"Doornkop, anti-capitalist fight" Read the full letter
Jan Smuts
Jan Christiaan Smuts (1870 - 1950) is one of the most prominent figures in South African history. In addition to serving two terms as Prime Minister (1919 - 1924, 1939 - 1948), Smuts played a key role in international affairs and was the only person to sign the peace treaties at the end of both the First and Second World Wars. Smuts was born to a farming family in the Cape Colony in 1870. He attended the Victoria College in Stellenbosch where in 1887 he obtained a first-class pass in the higher matriculation examination. He went on to study law at the University of Cambridge and later returned to South Africa to pursue a political career. Smuts became a supporter of the Afrikaner Bond and worked for a time as legal advisor to Cecil Rhodes. In this capacity, “ In October 1895 he made a somewhat unfortunate political début by defending Rhodes against allegations of opportunism and corruption made by Olive Schreiner and her husband, and by declaring his general agreement with Rhodes’s policies.” (Marks 2004). However, the 1895-6 transformed Smuts’s political outlook and he subsequently became a fervent opponent of British expansionism in Southern Africa.
In April 1897 Smuts and Sybella Margaretha Krige (Isie), who he had met when they were both students at Victoria College, were married. In June 1898 he was appointed by Kruger as state attorney of the Transvaal, responsible for law and order in the republic and legal adviser to its executive council. During the 1899-1902 South African War Smuts served as a Boer General and led commandos fighting against the British. After the war, in 1905 he and Louis Botha established the Het Volk party, and in 1910 when the Union of South Africa took place, Botha became Prime Minister and Smuts his deputy, both as members of the newly formed South African Party. Smuts himself was instrumental in drafting the Draft South Africa Act of 1909 which formed the basis of the Union; while he supported the retention of the non-racial franchise at the Cape, he rejected its extension to the rest of South Africa, and he also argued that only ‘persons of European descent’ should be eligible for election to parliament.
During the First World War Smuts was put in charge of the conquest of German East Africa. In 1917 he was invited by Lloyd George to join the Imperial War Cabinet, so he left East Africa for London. Smuts returned to South African politics after the Paris Peace Conference at the end of the war, where he had played a key role, especially in drafting the constitution of the League of Nations. When Botha died in 1919, Smuts was elected Prime Minister, with one of the first challenges he faced being growing urban unrest including strikes by black workers. His harsh suppression of these strikes, which included government forces firing at unarmed protestors at Port Elizabeth and the imprisonment of strike leader Samuel Masabala, form the context of Schreiner’s 1920 letters to Smuts, in which she urgently implores him to reconsider his ‘native policies’. Smuts served as Prime Minister until his defeat in 1924 by the National Party, which had entered into an election pact with the Labour Party. He was later Prime Minister of South Africa again between 1939 and 1948.
Schreiner’s letters to Jan Smuts deal primarily with political matters in South Africa, and especially with Schreiner’s growing unease with the hardening of Smuts’ position on the ‘native question’ over time. In these letters Schreiner tries to engage Smuts in a “political fight” and discusses with him a range of key political developments in South Africa. Her letters to Smuts, while relatively few in number, are amongst her most powerful, prophesising South Africa’s future and exhorting Smuts to take a more enlightened political path. Her first extant letter to Smuts is dated 1 July 1896 and thanks him for his letter to her concerned with one of her ‘Returned South African’ essays. In her letter Schreiner further expands her views on racial ‘mixing’ and the sexual exploitation of black women by white men. She also reacts sharply and negatively to Smuts’ suggestion that her political views and writings are borrowed from her husband, Cronwright-Schreiner. This letter, with its forthright and even combative manner, very much sets the tone of Schreiner’s future correspondence with Smuts.
