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Schreiner's Publications
This list of Olive Schreiner’s publications is in three sections. The first provides a chronological list of her shorter publications, insofar as we have established this to date because new ones keep coming to light, particularly but not exclusively in a South African publishing context. So please do tell us about any you know about, but we don’t. The second lists the contents of those of her longer publications containing her allegories, short stories and essays. The third is a chronological list of Schreiner’s book-length publications, which can (with one exception, From Man to Man) be accessed in a digital edition by clicking the links provided.
Schreiner’s Shorter Publications
- ‘The adventures of Master Towser’ New College Magazine vol 2 [Cronwright-Schreiner intimates this was published in this early issue of the New College Magazine; however, it has not been traced in the extant issues available in the British Library.]
- ‘“My first day at the Cape” by Paulinsky Smith’ New College Magazine vol 3 February 1882, pp.99-11
- ‘Dream Life and Real Life: a Little African Story’ New College Magazine vol 6, 1885, pp.191-199
- ‘Three dreams in a desert’ Fortnightly Review August 1887, vol 42, pp.198-203
- ‘I Thought I Stood’ Women’s Penny Paper vol 1 no 7, 8 December 1888, p.1
- ‘Once More I Stood’ Women’s Penny Papervol 1 no 8, 15 December 1888, p.1
- ‘Olive Schreiner’s Parable - I Thought I Stood’ Pall Mall Gazette Wednesday 16 December 1888 p.6
- ‘Professor Pearson on the Woman’s Question’ Pall Mall Gazette 29 January 1889, p.8
- ‘The Lost’ The Woman's World 1889, vol 1, pp.145-146
- ‘A Dream of Wild Bees’ The Woman's World vol 2, pp.3-4
- ‘Life’s Gifts’ The Woman's World vol 2, p.408
- ‘Truth’ Women’s Penny Papervol 1 no 35, 22 June 1889, p.11
- ‘Truth’ Women’s Penny Papervol 1 no 36, 29 June 1889, p.5
- ‘Life’s Gifts’ Women’s Penny Paper vol 1, no 47, 14 September 1889 p.7
- ‘A Dream of Wild Bees’ The Woman's World 1889, vol 2, pp.3-4
- ‘The Sunlight Lay Across My Bed; Part I - Hell’ New Review vol 1, no.11, April 1890, pp.300-309
- ‘The Sunlight Lay Across My Bed; Part II - Heaven’ New Review vol 1, no.11, May 1890, pp.423-431
- ‘Some Remarks about South Africa. A South African’ Fortnightly Review October 1890, vol 48, pp.469-80 [NB. Attribution uncertain]
- ‘Dream Life and Real Life; a Little African Story’ South African College Union Annual vol 3, 16 December 1890, pp.11-14
- ‘The Woman’s Rose’ New Review vol 4, no.25, June 1891, pp.540-3
- ‘Stray Thoughts on South Africa. By A Returned South African’ Fortnightly ReviewJuly 1891, vol 50, pp.53-74
- ‘A Woman’s Rose’ South African College Union Annualvol 4, 17 December 1891, pp.10-11
- ‘Was It Right? - Was It Wrong?’ New Review vol 7, No 41, October 1892, pp.397-403 [NB. Published in Stories, Dreams and Allegories (1893) as ‘“The Policy in Favour of Protection--”’]
- ‘Prefatory Note: Stray Thoughts on South Africa’ Fortnightly ReviewApril 1896, vol 59, pp.510
- ‘Stray Thoughts on South Africa: The Boer’ (To Be Continued) Fortnightly ReviewApril 1896, vol 59, pp.510-540
- ‘Stray Thoughts on South Africa: The Boer’ (Continued from April Number.) Fortnightly Review July 1896, vol 60, pp.1-35
- ‘Olive Schreiner “The Races of South Africa: Thus Saith the Lord’” Review of Reviews vol 14 July 1896, pp.48-9 [an extract from Schreiner’s article in the July 1896 Fortnightly Review)
- ‘Stray Thoughts on South Africa: The Wanderings of the Boers’ (Continued from July Number.) Fortnightly ReviewAugust 1896, vol 60, pp.225-256
- ‘In Olive Schreiner’s new instalment of her “Stray Thoughts on South Africa”...’ Review of Reviewsvol 14 August 1896, pp.153-154 [an extract from Schreiner’s article in the August 1896 Fortnightly Review)
- ‘If Christ Came to Matebeleland. By Olive Schreiner’ Review of ReviewsMarch 1897 p.286 [a flier for Schreiner’s Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland]
- ‘Stray Thoughts on South Africa - The Boer Woman and the Nineteenth Century Woman’s Question’ Cosmopolis vol 10, April 1898, pp.12-29
- 'Words in Season. An English South African's View of the Situation' South African News 1 June 1899 (p.8), 2 June 1899 (p.8) and 3 June 1899 (also p.8) [NB. Subsequently reprinted in the Standard & Diggers News and a number of other South African newspapers]
