"War, shadow, little book" Read the full letter
Isie Smuts (nee Krige)
Sybella Margaretha (‘Isie’) Smuts (nee Krige) (1870 - 1954) was the wife of Jan Smuts and for a lengthy period a close friend of Olive Schreiner’s. Isie Krige was the second daughter of the nine children of Jacob Daniel (Japie) Krige, a respected wine and dairy farmer, and his wife Susanna Johanna (nee Schabort). Like Smuts, Krige attended the Victoria College in Stellenbosch, and there they both completed their higher matriculation examination in 1887, where Smuts was placed third in order of merit and Krige was placed ninth. According to Swart (1981: 585), Krige was “Intellectually talented... also sincere, artistic and thorough, if a little eccentric.”. Krige married Jan Smuts in April 1897.
During the South African War Isie Smuts was ordered to remain in her house in Pietermaritzburg, in spite of her alleged ‘pleas’ to go to a concentration camp in common with other Boer women. Although biographers have claimed that, in spite of her husband’s political prominence, she “chose to remain in the background as far as possible” (Swart 1981: 585), in fact Isie Smuts went on to become an important and prominent figure in South African cultural and political circles. She was actively involved in the South African Women’s Federation (Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie, SAVF), played a leading role in the Women’s United Party, and in 1940 founded the Gifts and Comforts Fund for soldiers during the Second World War.
Schreiner’s extant letters to Isie Smuts start in 1899 and end in 1917, with her first letter of 29 May 1899 acknowledging Isie’s letter already received and indicating from its content that the two women had already met. While Schreiner’s letters to Isie are not primarily focused on political matters, she nonetheless makes her political position to Isie clear from the start. These earliest letters were written in the period leading up to the outbreak of the South African War in 1899 and Schreiner demonstrates to Isie her allegiance to the Boer cause by her use of the inclusive ‘we’: “as long as we have this accursed gold”, or later “we are like sheep fighting for their lives”. While much of the surface content of Schreiner’s letters to Isie Smuts is focused on quotidian matters such as domestic concerns, servants, children, family news and so on, there is generally more of importance going on in the letters than may at first be apparent.
Firstly, Schreiner’s letters written to Isie Smuts during and shortly after the South African War shed interesting light on Schreiner’s involvement in wartime relief work, providing clothes, food and other aid for destitute families in and around Hanover. Secondly, Schreiner’s letters to Isie written in the aftermath of the War powerfully attest not only to post-war devastation, disease epidemics and food shortages, but also to the loss of political unity Schreiner felt characterised communities once the war was over: “We were all like ship-wrecked people on a raft at sea together, now we have landed and each one falls back into his own line of life, and the bond that held us together is gone!” Thirdly, it is apparent that in some of the letters ostensibly addressed to Isie Smuts, Schreiner was attempting to ‘reach’ Jan Smuts, either directly or indirectly. On 6 July 1912 for example, Schreiner writes in a letter to Isie, “You don’t know how much I care about your husband, and how I have hoped for his really great career in South Africa. No other South African has his brilliant intellect, his charm, his unwearied power of labour. But what I ask myself is ‘Does always see far enough?’”, presumably hoping that her comment would be passed on to Smuts himself. At other times she quite explicitly addressed herself to Jan Smuts, “Give my love to Neef Jan. Tell him to take care of my Indians and Natives for me while I’m away!”, a letter gleefully commented on in letters between Betty Molteno and Alice Greene, regarding Smuts’ inability to discern that Schreiner was poking fun of his racial paternalism.
Schreiner and Isie Smuts appear to have enjoyed a close and loving friendship for some years. Schreiner suggested that they drop epistolary formalities fairly early on and address one another by their first names: “all my friends call me Olive”. She confided in Isie about her various miscarriages, and shared other emotional intimacies, for example concerning the death of her baby daughter, writing in 1899, “a baby is a great joy to me. My little girl died when she was two days old”, and then later in 1901, “I always feel that if my little girl had lived I could have borne all”. Over time Schreiner seems to have been included in the wider Krige/Smuts family circle, receiving letters and parcels of food from Isie’s mother and sister. Indeed, Isie Smuts herself frequently sent Schreiner boxes of fruit, eggs, baked goods and clothes, sometimes accompanied by a note and sometimes not, with these gifts then taking the place of letters (see Stanley, Dampier and Salter 2012). Schreiner’s letters to Isie Smuts also frequently reflect on life and how it should be lived, and the importance of dealing generously with others. She wrote for example that the only wealth in life which is “worth having” is “health, children and true friends”, and that “The great thing in life is to love other things”.
By 1910 it was clear that Schreiner’s political differences with Jan Smuts were growing, and her attempts to urge him to take a broad, non-racial political path were not succeeding. She wrote to Isie in February of that year, “Please don’t think I don’t love you and Jan, or that any difference in my views on politics from yours makes any difference in my feelings to you.” However, after her departure from South Africa in 1913, Schreiner’s letters to Isie stopped, apart from a 1917 ‘catching up’ kind of letter, and it seems likely that this was in large part related to the political differences which had intensified between Schreiner and Jan and Isie Smuts.