However, Schreiner’s letters to Smuts from the 1890s are in fact mainly concerned not with their political differences, but with their political common ground; that is the independence of the Boer Republics against the advancing forces of capitalist imperialism. They indicate Schreiner’s support for the Boer cause, her working behind the scenes to prevent war, and her endorsement of Smuts as a potential leader and figure of enormous political promise. Certainly one of her ‘great’ letters to Smuts from this period concerns her conviction that the independence of the Republics was the only safeguard against untrammelled capitalism in southern Africa. On 23 January 1899 she wrote, referring to the defeat of Jameson’s column at Doornkop:
“But the freedom and independence of the Transvaal has for me a much more serious meaning. I look upon the Free State and the Transvaal as the two last little sluice-gates we have left keeping out the flood of Capitalism which would otherwise sweep in and overwhelm South Africa. The little fight of Doornkop is to me the most memorable, not only in the history of South Africa, but of this century: there for the first time in the history of the world, troops armed, fed, paid, and led (or rather misled!) by the capitalist horde, met the simple citizens of a state and were defeated.”
Schreiner’s letters to Smuts in the period leading to the outbreak of war in 1899 importantly demonstrate her activities in attempting to prevent war, for example by arranging for Smuts to meet Adele Chapin, a close friend of Milner’s and an amateur spy. Her letter of 24 September 1899 indicates that she had been asked to become the war correspondent for the New York Journal, and she discusses at length how she could be most ‘useful’ to the Boer cause if she were to take up the position (which she was prevented by doing when Cronwright-Schreiner arranged for them both to remove to a remote farm in the Cape).
After the war Schreiner’s letters to Smuts peter out somewhat, and then resume in 1908 and take an increasingly exhortatory tone in telling Smuts for example that: “You (and Malan) are the two men I look forward to doing great work for South Africa”. In her subsequent letters, Schreiner uses an array of tactics in her attempts to persuade Smuts to take a more enlightened political position, especially with regard to the ‘native question’. At times she emphasises the notion of duty and responsibility, for example arguing, “Our duty stretches as far as our power of benefiting our fellow creatures goes. It doesn’t end till that ends. And from the man of wide powers, from him much is expected.” At other times she uses humour but with serious intent, as in her 1908 letter written in a mixture of Dutch and Taal, in which she sharply critiques Smuts’s position on Union. And on some occasions when she expresses concern or dismay about Smuts’s rightwards political moves, she self-deprecatingly comments that she hopes she is not ‘boring’ him.
By 1918 and while she was living in Britain, Schreiner seems to have resigned herself to the growing gulf between them, commenting for example: “I love you Jan. It will always be one of the sorrows of my life that I cannot always work heart and soul with you, in public matters.” She did however continue to exhort him to ‘wake up’ to the realities of the modern world, writing on 19 November 1918: “Don’t you begin to see this is the 20th century! That the 19th is gone forever. It will have to go even in South Africa.” However, perhaps Schreiner’s most powerful and prescient letter, not only to Smuts but to any of her correspondents, was written in October 1920, across at least two days. In it Schreiner, who had by that time returned to South Africa, prophetically spells out the disastrous future she envisages for South Africa if Smuts and his political allies continued with their retrograde and racist policies:
“The next few years are going to determine the whole future of South Africa in 30 or 40 years time. As we sow we shall reap. We may crush the mass of our fellows in South Africa today, as Russia did for generations, but today the serf is in the Palace and where is the Czar?... This is the 20th century; the past is past never to return, even in South Africa. The day of princes, and Bosses
For further information see:
Bernard Friedman (1975) Smuts: A Reappraisal London: Allen and Unwin
W.K. Hancock and Jean van der Poel (eds) (1966-73) Selections from the Smuts Papers (7 volumes) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
W.K. Hancock (1962) Smuts: The Sanguine Years, 1870 - 1919 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
W.K. Hancock (1968) Smuts: The Fields of Force, 1919 - 1950 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Kenneth Ingham (1986) Jan Christian Smuts: The Conscience of a South African London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Anthony Lentin (2010) General Smuts: South Africa London: Haus
Shula Marks (2004) ‘Smuts, Jan Christiaan (1870-1950)’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/36171
Recipient Of
- National Archives Depot, Pretoria: The National Archives Depot is Pretoria is a leading location for archival papers across a wide time-period, organisations an... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Smuts A1/186/73:The Homestead, July 1st 1896, Dear Mr Smuts , Thankyou heartily for the letter I got just now. I respond sincerely to its sym...
- Smuts A1/186/74:Aug 8 / 96 , Dear Mr Smuts , I have been in bed almost the whole month or would long ago have written to thank you for your k...