- ‘Olive Schreiner on the Crisis’ Review of Reviewsvol 20 July 1899, pp.34-36 [a reprint of part of Schreiner’s long ‘Words In Season’ letter appearing first in the South African News]
- The South African Question (A 24 page pamphlet, reprinted from the South African News) Cape Town: South African Newspaper Company
- ‘The Woman Question I’ The Cosmopolitan vol 28, no 1, November 1899, pp.45-54
- ‘The Woman Question II’ The Cosmopolitanvol 28, no 2, December 1899, pp.182-192
- A speech on the Boer War’ in ‘The Voices of South African Women, For a Lasting Peace’ Speech given at a public meeting held in Metropolitan Hall, Burg Cape Town, 9 July 1900, p.6, p9
- ‘A speech on the Boer War’ Cape Town, 9 July 1900 - Appendix A in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin [NB. An extract from the item immediately above]
- ‘The African Boer’ The Cosmopolitanvol 29, no 5, September 1900, pp.451-467
- ‘The African Boer’ The Cosmopolitanvol 29, no 6, October 1900, pp.593-602
- ‘Letter on the Boer War’ Paarl, 9 October 1900 - Appendix B in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin
- ‘The Future of South Africa’ South African News 19 October 1900 (A report of Schreiner’s speech read at the Somerset East peace congress on 12 October 1900)
- The Future of South Africa (A pamphlet of the speech read at the Somerset East peace congress on 12 October 1900; reprinted from the Eastern Province Herald 22 October 1900) Cape Town: Nasionale Pers
- ‘Speech on the Boer War’ Somerset East, 12 October 1900 - Appendix C in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin [NB. An extract from the two items immediately above]
- ‘The African Boer I’ Ethical World vol 111, no 35, 1 September 1900, pp.545-6
- ‘The African Boer II’ Ethical World vol 111, no 36, 8 September 1900, pp.561-2
- ‘The African Boer III’ Ethical World vol 111, no 37, 15 September 1900, pp.577-8
- ‘The African Boer IV’ Ethical World vol 111, no 38, 22 September 1900, pp.595-6
- ‘The African Boer V’ Ethical World vol 111, no 39, 29 September 1900, pp.611-12
- ‘The African Boer VI’ Ethical World vol 111, no 40, 6 October 1900, pp.627-8
- ‘The African Boer VII’ Ethical World vol 111, no 41, 13 October 1900, pp.645-7
- ‘The African Boer VIII’ Ethical World vol 111, no 42, 20 October 1900, pp.661-6
- ‘The Russian Revolution’ South African News 6 February 1905 p.3
- ‘The Taal’ South African News 10 May 1905
- ‘Letter on “The Taal”’Appendix E in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin [NB. An extract from the item immediately above]
- ‘Letter read at a shop assistants’ demonstration’ Johannesburg, 1905 - Appendix D in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin
- ‘Letter on the Jew’ Cape Times 2 July 1906
- ‘A letter on the Jew’ (extracts) Cape Town, 1 July 1906 - Appendix F in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin [NB. An extract from the item immediately above]
- ‘Letter on women’s suffrage’ Cape Town, May 1908 [NB. See Olive Schreiner to Emily Hobhouse HTC/1]
- ‘Letter on women’s suffrage’ Cape Town, May 1908 - Appendix G in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin [NB. An extract from the item immediately above]
- ‘Views on Closer Union’ Transvaal Leader 22 December 1908, p.10
- ‘The Supreme Question for South Africa: A Warning and An Appeal, “The Native Problem in South Africa”’ Review of Reviewsno 230 vol 39, February 1909 pp. 138-141
- ‘Letter to a peace meeting under the auspices of the “Union of Democratic Control”’ London, March 1916 - Appendix I in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin
- ‘To Our Anti-Militarists, By Olive Schreiner’ Labour Leader 16 March 1916, p.6
- ‘On conscientious objectors’ Appendix H in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin [NB. An extract from the item immediately above]
- ‘“Give Unto Caesar - ”’ War & Peace vol 3, no 31, April 1916, p.106
- ‘Who Knocks at the Door?’ Fortnightly ReviewNovember 1916 vol 102, pp.641-5
- ‘Letter in commemoration of John Stuart Mill, London, July 1918’ Appendix J in (ed) Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) The Letters of Olive Schreiner London: Fisher Unwin
- ‘The Dawn’ Nation and Athenaeum 26 March 1921 vol 28, no 26, pp. 212-14.