For further information see:
M.J. Swart (1981) ‘Smuts, Sybella (Isabelle, Is(s)ie) Margaretha’ in (ed) C.J. Beyers Dictionary of South African Biography Vol IV Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, pp. 585 - 586
Shula Marks (2004) ‘Smuts, Jan Christiaan (1870-1950)’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/36171
Liz Stanley, Helen Dampier and Andrea Salter (2012, in press) “The Epistolary Pact, Letterness and the Schreiner Epistolarium” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies

National Archives Depot, Pretoria: The National Archives Depot is Pretoria is a leading location for archival papers across a wide time-period, organisations an... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Smuts A1/186/77:Tuesday , Dear Mrs Smuts , Thank you so much for your letter. Mr Esselen has asked us to come over & stay with them from ...
Smuts A1/186/80:Box 406 , Johannesburg , Dear Mrs Smuts , Thank you very much for your letter, & the book. I began reading it last night ...
Smuts A1/186/83:Tuesday, Dear Mrs Smuts , Many thanks for your letter. I am coming over to Pretoria on Thursd Friday with two dear friends Mi...
Smuts A1/186/84:July 7th 1899 , Dear Mrs Smuts, I’ve been meaning to write ever since we were at Pretoria, but Miss Greene was very ill...
Smuts A1/186/85:Aug 8th 1899, Dear Mrs Smuts , I am sending you the book I mentioned by my friend Ed Carpenter that I am so fond of. I fancy ...
Smuts A1/186/86:Dear Mrs Smuts , I was so sorry I couldn’t come to see you, as I wanted, but I was ill the day I was in Pretoria. I thi...
Smuts A1/186/87:Dear Mrs Smuts , Thank you for your kind letter: if it were possible I much should like to come to Pretoria. Thank you so muc...
Smuts A1/186/88:My dear friend , I am sending back the book it was in the desk in my husbands study, he thought I had sent it, & I though...
Smuts A1/186/90:O Karree Kloof , Via Kran Kuil , Sep 24 / 99 , Dear Mrs Smuts , You are often in my thoughts at this time. If war breaks out ...
Smuts A1/187/78A:Hanover C.C., Dear Isie Smuts, It was indeed a joy to me to receive your letter. My thoughts have always been with you & ...
Smuts A1/187/78B:Hanover, Sep 1st 1901, Dear Isie Smuts, Thank you with all my heart for both your letters. I did not answer your first becaus...
Smuts A1/187/79:Hanover, Dec 7th 1901, Dear Isie , I was so glad to get your short letters yesterday the Photograph’s of your darling B...
Smuts A1/187/80:Hanover, Jan 24 / 02 , Dear Isie , The little shawl for the head will do just as well in fact I only didn’t want a very...
Smuts A1/187/81:Dear Isie , I was so glad, so very glad to get your letter this morning. I am writing at once I got all the parcels, the Tam-...
Smuts A1/187/82:Hanover, June 4th 1902, Dear Isie, I was so very very glad to hear from you again. Please write soon & tell me how all go...
Smuts A1/187/84:Hanover, June 15 / 02, Dearest Isie, How my heart aches to think that just now when you ought to be so well to go through all...
Smuts A1/187/85:Hanover, June 17 / 02, Dear Isie,, I find I shall have to go to Johannesburg to see if I cannot find any traces of the things...
Smuts A1/187/86:Hanover, July 11 / 02, Dear Isie , I like to think that by this time you have seen your husband: but am so sorry to know from...
Smuts A1/187/87:Hanover, July 15 / 02, Dear Isie, I fancy by this time your husband may have been & have had to go to Pretoria again to h...
Smuts A1/187/89:Dear Isie, I was so glad to get the joyful news you were better & going to your home., I meant to leave for Johannesburg ...
Smuts A1/187/90:Hanover, Aug 16 1902, Dear Isie , I hope to leave this on the 21st for Johannesburg. , I shall stay at Mr. Beyers, & shal...
Smuts A1/187/91:Sunday night, Dear Isie, It was a bitter disappointment to me not to be able to come over this morning I was so knocked up I ...
Smuts A1/187/92:Sep 15th 1902, Dear Isie , I have been in bed ever since I came back; am going out today for the first time that is why I hav...
Smuts A1/187/94:Hanover, Sunday night, Dear Isie, I hope you got my last letter all right. I have yours & Daisy’s. , Cron is still ...
Smuts A1/187/95:Hanover , Monday., Dear Isie , I was so glad to get your letter this morning. No my heart is not at rest about Boy Pienaar. H...
Smuts A1/187/96:Hanover, November 28 / 02, Dear Isie, I was so glad to hear from you. I should like to be one of the visitors to the trees, &...
Smuts A1/187/97:Hanover, April 27th 1903, Dear Isie , How can I thank you enough for your letter & the two wires I got today. I would lik...
Smuts A1/187/98:Hanover, May 22 / 03, Dear Isie, Thank you for your letter. I was down in Grahamstown for six days at the trial. It was a hid...
Smuts A1/187/98A:Address , P.O. Uitkÿk, near Frasersburg Rd, Cape Colony, Dear Isie , I got your letter just before I left Beaufort for G...
Smuts A1/187/99:P.O. Uitkÿk, near Frasersburg Rd, Cape Colony, June 28 / 03., Dear Isie, Thankyou for your long letter & the pleasan...
