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Charles Murray

Dr Charles Frederick Kennan Murray (1847 - 1930) was married to Schreiner’s friend Caroline Murray and they lived in Cape Town. Murray was born in Ireland and studied medicine at Queen’s University in Dublin. He joined a Cape Town medical practice in 1874 and went on to become a prominent medical practitioner. He became first president of the Cape of Good Hope Branch of the British Medical Association in 1888. He married Caroline Molteno in 1876 and they had eight sons and two daughters. It was Murray who carried out the autopsy after Schreiner’s death and demonstrated the physiological nature of the family heart problem inherited from Gottlob Schreiner.

For more information see:
E.M. Sandler (1987) ‘Murray, Charles Frederick Kennan’ in (ed) C.J. Beyers Dictionary of South African Biography  Vol V Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, pp. 529 - 530
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collection icon University of Cape Town, Historical Manuscripts: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Cape Town is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many per... Show/Hide Collection Letters
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