"Boer surrender, peace, the sun will rise at last" Read the full letter
Parkers (The)
Refers to May Murray and Frederick Parker

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Aletta: The Aletta Jacobs collection is extensive and available on microfilm at the Aletta IIVA archive in Amsterdam. Schreiner’... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/296:Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Aug 17th 1915, My dear Aletta, Thank you so much for sending me the good news of the birth of my fr...
Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin: The HRC, Austin, is one of the world leading locations for archival papers pertaining to literary life and manuscripts across... Show/Hide Collection Letters
HRC/CAT/OS/5a-x:c/o Dr Parker , Llandrindod Wells / Wales , Thursday , Dear Havelock , I don’t know what to say about Llandrindod. The ...
HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JohnHodgson/38:c/o Dr Parker, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Wednesday, Dear Mr Hodgson, Thank you so much for your letter I got here on Monday. ...
University of Cape Town, Historical Manuscripts: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Cape Town is a leading location for accessing archival papers across many per... Show/Hide Collection Letters
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/13:Trevaldwyn, Llandrindod Wells, Dear old man, I hope you two had a good week end at the Schusters. I’m glad Plum is with...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/29:Saturday, Dear Fan, I hope the bombs didn’t come anywhere near you, & distress you in any way. The wildest reports ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/34:Llandrinpapertorn, Oct 22nd 1915, Dear Mrs Murray, It has been nice sometimes to have news of you all through May. You must b...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/35:2 Campden Hill Square, W. , Friday , My dear May , Thank you so much for your letter. The dining room must look very pretty &...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold2/1916/29:Trevaldwyn, Llandrindod Wells, Friday, Dear Laddie, I did not get your letter till Thursday morning here. When I left the Iva...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold1/Jan-July1919/14:Wednesday morning, Dear Fan , Yesterday morning I got a wire that Ursie’s little one had come the night before. I went ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold1/Jan-July1919/17:Wednesday night, Dear Fan, It was sweet of you to send me the wire. I am so glad Will has tried massage. That & electrici...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold1/Jan-July1919/18:Wednesday, My old Will, I send you a card I got from Emma. I love to think of you in the quiet of Llandrindod. I know you wil...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold1/Jan-July1919/20:My old Will, This old person is always thinking about you. The weather here has been unspeakably trying the last few days. I ...
Olive Schreiner BC16/Box8/Fold4/MMPr/AssortedCorres/FredPL/27:Llandrindod Wells , Wales , I wonder what you think of the way matters are going? It doesn’t seem to me it will ever be...