Smuts A1/187/99A:Hanover , Aug 30 / 03, Dear Isie, Your letter was sent on to me here. All my heart goes out in love & sympathy towards li...
Smuts A1/187/99B:Hanover, Oct 22nd 1903, Dear Isie , Its very funny that just this morning as I was thinking that as soon as I’d put the...
Smuts A1/187/100:Hanover, Oct 30 / 03, Dear Isie, Thank you for the biltong. We get none here now as the soldiers nearly exterminated the buck...
Smuts A1/187/100A:Hanover, Nov 21st 1903, Dear Isie, Many thanks for your letter & the enclosed cheque. We have changed our minds about hav...
Smuts A1/188/61:Hanover, Jan 9 / 04, Dear Isie, Do let me have just an answer on enclosed bit of paper as to how you & the little ones ar...
Smuts A1/188/62:Hanover, Feb 12 / 04, Dear Isie, I was so glad this morning to get the really beautiful photo of you three. It’s so goo...
Smuts A1/188/63:Feb 22 / 04, Dear Isie, I am leaving this on the 1st for Cape Town. Cron is going down to parliament & I am going down wi...
Smuts A1/188/64:Hanover, June 19 / 04, Dear Isie, I hope you will see my husband, he is in Pretoria now I think. It was such a happy happy ti...
Smuts A1/188/65:Hanover, July 22nd 1904, Dear Isie , I was so glad to get your letter with its good news of little Sannie & all the rest ...
Smuts A1/188/66:Hanover , September 3rd 1904, Dear Isie , Just the day after the beautiful fruit arrived I had to start off on a long journey...
Smuts A1/188/67:Oct 1st 1904, Dear Isie, Two dear old friends of mine Dr & Mrs Brown have just arrived in Natal to visit their daughter t...
Smuts A1/188/68:Hanover, Oct 31st 1904, Dear Isie, We will both accept your kind invitation & come up to the funeral if you are quite sur...
Smuts A1/188/69:Hanover, Nov 20th 1904, Dear Isie , No, I wouldn’t think of letting you pay for my coming up; it is good enough of you ...
Smuts A1/188/70:Dear Isie, I have decided to leave this by the mail train that passes here on Tuesday the 13th & gets to Pretoria on Wedn...
Smuts A1/188/70A:Hanover , Dec 26 / 07 , Dear Isie , You will have wondered at not having heard from me, but since I came home I have been ill...
Smuts A1/188/71:Do you know two things you said to me at Pretoria were a comfort to me. One was that you mentioned something about the differ...
Smuts A1/188/72:Eastbergholt, Tamboer’s Kloof Rd , Tamboer’s Kloof, May 13th 1905, My dear Isie, Nearly every day for months I’...
Smuts A1/188/73:Eastberg Holt, Tamboer’s Kloof Rd, May 24th 1905, Dear Isie , Thank so you so much for Cato’s picture. She is so ...
Smuts A1/188/74:Hanover, C.C., Aug 25 / 05, Dear Isie, Thank you very much for your letter. I do hope the little daughters are quite better. ...
Smuts A1/188/75:Hanover, Oct 20 / 05, Dear Isie, I hope the little ones are quite well again. It seems so long since I had any news of you al...
Smuts A1/189/77:Hanover, March 12 / 06, My dear Isie, I was so sorry I was not able to go & meet Neef Jan at Hanover Rd when he passed. I...
Smuts A1/189/78:Hadden Hall, Tamboer’s Kloof, May 24th 1906, Dear Isie , I got here yesterday & found your letter here sent on from...
Smuts A1/190/42:de Aar, Oct 13 / 07, My dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter, & your loving invitation. I fear I shan’t be...
Smuts A1/190/43:Box 24, de Aar, Dec 4th 1907, Dear Isie, I don’t know why I’ve been thinking so much about you the last few days....
Smuts A1/190/43A:Matjesfontein , My dear Isie , I think there must be unseen telepathic wires between Matjesfontein & Pretoria for today t...
Smuts A1/191/51:Box 24, de Aar, June 2nd 1908, My dear Isie, I was delighted with the feather. It is a beauty. I’ll have it put in my b...
Smuts A1/191/52:de Aar, Oct 11th 1908, My dear Isie, Hugo Naude spent yesterday with us. It was so nice to hear news of you all. He says your...
Smuts A1/191/54:Dear Isie, It was nice to see you. I always say I am "the last of the Republicans" in South Africa, but as you wear that litt...
Smuts A1/191/55:de Aar, Thursday , Dear Isie , Thank you so much for the beautiful fruit. The custard apples especially were a great treat. I...
Smuts A1/191/56:de Aar, Monday , Dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter. I can’t come just now, but may later. I am leaving for ...
Smuts A1/192/87:Hotel Milner , Matjesfontein , Cape Colony, Jan 4th 1909, Dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter. , My heart is troubl...
Smuts A1/192/88:Matjesfontein , Feb 8th 1909, Dear Isie , It was so nice to see you. I live so quite alone here, that you can’t underst...
Smuts A1/192/89:de Aar, June 5th 1909, Dear Isie,, Thank you so much for the book of Kaffir-stories you sent me. I would like to write you a ...
