"My arms stretching out to Alice Greene; if I could put my love into words, must feel it coming to you across the miles" Read the full letter


Ella Shippard

Ella Shippard was a daughter of the British colonial administrator and ally of Rhodes, Sir Sidney Shippard, and his wife Maria Susanna, daughter of Andries Stockenstrom of the Cape Colony. Sidney Shippard was appointed resident commissioner of the British Bechuanaland protectorate in 1891, and in 1898 became director of the British South Africa Company. Schreiner met Ella Shippard on several occasions during the 1890s, chiefly in the context of their mutual friendship with Mary Sauer. Comments in her letters to Mary Sauer convey that Schreiner thought Ella Shippard was a gossip and also perhaps unworthy of Mary Sauer’s friendship.
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collection icon National Library of South Africa, Cape Town: Special Collections at the NLSA provide one of the leading locations for archival papers across many periods, organisations a... Show/Hide Collection Letters
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