"No religious etc differences in Women's Enfranchisement League" Read the full letter


Walter Rubusana

Walter Benson Rubusana (1858 - 1936) was a South African church minister and political leader. He was educated at Lovedale mission school, trained as a teacher and then studied theology, eventually becoming a minister in the Congregational Church in 1884. Rubusana became increasingly politically active and was a member of the 1909 black delegation led by Will Schreiner which travelled to Britain to protest against the Draft South Africa Act. He also attended the 1911 Universal Races Congress in London, and was later elected one of the vice-presidents of the African National Congress. He also seems to have thought that women should remain silent and at home, with his public comment to this effect occasioning an angry response from Schreiner.

For further information see:
Andre Odendaal (1984) Vukani Bantu! The Beginnings of Black Protest Politics in South Africa to 1912 Cape Town: David Philip 
A.P. Walshe (1969) ?The Origins of African Political Consciousness in South Africa? The Journal of Modern African Studies 7, 4, 583 - 610

Mentioned in:
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/35
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