Smuts A1/193/81:Rocklands, Sea Point, February 6th 1910, My darling Isie , Do you think I have forgotten you? I’ve been so ill for a lo...
Smuts A1/193/82:Thursday , Dear Isie , Thank you for your letter. I wrote yesterday in answer to one from Lady Innes promising her to arrive ...
Smuts A1/193/83:Dear Isie , I have been a good bit played out & the doctor says I must have a little change as my heart is pretty bad. Wi...
Smuts A1/193/84:de Aar, Aug 31st 1910, Dear Isie , My husband told me yesterday that he had seen in some paper that your husband had the meas...
Smuts A1/193/85:De Aar , Oct 15th 1910, My dear Isie , I feel I want to write to you today. I never wrote Neef Jan to congratulate him on his...
Smuts A1/193/86:Portlock, nr. Graaff Reinet, 23 December 1910, My dear Isie , I never wrote to thank you for the dear little box of cherries ...
Smuts A1/194/9/61:de Aar, Tuesday , My darling Isie, How sweet your loving letter of invitation was to me. I don’t know if I shall be wel...
Smuts A1/194/9/62:Darling Isie, I can’t come: it’s a bitter disappointment to me. I’ve got all I want to say ready in my head...
Smuts A1/194/9/64:de Aar, Aug 2 1911, Dear Isie, I am writing this to introduce you to Dr. Jacobs. I am sure she is a woman you will be delight...
Smuts A1/194/9/65:Dear Isie, It seems such ages since I had any news of you. My health has been worse the last year & I’ve almost giv...
Smuts A1/194/9/66:de Aar, Sep 25th 1911, Dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter. , I gave a letter of introduction to you to Dr. Jacobs ...
Smuts A1/194/10/51:Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Monday morning, My dear old Isie, It was so nice to see you. It makes all this part seem more ho...
Smuts A1/194/10/52:Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Friday , Dear Isie , There must be some misunderstanding!! When I got home yesterday I found Cap...
Smuts A1/194/10/53:Villa Flandre , Newlands , Easter Sunday , Isie dear, I wanted so to come out & say good bye to you today: but I can’...
Smuts A1/194/10/54:de Aar, May 2nd 1912, Dear old Isie, You said you would be going back to Pretoria in May. Please don’t pass without let...
Smuts A1/194/10/55:de Aar, Monday, Dear Isie, Thank you very much for your letter. I am back again at de Aar, feeling the sudden rise of 4000 fe...
Smuts A1/194/10/56:de Aar, July 6th 1912 , Dear Isie , Could you send me Miss Hobhouse’s address as soon as you can. I have never written ...
Smuts A1/194/10/57:De Aar, Aug 18th 1912, Isie dear, I was glad to get your good news this morning. I know how your heart will rejoice over your...
Smuts A1/194/10/58:I hope all goes well with you & our dear little Jan. Have you heard that Hugo Naude is engaged to be married to my friend...
Smuts A1/194/10/59:De Aar, Thursday , Dear Isie, I am wondering how you all & especially dear little Jan are getting on., Do come down to Mu...
Smuts A1/194/10/60:Dear Isie, Thanks to your loving heart for the box. The butter especially was a treat, as the drought is so bad we can get no...
Smuts A1/194/10/61:Dear Isie, Your card has just come; the box has not come yet, but the boy has gone to the station to ask. I am just writing t...
Smuts A1/194/10/62:Monday Evening , Dear Isie , They have not heard of the box at the station here yet. I am so afraid the tomatoes may be getti...
Smuts A1/194/10/63:de Aar, Nov 14th 1912, Dear Isie , The box has come with all the lovely things. The box came quite open & unlocked & ...
Smuts A1/194/10/64:Newlands, Dec 16th 1912, Isie dear,, It is indeed a terrible trouble that has overtaken you all. For the parents it must be a...
Smuts A1/195/43:Villa Flandre, Newlands, Grand Hotel, Muizenberg, Jan 20th 1913, Dear Isie , I’m so glad to think you’ll be here ...
Smuts A1/195/44:de Aar, Sunday , My dear Isie, I got home yesterday morning. It is so nice to be with my dear old husband in my own house aga...
Smuts A1/195/45:de Aar, 2 May 1913, Dear Isie , It was so nice to seen to see you & the dear children, even for a moment. Thank you for y...
Smuts A1/195/46:Friday night, Dear Isie, The beautiful box of fruit you sent me has come. The little apricots are delicious & do me such ...
Smuts A1/195/47:de Aar, Sep 29th 1913, My darling Isie , I am sailing on the 6th of December for Europe, to try some medical treatment for my...
Smuts A1/195/48:de Aar, Oct 18th 1913, Dear Isie, You may like to know what my friend Mrs Purcell says about Emily Hobhouse. I am so thankful...
Smuts A1/195/49:Dear Isie, I was so touched by your thinking of me & sending me that lovely box of fruit & things. Thank you dear. I ...
Smuts A1/202/99:address, c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clements Lane, Lombard St, London W, April 23rd 1917, Dear Isie, How I wish you had come out w...

National Archives Depot, Pretoria: The National Archives Depot is Pretoria is a leading location for archival papers across a wide time-period, organisations an... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Smuts A1/186/77:Tuesday , Dear Mrs Smuts , Thank you so much for your letter. Mr Esselen has asked us to come over & stay with them from ...
