"Johannesburg, lust for gold, moral decay" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold4/1905/34 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 25 August 1905 |
Address From | Hanover, Northern Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections.
3 Aug 25 / 05
5 My dear old Sister
7 I expect it seems a weary long time to you since your two went away.
8If the doctors only can impress on our old boy that he must have
9exercise & fresh air every day it will have been worth it all. If his
10heart is a bit enlarged he cannot do without exercise & air. I think
11your idea of his having a quiet horse & riding in & out of town is so
12first rate.
14 How is your dear old brother since his return from the Transvaal? Did
15he find the change up there do him real good. I wish the people had
16got up a subscription for him as they did for Steyn. He has been a
17true old patriot. It isn’t
19^so much for the sake of the money I wish it but that I think it would
20cheer him up to feel how he was loved & remembered. People spend so
21much on monuments & talk so lovingly of people after they are dead. If
22they would only do it while they are alive it would be so much better!^
24Ollie wrote me a note & sent me some photos from ?Felbach & Emma
25writes me that she is expecting them back in England soon.
27Good bye dear. Much love to you all.
30 ^I had a letter from my friend Mrs Van Heerden today. She tells me
31General Malan & his father mother & entire family of seven grown up
32sons are going to trek to German East Africa. The Germans will get a
33good fighter as a new subject.^
3 Aug 25 / 05
5 My dear old Sister
7 I expect it seems a weary long time to you since your two went away.
8If the doctors only can impress on our old boy that he must have
9exercise & fresh air every day it will have been worth it all. If his
10heart is a bit enlarged he cannot do without exercise & air. I think
11your idea of his having a quiet horse & riding in & out of town is so
12first rate.
14 How is your dear old brother since his return from the Transvaal? Did
15he find the change up there do him real good. I wish the people had
16got up a subscription for him as they did for Steyn. He has been a
17true old patriot. It isn’t
19^so much for the sake of the money I wish it but that I think it would
20cheer him up to feel how he was loved & remembered. People spend so
21much on monuments & talk so lovingly of people after they are dead. If
22they would only do it while they are alive it would be so much better!^
24Ollie wrote me a note & sent me some photos from ?Felbach & Emma
25writes me that she is expecting them back in England soon.
27Good bye dear. Much love to you all.
30 ^I had a letter from my friend Mrs Van Heerden today. She tells me
31General Malan & his father mother & entire family of seven grown up
32sons are going to trek to German East Africa. The Germans will get a
33good fighter as a new subject.^