- Smuts A1/186/75:Primrose Terrace, Berea, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts, Some time ago my husband told me that Mr Rous had mentioned to him that...
- Smuts A1/186/76:Friday , Dear Mr Smuts, I don’t think I shall be able to go to Bloemfontein as I’m too busy writing. I am writing...
- Smuts A1/186/78:Strictly Private, Dear Mr Smuts, 1) Do you think there would be any use in my going to see Sir Alfred Milner? I have letters ...
- Smuts A1/186/79:Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts , It was a great pleasure to me to meet your wife. My heart has seldom gone out so to an...
- Smuts A1/186/81:Box 406, Johannesburg , Monday, Dear Mr Smuts, I am coming to Pretoria for the day on Friday bringing over two cousins of my ...
- Smuts A1/186/82:2 Primrose Terrace, Box 406, Johannesburg , June 13th 1899., Dear Mr Smuts , I am going to Paarde Kraal on Saturday as I want...
- Smuts A1/186/89:Sep 24 / 99 , Private , Dear Mr Smuts , I have had a cable from the New York Journal asking me take the post of war correspon...
- Smuts A1/187/83:Hanover , Jun 4 / 02, Dear Friend, I hear you are about in this part of the world & I am longing to see you once more. I ...
- Smuts A1/187/88:July 30 / 02, Dear Friend, I hope I shall be able to leave this about the 16th for Johannesburg, but have not been able to he...
- Smuts A1/187/93:Hanover, Sep 26th 1902, Dear Friend, Will you do me a very great favour. , Please write & tell me exactly what you payed ...
- Smuts A1/191/53:de Aar, Dec 1st 1908, Dear Nief Jannie, I have just got your wire. Thank you very much, but I can’t leave just now. Per...
- Smuts A1/191/57:Lieve Neef Jan , Ik stuur voor jou een "article", de ik greschryven het. Lees dit. Dink daar o’er. Ik veet jÿ is v...
- Smuts A1/191/58:Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein, Cape Colony, Dec 30 / 08, Dear Neef Jan, Thank you for your letter. No, I don’t want to co...
- Smuts A1/194/9/63:de Aar, April 16th 1911, Dear Neef Jan, I note that you are a socialist – but I wonder of what kind? It must break your...
- Smuts A1/202/97A:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Monday , Dear Jan, I send you a cutting in case you don’t see the New Statesman. I’...
- Smuts A1/202/98:19 Adam St, Portman Sq, Monday , Dear Neef Jan , Thank you for your kindness yesterday. Oh Jan I wish you all good. I wish I ...
- Smuts A1/202/100:London, To General Smuts Savoy Hotel , Your speech was fine , Olive Schreiner Betty Molteno ,
- Smuts A1/204/145:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, May 29th 1918, Dear Jan , I got a letter from my niece Mrs. Hudson Findlay from Pretoria She ...
- Smuts A1/204/146:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Nov 19th 1918 , Dear Jan , Don’t you begin to see this is the 20th Century!! That the...
- Smuts A1/204/147:9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, Monday , Dear Jan , I was so sorry I could not go for the drive. I had to go & see my ...
- Smuts A1/204/148:9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, Saturday , Dear Jan,, I’ve been feeling a little unhappy about you. You know if ever...
- Smuts A1/206/121:telephone no 6506 , Paddington, 9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, W., June 3rd 1919 , Dear Jan , They tell me you were just ...
- Smuts A1/206/122:9 Porchester Place , Edgware Rd, Saturday , Dear Jan, Thank you for your letter. Let me know by telephone if ever you can com...
- Smuts A1/207/185:Address , c/o Mrs. W P Schreiner, Lyndall , Garden Street , Plumstead, nr. Cape Town , Oct 19th 1920, Dear Jan, Thank you for...
Mentioned In
- Aletta: The Aletta Jacobs collection is extensive and available on microfilm at the Aletta IIVA archive in Amsterdam. Schreiner’... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/278:Dear Dr Jacobs, You don’t know what happiness your visit gave me – only I can’t bear to think I shall never...
- Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin: The HRC, Austin, is one of the world leading locations for archival papers pertaining to literary life and manuscripts across... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/41:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Saturday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I hope your understood that I took your question on the phone as a...
- HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/50:Oct 19th 1915, Tuesday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I shall be coming up to London on Tuesday (to-day week) Would Thurs-day evening at 6...
- HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/77:19 Adam St, Portman Sq, Saturday, Dear Mr Hodgson, I found the meeting so very interesting. Tell me the result of your visit ...
- National Archives Depot, Pretoria: The National Archives Depot is Pretoria is a leading location for archival papers across a wide time-period, organisations an... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Smuts A1/186/73:The Homestead, July 1st 1896, Dear Mr Smuts , Thankyou heartily for the letter I got just now. I respond sincerely to its sym...
- Smuts A1/186/74:Aug 8 / 96 , Dear Mr Smuts , I have been in bed almost the whole month or would long ago have written to thank you for your k...
- Smuts A1/186/75:Primrose Terrace, Berea, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts, Some time ago my husband told me that Mr Rous had mentioned to him that...
- Smuts A1/186/76:Friday , Dear Mr Smuts, I don’t think I shall be able to go to Bloemfontein as I’m too busy writing. I am writing...
- Smuts A1/186/78:Strictly Private, Dear Mr Smuts, 1) Do you think there would be any use in my going to see Sir Alfred Milner? I have letters ...
- Smuts A1/186/79:Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Mr Smuts , It was a great pleasure to me to meet your wife. My heart has seldom gone out so to an...
- Smuts A1/186/81:Box 406, Johannesburg , Monday, Dear Mr Smuts, I am coming to Pretoria for the day on Friday bringing over two cousins of my ...
- Smuts A1/186/82:2 Primrose Terrace, Box 406, Johannesburg , June 13th 1899., Dear Mr Smuts , I am going to Paarde Kraal on Saturday as I want...
- Smuts A1/186/89:Sep 24 / 99 , Private , Dear Mr Smuts , I have had a cable from the New York Journal asking me take the post of war correspon...
- Smuts A1/187/88:July 30 / 02, Dear Friend, I hope I shall be able to leave this about the 16th for Johannesburg, but have not been able to he...
- Smuts A1/189/77:Hanover, March 12 / 06, My dear Isie, I was so sorry I was not able to go & meet Neef Jan at Hanover Rd when he passed. I...
- Smuts A1/190/42:de Aar, Oct 13 / 07, My dear Isie , Thank you so much for your letter, & your loving invitation. I fear I shan’t be...
- Smuts A1/190/43:Box 24, de Aar, Dec 4th 1907, Dear Isie, I don’t know why I’ve been thinking so much about you the last few days....
- Smuts A1/190/43A:Matjesfontein , My dear Isie , I think there must be unseen telepathic wires between Matjesfontein & Pretoria for today t...
- Smuts A1/191/57:Lieve Neef Jan , Ik stuur voor jou een "article", de ik greschryven het. Lees dit. Dink daar o’er. Ik veet jÿ is v...
- Smuts A1/191/58:Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein, Cape Colony, Dec 30 / 08, Dear Neef Jan, Thank you for your letter. No, I don’t want to co...
- Smuts A1/192/89:de Aar, June 5th 1909, Dear Isie,, Thank you so much for the book of Kaffir-stories you sent me. I would like to write you a ...
- Smuts A1/193/81:Rocklands, Sea Point, February 6th 1910, My darling Isie , Do you think I have forgotten you? I’ve been so ill for a lo...
- Smuts A1/193/85:De Aar , Oct 15th 1910, My dear Isie , I feel I want to write to you today. I never wrote Neef Jan to congratulate him on his...
- Smuts A1/193/86:Portlock, nr. Graaff Reinet, 23 December 1910, My dear Isie , I never wrote to thank you for the dear little box of cherries ...
- Smuts A1/194/9/62:Darling Isie, I can’t come: it’s a bitter disappointment to me. I’ve got all I want to say ready in my head...
- Smuts A1/194/9/63:de Aar, April 16th 1911, Dear Neef Jan, I note that you are a socialist – but I wonder of what kind? It must break your...
- Smuts A1/194/9/65:Dear Isie, It seems such ages since I had any news of you. My health has been worse the last year & I’ve almost giv...
