply to be alive is...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-135: (25 April 1890)
Matjesfontein, April 25 / 90 , Your journal was very interesting. But write me a little note with it if you have ever any thi...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/5- pages 55-7: (9 May 1890)
Matjesfontein, Ap May 9 / 90, Dear Friend, I hear there is a notice of my Allegory in the Review of Reviews but haven’t...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-xii: (13 May 1890)
Matjesfontein , May 13 / 90 , I got your journal letter & liked it. Did Symons have to pay on the post card I sent him?, ...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-xiii: (14 May 1890)
Matjesfontein , Tues day May 14 / 90. , I got up as soon as the girl brought me my tea & had my bath in the little backro...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-ix: (23 May 1890)
Matjesfontein , May 23 / 90 , My journal hasn’t got on this week. I’m expecting English letters. It is snowing &...
Karl Pearson 840/4/5/8-9: (6 June 1890)
Matjesfontein , June 6 / 90, Dear Mr Pearson, I got your note to-day. It made me very glad because it bore the impress of you...
Letters/399: (12 June 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 12th June., Such a funny thing happened to me the other afternoon. I was very happy and we...
Letters/400: (16 June 1890)
To Mrs. R. Cawood., Matjesfontein, 16th June., You are very wicked not to like my allegories. I only wish I was half as good ...
Letters/401: (18 June 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 18th June., I enclose letter to Blackwood. Do the best you can about the MS. Take it to Un...
Letters/403: (25 June 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 25th June., If Blackwood doesn't want to have it, take the MS. from him and do the best you ca...
Letters/405: (18 July 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 18th July., I will come and stay with you and Louie, if you will have me, and you are not ...
Edward Carpenter 359/50: (20 July 1890)
Matjesfontein, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa , July 20 / 90, It was such a surprise & pleasure to get your letter last ...
Letters/407: (25 July 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 25th July., I've just got your letter. Thank you, but it wasn't a sweet letter. But one's ...
Letters/410: (30 July 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 30th July., I am sending you old Chapman's letter to me. His two years' right to African F...
Letters/411: (11 August 1890)
To Havelock Ellis,, Matjesfontein, 11th Aug., Boy, you seem so far away from me, hundreds of miles. I am sitting here alone i...
Letters/412: (13 August 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 13th Aug., I've been writing and am now going to bed (10 o'clock). I am in all things able...
Letters/413: (26 August 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 26th Aug., About Unwin's letter I'm sure you'll do much better than I should have done and...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-136: (30 August 1890)
Matjesfontein , Aug 30 / 90 , My Havelock , I’m glad you are having such a good time down at that country place. I hope...
Edward Carpenter 359/51: (4 September 1890)
Matjesfontein, Sep 4 / 90, Dear Edward, You seem to have got very far from me some how Bob says he won’t come with me u...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1890/6: (October 1890)
Matjesfontein, Tuesday night , My dear old Lad,, I have been working hard all day correcting proofs, but I want to write to y...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-138: (1 October 1890)
Matjesfontein , Sep Oct 1st 1890 , My Havelock, it was the most beautiful letter you ever sent me. All the MS. has come but t...
Letters/415: (4 November 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 4th Nov., I have the most extreme humbleness with regard to my business faculties. I could...
Letters/416: (6 November 1890)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 6th Nov., The pain in my stomach that I used to get when I had to eat before people was re...
Karl Pearson 840/4/5/10-16: (11 November 1890)
Matjesfontein, Cape of Good Hope, Nov 11 / 90 , My dear Karl Pearson , With all my heart keep the letters if they are of the...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-viii: (22 November 1890)
Matjesfontein , Nov 22 / 90 , My Havelock, You write me much more kind letters ?that than you did at first. Thank you. I am v...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.4: (26 December 1890)
Matjesfontein, Friday night, My dear Friend, I was so glad to get your letter. Dear of course you feel unfinished; we all fee...
W.P. Schreiner BC112/B31/4: ( 1891)
Matjesfontein , Sunday night, My darling Fanny, Now you are settled in your new home & I want to know all about it & ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1891/1: (January 1891)
Dear Will, Fruit arrived fine condition. How much cost? Please order two more of melons. The dryness of the land has eaten th...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.6: (January 1891)
My darling. I got your note this morning. The address is, Louie Ellis, 9 St Mary's Terrace, Paddington, London W., Send a per...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/4- pages 47-54: (January 1891)
missing page/s , I am giving up today & tomorrow in trying to answer., I wrote to you last in June or July not yet quite ...
Letters/417: (13 January 1891)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 13th Jan., My Havelock, please do something for me. Write to the Nineteenth Century, the F...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/13: (24 January 1891)
Dear Mr Unwin, Glad book sells well. Please Am pleased with its get up. Think the portrait well done, but the darkly printed ...
Letters/418: (26 January 1891)
To Havelock Ellis., Matjesfontein, 26th Jan., I cannot send the article this week. I must revise it first. It is much longer ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.10: (February 1891)
Matjesfontein, My dear Mary,, You don't write me nice letters & tell me all about yourself any more. I long to see you so...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.11: (February 1891)
Dear Mary, A word in great hurry. I have got £106 for Peter Naude already, but £16 has to go for passage money. I m...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-142: (2 February 1891)
My Havelock , I’ve just been reading an article of Edith Lees on Science, very good. I should think hers was a fine sym...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/10- pages 72-3: (4 February 1891)
Matjesfontein, February 4 / 91, Dear Friend, I send you a little story I wrote many years ago. Don’t know if I showed i...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/14: (6 February 1891)
Matjesfontein, Feb 6 / 91, My dear Mr Unwin, I have four or five short stories which I intend to publish in a volume some day...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1891/5: (11 February 1891)
My darling Fan, I hope you are all having a good time at Kalk Bay, & that our baby gets out a lot & is flourishing I ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.8: (15 February 1891)
Thanks melons splendid. Logan thanks., I'm going to Worcester Wednesday, return here Thursday evening. Hope you be in Worcest...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.9: (20 February 1891)
Dear Mary , I am sorry I couldn't come to Worcester. I am working very hard to get a long article done that must be done by t...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.16: (March 1891)
Matjesfontein, Dear Mary, I saw Mr Sauer this morning when he went past., I am coming down to Town. Again my nephew has chang...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.19: (March 1891)
Darling Mary, I send you a few American reviews a publisher sent me this morning. Please send them on to my Mother in enclose...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.20: (March 1891)
Matjesfontein , Wednesday night, My dear Mary,, I am asking a great favour of you. If you should be in town, could you call i...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/15: (March 1891)
Please write & say that I know nothing whatever of that allegory. It is evidently a forgery; several such have been circu...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.15: (2 March 1891)
Monday, My dear Mary, Thank you so much It will be such a very great help to have that money for Naudé. It will be so sp...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/72: (8 March 1891)
Mch. 8 1891, Matjesfontein, Unwin, Publisher London, Allegory forgery, “Schreiner”,
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/12- pages 76-9: (15 March 1891)
Matjesfontein, March 15 / 91, None of this to be printed, Thank you for letter. I am glad you have made an alliance with Rhod...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.18: (24 March 1891)
Pine Grove, Hof Street, Tuesday, It's raining so you won't come in today. I can't go out to Lady Loch, so I won't come out to...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/14- pages 82-5: (31 March 1891)
Matjesfontein, March 31 / 91, Dear Friend, I have read your article on Madame Novikoff. It is splendid, fas-cinating, intense...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/16: (16 April 1891)
Matjesfontein, April 16 / 91, Dear Mr Unwin, Thanks much for the two copies of Book. Please pay any money due to me to Mr Ell...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/18: (29 April 1891)
No I’m, not coming to England yet. Have made up my mind to keep three allegories, & publish them in a volume with o...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1891/9: (May 1891)
Dear Laddie, I’ve been feeling very weak & unfit since Saturday, & am leaving tonight for Matjesfontein. I’...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.25: (May 1891)
Thursday, My darling Mary,, Thank you for your letter, dear. I will tell Mrs Anderson you will be glad to see her when she co...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.28: (May 1891)
My darling Mary,, Dear one, do forgive me, I am so very, very, very, tired. I can't think how I made the mistake about Thursd...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/13- pages 80-1: (6 May 1891)
Matjesfontein Cottage, Top of Gardens, Cape Town, May 6 / 91, My dear Friend, Your letters always come for like a breath from...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.27: (27 May 1891)
Wednesday, I am leaving this evening for Matjesfontein. I think I shall do more work there. I send you one tiny little story;...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.36: (July 1891)
57 Grove Street, Friday, My dear Mary, What of Mr Sauer & M C???, I am wanting to know., Did you go to the ball last nigh...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/49- pages 192-196 & 226: (July 1891)
57 Grove Street, Cape Town, My dear Friend, By a mistake instead of my real article about South Africa my rough notes with pa...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/9- pages 70-1: (1 July 1891)
Cape Town, July 1st 1891, My very dear Friend, The article did not appear in the Fortnightly. Please don’t notice it ti...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.30: (3 July 1891)
Friday Morning, Dear Mary,, My dear old drop of fresh dew! I think your dress will come by the Dunnottar on Monday. See about...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/23: (16 July 1891)
57 Grove Street , July 16 / 91, My darling sister, I was so glad to get your letter this morning. Your joy makes me very happ...
