"Neta crushed under the wheels, the best friend I ever had" Read the full letter
Lene Muirhead
Lene or Lena Muirhead was the wife of Schreiner’s friend Bob Muirhead. In her letters to Muirhead and also Edward Carpenter, it seems Schreiner thought Lena was rather put upon.

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Macfarlane-Muirhead Family: Schreiner’s letters to Robert Muirhead are part of Macfarlane-Muirhead family collection and can be accessed at the Mui... Show/Hide Collection Letters
MacFarlane-Muirhead/20:P.O. Box 24, De Aar, Cape Colony, South Africa, Dec 24 / 07, Dear Bob & Lene, This is just a little line of Xmas & Ne...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/21:Box 24, De Aar, Nov 16th 1908, Dear Bob, I am sending you two photos of my self, take one for yourself & Lenie & send...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/22:De Aar, April 3rd 1911, Dear Bob, I’m sending you & Lene a copy of my book. It’s only a fragment but tell me ...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/23:De Aar, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, May 28th 1913, My dear Bob, I hope the world goes well with you all. How is your own...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/25:Grand Hotel und Kurhaus, Oberhof, July 14th 1914, Dear Bob thanks for your letter. As you will see I’m now in a little ...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/26:Telephone 7266 Paddington, The Windsor,, 61 & 62 Lancaster Gate, W, Dear Bob, Thanks for your letter & thanks for ask...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/28:Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London. , Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., De...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/29:c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Tuesday, Dear Bob,, I’m sorry that so far the invention has not come off. I’...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/30:c/o Dr Parker, Trevaldwyn,, Llandrindod Wells., Dear Bob, Thanks for your letter. I never go to peace meetings if I can help ...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/31:c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Wednesday, Dear Bob, I am so much better & able to stick to my writing that I do...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/33:30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, Friday, Dear Bob, Thank you for your letter. I wonder what you feel on the cons-cript...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/36:Feb 13th 1919., Dear Bob Thank you so much for your letter. Yes, I expect I did distress Edward very much the first time I sa...
MacFarlane-Muirhead/37:May 13th 1920, 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, London, Dear old Bob, Thank you for your letter, & for your letter in the ...
Sheffield City Libraries, Archives & Local Studies: Edward Carpenter Collection, Archives & Local Studies, Sheffield City Libraries: The Edward Carpenter Collection is held ... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Edward Carpenter 359/93:Hanover, April 24th 1907 , Dear Edward, , My thought seem always turning to you now-a-days, or rather, you always seem to be...