- Smuts A1/194/10/53:Villa Flandre , Newlands , Easter Sunday , Isie dear, I wanted so to come out & say good bye to you today: but I can’...
- Smuts A1/194/10/54:de Aar, May 2nd 1912, Dear old Isie, You said you would be going back to Pretoria in May. Please don’t pass without let...
- Smuts A1/194/10/55:de Aar, Monday, Dear Isie, Thank you very much for your letter. I am back again at de Aar, feeling the sudden rise of 4000 fe...
- Smuts A1/194/10/61:Dear Isie, Your card has just come; the box has not come yet, but the boy has gone to the station to ask. I am just writing t...
- Smuts A1/194/10/64:Newlands, Dec 16th 1912, Isie dear,, It is indeed a terrible trouble that has overtaken you all. For the parents it must be a...
- Smuts A1/195/43:Villa Flandre, Newlands, Grand Hotel, Muizenberg, Jan 20th 1913, Dear Isie , I’m so glad to think you’ll be here ...
- Smuts A1/195/44:de Aar, Sunday , My dear Isie, I got home yesterday morning. It is so nice to be with my dear old husband in my own house aga...
- Smuts A1/195/45:de Aar, 2 May 1913, Dear Isie , It was so nice to seen to see you & the dear children, even for a moment. Thank you for y...
- Smuts A1/195/47:de Aar, Sep 29th 1913, My darling Isie , I am sailing on the 6th of December for Europe, to try some medical treatment for my...
- Smuts A1/195/48:de Aar, Oct 18th 1913, Dear Isie, You may like to know what my friend Mrs Purcell says about Emily Hobhouse. I am so thankful...
- Smuts A1/202/97A:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, Monday , Dear Jan, I send you a cutting in case you don’t see the New Statesman. I’...
- Smuts A1/202/98:19 Adam St, Portman Sq, Monday , Dear Neef Jan , Thank you for your kindness yesterday. Oh Jan I wish you all good. I wish I ...
- Smuts A1/202/99:address, c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clements Lane, Lombard St, London W, April 23rd 1917, Dear Isie, How I wish you had come out w...
- Smuts A1/202/100:London, To General Smuts Savoy Hotel , Your speech was fine , Olive Schreiner Betty Molteno ,
- Smuts A1/204/145:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, May 29th 1918, Dear Jan , I got a letter from my niece Mrs. Hudson Findlay from Pretoria She ...
- Smuts A1/204/146:9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Nov 19th 1918 , Dear Jan , Don’t you begin to see this is the 20th Century!! That the...
- Smuts A1/204/147:9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, Monday , Dear Jan , I was so sorry I could not go for the drive. I had to go & see my ...
- Smuts A1/204/148:9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, Saturday , Dear Jan,, I’ve been feeling a little unhappy about you. You know if ever...
- Smuts A1/206/121:telephone no 6506 , Paddington, 9 Porchester Place , Edgware Road, W., June 3rd 1919 , Dear Jan , They tell me you were just ...
- Smuts A1/206/122:9 Porchester Place , Edgware Rd, Saturday , Dear Jan, Thank you for your letter. Let me know by telephone if ever you can com...
- Smuts A1/207/185:Address , c/o Mrs. W P Schreiner, Lyndall , Garden Street , Plumstead, nr. Cape Town , Oct 19th 1920, Dear Jan, Thank you for...
- National English Literary Museum, Grahamstown: The National English Literary Museum is the leading location for collections pertaining to the imaginative and creative writi... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/2:Dear Friend, With great pleasure republish my little letter about Mrs Koopmans As to my brother Will, you know I was more opp...
- Olive Schreiner: F.S. Malan 1000/4:De Aar, Tuesday , To F S Malan , My dear Friend, My heart is sore sorrowful. What are these things which you are doing up in ...
- Olive Schreiner: S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner SMD 30/33/k:Dec 9th 1920, My Pal,, I hope you have been able to get out of the London fog soon. They are choaking. I shall love to think ...