Rhodes Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 228, C27 (142) 12: (August 1891)
Dear Mr Rhodes, I shall be leaving Cape Town in about a fortnight. I want to have a talk with you before I go, as I may not h...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.34: (8 August 1891)
My dear Mary, I sent your dress & boots & packet in the portmanteau this morning. I took it down to the station mysel...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1891/11: (September 1891)
Matjesfontein, Sunday , Dear Boy,, I haven’t a new tale you can have but if you like to reprint little story from New C...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.39: (September 1891)
Matjesfontein , Dear Mary, I'm so glad you are coming Mr Logan say charge will be £1 per day for all included (except wi...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.41: (October 1891)
Matjesfontein , Thank you, Mary, for your sweet letter. I shall do what I can about the "Home." That evil is the thing which ...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/15- pages 86-7: (23 November 1891)
Matjesfontein, Nov 23 / 91, Dear Friend, Thank you for your letter. As always it was refreshing. I have no news to give you. ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.42: (7 December 1891)
Darling Mary,, Don't expect me on 14th. Am not coming., I hope your sister is quite well now. Wish I had seen her when she we...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.43: (15 December 1891)
Tuesday , Cape Town., I'm here, dear. All the way down in the train last night I was looking forward to seeing you; & Mis...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.44: (17 December 1891)
Thursday night , My darling Mary , Can I come early on Saturday morning to you & spend the morning & then go with you...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.46: (31 December 1891)
Thursday, Dear Mary,, I was so dis-appointed not to be able to come to the lunch. I looked forward to it so. I had a bathe on...
Edward Carpenter 359/60: ( 1892)
Dear Old Ned, I’m coming home in April next. It will be beautiful to see you all. Old Bob & George & all of you...
Edward Carpenter 359/57: ( 1892)
They are bring out a cheap 2/- edition of S.A.F. I’m glad because the only people are I really care to read it are peop...
Olive Schreiner: J.T. Lloyd MSC 26/2.5.2: ( 1892)
[page/s missing], One point he & I are always having great arguments about: he, like Grant Allen & others, thinks it ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.47: (January 1892)
My darling old Mary, We had such a splendid day up the mountain yesterday. You were the old only person I wished was up there...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.48: (January 1892)
Matjesfontein , Mary darling, I've many things to say. You didn't mind my leaving without coming to say good bye? I was so ti...
Edward Carpenter 359/53: (16 February 1892)
My dear Edward, I’m some how wanting to hear from you & I don’t! Bob wrote to me the other day, but didn’...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.49: (26 February 1892)
Matjesfontein , My darling Mary, I don't know why I feel I must write to you this afternoon because I've got nothing to say. ...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/54- pages 209-214: (March 1892)
Matjesfontein, Dear Friend, It’s a long while since I last heard from you. I quite wish for some word. I haven’t ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.50: (2 April 1892)
Matjesfontein, Saturday, I'm all right. When I got back I had an awful sore throat so ?swelled I couldn't speak for some days...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/24: (23 April 1892)
Matjesfontein, April 23 / 92, My own old sister, It’s so long since I had any news from you. How are you? Where are you...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.52: (27 April 1892)
Matjesfontein, April 27 / 92 , My darling Mary, I've nothing new to say to night, but I've had you so in my mind last night &...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/25: (28 April 1892)
Matjesfontein, April 28 / 92, My old Ettie, It does seem so long since I heard news of you. But if you were ill I should hear...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.53: (8 May 1892)
Matjesfontein, May 8 / 9., Dear old Mary, How I wish you were here this morning so beautiful & fresh after the five terri...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/4: (23 May 1892)
Bob, Cape Town, May 23 / 92., My dear Bob, A Mr Muir has just come out here from Glasgo; he knows you, & he likes you. Of...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.54: (13 June 1892)
Matjesfontein, Monday, Dear Mary, I hope the world goes well with you. I went to our place in the river bed this morning but ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.55: (18 June 1892)
Saturday night , I'm going really to answer your letter. I cant tonight. I shall think of you when I'm lying in bed & wis...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/16- pages 88-95: (19 June 1892)
Matjesfontein, June 19 / 92, Dear Friend, As I am writing letters this evening, & don’t know when I shall be in the...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/17: (26 June 1892)
Matjesfontein, June 26 / 92., Dear Mr Unwin, I should have written sooner but did have been ill., No, I will not prosecute th...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.56: (July 1892)
Matjesfontein, Th Wednesday, I've a long letter three sheets for you here, but I think I won't send it. I'm always writing le...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1892/12: (13 September 1892)
Matjesfontein, Tuesday 13 / 92, My old Will,, I hope when this reaches you you will be settled in the old Man’s study, ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.57: (25 September 1892)
Matjesfontein , Sep 25 / 92, My dear Mary,, Thank you for your letter. I'd been meaning to write any how - though I've no new...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/19: (25 September 1892)
Matjesfontein, Sep 25 / 92., Dear Mr Unwin, Thank you for Byzantium. , I couldn’t write the book you mention, it’...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/20: (26 September 1892)
Carefully make a copy of my ?picture likeness , Address , Cape Town, South Africa, Address to -, Matjesfontein, Sep 26 / 92, ...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/19- pages 101-6: (12 October 1892)
Matjesfontein, Oct 12 / 92., My dear Friend, I send you here – with a photo of mine; I myself shall turn up in London a...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold1/1892/18: (7 November 1892)
Matjesfontein, Nov 7th / 92, Dear Friend,, I wonder if you ever still remember me?!! Curious how my letter writing power seem...
Edward Carpenter 359/58: (23 November 1892)
Matjesfontein , S. Africa, Nov 23 / 92, I’ve been lying in bed all day & reading that book of Francis Adams you sen...
Edward Carpenter 359/59: (25 December 1892)
Xmas day, 1892, Dear Ed , I want to write to you this day. It’s so nice here. I’m staying at the old farm where I...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.64: ( 1893)
My darling, Where are you doing when you leave Mrs Handcocks? Will you not come up here Mrs Walters terms are £3.3 a wee...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.59: (February 1893)
Middleburg, Saturday, My darling Mary, It's a beautiful evening. I am just going off for my solitary walk across the plain, b...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/21: (12 February 1893)
Matjesfontein, Feb 12 / 93, Thanks much for both letters & enclosures. Thanks for personal letter. It will be a great ple...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-143: (18 April 1893)
Matjesfontein , April 18 / 93 , I’m so anxious to know how Edith is. It’s so terrible when people we love are ill...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.61: (May 1893)
New College , Eastbourne , Sunday, Dear Mary, I'm longing to see you. I shall go up to London tomorrow afternoon; my address ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/3: (September 1893)
New College,, Eastbourne., Dear Mr Unwin, You will see I have called the last story “The Policy in favour of protection...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/5: (September 1893)
New College, Eastbourne. Limited., Eastbourne , Thurs-day, Dear Sir, Thanks for the cheque. I shall be coming up to London to...
Edward Carpenter 359/65: (22 September 1893)
New College, Eastbourne Limited, Eastbourne, Sep 22 1893 , Dear EC., I got the paper &c. Thanks. My thoughts are often at...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/22: (27 September 1893)
So sorry not able to come on Sunday. Thanks for books & letter. Much interested in “Negro Question”. As to th...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/23: (29 September 1893)
Dedication, To, My Eldest Brother Fred,, for, whose little S-chool magazine, the first of these tiny stories, & one of th...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/4: (1 October 1893)
New College, Eastbourne. Limited., Eastbourne , Dear Mr Unwin, I sleep Friday night at Morley’s Hotel Trafalgar Sq &...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/24: (27 November 1893)
Grahamstown Office 6.35pm, Schreiner Eastbourne, Dont publish my photograph,
Edward Carpenter 359/67: (4 December 1893)
Railway Hotel, Grahamstown, South Africa, Dec 4 / 93 , Dear old E. C. , I got your note yesterday. It was good to hear all we...
Edward Carpenter 359/68: (1 January 1894)
Middelburg , New Years Day, A good new year to you all at Millthorpe. I was so glad to get your note E.C., Tell Harry he must...
HRC/UNCAT/OS-144: (11 February 1894)
Middelburg , Feb 11 / 94 , Havelock my beautiful old Havelock, who has loved me so much better than anyone else ever has or w...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/28: (27 February 1894)
Krantz Plaatz, Feb. 27. 1894, My own little Mother. I’ve not had time before to tell you about our quiet little wedding...
Olive Schreiner MSL/4: (24 March 1894)
Krantz Plaats , P.O Halesowen, March 24 / 94, Dear Mrs Graham, Your letter & your gift were a great surprise & pleasu...
Edward Carpenter 359/72: (17 May 1894)
Krantz Plaats , May 17 / 94 , Dear E.C., Thanks for letter, would much like to help forward any movement for the dropping of ...
Letters/439: (3 November 1894)
To Mrs. J. H. Philpot., Kimberley, 3rd Nov., I am writing the baby a little book; every day I write a little to it; so that, ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.85: (January 1895)
Thursday, My sweet old Mary, I send you a photograph of myself. I will send you one soon of Cron & myself sat taken toget...
Letters/440: (28 February 1895)
To S. C. C. S., ?Kimberley, 28th Feb., While you are at Rondebosch go for a walk in my dear wood and see that old Summer Hous...
Henry Nourse (Miss Battie) A743/Bf3: (July 1895)
Saturday , My dear Miss Battie, I wrote to Cape Town to Miss Burgers there & asked her what was the ordinary price in Cap...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.95: (1 July 1895)
The Homestead, Kimberley, July 1st 1895., Dear sweet old Mary, We got back at midday today, & I am glad to be here again,...
Edward Carpenter 359/74: (27 July 1895)
The Homestead, July 27 / 95, Dear Edward , I am sending you Cron’s little paper. It was very amusing when Cron read it....
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.96: (August 1895)
Monday morning , Darling Mary , I send you a copy of the paper on the political situation: tell me freely what you think of i...
G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/8: (August 1895)
My very dear Friend, I have sent you a copy of the paper on the political situation which I & my husband produced & w...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold2/1895/9: (13 August 1895)
Private, Kimberley , Aug 13 / 95, Dear dear old Laddie, I have been wanting to write you a long letter, but just because ther...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/22- pages 117-18: (26 August 1895)
The Homestead, Kimberley, August 26 / 95, Dear Friend,, I send you a copy of our paper on the Political Situation at the Cape...
