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Agnes Jones

Agnes Jones was a member of the 1880s London circles in which Schreiner moved. Jones had been “a great devotee of James Hinton, and one of those instrumental in funding [Havelock] Ellis’s medical studies” (Brandon 1990: 96). She was one of the women living with James Hinton at the time of his death in 1875, together with his wife, Caroline Haddon and others. By the mid-1880s, she had seemingly “fallen in love” (Brandon 1990: 96) with Havelock Ellis and jealous of his friendship with and interest in Schreiner at the time. While Jones visited Schreiner on a number of occasions during 1884, Schreiner’s letters to Ellis show that she became increasingly angered by Jones’s insistent questioning about the nature of her relationship with Ellis, and also about her income. Schreiner eventually came to pity Jones, describing her as “poor Miss Jones”. It is likely that some letters were exchanged between Schreiner and Agnes Jones, although none have been traced.

For further information see:
Ruth Brandon (1990) The New Women and the Old Men: Love, Sex and the Woman Question London: Flamingo
Phyllis Grosskurth (1980) Havelock-Ellis: A Biography London: Allen Lane
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