Smuts A1/186/79:Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts , It was a great pleasure to me to meet your wife. My heart has seldom gone out so to an...
Smuts A1/186/80:Box 406 , Johannesburg , Dear Mrs Smuts , Thank you very much for your letter, & the book. I began reading it last night ...
Smuts A1/186/83:Tuesday, Dear Mrs Smuts , Many thanks for your letter. I am coming over to Pretoria on Thursd Friday with two dear friends Mi...
Smuts A1/186/84:July 7th 1899 , Dear Mrs Smuts, I’ve been meaning to write ever since we were at Pretoria, but Miss Greene was very ill...
Smuts A1/186/85:Aug 8th 1899, Dear Mrs Smuts , I am sending you the book I mentioned by my friend Ed Carpenter that I am so fond of. I fancy ...
Smuts A1/186/86:Dear Mrs Smuts , I was so sorry I couldn’t come to see you, as I wanted, but I was ill the day I was in Pretoria. I thi...
Smuts A1/186/87:Dear Mrs Smuts , Thank you for your kind letter: if it were possible I much should like to come to Pretoria. Thank you so muc...
Smuts A1/186/90:O Karree Kloof , Via Kran Kuil , Sep 24 / 99 , Dear Mrs Smuts , You are often in my thoughts at this time. If war breaks out ...
Smuts A1/187/78A:Hanover C.C., Dear Isie Smuts, It was indeed a joy to me to receive your letter. My thoughts have always been with you & ...
Smuts A1/187/78B:Hanover, Sep 1st 1901, Dear Isie Smuts, Thank you with all my heart for both your letters. I did not answer your first becaus...
Smuts A1/187/79:Hanover, Dec 7th 1901, Dear Isie , I was so glad to get your short letters yesterday the Photograph’s of your darling B...
Smuts A1/187/80:Hanover, Jan 24 / 02 , Dear Isie , The little shawl for the head will do just as well in fact I only didn’t want a very...
Smuts A1/187/81:Dear Isie , I was so glad, so very glad to get your letter this morning. I am writing at once I got all the parcels, the Tam-...
Smuts A1/187/82:Hanover, June 4th 1902, Dear Isie, I was so very very glad to hear from you again. Please write soon & tell me how all go...
Smuts A1/187/83:Hanover , Jun 4 / 02, Dear Friend, I hear you are about in this part of the world & I am longing to see you once more. I ...
Smuts A1/187/84:Hanover, June 15 / 02, Dearest Isie, How my heart aches to think that just now when you ought to be so well to go through all...
Smuts A1/187/85:Hanover, June 17 / 02, Dear Isie,, I find I shall have to go to Johannesburg to see if I cannot find any traces of the things...
Smuts A1/187/86:Hanover, July 11 / 02, Dear Isie , I like to think that by this time you have seen your husband: but am so sorry to know from...
Smuts A1/187/87:Hanover, July 15 / 02, Dear Isie, I fancy by this time your husband may have been & have had to go to Pretoria again to h...
Smuts A1/187/88:July 30 / 02, Dear Friend, I hope I shall be able to leave this about the 16th for Johannesburg, but have not been able to he...
Smuts A1/187/89:Dear Isie, I was so glad to get the joyful news you were better & going to your home., I meant to leave for Johannesburg ...
Smuts A1/187/90:Hanover, Aug 16 1902, Dear Isie , I hope to leave this on the 21st for Johannesburg. , I shall stay at Mr. Beyers, & shal...
Smuts A1/187/91:Sunday night, Dear Isie, It was a bitter disappointment to me not to be able to come over this morning I was so knocked up I ...
Smuts A1/187/92:Sep 15th 1902, Dear Isie , I have been in bed ever since I came back; am going out today for the first time that is why I hav...
Smuts A1/187/94:Hanover, Sunday night, Dear Isie, I hope you got my last letter all right. I have yours & Daisy’s. , Cron is still ...
Smuts A1/187/95:Hanover , Monday., Dear Isie , I was so glad to get your letter this morning. No my heart is not at rest about Boy Pienaar. H...
Smuts A1/187/96:Hanover, November 28 / 02, Dear Isie, I was so glad to hear from you. I should like to be one of the visitors to the trees, &...
Smuts A1/187/97:Hanover, April 27th 1903, Dear Isie , How can I thank you enough for your letter & the two wires I got today. I would lik...
Smuts A1/187/98:Hanover, May 22 / 03, Dear Isie, Thank you for your letter. I was down in Grahamstown for six days at the trial. It was a hid...
Smuts A1/187/98A:Address , P.O. Uitkÿk, near Frasersburg Rd, Cape Colony, Dear Isie , I got your letter just before I left Beaufort for G...
Smuts A1/187/99:P.O. Uitkÿk, near Frasersburg Rd, Cape Colony, June 28 / 03., Dear Isie, Thankyou for your long letter & the pleasan...
Smuts A1/187/99A:Hanover , Aug 30 / 03, Dear Isie, Your letter was sent on to me here. All my heart goes out in love & sympathy towards li...