Edward Carpenter 359/75: (31 August 1895)
The Homestead , Aug 31 / 95, Dear Ed , I sent you by last mail the paper on the Political Situation here. I shall send you a ...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/63- pages 243-246: (September 1895)
Dear Friend, I am sending you a paper by containing a speech by my husband. It will show you why persons of a liberal or prog...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.97: (14 October 1895)
Oct 14 / 95, Thankyou so much for your letter. I began really to feel anxious that I had no news of you., All's going very we...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/16: (25 November 1895)
Stray Thoughts - Roberts Bros, Memorandum of Agreement, made the twenty fifth day of November 1895; between Olive Schreiner o...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/71/4/9: ( 1896)
[page/s missing], committee at Home. I enclose a paper copied from one he sent me stating some of the things he had seen. He ...
G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/11: (January 1896)
Coles Hotel, The Kowie, Thursday , Dear Mr Cross, Thank you so much for coming to meet us. It cheered my heart. We have had p...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/59- pages 231-2 & 251-252: (January 1896)
Private, My dear Friend, Thanks for the letter you sent me. I have had a great many from all parts of the world about that Ha...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.98: (10 January 1896)
Commercial Hotel , Middelburg , Jan 10 / 95, Dear Mary , Thank you so much for the papers & the wire. Here we get our new...
G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/13: (April 1896)
Private, My dear Friend, Please be careful not to say anything to my dear little mother that's about my political views. I ne...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.100: (2 April 1896)
The Homestead, Mar April 2 / 96, Thursday night nine o'clock , Darling , Your letter came late this evening, & at first I...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/25: (12 April 1896)
The Homestead, Kimberley, Cape Colony, 12th Apl. 1896, T. Fisher Unwin Esq, 11 Paternoster Buildings, London E.C., Dear Sir,, ...
Cobden Papers: T. Fisher Unwin 981/2: (13 April 1896)
The Homestead, April 13 / 96., Dear Mr Unwin, I had the surprise yesterday of receiving a great parcel of letters & books...
Findlay Family A1199/3648: (24 April 1896)
The Homestead, Kimberley, April 24 / 96, Dear John,, I have just this afternoon got your letter & the article. I was very...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.101: (25 April 1896)
Darling Mary , I wonder if you have gone to Johannesburg? I send you Mr Lloyds letter to serve as to let you know what he is ...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/28- pages 129-130: (29 April 1896)
I’m sending you a little African view., I am expecting a fierce attack from you about my article in the Fortnightly, bu...
Life/4: (May 1896)
During the last six weeks I have been very unhappy, not knowing whether to answer your letters on political matters or not. W...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/71/4/1: (5 May 1896)
May 5 / 96, Dear Mr Merriman , Thank you for your letter. I should like to answer at length your interesting criticisms, but ...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/71/4/7: (June 1896)
Sunday morning , Dear Mr Merriman , Thank you for your. There are a dozen things in it that I want to refer to. To-day I shal...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/71/4/3: (29 June 1896)
The Homestead, June 29 / 96, Dear Mr Merriman , I am very glad you liked my Bushman paper. I have never gone on with the lett...
Smuts A1/186/73: (1 July 1896)
The Homestead, July 1st 1896, Dear Mr Smuts , Thankyou heartily for the letter I got just now. I respond sincerely to its sym...
G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/2: (August 1896)
Dear Mr Cross, We leave this on Monday by the early train for GT: spend a few hours there at the Railway Hotel with my little...
Smuts A1/186/74: (8 August 1896)
Aug 8 / 96 , Dear Mr Smuts , I have been in bed almost the whole month or would long ago have written to thank you for your k...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/24: (20 August 1896)
Coles Hotel, The Kowie, Wednesday, Dear Friend,, I’ve just got your note. We have had a most splendid ten days we here....
G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/1: (20 August 1896)
Dear Mr Cross, Did you get the article on the Wanderings of Boer I sent this week? If so when done with please pass on to my ...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.106: (September 1896)
Strictly Private. Is your arm quite strong? , My darling Mary , No, there has been nothing wrong with my womb, I am sure! Eac...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/31- pages 137-140: (20 September 1896)
The Homestead, Sep 20 / 96, Dear Friend, I enclose you some cuttings in case you should hear a wrong version of the matter. B...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/26: (28 September 1896)
The Homestead, Kimberley, Cape Colony, 28th Sept. 1896, T. Fisher Unwin Esq., 11 Paternoster Buildings, London E.C., Dear Sir...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold3/1896/29: (30 September 1896)
Wednesday, Thankyou so much for your letter. It is such a relief for to me to know you have Miss Knight’s address, beca...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/26- pages 123-126: (16 November 1896)
Private, The Homestead, Nov 16 / 96, My dear Friend, Your letter somewhat amused me! My financial affairs are from from my st...
Letters/449: (December 1896)
To J. T. Lloyd., Kimberley, Dec., I am copying out that book on South Africa - but really on everything in heaven and earth! ...
Lytton 01229/12: (December 1896)
Dear Con, We are leaving for England next month, so I won't answer your letter as fully as I other wise would. We shall not a...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/19: (8 December 1896)
…My own husband, I never missed you as I did this afternoon. Such a terrible depression came over me when you went…...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/27: (14 December 1896)
The Homestead,, Kimberley,, Cape Colony,, 14. Dec. 1896, Dear Sir,, I have just finished a story, the scene of which is land ...
Letters/448: (14 December 1896)
To J. T. Lloyd., The Homestead, Kimberley, 14th Dec., I am sorry to leave this dear little house even for a year. Life has ne...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/30- pages 135-136: (27 December 1896)
Private, The Homestead, Dec 27 / 96, My dear Friend, We are, as think I told you when I wrote six weeks ago, sailing on the 6...
Life/6: ( 1897)
I have made it a fixed rule of my life never to countenance interviewing in any way or in any of its forms. The whole of the ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/2: (January 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington, W., Dear Mr Unwin, I shall of course not make myself responsible for any responsibility you may ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/28: (20 January 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington W., 20.1.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, It was gratifying to hear that you had so satisfactorily arranged th...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold4/1897/1: (29 January 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington, W., Jan 29 / 96, My dear Laddie, You may have left by the time this reaches you, so I only write...
Edward Carpenter 359/76: (30 January 1897)
19 Russell Rd, Kensington, Jan 30th 1897, My dear old Brother , I asked Alice to write the day I came & tell you how much...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/29: (30 January 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington W., 30.1.97, T. Fisher Unwin Esq, ---, Dear Mr Unwin,, With this I am returning, corrected, the f...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/62- pages 239-40 & 242: (1 February 1897)
Monday, Dear Friend, It was a bitter disappointment to me that you could not come. I am yet more sorrow-ful to think you are ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/30: (2 February 1897)
New College Junior School,, Eastbourne, 2.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin, With this I return, corrected, the proofs which came this morn...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/31: (3 February 1897)
New College Junior School,, Eastbourne., 3rd Feb. 1897, Dear Mr Unwin,, With this I return, corrected, the proofs which came ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/32: (4 February 1897)
New College Junior School,, Eastbourne., 4.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your note of yesterday, to hand on my arrival her...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/17: (4 February 1897)
Peter Halket - Roberts Bros, Memorandum of Agreement, made the fourth day of February 1897; between Olive Schreiner, of Kimbe...
G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/3: (4 February 1897)
New College , Eastbourne, Feb 4 / 97, Dear Friend, I sent you last week the copy of a little South African story. Please rega...
GL S10 (Olive Schreiner to Sir George Grey 4 Feb 1897): (4 February 1897)
New College Junior School,, Eastbourne., Feb 4 / 97, Dear Sir George Grey, Thank you much for the words of sympathy with my l...
T120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/29- pages 131-134: (4 February 1897)
New College Junior School,, Eastbourne., Feb 4 / 96, Dear Friend, I shall not be in London this week I am sorry to say. We re...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/33: (5 February 1897)
New College Junior School,, Eastbourne., 5.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Your note to Mrs Schreiner arrived this morning. No proofs h...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/34: (6 February 1897)
19 Russell Road,, Kensington, W., 6.2.97, 8.45 p.m., Dear Mr Unwin,, Your note of today has just arrived, but no proofs accom...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/35: (8 February 1897)
19 Russell Road,, Kensington, W., 8th Feb. 1897, Dear Mr Unwin,, Your letter of today has just arrived (evening) with proof o...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/36: (10 February 1897)
Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for the photo, which is fairly satisfactory. , Mrs Schreiner wishes you to reproduce in the style chos...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.108: (11 February 1897)
19 Russell Rd , Kensington , Feb 11 / 97, Dear Mary, It was such a disappointment to me that you were gone when I came; we mu...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/38: (12 February 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington W., 12.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, “Peter Halket” (two copies) has just arrived. Mrs Schrei...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/39: (13 February 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington W., 13.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Will you please send, for review, and advance copy of “Peter H...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/40: (14 February 1897)
19 Russell Road,, Kensington W., 14.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your note, for the 24 copies, & for sending Mr Lutz ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/41: (15 February 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington W., 15.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Will you please also send copies of “Peter Halket” for r...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/42: (15 February 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington W, 15.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your note. I fear I have been somewhat of a nuisance in wr...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/37: (17 February 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington W, 17.2.97 , Dear Mr Unwin,, Will you please send a copy of ‘Peter Halket’ to Robert ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/43: (17 February 1897)
Holland Road 9.40am, Fisher Unwin , 11 Paternoster Buildings, Convinced book contains no libel and that even if it did no act...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/44: (28 February 1897)
Post Restante , Rome , Italy, 28.2.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your note with enclosures, forwarded from England; also for...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/45: (11 March 1897)
Poste Restante, Rome,, 11.3.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for the cuttings which you are so kind as to send, & which come re...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold4/1897/5: (15 March 1897)
Address: Poste Restante, Amalfi, ------------------------------, Rome, March 15 / 97, Dear Laddie, Ellis was in town staying ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/46: (28 March 1897)
Alassio, Italy, 28. Mch. 97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Your notes & the press cuttings you continue so kindly to send all duly reac...