- ‘Diamond Fields’ English in Africa vol 1, no 1, March 1974
Schreiner’s Edited Works - Contents
Dreams (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1890)
- The Lost Joy
- The Hunter
- The Gardens of Pleasure
- In A Far-Off World
- Three Dreams in A Desert
- A Dream of Wild Bees
- In A Ruined Chapel
- Life's Gifts
- The Artist's Secret
- I Thought I Stood.
- The Sunlight Lay Across My Bed
Dream Life and Real Life (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893)
- Dream Life and Real Life; a Little African Story.
- The Woman's Rose.
- ‘The Policy in Favour of Protection--’.
Thoughts on South Africa (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1923)
- South Africa: Its Natural Features, Its Diverse Peoples, Its Political Status: The Problem
- The Boer
- The Problem of Slavery
- The Wanderings of the Boer
- The Boer Woman and the Modern Woman's Question
- The Boer and His Republics
- The Psychology of the Boer
- The Englishman
- Note A. The South African Nation (1900)
- Note B. The Value of Human Varieties (1901)
- Note C. The Domestic Life of The Boer (1899)
- Note D. Our Waste Land In Mashonaland (1891)
Stories, Dreams and Allegories (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1923) [NB. The 1924 second edition also contains Schreiner’s ‘The Dawn of Civilization’ essay]
- Eighteen-Ninety-Nine
- The Buddhist Priest’s Wife
- On the Banks of a Full River
- The Wax Doll and the Stepmother
- The Adventures of Master Towser
- A Soul’s Journey - Two Visions
- God’s Gift to Men
- They Heard...
- Life’s Gifts
- The Flower and the Spirit
- The River of Life
- The Brown Flower
- The Two Paths
- A Dream of Prayer
- Workers
- Seeds A-Growing
- The Great Heart of England
- Who Knocks At the Door?
- The Winged Butterfly
Schreiner’s Books
Please click the link to access a digital version of the book
The Story of An African Farm (London: Chapman & Hall, 1883) [NB. This is not the first edition by Chapman & Hall, but an unidentifiable edition]
Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1441
Dreams (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1891)
Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1439
Dream Life and Real Life (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893)
Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/1458
The Political Situation (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896)
Victorian Women Writers Project http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/vwwp/schreiner/politsit.html
Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1897)
Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/1431
An English South African’s View of the Situation. Words in Season (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1899) [NB. This is not the first edition by Hodder & Stoughton, but from a 1909 US edition]
Internet Archive http://www.archive.org/details/southafricanque00schrgoog
Closer Union (London: Fifield, 1909)
Victorian Women Writers Project http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/vwwp/schreiner/closer.html
Woman and Labour (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1911)
Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/1440
Stories, Dreams and Allegories (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1923)
Victorian Women Writers Project http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/vwwp/schreiner/schreiner-stories.html
Thoughts on South Africa (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1924)
Internet Archive http://www.archive.org/details/thoughtsonsoutha00schruoft
From Man to Man (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1923)
Project Gutenberg Australia http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks14/1402361h.html
Undine (London: Ernest Benn, 1929) [NB. This is not the British first edition by Benn but the first US edition by Harper and Brothers, New York, 1928]
Victorian Women Writers Project http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/vwwp/schreiner/undine.html