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Alice Clark

Alice Clark (1874 - 1934) was a British women's rights campaigner, pioneering historian, and a member of the prominent Quaker and shoe-manufacturing Clark family. As an academic and researcher in intervals between being a very hands-on director of the Clark's company, Alice Clark produced the famous history text, The Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century, first published in 1919. Like her sister Margaret Clark (later Gillet), Clark was also a friend and correspondent of the South African politician Jan Smuts, a friend-cum-political adversary of Schreiner's. The single extant letter from Schreiner to Clark was written in De Aar, and so an approximately time-frame for it can be established. It thanks Clark for a copy of the Englishwoman, a review journal, and also a letter. So the likelihood is that Alice Clark made the first overture in her letter and Schreiner?s was written in response. It hints at the existence of feminist networks - Clark was an historian of women?s work, and not long before this letter was written Schreiner had published her ground-breaking Women and Labour, a theoretical work on women's labour and changing divisions of labour around transformations in the means of production. It also more than hints at the links provided by family networks, for Schreiner's favourite niece Lyndall (Dot) Schreiner had previously stayed with the Clarks, a contact probably originating with Alice Clark's sister Margaret, who had spent considerable time in South Africa working with Emily Hobhouse. 

For further information see:
Sandra Stanley Holton (2004) 'Clark, Alice (1874-1934)' Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/38517
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collection icon Alfred Gillet Trust Archive: Olive Schreiner’s single letter to Alice Clark is part of the private collection of the Clark family, well-known shoema... Show/Hide Collection Letters
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mentioned icon Mentioned In
collection icon Alfred Gillet Trust Archive: Olive Schreiner’s single letter to Alice Clark is part of the private collection of the Clark family, well-known shoema... Show/Hide Collection Letters
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