Edward Carpenter 359/78: (3 April 1897)
The Grand Hotel , Alassio, Riviera, Italy, April 3 / 97 , Dear old Ed, It was a good thing seeing your face in London. We’...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1897:17: (3 April 1897)
Grand Hotel , Alassio , Riviera , Italy , April 3rd 1897, Dear Mr Merriman , I have just got your letter of March 1st. I am i...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.109: (3 April 1897)
Grand Hotel , Alassio, Riviera, Italy, April 3rd 1897, Darling Mary , I was so glad to get your letter. It was a misfortune t...
Edward Carpenter 359/77: (2 May 1897)
Alassio, Riviera, Italy, May 2nd 1897 , Dear E.C. , Send Bob’s letter here. I wish I could see the dear old fellow. The...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/48: (18 May 1897)
7 Rue Lemaitre, Puteaux, Seine, France., Dear Mr Unwin, Mrs Schreiner asks me to thank you for your note. She is at present i...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/47: (22 May 1897)
7 rue Lemâitre, Puteaux, Seine, France, May 22nd 1897, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thankyou for the cutting you sent me. It is very ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/49: (2 June 1897)
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/50: (2 June 1897)
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/51: (2 June 1897)
7 Rue Lemaitre , Puteaux , Paris, 2nd June. 97, Dear Mr Unwin,, The cable which you so kindly sent has just come. I fancy som...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/52: (5 June 1897)
19 Russell Road, Kensington,, London, W., 5.6.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your notes of 2nd and 3rd and 4th, June with enc...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold4/1897/13: (14 June 1897)
Monday morning, Dear Friend, I enclose you that amusing letter from the clergyman. It’s was so good to see you. Cron &...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/53: (21 June 1897)
61 Chester Square , S.W., 21st June. 1897, Dear Mr Unwin,, Mrs Schreiner asks me to ask you to arrange about the German trans...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/54: (25 June 1897)
61, Chester Square, S.W., 25. June. 97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your note of yesterday., Mrs Schreiner says will you pleas...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/55: (30 June 1897)
31 Lower Belgrave St, Chester Square S.W., 30. June. 97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your letter. Mrs Schreiner asks me to say...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/56: (30 June 1897)
31 Lower Belgrave St, S.W., Tues-day, Dear Mr Unwin, I would be glad if you could make arrangements with this lady for the pu...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/57: (4 July 1897)
Broadstairs, Sunday, 4.7.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, This place does not suit Mrs Schreiner’s health, & we are returning to...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/58: (14 July 1897)
Morley’s Hotel , Trafal-gar Sq, July 124th 1897, Dear Mr Unwin, Thanks you for all the trouble you have taken. I am sor...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/59: (19 July 1897)
Morley’s Hotel, Sunday, Dear Mr Unwin, I cannot I am sorry to say, find the post card & letter you sent me. I may d...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/60: (22 July 1897)
Eastbourne, 22nd July. 97, Dear Mr Unwin,, I have received both your letters. I am very glad to hear that you are bringing ou...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/61: (30 July 1897)
New College Junior School,, Eastbourne., Private, July 30 / 97, Dear Mr Unwin, I have received your note & the Chronical....
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/62: (8 August 1897)
15 Gildridge Road, Eastbourne, 8th Aug. 97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Mrs Schreiner says she does not see anything objectionable to thi...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/71/4/6: (September 1897)
Highstead, Rondebosch, Tuesday, Dear Mr Merriman , I got your note last night. It was very good of you & Mrs Merriman to ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/63: (7 November 1897)
The Homestead , Kimberley , Cape Colony, 7th Nov. ‘97, Dear Mr Unwin,, How about the “Political Situation”?...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold4/1897/21: (12 November 1897)
The Homestead, Nov 12 / 97, I enclose for you & Miss Greene rather a good leader on the vote question from the Kimberly A...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/64: (20 November 1897)
The Homestead , Kimberley , 20.11.97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your note of 16th Oct. to Mrs Schreiner, and for the a/c &...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/71/4/4: (21 November 1897)
Nov 21st 1897 , Dear Mr Merriman , If we could only get all the people to bear witness in court to what they know & tell ...
Edward Carpenter 359/80: (14 December 1897)
The Homestead, Kimberley , Dec 14 / 97, Dear old Ed, I am sending you a paper concerning our last fight with Rhodes & the...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/65: (27 December 1897)
The Homestead , Kimberley , 27. 12. 97, Dear Mr Unwin,, Thanks for your note of 29th Nov., with statement of “The Polit...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-ArthurSymons/1: ( 1898)
Dear Arthur Symons,, Your photo is without any exception the best thing in the way of photographs I have ever seen, it has mo...
Edward Carpenter 359/81: (18 January 1898)
The Homestead, Jan 18 / 98 , Dear EC, , I’m not at all surprised that George & Lucy & the young ones are going...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.118: (February 1898)
My darling Mary, I was so glad to get you letter. All I begin to see is that little Paul Oliver will have to have a brother s...
G.W. Cross MS 14, 462/15: (21 April 1898)
The Homestead , Saturday night, Dear Friend, Thankyou for your letter. I have of late a curious increasing clinging to all my...
Radford Collection - uncatalogued: (June 1898)
Dear Dolly Radford,, Thank you for your letter. I have been desiring terribly further details with regard to Eleanor. I have ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/13: (29 June 1898)
The Homestead, June 29th 1898, Dear Laddie, I posted a line to you this morning & got yours just after I posted mine., Wi...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/66: (26 September 1898)
The Homestead , Kimberley , Cape Colony, 26th Sept. 1898, Dear Mr Unwin,, Mrs Schreiner’s article appeared in “Co...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/34: (16 October 1898)
Box 2 Johannesburg, Dear Friend,, Yes isn’t the news comforting. It seems to ease even physical pain. I know my dear La...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/41: (10 November 1898)
Dounan’s House, Hospital Hill, Johannesburg, Nov 10th 1898, Dear Friend, I am sending you a note from John X (private, ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/67: (19 December 1898)
Box. 2 , Johannesburg , South Africa, 19.12.98, Dear Mr Unwin,, You have no doubt by this heard from Dr Brown or Mrs Schreine...
Olive Schreiner 924/2: ( 1899)
Hanover , Tuesday , Dear Madam , I am by this post sending you a paper I have written You will probably find it too long to b...
Smuts A1/186/75: (23 January 1899)
Primrose Terrace, Berea, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts, Some time ago my husband told me that Mr Rous had mentioned to him that...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1899:113: (17 March 1899)
Hell, March 17 / 99, Dear Mr Merriman , You will perceive from the superscription above that I am still in Johannesburg. I ha...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/6: (May 1899)
There should have been no printer's bill if they had kept their terms in our agreement, & published the articles in newsp...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/20: (17 May 1899)
Dear Friend, We are passing through strange & troublous times. I am trying to get an article on the political situation f...
Smuts A1/186/76: (19 May 1899)
Friday , Dear Mr Smuts, I don’t think I shall be able to go to Bloemfontein as I’m too busy writing. I am writing...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/23: (30 May 1899)
May 30 / 99, Dear Laddie, I am anxious to know what you think of it my article. It has made much stir here today. What the fu...
Milner Papers, dep. 209, ff. 278-280: (30 May 1899)
Box 406, Johannesburg, May 30th 1899, Dear Sir Alfred Milner,, I have much wished to see you or to write to you. I have tried...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/25: (31 May 1899)
May 31st 1899, My dear old Fan, Write & tell me what you think of my article, dear. I am astonished at the reception it h...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/26: (31 May 1899)
Wire Schreiner, Box 406, Johannesburg , May 31st 1899, Dear Friend, I am publishing my article as a pamphlet at 6d a copy. Wo...
J.H. Hofmeyr MSB 8/Box9/1: (3 June 1899)
2 Primrose Terrace , Berea Estate , Johannesburg , June 3rd 1899, Dear Mr Hofmeyr, I hope you received the copy of my paper o...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1899:477: (12 June 1899)
Dear Mr Merriman , I wish I could feel as confident as you do about no war. I hope that you know more than I do; of course if...
Smuts A1/186/82: (13 June 1899)
2 Primrose Terrace, Box 406, Johannesburg , June 13th 1899., Dear Mr Smuts , I am going to Paarde Kraal on Saturday as I want...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/30: (20 June 1899)
I didn’t go to Paardekraal as I was not feeling fit enough., Many thanks for South African News, some one is going to s...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/29: (24 June 1899)
Dear Friends, Do come out this morning it’s so lovely here, today much nicer than yesterday. If you get cab no 15 he wi...
Edward Carpenter 359/84: (26 July 1899)
July 26th , Dear Ed, Thanks for 12 copies of Towards Dem Englands Ideal. They will be very useful for me to give out in this ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/12: (26 July 1899)
July 26th 1899, Dear Fan, Thanks for the photo of Lyndall; it looks very bright & home like. Thankyou too for your letter...
Smuts A1/186/89: (24 September 1899)
Sep 24 / 99 , Private , Dear Mr Smuts , I have had a cable from the New York Journal asking me take the post of war correspon...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/17: (30 September 1899)
[page/s missing] the company. It's very hard to refuse. , Johannesburg is now practically depopulated, & the women & ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/40: (4 November 1899)
Nov 4 / 99, Dear Friend, I cannot help feeling sure that the independence of the Transvaal will yet be preserved. , I have so...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/13: ( 1900)
This is a copy of one of the endless letters I have received with regard to the publications of my Stray Thought articles in ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/8: (February 1900)
My dear Friend, I send you a cheque for £50 which I’m sure you must be needing for the "news" & all sorts of t...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/8: (February 1900)
Keep the letter & make a copy of my answer before sending it., Understand well, Brown Little & Co shall never touch m...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/16: (5 March 1900)
Wagenaar’s Kraal, March 5th 1900, Dear old Fan, I was so glad to get your letter this morning. I am working hard to get...
W.P. Schreiner MSC 27/287: (26 March 1900)
Wagenaars Kraal , Three Sisters , March 26 / 00, Dear Laddy, Thank you for your note, received just now, & the letter of ...
Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.7: (5 April 1900)
Wagenaar's Kraal, Three Sisters, Mar April 5th 1900, Dear Mrs Brown,, I got a paper from Cron last week with the Padiham post...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/30: (23 May 1900)
May 23 / 00, Dear Friend, I am sending you the two articles on the woman question. Please return them when you’ve done ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/53: (1 October 1900)
Hanover, Oct 1st 1900, My dear Friend, I’m so thankful to hear Miss Greene is better. I wish she would try Fellow’...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/12: (5 October 1900)
Address: - Olive Schreiner, c/o Hon. W.P. Schreiner Q.C., Lyndall, Newlands, Cape Colony,, South Africa, 5th Oct. 1900, Messr...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.126: (6 October 1900)
Hanover , Oct 6 / 00, Darling Mary, Your husband & Merriman have made splendid speeches & been fighting grandly; but ...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/3: (9 October 1900)
Hanover, Oct 9 / 0, Dear Hud, I have kept a copy of the enclosed letter. When you have carefully read it if you are so good a...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/57: (10 October 1900)
Hanover, Oct 10 / 00, Dear Friends, So glad you are coming. Mrs de Villers who has invited you is a charming old lady. , I’...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/4: (10 October 1900)
Hanover 10 / 00, Dear Hudson, Thank you very much for your letter I enclose the one you sent signed. I did not write before a...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/2: (17 October 1900)
Hanover, Oct 17 / 00, Dear Hud, Thank you very much for the letter I got that I this morning. I enclose the documents, all I ...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/5: (20 October 1900)
Hanover, Oct 20 / 00, Dear Hud, Its possible as the cheque was returned to me for Peter Halket was returned just before I lef...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/cii: (22 October 1900)
Hanover, Oct 22 / 00, Dear old Ed,, The fight still goes on here, & still I have not lost heart, but believe that right m...
GFP/OS-AG/6: (7 November 1900)
Dear Friend, I wonder if you are realy better Are you able to go long walks., We had a nice sharp frost here the night before...
Findlay Family A1199/B Documents: Box 7/1: (9 November 1900)
Copy, Address: c/o W.P. Schreiner Esq, Lyndall Newlands C.T., Hanover, Cape Colony, November 9th 1900, Messrs Little, Brown &...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold3/1900/67: (27 November 1900)
Dear Friend, I am sending you an article I have just finished (part of my book on South Africa). You & Miss Greene & ...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/40: ( 1901)
Hanover, Sunday morning, My darling, I hardly know whether I am sorry about your accident because I believe that some such th...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/5: (31 January 1901)
Hanover, Jan 31st 1901, Thursday , Dear Friends, The town is heavy with reports today. The commandant & the magistrate as...
Smuts A1/187/78A: (July 1901)
Hanover C.C., Dear Isie Smuts, It was indeed a joy to me to receive your letter. My thoughts have always been with you & ...
Smuts A1/187/78B: (1 September 1901)
Hanover, Sep 1st 1901, Dear Isie Smuts, Thank you with all my heart for both your letters. I did not answer your first becaus...
GFP/OS-AG/7: (14 November 1901)
Dear Friend, I’m so glad to hear you are better. Write & tell me all you can in a letter about the meeting. How muc...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/49: (25 December 1901)
Xmas Morning., My darling old sister,, I hope you are feeling really better. It is so delightful to me that the dear little m...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/68: (10 May 1902)
In providing my cheque kindly remember that my address is not Newlands but , Hanover , Cape Colony, South Africa, Olive Schre...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/14: (16 May 1902)
Hanover, May 16th ?1902, Dear Fan, Many thanks for your letter. It’s very nice to have any news of you., If it takes so...
GFP/OS-AG/3: (23 May 1902)
Hanover, May 23rd 1902, Dear Friend, I’m so glad you are in such a lovely place. Nature has never seemed to me more inf...
Smuts A1/187/84: (15 June 1902)
Hanover, June 15 / 02, Dearest Isie, How my heart aches to think that just now when you ought to be so well to go through all...
Smuts A1/187/85: (17 June 1902)
Hanover, June 17 / 02, Dear Isie,, I find I shall have to go to Johannesburg to see if I cannot find any traces of the things...
Smuts A1/187/86: (11 July 1902)
Hanover, July 11 / 02, Dear Isie , I like to think that by this time you have seen your husband: but am so sorry to know from...
Smuts A1/187/89: (August 1902)
Dear Isie, I was so glad to get the joyful news you were better & going to your home., I meant to leave for Johannesburg ...
Smuts A1/187/91: (August 1902)
Sunday night, Dear Isie, It was a bitter disappointment to me not to be able to come over this morning I was so knocked up I ...
Smuts A1/187/94: (September 1902)
Hanover, Sunday night, Dear Isie, I hope you got my last letter all right. I have yours & Daisy’s. , Cron is still ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/46: (16 September 1902)
…My own sweetheart, I wonder if you know how my heart is running out to you. Tomorrow is Alfred’s birthday & ...
Smuts A1/187/95: (November 1902)
Hanover , Monday., Dear Isie , I was so glad to get your letter this morning. No my heart is not at rest about Boy Pienaar. H...
Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.132: ( 1903)
Sunday, Dear Mary, I shall leave this on Saturday afternoon getting to Cape Town Sunday morning, & shall leave again by M...
Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.13: (22 February 1903)
Sunday morning, Feb 22 / 03, Dear Friend, I am thinking much of you. Have you settled for good at 20 ?Warrender Park Crescent...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/69: (2 April 1903)
Hanover , Cape Colony,, April 2 / 03, Dear Mr Unwin, I quite accept your apology with regard to the letter. I am quite sure n...
Smuts A1/187/97: (27 April 1903)
Hanover, April 27th 1903, Dear Isie , How can I thank you enough for your letter & the two wires I got today. I would lik...
Smuts A1/187/98: (22 May 1903)
Hanover, May 22 / 03, Dear Isie, Thank you for your letter. I was down in Grahamstown for six days at the trial. It was a hid...
Smuts A1/187/98A: (June 1903)
Address , P.O. Uitkÿk, near Frasersburg Rd, Cape Colony, Dear Isie , I got your letter just before I left Beaufort for G...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/59: (23 June 1903)
Hanover, Je 23 / 03, My darling, Thankyou for your beautiful letter., As to mothers trap; they may not be in Cape Town becaus...
Smuts A1/187/99: (28 June 1903)
P.O. Uitkÿk, near Frasersburg Rd, Cape Colony, June 28 / 03., Dear Isie, Thankyou for your long letter & the pleasan...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/85: (29 June 1903)
…It was so beautiful to have you here. It all seems quite homelike now. I listen to the trains going past in the night ...
Smuts A1/187/99B: (22 October 1903)
Hanover, Oct 22nd 1903, Dear Isie , Its very funny that just this morning as I was thinking that as soon as I’d put the...
Smuts A1/187/100: (30 October 1903)
Hanover, Oct 30 / 03, Dear Isie, Thank you for the biltong. We get none here now as the soldiers nearly exterminated the buck...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/71: (12 November 1903)
Nov 12 / 03, My darling, I am so sorry about the sweet old eyes. You know when I was in Town I didn’t like the look of ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/38: ( 1904)
Dear Friend, The grapes came yesterday & were lovely. We have not even milk now, so ones diet is very limited., I will go...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/207: (16 February 1904)
…I wrote till twelve o’clock last night, & then read Whitman till one. There was a time when Browning seemed ...
Letters/458: (13 May 1904)
To Havelock Ellis., Cape Town, 13th May., No, I don't agree that one wants sympathy and love less as one grows older. What I ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/17: (16 June 1904)
Hanover, Thursday evening, June 16th 1904, My dear dear Friend, I was glad to get your letter this morning & know you wer...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/79: (22 June 1904)
Hanover, June 22nd 1904, Darling Sister , Let me know exactly what your plans are. I will try & go with you any time if t...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/28: (20 July 1904)
Hanover, Wednesday, Dearest Friend, I got the letter this morning. I fear you are very very unwell, & I am in a way sorry...
Smuts A1/188/70: (November 1904)
Dear Isie, I have decided to leave this by the mail train that passes here on Tuesday the 13th & gets to Pretoria on Wedn...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/53: (21 November 1904)
Hanover, Nov 21 / 04, My darling Friend, You’ve been in my thoughts so much today quite present to me especially this e...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/54: (24 November 1904)
Hanover, Nov 24 / 04, My darling Friend, You seem to be always with me sometimes almost present to me. I hope you are feeling...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/206: (15 February 1905)
…I suppose you hadn’t time to read myl my bit of MS.? It’s difficult for me to judge at it apart from the w...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/211: (1 May 1905)
…I am writing the article for the Cape Times re Taal &c. But it will bring the hornet’s nest about my ears ag...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/213: (4 May 1905)
…My article is finished. I am going down to see the News (S.Af, News) about printing it. I wonder if they will refuse t...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/218: (8 May 1905)
…The two dogs are sleeping in the two arm chairs. I think like someone else they are longing for the old man back. My a...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/219: (10 May 1905)
…Such a nice letter from your dear old mother this morning. She likes the letter in the paper so much. The dear old lad...
Smuts A1/188/72: (13 May 1905)
Eastbergholt, Tamboer’s Kloof Rd , Tamboer’s Kloof, May 13th 1905, My dear Isie, Nearly every day for months I’...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1905:76: (15 May 1905)
Eastbergholt , Tambour's Kloof Rd, May 15th / 05, Dear Mr Merriman, No, it was not Mrs Van Heerden I inquired about but ?our ...
Edward Carpenter 359/88: (27 May 1905)
Cape Town, May 27 / 05, Many thanks for the book about Prisons. If one were young that is a subject one might well devote a l...
Smuts A1/188/74: (25 August 1905)
Hanover, C.C., Aug 25 / 05, Dear Isie, Thank you very much for your letter. I do hope the little daughters are quite better. ...