Smuts A1/187/99B:Hanover, Oct 22nd 1903, Dear Isie , Its very funny that just this morning as I was thinking that as soon as I’d put the...
Smuts A1/187/100:Hanover, Oct 30 / 03, Dear Isie, Thank you for the biltong. We get none here now as the soldiers nearly exterminated the buck...
Smuts A1/187/100A:Hanover, Nov 21st 1903, Dear Isie, Many thanks for your letter & the enclosed cheque. We have changed our minds about hav...
Smuts A1/188/61:Hanover, Jan 9 / 04, Dear Isie, Do let me have just an answer on enclosed bit of paper as to how you & the little ones ar...
Smuts A1/188/62:Hanover, Feb 12 / 04, Dear Isie, I was so glad this morning to get the really beautiful photo of you three. It’s so goo...
Smuts A1/188/63:Feb 22 / 04, Dear Isie, I am leaving this on the 1st for Cape Town. Cron is going down to parliament & I am going down wi...
Smuts A1/188/64:Hanover, June 19 / 04, Dear Isie, I hope you will see my husband, he is in Pretoria now I think. It was such a happy happy ti...
Smuts A1/188/65:Hanover, July 22nd 1904, Dear Isie , I was so glad to get your letter with its good news of little Sannie & all the rest ...
Smuts A1/188/66:Hanover , September 3rd 1904, Dear Isie , Just the day after the beautiful fruit arrived I had to start off on a long journey...
Smuts A1/188/67:Oct 1st 1904, Dear Isie, Two dear old friends of mine Dr & Mrs Brown have just arrived in Natal to visit their daughter t...
Smuts A1/188/68:Hanover, Oct 31st 1904, Dear Isie, We will both accept your kind invitation & come up to the funeral if you are quite sur...
Smuts A1/188/69:Hanover, Nov 20th 1904, Dear Isie , No, I wouldn’t think of letting you pay for my coming up; it is good enough of you ...
Smuts A1/188/70:Dear Isie, I have decided to leave this by the mail train that passes here on Tuesday the 13th & gets to Pretoria on Wedn...
Smuts A1/188/70A:Hanover , Dec 26 / 07 , Dear Isie , You will have wondered at not having heard from me, but since I came home I have been ill...
Smuts A1/188/71:Do you know two things you said to me at Pretoria were a comfort to me. One was that you mentioned something about the differ...
Smuts A1/188/72:Eastbergholt, Tamboer’s Kloof Rd , Tamboer’s Kloof, May 13th 1905, My dear Isie, Nearly every day for months I’...
Smuts A1/188/73:Eastberg Holt, Tamboer’s Kloof Rd, May 24th 1905, Dear Isie , Thank so you so much for Cato’s picture. She is so ...
Smuts A1/188/74:Hanover, C.C., Aug 25 / 05, Dear Isie, Thank you very much for your letter. I do hope the little daughters are quite better. ...
Smuts A1/188/75:Hanover, Oct 20 / 05, Dear Isie, I hope the little ones are quite well again. It seems so long since I had any news of you al...
Smuts A1/189/77:Hanover, March 12 / 06, My dear Isie, I was so sorry I was not able to go & meet Neef Jan at Hanover Rd when he passed. I...
Smuts A1/189/78:Hadden Hall, Tamboer’s Kloof, May 24th 1906, Dear Isie , I got here yesterday & found your letter here sent on from...
Smuts A1/190/42:de Aar, Oct 13 / 07, My dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter, & your loving invitation. I fear I shan’t be...
Smuts A1/190/43:Box 24, de Aar, Dec 4th 1907, Dear Isie, I don’t know why I’ve been thinking so much about you the last few days....
Smuts A1/190/43A:Matjesfontein , My dear Isie , I think there must be unseen telepathic wires between Matjesfontein & Pretoria for today t...
Smuts A1/191/51:Box 24, de Aar, June 2nd 1908, My dear Isie, I was delighted with the feather. It is a beauty. I’ll have it put in my b...
Smuts A1/191/52:de Aar, Oct 11th 1908, My dear Isie, Hugo Naude spent yesterday with us. It was so nice to hear news of you all. He says your...
Smuts A1/191/53:de Aar, Dec 1st 1908, Dear Nief Jannie, I have just got your wire. Thank you very much, but I can’t leave just now. Per...
Smuts A1/191/54:Dear Isie, It was nice to see you. I always say I am "the last of the Republicans" in South Africa, but as you wear that litt...
Smuts A1/191/55:de Aar, Thursday , Dear Isie , Thank you so much for the beautiful fruit. The custard apples especially were a great treat. I...
Smuts A1/191/56:de Aar, Monday , Dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter. I can’t come just now, but may later. I am leaving for ...
Smuts A1/191/58:Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein, Cape Colony, Dec 30 / 08, Dear Neef Jan, Thank you for your letter. No, I don’t want to co...
Smuts A1/192/87:Hotel Milner , Matjesfontein , Cape Colony, Jan 4th 1909, Dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter. , My heart is troubl...
Smuts A1/192/88:Matjesfontein , Feb 8th 1909, Dear Isie , It was so nice to see you. I live so quite alone here, that you can’t underst...
Smuts A1/192/89:de Aar, June 5th 1909, Dear Isie,, Thank you so much for the book of Kaffir-stories you sent me. I would like to write you a ...