- SCCS Edited Extracts: Four groups of edited extracts from Olive Schreiner's letters can be accessed from here, made by her estranged husband Cronwr... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/40:…Your bedstead is smashed & the two side bars gone. Your old desk that you gave me has evidently been smashed open ...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/43:…I got here yesterday morning, & have not a touch of asthma as yet… I suppose Ollie goes with you to the offi...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/195:…From Vereeniging to Johannesburg we went by the new line, using the first train that had ever passed upon it... Advoca...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/480:...Lever neef Jan, Ik stur for jo en article vat ik geschreva als ek. Maar Got hat daarm for oude Kleine Tantje eets lat seen...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/482:…I enclose Jannie’s letter. It’s private of course. I don’t want a little Afrikander nation: if there...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/485:…Miss Hobhouse says Smuts talks openly in the T’Vaal about shooting down the niggers as… , Letters are not ...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/526:…Yes, Janni has the most extraordinary faith in words I wonder if he thinks they must represent things. He ought to hav...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/530:…Jannie denied in the papers that he had asked for Connaught to be sent out----but no one believes him. “De Burge...
- Olive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/532:…Masabala’s trial will come on on the second. It was a sort of Amritzar in Port Elizabeth, without the excuse for...
- National Library of South Africa, Cape Town: Special Collections at the NLSA provide one of the leading locations for archival papers across many periods, organisations a... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- W.P. Schreiner MSC 27/1350:De Aar, Oct 18th 1908, Dear Laddie, Thanks for your lines., I am a good bit distressed to hear from Miss Colenso that it appe...
- University of Cape Town, Historical Manuscripts: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Cape Town is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many per... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/73:My darling Thanks for your letter. What a splendid victory you had. Not one license given! I rejoice so with you. , It seems ...
- W.P. Schreiner BC112/B31/2:Dear Friend,, I enclose you a note just got from my nephew. State Secretary Reitz wrote in the very hopefully two days ago. ...
- W.P. Schreiner BC112/B31/17:9 Porchester Place, London , April 19th 1917, Dear old Bill, You would be surprised if you knew how much this small person’...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/48:Box 2 Johannesburg, Tuesday, Dearest Friend, For the first time for weeks I really seem to have a few moments to sit down &...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/14:2 Primrose Terrace, Berea Estate, Dear Friend, Your letter made me very glad. Cron said when I told him you were perhaps comi...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/23:May 30 / 99, Dear Laddie, I am anxious to know what you think of it my article. It has made much stir here today. What the fu...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/27:2 Primrose Terrace, Berea Estate, Johannesburg, June 2nd 1899, Dear Laddie, Your wire was one of the most valued of the thing...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/32:Box 406, Johannesburg, June 11, Dear old Laddie, We went over to Pretoria on Saturday at Esselins invitation & spent Satu...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold1/Jan-June1899/38:Wednesday, Dear Laddie, Miss Molteno & Miss Greene are here & I am going over with them to Pretoria on Friday, & ...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/32:Karee Kloof, Sunday, Sep 24th 1899, Dear Laddy, Your two notes of the 20th & 18th enclosing the cable are to hand. Always...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/38:Oct 12th 1899., My dear Laddie, I enclose the cable. Please have it sent as soon as the money is cabled out: it is perhaps we...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/18:Hanover, June 9 / 02, Dear Fan, Don’t forget to send me the group of you & the children. I would love so to have th...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/21:Hanover, July 3rd 1902, Dear Fan, A beautiful thought has just struck me. I have got my pass from General Lyttleton to go up ...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/23:Hanover, July 27 / 02, Dear Friend, There is much to write of, but there seems to be no time & no strength. Thanks for yo...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/24:Sunday night, Dear Fan, Thank you so much for writing to me. I’m glad you all had such a good time. It seems almost imp...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/27:Hanover, Oct 6 / 02, Dear old Sister, I think as the weather seems so unsettled still I shall put off my visit till the end o...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/9:De Aar, Feb 24th 1908, Thank you for your letter, dear. , This is my wedding day. I’ve been married 14 years to-day., I...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/29:Sunday afternoon , 10 May 1908 , Dear Laddie, I was glad to see thy handwriting. Yesterday afternoon the servant came in with...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/37:de Aar, June 4th 1908, Dear Laddie, It was good to see you. I hope the trip will do you good. You can hardly know how glad I ...