Edward Carpenter 359/90: (26 October 1905)
Hanover, CC Cape Colony , South Africa, Oct 26 / 05 , Dear Edward , It was nice to see your handwriting again. The Lawrence s...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1905:199: (31 October 1905)
Hanover, Oct 31st 1905, My dear Mr Merriman, It was rather strange that your letter should have come just when I was thinking...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/235: (15 November 1905)
…I got here at 8 eight, my husband. At ten I went to the dentists …tooth smashed, not leaving tonight, writing…...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1906:233: ( 1906)
Wednesday night , Dear Mr Merriman, I have just had a great pleasure. Sir William Butler spent 24 hours with us. I have alway...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1906:99: (13 September 1906)
The Hotel , de Aar , Sep 13th 1906., Dear Mr Merriman, I have not at present got Boswell's life of Johnson. I had it of cours...
Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.16: (14 September 1906)
Hotel "De Aar", De Aar, Sep 14th 1906, C.C., Dear Friend, Thank you for your letter., I've written to Merriman & Will abo...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/264: (12 October 1906)
…I wrote exactly three hours of my book yesterday & slept ten hours last night without ?hearing or stirring. Oh, I ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/267: (17 October 1906)
…I’ve got half a chapter done since I came here. 18th Did I tell you that, when Bessie Findlay heard that Robert ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/273: (26 October 1906)
…I wanted it to heat things in the night, but I’m better now… I’m not bad dear, but my heart is very ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/281: (3 November 1906)
…I slept last night, the first night for two weeks… , …great doses of digitalis”. Oh love, it is wick...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/290: (20 November 1906)
…Everything is empty today: something has got los…. , I wrote at my book all the morning… I think your face...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/291: (21 November 1906)
…How does my dear little house look? I love it so. I would b buy it from you & keep (it) all my life as a final pla...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/295: (24 November 1906)
…I don’t know when I’ve ever for years been so well as today. I’ve worked & written from this mor...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/296: (25 November 1906)
…It is one of the “charmed days” - the sky blue, the sun shining, a sweet cool wind blowing. I went out to ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/312: (12 December 1906)
…I’m copying out the chapter of my work now, ready to have it type written... Beautiful & cool... ,
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/95: ( 1907)
My own Ellie, It was strange I got your letter this morning: last night as I was walking up & down the room I kept thinki...
Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/2: ( 1907)
Dear Friend, With great pleasure republish my little letter about Mrs Koopmans As to my brother Will, you know I was more opp...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/323: (5 January 1907)
…I’m getting ‘fine’ with my work. Dear one, it’s very sweet of you to go with me to Hanover, bu...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/329: (16 January 1907)
…I’m so well today. Tomorrow I’m going to try to get to my writing …. The men are walking at the Tran...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/331: (18 January 1907)
…has resigned from the Library Liba Committee. He said he couldn’t afford to pay for library subscription, felt h...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/19: (22 January 1907)
Hanover , Jan 22nd 1907, Dear Bob, I’m often wishing I had news of you all. How goes the world with you & the wife ...
Edward Carpenter 359/92: (9 February 1907)
Hanover , Feb 9th 1907 , Dear old Ed’ard , I send you a bit of a letter I’ve just got from a very dear & rema...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/347: (25 February 1907)
…It is interesting because I am a woman & he is a man. It’s very curious. If my book hadn’t been writte...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1907:16: (26 February 1907)
Hanover , Feb 26th 1907, Dear Mr Merriman, I am so delighted that Solomon has not got in. it's the finest thing about the ele...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/353: (2 March 1907)
…I must try to go for walks now it’s cooler, for poor little Ollie. But I do hate this veld here, so much, oh so ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/350: (4 March 1907)
…I have painted my baby’s little inner coffin, the shell, a beautiful pure white with Aspinal’s Enamel &...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/351: (5 March 1907)
…I am so absorbed & interested in my book. I don’t like to think of anything else. I suppose tonight will see...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/358: (20 March 1907)
…I have got a letter from Mrs… asking me to be one of the vice presidents of the Woman’s Suffrage League th...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold6/1907/4: (22 March 1907)
Hanover, March 22nd 1907, My dear old Laddie, I’ve wanted so much of late to write you along letter about several thing...
Edward Carpenter 359/93: (24 April 1907)
Hanover, April 24th 1907 , Dear Edward, , My thought seem always turning to you now-a-days, or rather, you always seem to be...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/378: (24 April 1907)
…Botha & the whole Transvaal attitude is loathsome… A dreary weary windy dark cold day today… ,
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/385: (7 May 1907)
…I am much better… It’s only when one can’t work that the silence seems to great. Goodbye my own Ladd...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/392: (16 May 1907)
…I do hope it will be fine for the trip to Cradock next week. Be sure to stay at the Victoria Hotel; it’s beautif...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/393: (17 May 1907)
…I watched your cart till if went round the foot of the Spitz Kop, & out of sight. The dear old slippers are lying ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/396: (23 May 1907)
…very hot & oppressive, but I have to keep the fire going to dry the air… Oh, I wish I could get my book done...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/398: (27 May 1907)
…I have not yet been able to write… That one chapter is longer than Peter Halket. Now come two little chapters; t...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/408: (12 June 1907)
…If I shouldn’t come back, you will know our baby’s little coffin is in the box at the foot of my bed. Don’...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/416: (25 September 1907)
…I had a delightful journey here as far as sun & sunlight went. I began to breathe as soon as I got on the rise abo...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/417: (28 September 1907)
…It is very hot… reading Theal’s History of S. Africa for the second time. I haven’t been able to wor...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/423: (4 October 1907)
…Och, dear, I wish I could be always with you: I’m a poor little guard, but I’m something. Oh, I could bear...
Letters/469: (22 October 1907)
To Mrs. Francis Smith., De Aar, 22nd Oct., ... The most important event of my childhood was the birth of a little sister, and...
HRC/CAT/OS/4b-xxi-a: (6 November 1907)
De Aar , Nov 6th 1907 , My dear old Havelock , I sent you last week a letter that should have been posted four or three weeks...
Smuts A1/190/43: (4 December 1907)
Box 24, de Aar, Dec 4th 1907, Dear Isie, I don’t know why I’ve been thinking so much about you the last few days....
W.P. Schreiner BC112/B31/13: (4 December 1907)
Box 24, de Aar, Dec 4th 1907, How are you all getting on, darling? We are flourishing here because we had half an inch of rai...
Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.10: ( 1908)
My darling Friend, Thank you for the papers. Of course I don't want their sentence shortened, they are a disgrace to all Sout...
Letters/475: ( 1908)
To Miss E. Hobhouse., (Undated.? De Aar, 1908.), ... When my husband comes down for the long session I shall try to find some...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/gii: (6 February 1908)
De Aar, Feb 6th 1908, Dear Edward, Months ago I began the enclosed letter. I haven't written because I wanted to go on with i...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/9: (24 February 1908)
De Aar, Feb 24th 1908, Thank you for your letter, dear. , This is my wedding day. I’ve been married 14 years to-day., I...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/428: (18 March 1908)
…I have discovered a new genius who will demand success, George Meridith wrote to an intimate friend… when he rea...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/15: (24 March 1908)
March 24th 1908, Thanks for wire, dear old man. I only want to live many years more if I can work, if not I’d rather di...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/446: (11 April 1908)
…I sat up writing at my book till one last night & did a lot of work. I would finish my book in a little more than ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/29: (10 May 1908)
Sunday afternoon , 10 May 1908 , Dear Laddie, I was glad to see thy handwriting. Yesterday afternoon the servant came in with...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/466: (18 May 1908)
…I fancy I see you walking about in the old little house I have loved so. Oh, if only we could trans transport that lit...
Smuts A1/191/51: (2 June 1908)
Box 24, de Aar, June 2nd 1908, My dear Isie, I was delighted with the feather. It is a beauty. I’ll have it put in my b...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/37: (4 June 1908)
de Aar, June 4th 1908, Dear Laddie, It was good to see you. I hope the trip will do you good. You can hardly know how glad I ...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/2: (August 1908)
York House, Muizenberg, Thursday , Dear Mrs Murray , Thankyou so much for your letter. I was so played up that the Purcells w...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 1-3: (23 September 1908)
de Aar, Sept 23rd Sept 1908, My dear Friend, Thank you for your letter., I don’t think you can dream how my thoughts ar...
Olive Schreiner to Emily Hobhouse HTC/2: (3 October 1908)
De Aar, Oct 3rd 1908, Dear Emily Hobhouse, I seems too sad that you are really going away from Africa, & yet I feel it’...
W.P. Schreiner MSC 27/1350: (18 October 1908)
De Aar, Oct 18th 1908, Dear Laddie, Thanks for your lines., I am a good bit distressed to hear from Miss Colenso that it appe...
Smuts A1/191/55: (December 1908)
de Aar, Thursday , Dear Isie , Thank you so much for the beautiful fruit. The custard apples especially were a great treat. I...
Smuts A1/191/53: (1 December 1908)
de Aar, Dec 1st 1908, Dear Nief Jannie, I have just got your wire. Thank you very much, but I can’t leave just now. Per...
Olive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.23: (1 December 1908)
Private, I'm writing a thing on closer Union. If no one else will speak out for the natives I must. When done it will be publ...
Smuts A1/191/57: (21 December 1908)
Lieve Neef Jan , Ik stuur voor jou een "article", de ik greschryven het. Lees dit. Dink daar o’er. Ik veet jÿ is v...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/480: (21 December 1908)
...Lever neef Jan, Ik stur for jo en article vat ik geschreva als ek. Maar Got hat daarm for oude Kleine Tantje eets lat seen...
Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/3: (28 December 1908)
Hotel Milner, Matjiesfontein, Cape Colony, Dec 28 / 08, My dear Friend, I am sending you a copy of my paper on Closer Union, ...
