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Sylvia Pankhurst

(Estelle) Sylvia Pankhurst (1882 - 1960) was with Christabel and Adela one of the daughters of Richard and Emmeline Pankhurst, and an active, prominent British suffragette and socialist political activist. She was particularly influenced by the Independent Labour Party politician Keir Hardie, with whom she had a close relationship until his death in 1915. By the time the First World War started, Sylvia Pankhurst had already begun to diverge from her mother and sister about the direction and tactics taken by the Women’s Social and Political Union, and their support for the war effort furthered this division. Sylvia was strongly pacifist and during the war involved herself in women’s peace networks and activities. Schreiner described Sylvia Pankhurst in a 1915 letter to Ellis as “a fine woman”, and in a letter to Fred Pethick-Lawrence from the same year, it seems that Schreiner called on Sylvia Pankhurst on at least one occasion.  It is likely that some letters were exchanged between Schreiner and Sylvia Pankhurst, although none have been traced.

For further information see:
Ian Bullock and Richard Pankhurst (eds) (1992) Sylvia Pankhurst: From Artist to Anti-Fascist Basingstoke: Macmillan
June Hannam (2004) ‘Pankhurst, (Estelle) Sylvia (1882-1960)’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/37833
Patricia Romero (1987) E. Sylvia Pankhurst: Portrait of a Radical New Haven, London: Yale University Press
Barbara Winslow (1996) Sylvia Pankhurst: Sexual Politics and Political Activism London: UCL Press
Shirley Harrison (2004) Sylvia Pankhurst: A Maverick Life, 1882 - 1960 London: Aurum
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