Smuts A1/193/81:Rocklands, Sea Point, February 6th 1910, My darling Isie , Do you think I have forgotten you? I’ve been so ill for a lo...
Smuts A1/193/82:Thursday , Dear Isie , Thank you for your letter. I wrote yesterday in answer to one from Lady Innes promising her to arrive ...
Smuts A1/193/83:Dear Isie , I have been a good bit played out & the doctor says I must have a little change as my heart is pretty bad. Wi...
Smuts A1/193/84:de Aar, Aug 31st 1910, Dear Isie , My husband told me yesterday that he had seen in some paper that your husband had the meas...
Smuts A1/193/85:De Aar , Oct 15th 1910, My dear Isie , I feel I want to write to you today. I never wrote Neef Jan to congratulate him on his...
Smuts A1/193/86:Portlock, nr. Graaff Reinet, 23 December 1910, My dear Isie , I never wrote to thank you for the dear little box of cherries ...
Smuts A1/194/9/61:de Aar, Tuesday , My darling Isie, How sweet your loving letter of invitation was to me. I don’t know if I shall be wel...
Smuts A1/194/9/62:Darling Isie, I can’t come: it’s a bitter disappointment to me. I’ve got all I want to say ready in my head...
Smuts A1/194/9/64:de Aar, Aug 2 1911, Dear Isie, I am writing this to introduce you to Dr. Jacobs. I am sure she is a woman you will be delight...
Smuts A1/194/9/65:Dear Isie, It seems such ages since I had any news of you. My health has been worse the last year & I’ve almost giv...
Smuts A1/194/9/66:de Aar, Sep 25th 1911, Dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter. , I gave a letter of introduction to you to Dr. Jacobs ...
Smuts A1/194/10/51:Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Monday morning, My dear old Isie, It was so nice to see you. It makes all this part seem more ho...
Smuts A1/194/10/52:Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Friday , Dear Isie , There must be some misunderstanding!! When I got home yesterday I found Cap...
Smuts A1/194/10/53:Villa Flandre , Newlands , Easter Sunday , Isie dear, I wanted so to come out & say good bye to you today: but I can’...
Smuts A1/194/10/54:de Aar, May 2nd 1912, Dear old Isie, You said you would be going back to Pretoria in May. Please don’t pass without let...
Smuts A1/194/10/55:de Aar, Monday, Dear Isie, Thank you very much for your letter. I am back again at de Aar, feeling the sudden rise of 4000 fe...
Smuts A1/194/10/56:de Aar, July 6th 1912 , Dear Isie , Could you send me Miss Hobhouse’s address as soon as you can. I have never written ...
Smuts A1/194/10/57:De Aar, Aug 18th 1912, Isie dear, I was glad to get your good news this morning. I know how your heart will rejoice over your...
Smuts A1/194/10/59:De Aar, Thursday , Dear Isie, I am wondering how you all & especially dear little Jan are getting on., Do come down to Mu...
Smuts A1/194/10/60:Dear Isie, Thanks to your loving heart for the box. The butter especially was a treat, as the drought is so bad we can get no...
Smuts A1/194/10/61:Dear Isie, Your card has just come; the box has not come yet, but the boy has gone to the station to ask. I am just writing t...
Smuts A1/194/10/62:Monday Evening , Dear Isie , They have not heard of the box at the station here yet. I am so afraid the tomatoes may be getti...
Smuts A1/194/10/63:de Aar, Nov 14th 1912, Dear Isie , The box has come with all the lovely things. The box came quite open & unlocked & ...
Smuts A1/194/10/64:Newlands, Dec 16th 1912, Isie dear,, It is indeed a terrible trouble that has overtaken you all. For the parents it must be a...
Smuts A1/195/43:Villa Flandre, Newlands, Grand Hotel, Muizenberg, Jan 20th 1913, Dear Isie , I’m so glad to think you’ll be here ...
Smuts A1/195/44:de Aar, Sunday , My dear Isie, I got home yesterday morning. It is so nice to be with my dear old husband in my own house aga...
Smuts A1/195/45:de Aar, 2 May 1913, Dear Isie , It was so nice to seen to see you & the dear children, even for a moment. Thank you for y...
Smuts A1/195/46:Friday night, Dear Isie, The beautiful box of fruit you sent me has come. The little apricots are delicious & do me such ...
Smuts A1/195/47:de Aar, Sep 29th 1913, My darling Isie , I am sailing on the 6th of December for Europe, to try some medical treatment for my...
Smuts A1/195/48:de Aar, Oct 18th 1913, Dear Isie, You may like to know what my friend Mrs Purcell says about Emily Hobhouse. I am so thankful...
Smuts A1/195/49:Dear Isie, I was so touched by your thinking of me & sending me that lovely box of fruit & things. Thank you dear. I ...
Smuts A1/202/97A:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Monday , Dear Jan, I send you a cutting in case you don’t see the New Statesman. I’...
Smuts A1/202/98:19 Adam St, Portman Sq, Monday , Dear Neef Jan , Thank you for your kindness yesterday. Oh Jan I wish you all good. I wish I ...
Smuts A1/202/99:address, c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clements Lane, Lombard St, London W, April 23rd 1917, Dear Isie, How I wish you had come out w...