Life/2: ( 1909)
May I state there is no foundation for this statement. I only had the honour of meeting Mr. George Meredith once for four or ...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/46: (January 1909)
Thursday , Dear Mrs Murray, I missed you so much when you were gone. It was nice to see you & Andre. Mr ?Mac Caly drove o...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/5: (1 January 1909)
Matjesfontein , January 1st, 1909 , Dear Fred, I have written a little paper on Closer Union which I had published in a Johan...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/37: (3 January 1909)
Matjiesfontein, Dec Jan 3rd 1909, Dear Mrs Murray, All good wishes for the new year to you all., I have been here about a wee...
Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/7: (6 January 1909)
Hotel Milner, Matjiesfontein, Cape Colony, Jan 6 1909, My dear F.S. Malan , Thank-you for your letter. I wanted to sit down &...
Smuts A1/190/43A: (7 January 1909)
Matjesfontein , My dear Isie , I think there must be unseen telepathic wires between Matjesfontein & Pretoria for today t...
Edward Carpenter 359/94: (19 February 1909)
Matjesfontein, Cape Colony, Feb 19 / 09, Dear Edward , You are an absolutely wicked boy! I did send those two photographs to ...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/8: (28 February 1909)
Matjiesfontein, Feb 28th 1909 , My dear Mrs Murray, Thank you much for your letter. I have sent it to Mrs Brown who will send...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/71: (April 1909)
Eastbergholt, Tamboer's Kloof Rd , Tamboer's Kloof , Cape Town , Saturday , Dear Mr Murray , I have just this moment got your...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/41: (April 1909)
Eastbergholt , Tamboer's Kloof Rd, Cape Town , Friday, My dear Mrs Murray, I have been so busy finishing off a little book on...
Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/1: (April 1909)
Cap, Eastburgholt, Tamboer's Kloof Road, Tamboer's Kloof, Cape Town , Wednesday , Dear Friend, Please return me that little p...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/20: (9 April 1909)
Good Friday morn, My dear Laddie, I’ve just made a little allegory, in bed this morning. It came to me the minute I ope...
Smuts A1/192/89: (5 June 1909)
de Aar, June 5th 1909, Dear Isie,, Thank you so much for the book of Kaffir-stories you sent me. I would like to write you a ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/8: (12 June 1909)
Matjesfontein , June 12th, 1909, I am sure, thinking it over, you will be too busy to make arrangements with a publisher abou...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/37: (July 1909)
de Aar, July 1909, My darling Friend, There was nothing from you again this week. Perhaps you addressed to Cape Town. Don’...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/35: (16 July 1909)
De Aar, 16 July 1909, Dear Laddie, I was glad to get your letter from Maderia, & find the voyage had been pleasant to you...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/108: (21 July 1909)
De Aar, July 21st 1909, My darling Ettie, I hope you are getting on well with your work. I told Dr ?Simmington when he & ...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/38: (30 August 1909)
De Aar, Aug 30th 1909, My dear Mrs Murray, You will have wondered at my long silence after your kind letter asking me to come...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/485: (1 September 1909)
…Miss Hobhouse says Smuts talks openly in the T’Vaal about shooting down the niggers as… , Letters are not ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/486: (2 September 1909)
…It’s very uncanny in this big house all alone, but I don’t mind this sort of loneliness. It’s the me...
Letters/479: (October 1909)
To Mrs. Francis Smith., De Aar, Oct., ... Isn’t it lovely we should both feel so much for our Winged Victories? Mine is...
Letters/481: (October 1909)
To Mrs. Francis Smith., Cape Town, Sunday Night, Oct., My darling, you’ve seemed so with me in thought all day. I've se...
Life/3: (5 November 1909)
Yes, Chapman & Hall did send my MS. back to me, and Chapman asked me to call and see him. When I came he said he wanted t...
Letters/483: (14 December 1909)
To Mrs. Francis Smith., Muizenberg, 14th Dec., ... Did you get my little Prelude? Please return it, darling. In the novel, wh...
Smuts A1/193/83: (May 1910)
Dear Isie , I have been a good bit played out & the doctor says I must have a little change as my heart is pretty bad. Wi...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/35: (7 October 1910)
De Aar, Oct 7th 1910, Dear Mrs Murray, We were both so very sorry Mr Murray did not get in. So many of the best men have fall...
Smuts A1/193/85: (15 October 1910)
De Aar , Oct 15th 1910, My dear Isie , I feel I want to write to you today. I never wrote Neef Jan to congratulate him on his...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold3/1910/25: (19 November 1910)
c/o Haldane Murray Esq, Portlock, nr Graaff Reinet, Nov 219 / 10, My dear Lucie , I hope you & the dear children are all ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold3/1910/26: (30 November 1910)
Portlock, nr. Graaff Reinet, Nov 30 / 10, Dear Laddie , Adela little baby was born abo some months ago. She was very nearly d...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/19: (19 December 1910)
Portlock, Nr. Graaf Reinet, December 19th, 1910, I am looking forward most anxiously to next mail to get the "Votes for Women...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1910:507: (22 December 1910)
c/o Haldane Murray , Portlock , nr Graaff Reinet, Dec 22nd 1910, Dear Mr Merriman, I am writing partly to send you & Mrs ...
Smuts A1/193/86: (23 December 1910)
Portlock, nr. Graaff Reinet, 23 December 1910, My dear Isie , I never wrote to thank you for the dear little box of cherries ...
Smuts A1/194/9/61: ( 1911)
de Aar, Tuesday , My darling Isie, How sweet your loving letter of invitation was to me. I don’t know if I shall be wel...
Smuts A1/194/9/62: ( 1911)
Darling Isie, I can’t come: it’s a bitter disappointment to me. I’ve got all I want to say ready in my head...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/h: (7 January 1911)
Portlock, nr Graaff Reinet, Cape of Good Hope, Jan 7 / 11, Dear old Edward, It's born in on me I must write to you, though wh...
Letters/495: (10 January 1911)
To Mrs. Francis Smith., Portlock, Graaff Reinet, 10th Jan., ... I've just got all the proofs of my Woman and Labour book and ...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/496: (16 January 1911)
…It’s rather interesting about “The Hunter” being read to Herbert Spencer just before he died…....
Edward Carpenter 359/95: (31 January 1911)
Oudeberg, nr. Graaff Reinet , Jan 31st 1911 , Dear Ed , I was glad to get your letter. I don’t know why I’ve had ...
Letters/496: (2 April 1911)
To Mrs. Haldane Murray., De Aar, 2nd April., Just fancy, I got a long most sympathetic letter from old John X. Merriman about...
Edward Carpenter 359/96: (3 April 1911)
De Aar , April 3rd 1911 , My dear E.C. , I am sending you a copy of my Woman & Labour. You will see its only a fragment. ...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/22: (3 April 1911)
De Aar, April 3rd 1911, Dear Bob, I’m sending you & Lene a copy of my book. It’s only a fragment but tell me ...
Smuts A1/194/9/63: (16 April 1911)
de Aar, April 16th 1911, Dear Neef Jan, I note that you are a socialist – but I wonder of what kind? It must break your...
Edward Carpenter 359/97: (28 April 1911)
De Aar, April 28th 1911, Dear Edward , No I like my long sentences – when they come! There are things you want to prese...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/7: (28 April 1911)
Friday , Dear Laddie, I’m sorry to trouble you; but could you cash this for me & pay it into my account in the Stan...
Letters/497: (29 April 1911)
To Mrs. Pethick Lawrence., De Aar, 29th April., I am a very mild woman, but I would scalp my dearest friend if they tried to ...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1911:44: (3 May 1911)
De Aar, Ap May 3rd 1911, Dear Mr Merriman, Thanks for your letter. I have not seen the article in the "Economist" you mention...
HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/70: (4 May 1911)
De Aar, Apri , May 4th 1911, Dear Mr Unwin, Thank you for the two copies of the American Edition of Woman & Labour. If yo...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/119: (5 May 1911)
De Aar, May 5th 1911, My own darling, I have just read your letter. Of all the letters I have had about my book it has been t...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1911:48: (12 May 1911)
De Aar, May 12 / 11 , Dear Mr Merriman, Pray don't trouble about the Economist. I thought you took it & might have it lyi...
Mary Gladstone (Mrs Drew) Add. 46244, ff.182-183: (18 May 1911)
De Aar, May 18th 1911, Dear Mrs Drew, It is disappointing that we should just miss you at the Falls. , I shall be so glad you...
General Missionary Commission, Folder 25: Letters to Mr. J. Henderson MS 14, 847/1: (28 June 1911)
De Aar, June ?28th 1911, Dear Mr Henderson, I am sending you my paper. I hope you will be able to read it. If it is too late ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/36: (3 July 1911)
Dear old Man, Just a line to wish you all a good voyage & a good time. Stay as long as you can. I am enclosing a little n...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/j: (4 July 1911)
De Aar, July 4th 1911, Dear E.C., I wrote you a longish letter to go off by this week's mail but I must have put it into an e...
Smuts A1/194/9/65: (August 1911)
Dear Isie, It seems such ages since I had any news of you. My health has been worse the last year & I’ve almost giv...
Smuts A1/194/9/64: (2 August 1911)
de Aar, Aug 2 1911, Dear Isie, I am writing this to introduce you to Dr. Jacobs. I am sure she is a woman you will be delight...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/280: (25 August 1911)
Dear Dr Jacobs, I hope you will have a splendid time in the Transvaal. I shall always remember your day here, a “red le...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/139: (December 1911)
My dear old Wynnie, Thank you for your letter. I can’t come out on Monday. I am not finding this place suit me. I have ...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1912:210: ( 1912)
Alexandra Hotel , Muizenberg, Monday, 1912, Dear Mr Merriman,, Thank you very sincerely for your letter. I hope to come in on...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/124: (January 1912)
Milnerton, Wednesday ?evening, I got here my darling this afternoon. It is so nice to feel I am near you at least as far as s...
Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/125: (January 1912)
Thursday night, Darling, I haven’t written because every day I’ve been hoping I would be able to walk up to the H...
