"I'm working so hard to get all my things done to take to England, I like Rudyard Kipling, his letter of thanks to OS" Read the full letter
Richard Victor Selope Thema
Richard Victor Selope Thema (1886 - 1955) was a South African political activist and leader. He was a member of the South African Native National Congress deputation sent to Britain and Versailles in 1919 to intercede on behalf of black South Africans, many of whom had fought for Britain in the First World War. The deputation also included L.T. Mvabaza, Rev. Henry Ngcayiya, Solomon Plaatje and J.T. Gumede. The deputation met with Lloyd George in November 1919 to put forward their request for the British government’s intervention on issues concerning ‘native’ taxation, education, land ownership rights and franchise rights, but with no success. Schreiner’s letters mention invitations to him in connection with the delegations to Britain.
For further information see:
Andre Odendaal (1984) Vukani Bantu! The Beginnings of Black Protest Politics in South Africa to 1912 Cape Town: David PhilipÂ
A.P. Walshe (1969) “The Origins of African Political Consciousness in South Africa” Journal of Modern African Studies 7, 4, 583 - 610

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National Library of South Africa, Cape Town: Special Collections at the NLSA provide one of the leading locations for archival papers across many periods, organisations a... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Olive Schreiner: Georgiana Solomon MSC 26/2.13.8:Dear Mrs Solomon, I have again mislaid your Tunbridge Wells address I am so anxious to know if all is going well with you. D ...