Smuts A1/204/145:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, May 29th 1918, Dear Jan , I got a letter from my niece Mrs. Hudson Findlay from Pretoria She ...
Smuts A1/204/146:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Nov 19th 1918 , Dear Jan , Don’t you begin to see this is the 20th Century!! That the...
Smuts A1/204/147:9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, Monday , Dear Jan , I was so sorry I could not go for the drive. I had to go & see my ...
Smuts A1/206/121:telephone no 6506 , Paddington, 9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, W., June 3rd 1919 , Dear Jan , They tell me you were just ...
Smuts A1/207/185:Address , c/o Mrs. W P Schreiner, Lyndall , Garden Street , Plumstead, nr. Cape Town , Oct 19th 1920, Dear Jan, Thank you for...
National English Literary Museum, Grahamstown: The National English Literary Museum is the leading location for collections pertaining to the imaginative and creative writi... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/29:Alexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Jan 10th 1912, Dear Friend, I want to write you a long letter answering yours. Now I'll only tha...
SCCS Edited Extracts: Four groups of edited extracts from Olive Schreiner's letters can be accessed from here, made by her estranged husband Cronwr... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/43:…I got here yesterday morning, & have not a touch of asthma as yet… I suppose Ollie goes with you to the offi...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/173:…We arrived here at dawn this morning… The saloon carriage which Will has arranged to meet us here will not arriv...
Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/195:…From Vereeniging to Johannesburg we went by the new line, using the first train that had ever passed upon it... Advoca...
National Library of South Africa, Cape Town: Special Collections at the NLSA provide one of the leading locations for archival papers across many periods, organisations a... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Olive Schreiner: Jessie Rose Innes MSC 26/2.6.6:Rocklands, (Private Hotel), Sea Point, Jan 26th 1910, Dear Jessie, I've found such delightful quarters. On Sunday I was very ...
NLSAOlive Schreiner: EL to C-S MSC 26/2.16/302:2Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein, Dec. 1st 1906, Saturday morning., I have just got your letter. How like the weather seems here ...
University of Cape Town, Historical Manuscripts: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Cape Town is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many per... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/22:May 20 / 99, Dear Friend, By the end of this week I hope to send you my article on the war question. Can you understand with ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/33:Thursday afternoon, Dear Friend, Thank-you for your letter. I have just got it. , I send you a little note I got from Mrs Smu...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold4/1901/48:Hanover, Sunday , Dear Fan, We got here yesterday. I have sent Miss Molteno a letter from Isie Smuts which I have asked her t...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/17:Hanover, June 4th 1902, Dear Friend, It’s a long time since I had any letters from Cape Town from any one. I am wonderi...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/19:Hanover, June 15 / 02, Thanks for your post card. This is a PC I have just got from Isie Smuts. It grieves me that after two ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/24:Sunday night, Dear Fan, Thank you so much for writing to me. I’m glad you all had such a good time. It seems almost imp...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold2/1903/8:Hanover, May 7 / 03, Dear old Fan, Do just drop me a line to tell you how it goes with you all. Did Will return set up by his...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold3/1904/56:At Mrs Smuts’s , Pretoria, Dec 15 / 04, Dear Friend, I got here yesterday at four. It is beautiful to see green grass &...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold4/1905/8:Hanover, Feb 26 / 05, Dear Fan, Thanks so much for your letter. It was wonderful to see the dear old handwriting again!!, We ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold5/1906/11:My dear old sister, It was a week yesterday since you left, & I’ve not yet had any news of how you got on. I’...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/27:Matjesfontein, May 8th 1908, My dear Laddie, I thought you were really unwell that last day. I believe its that deadly old Pa...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/29:Sunday afternoon , 10 May 1908 , Dear Laddie, I was glad to see thy handwriting. Yesterday afternoon the servant came in with...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/64:de Aar, Nov 21st 1908 , My dear old Laddie, I got the paper today sent me by Miss Colenso with your photo, & Dinizulus; &...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/67:De Aar, Dec 24th 1908, Dear old sister, Thanks for your interesting letter. I hear from Dr Brown the boys are going up to spe...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/2:Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein,, Cape Colony, My dear wicked old sister who never writes to me. I hear from Dr Brown that he saw...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold3/1910/11:May 26th 1910, Dear Betty, It seems so long since I had any news of you or Alice., I wish I could see Mrs Murray. My heart ha...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold4/1911/45:De Aar, Thursday , Dear old Sister, I hope you enjoyed your stay at Worcester among old friends & that you’ve come ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/41:De Aar, Aug 18th 1912, Dear Laddie, I didn’t know I could still feel so glad about anything as when I got your letter y...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/52:De Aar , Nov 10th 1912, Dear Alice, Of course I always love you & think you one of the most lovely & darling of the p...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/40:Dear old sister, I’m very flap-doodlely. The heat & the height are pretty bad. I would start off for some where at ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold1/Undated/34:Dear Friend. , We are back again in Hanover. W Morris has just come thank you so much. I think I shall like to read it. My br...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box 12/Fold2/Misc/4:Wednesday, Dear Miss Greene, I do hope you are feeling quite better again & will be able to go up the mountain on Saturda...