Alice Clark M/L 90/1: (January 1912)
de Aar, Cape Colony, Dear Miss Clark, Thank you so very much for the copies of the English woman you have sent me, & yet ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/4: (20 January 1912)
Milnerton , Friday night, Dear old Man, I went twice to your chambers before I left Jessie Innes, but you were out both times...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/10: (April 1912)
Darling Laddie, Just as I’d finished my screed to you Cron came in with your so very welcome letter & the enclosed ...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/279: (4 April 1912)
De Aar, April the 4th 1912, Dear Friend, Thankyou for your letter & for the book. The translation seems to me wonderfully...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/9: (25 April 1912)
De Aar, April 25th 1912, Dear Friend, Thank you for your letter. You can't think how pretty the children beautiful karross lo...
Olive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/5: (30 June 1912)
De Aar, June 30th 1912, Dear old Boy, Thanks for your letter. Of course each person's "diary works" (I mean simple, spontaneo...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1912:122: (2 July 1912)
De Aar, July 2nd 1912, Dear Mr Merriman, It would be impossible for me to tell you the depression I felt when I heard Hertzog...
Smuts A1/194/10/56: (6 July 1912)
de Aar, July 6th 1912 , Dear Isie , Could you send me Miss Hobhouse’s address as soon as you can. I have never written ...
Letters/505: (29 July 1912)
To Miss Emily Hobhouse., De Aar, 29th July., … I have never been able to add a line to any of my books since I saw you....
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1912:132: (11 August 1912)
De Aar, Aug 11th 1912, Dear Mr Merriman., Re. your letter. No, I do not take a sorrowful view of life generally; nor above al...
Letters/510: (September 1912)
To Havelock Ellis., De Aar, Sept., Dear Havelock boy, you are unjust to me about sitting on a hill and seeing the worms crawl...
Smuts A1/194/10/59: (19 October 1912)
De Aar, Thursday , Dear Isie, I am wondering how you all & especially dear little Jan are getting on., Do come down to Mu...
Letters/513: (March 1913)
To Miss E. Hobhouse., Muizenberg, Mar., ... It isn't the pain and weakness one minds, it's the not being able to work. My one...
Letters/514: (23 March 1913)
To Havelock Ellis., Muizenberg, 23rd Mar., I’ll soon be going to De Aar. I'm so ill here that I look forward joyfully t...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/511: (27 March 1913)
…Dear loved one, I’m glad you like my writings. I wish I could more often show you myself that which you could as...
Letters/515: (13 April 1913)
To Mrs. Rhys Davids., De Aar, 13th April., Your P.S. about Trojan Women is most strange to me. If it is a sign of great minds...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/36: (7 May 1913)
De Aar, May 7th 1913, My dear Andre, I am so glad to hear you are really better. With regard to writing. Your father is I thi...
Letters/516: (12 May 1913)
To Havelock Ellis., De Aar, 12th May., I think I shall try to come to England if Cron goes. I shall try to borrow some money ...
Olive Schreiner: S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner SMD 30/34/b(ii): (24 May 1913)
Sunday night, Dear Pal,, I would like to go to England. Don't think that treatment can cure me, but it might mend me enough t...
Letters/518: (30 May 1913)
To Mrs. Francis Smith., De Aar, 30th May., ... When I was a tiny child I too was always making stories and poems and I feel a...
John X. Merriman MSC 15/1913:71: (June 1913)
De Aar, Wednesday., Dear Mr Merriman, I thought your speech on the Native Bill very fine, but oh if you could have seen your ...
Olive Schreiner: S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner SMD/30/34/c: (2 July 1913)
My dear Pal, You have so many letters to read I'll be as short as I can, darling. A year & a half ago when Emily Hobhouse...
Smuts A1/195/47: (29 September 1913)
de Aar, Sep 29th 1913, My darling Isie , I am sailing on the 6th of December for Europe, to try some medical treatment for my...
Olive Schreiner: Hermann Kallenbach MSC 26/2.3.9: ( 1914)
Monday, Dear Mr Kallenbach, I was sorry you did not come to Miss Hobhouse's yesterday. I was glad to see Mr Gandhi looking mu...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/11: (21 February 1914)
Le Grand Hotel et D’Alassio, Alassio, Riviera, Italie, 21st 1914, Dear old Man, I have just got your letter. I’d ...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/92: (18 May 1914)
Dear Friend, I seem to have lost the power of writing. You are all so continually in my thoughts. I shall be going to Nauheim...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/25: (14 July 1914)
Grand Hotel und Kurhaus, Oberhof, July 14th 1914, Dear Bob thanks for your letter. As you will see I’m now in a little ...
Letters/542: (21 August 1914)
To Havelock Ellis., Kensington, 21st Aug., I'm still here as I've not been able to find a quiet place. I am troubled with the...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/50: (23 August 1914)
Sunday, Dear Laddie, Thankyou for your note. Yes one is on one’s brain ends. This war seems to me the most wicked Engla...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/61: (11 September 1914)
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace , Sep 11th 1914, Darling Alice, Please post the enclosed letter to Cron at de Aar. I am sending yo...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/3: (October 1914)
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
Olive Schreiner: Anna Purcell MSC 26/2.9.5: (October 1914)
Dear Anna, Will you please send the enclosed to Cron. They are beginning to have Martial Law here, & often letters &c...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/516: (November 1914)
…It is funny why I have always to be out of everything. The day will never come when I can be in the stream. Something ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/86: (11 December 1914)
Friday , My dear Laddie, If you’ve done with that book of Norman Angels "Patriotism under two flags" return it to me so...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/ri: (4 January 1915)
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Dear Edward, Lady Low came to see me & I dined with her last...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/4: (March 1915)
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/27: (March 1915)
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
Letters/560: (9 March 1915)
To Havelock Ellis., London, 9th Mar., Could you lend me your copy of Gibbon, if you have one? I need something to read so, an...
Olive Schreiner: Hermann Kallenbach MSC 26/2.3.27: (27 March 1915)
Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dear Mr Kallenbach, I am so sorry I was out when you & Mr T...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/30: (April 1915)
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/294: (21 June 1915)
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/79: (1 July 1915)
Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
Letters/568: (2 July 1915)
To Havelock Ellis., London, 2nd July., If I could get and work I should be so glad to live; but if I can't do anything, would...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/46: (16 September 1915)
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Dear Mr Hodgson, I hope the world goes well with you, I am very happy here, as happy...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/31: (16 September 1915)
c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Wednesday, Dear Bob, I am so much better & able to stick to my writing that I do...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/50: (19 October 1915)
Oct 19th 1915, Tuesday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I shall be coming up to London on Tuesday (to-day week) Would Thurs-day evening at 6...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/52: (20 November 1915)
Maer Lake, Bude, North Cornwall, Wednesday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I was glad to hear from you. , No, I won’t read Miss Wicka...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/53: (29 November 1915)
Dear Mr Hodgson, I find the air here doesn’t suit me, so shall be coming up to London next week. I havent quite decided...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/55: (7 December 1915)
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Thanks, but I don’t care for going to lectures as a rule. I’d rather read...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/1: (January 1916)
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace , Wednesday night, My dear old Man, I hear from the Cape that there is a report in the papers ther...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/s: (February 1916)
30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Monday, My dear Edward, I'm writing to you just to give myself a little pleasure. It was so fine ...
HRC/CAT/OS/5b-v: (11 March 1916)
Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead , Saturday , Dear old Havelock , I do wish you & Edith could let or sell your house at Carb...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/t: (13 March 1916)
Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead , Saturday, Dear EC, You will see from the above where I am staying in our dear friends house w...
HRC/CAT/OS/5b-vi: (16 March 1916)
Thursday , Dear Havelock , I am so very very sorry to hear Edith is so ill. Has she tried complete vegetarian¬ism no mea...
Olive Schreiner: Edward Carpenter SMD 30/32/u: (16 March 1916)
Alexi, Hampstead , March 16th 1916, Dear Edward, It was nice to get your letter. Oh it is so good being here. I wrote another...
HRC/CAT/OS/5b-vii: (24 March 1916)
Alexi, 31 The Park , Hampstead , March 24 / 16 , Dear Havelock , I’m so anxious to hear how Edith is. Just drop me one ...
HRC/CAT/OS/5b-xii: (4 April 1916)
Alexi, 31 The Park , Hampstead , Tuesday , Dear Havelock , I feel so anxious for further news. What I wonder does Etta Sanger...
Smuts A1/202/99: (23 April 1917)
address, c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clements Lane, Lombard St, London W, April 23rd 1917, Dear Isie, How I wish you had come out w...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold3/1917/22: (July 1917)
6506 Paddington, telephone, 9 Porchester Place, Monday, Dear Laddie, Please return me that little Allegory. I am trying to ge...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/41: (August 1917)
Dear Laddie, I know of course you won’t agree at all with this l the view in this little allegory – but I’d...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/42: (August 1917)
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Wednesday, Telephone, 6506 Paddington, Dear Laddy,, Thank you for your letter. I am glad you ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold3/1917/29: (16 December 1917)
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Dec 16th 1917, My dear old Brother, I hope you won’t think me ungrateful but precious a...
Smuts A1/204/147: ( 1918)
9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, Monday , Dear Jan , I was so sorry I could not go for the drive. I had to go & see my ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/77: ( 1918)
9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Monday, Dear old Man, I wish I could have had more talk with you about the boy. I have felt m...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/33: ( 1918)
Saturday, Dear Will, Thanks much for your letter. Don’t quite know what answer to give as to the proposal about the S.A...
Letters/576: ( 1918)
To Mrs. Francis Smith., 9, Porchester Place., ... Would you, some time, tell me something: when you read that little "Prelude...
Smuts A1/206/122: (June 1919)
9 Porchester Place , Edgware Rd, Saturday , Dear Jan, Thank you for your letter. Let me know by telephone if ever you can com...
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/54: (January 1920)
Address c/o Standard Bank 10 Clen Clements Lane Lombard St London, My dear Friend, Thank you for your splendid long letter. W...