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Helen Taylor

Helen Taylor (1831 - 1907) was a British political activist who promoted socialism and women’s rights. Helen Taylor was the daughter of Harriet Taylor Mill, who married John Stuart Mill in 1851 after the death of her first husband, John Taylor. Helen Taylor became actively involved in the suffrage movement, in the campaign against the Contagious Diseases Acts and later in the cause for Irish Home Rule. She was also on the first executive committee of the Democratic Federation, a socialist organisation founded in 1881. Schreiner’s letters comment that she and Helen Taylor were among the women who started the women’s section of the Social Democratic Federation.

For further information see:
Philippa Levine (2004) ‘Taylor, Helen (1831-1907)’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/36431
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