"George Murray killed; my heart is folding round you with love; I hate war" Read the full letter
Lady Jaffe
Lady Jaffe nee Paula Hertz was the wife of German-born British Jewish businessman Sir Otto Jaffe. Sir Otto Jaffe served twice as Lord Mayor of Belfast. From her letters, it seems that Schreiner met the Jaffes when she stayed at Nauheim in Germany in 1914 with Will Schreiner, and she later saw them in London on occasion.
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- University of Cape Town, Historical Manuscripts: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Cape Town is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many per... Show/Hide Collection Letters
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/42:Continental Hotel, Dresden , ?6.7.14, My dear Laddie, I have just got here, & moved into a room in the hottest Hotel I ev...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/37:Saturday , Thank you for your letter. I am so glad the Boy is so near you; I wonder if it chanced so, or if you managed to ar...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold4/1918/8:Monday , Dear old Man, It was nice to see you looking a little more like your old self. I’ve not seen you looking so, s...
- Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/60:Llandrindodd Wells, Friday, Thanks for your letter, dear. I am always getting anxious about the boy when I don’t hear f...