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/64:de Aar, Nov 21st 1908 , My dear old Laddie, I got the paper today sent me by Miss Colenso with your photo, & Dinizulus; &...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/72:Hotel Milner, Matjesfontein, Cape Colony, My dear Laddie, I wonder where you & the boys have spent Xmas. I hope it has be...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold2/1909/8:Monday, Theo is doing very well. Wants more soup than the doctor allows him to have, which is a very good sign. Saturday is t...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/41:De Aar, Aug 18th 1912, Dear Laddie, I didn’t know I could still feel so glad about anything as when I got your letter y...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/52:De Aar , Nov 10th 1912, Dear Alice, Of course I always love you & think you one of the most lovely & darling of the p...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/16:De Aar, Apr May 3rd 1913, Dear Laddie , Please let me know when Fan passes here. The weather is lovely now & the veld fin...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/28:Thursday , Dear Laddie, Thank you much for your letter. You don’t know what a few words of greeting to me on the road a...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/5:Le Grand Hotel et D’Alassio, Alassio, Riviera, Italie, Jan 30 / 14, My dear Laddie, I wonder how things are going with ...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/7:Alassio, Italy, Feb 6th 1914, Dear Boy, I much wish to know what you feel about Cape matters. , The paper this morning said y...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/8:Le Grand Hotel et D’Alassio, Alassio, Riviera, Italie, My dear old Sister , Thank you for your interesting long letter....
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/12:Le Grand Hotel et D’Alassio, Alassio, Riviera, Italie, Dear old Man, I expect the deported men arrived in England on Su...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/57:Friday, Dear Laddie, I am glad of your note. I don’t know how Merriman knows the parliament is to be called., If the re...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/73:The Windsor, 61 & 62 Lancaster Gate, W, My darling Will, I have a strangely interesting letter from Cron which I will sho...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/83:Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., My d...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/5:Wednesday, Trevaldwyn, Llandrindod Wells., Dear Betty, Here I am sitting in May’s pretty little drawing-room. I got her...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/3:Wednesday, Dear Fan, I shall come on Friday to fetch my box & portmanteau its been too bad to trouble you with them so lo...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/15:Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead, Monday, Dear, I can’t say seeing you “bucked me up” very much. You are about...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/20:Alexi , The Park , Hampstead , Tuesday, Dear OM, I’m so glad you’re in the country. I knew you were very unfit, q...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/21:Alexi, 31 The Park, Hampstead, Tuesday, Thank you, dear, for your letter & your husband’s. Thank him much for the a...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/20:Saturday, Darling Betty, It was quite a bitter disappointment to me when I got your card this morning to say you were not com...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold1/Jan-July1919/23:Monday , My darling May, How can I ever thank you & Freddie enough for all your love, & sweetness to my darling. Than...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold1/Jan-July1919/24:Darling Betty,, We were going to have the funeral on Wednesday, but General Botha & General Smuts & Sir James Innes w...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/25:Birzana, Plumstead, Oct 2nd 1920, Darling Betty, I wonder how the world is going with you & if you have gone to France wi...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/30:Oak Hall, Main Rd , Wynberg, but still address , to c/o Standard Bank, Strand St , Cape Town , Darling Betty, I’ve had ...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/33:Oct Nov 5th 1920, My darling darling Betty, Oh how I wish you were here: all this trouble with the poor natives makes me long...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/39:Oak Hall, Tramway Terminus, Wynberg, Dear Mrs Solly, What must you have thought of me for not answering your interesting lett...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/41:Oak Hall , Tram terminus, Wynberg, My dear Mrs Murray, I am so glad to think next week you will be here. As you will be at Mi...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/44:My darling darling Betty, I do so hope there will be a letter from you tomorrow. Sometime I feels it will be the last I shall...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/42:Saturday, Oh Will my dear dear Laddie, Do go to Europe for a holiday & to take the Nauheim treatment this year. You don’...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/67:9 Porchester Place, Sunday night, Dear, I heard last Thursday that Jan Smuts was going to take over the command in Egypt. I d...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold3/ToBe/3:Dear Fan,, Again I’ve just missed you. I’ve heard such terrible news today, from three different people, they say...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/4:Hanover , October 3lst, 1905 , I have your two letters today from the Falls. I am glad it has been so splendid to you there. ...