"Working hard, will be blooming millionaire when book is done" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold4/1905/10 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 27 March 1905 |
Address From | Eastbergholt, Tamboer’s Kloof Road, Gardens, Cape Town, Western Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Betty Molteno |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The name of the addressee of this letter is indicated by salutation and content.
2 March 27 / 05
4 My darling Friend
6 Thankyou for your letter. My heart has been troubling me & I could not
7write last week.
9 I have seen hardly any one since I came. Your brother Jim every says
10is very quiet. The Argus had a note on him yesterday! All politicians
11on both sides seem played out & flabby. I have only been to parliament
12twice & then both ^sides^ seemed half asleep. Old ?Weeler says it is the
13great heat. We have had the hottest weather I ever knew in Cape Town
14for three weeks. It’s been awful!! Did you ever get the cheque &
15letter I enclosed to Miss Greene ask you for the £10 to buy me a Wel
16Wilcox & Gibb sewing machine? At the army & navy store in London &
17give it to Alice Corthorn to send out to me by the same Miss Brown who
18is coming out this month.
20 The same day I posted the letter with the £10 cheque for you I sent a
21letter to Alice Corthorn asking her if you gave it her to send it on
22to Miss Brown. Three weeks ago I got a letter from Alice saying if you
23sent the machine she would give it Miss Brown. From you I got only two
24letters saying you had not heard from me. Please let me know if you
25never got the cheque for £10 & please stop its being cashed in London.
26 It was a cheque made out to Miss Molteno signed by Olive Schreiner.
27If you If it is stolen they will have to forge ^sign^ your name to cash
28it! Please let me know at once. I put the letter to you & the cheque
29inside a letter to Miss Greene which I addressed to Harston House
32 My brother Will is going to England next week to try a cure for his
33heart. I fear he is breaking down for good.
35^I have only seen Anna Purcell once for a few moments. I can’t go out
36to Bergvliet on account of the bad asthma I get there. Neta was
37operated on five days ago. We cannot yet say how it will go. I would
38like to meet your young sister. I suppose she is not with Mrs Murray.^
2 March 27 / 05
4 My darling Friend
6 Thankyou for your letter. My heart has been troubling me & I could not
7write last week.
9 I have seen hardly any one since I came. Your brother Jim every says
10is very quiet. The Argus had a note on him yesterday! All politicians
11on both sides seem played out & flabby. I have only been to parliament
12twice & then both ^sides^ seemed half asleep. Old ?Weeler says it is the
13great heat. We have had the hottest weather I ever knew in Cape Town
14for three weeks. It’s been awful!! Did you ever get the cheque &
15letter I enclosed to Miss Greene ask you for the £10 to buy me a Wel
16Wilcox & Gibb sewing machine? At the army & navy store in London &
17give it to Alice Corthorn to send out to me by the same Miss Brown who
18is coming out this month.
20 The same day I posted the letter with the £10 cheque for you I sent a
21letter to Alice Corthorn asking her if you gave it her to send it on
22to Miss Brown. Three weeks ago I got a letter from Alice saying if you
23sent the machine she would give it Miss Brown. From you I got only two
24letters saying you had not heard from me. Please let me know if you
25never got the cheque for £10 & please stop its being cashed in London.
26 It was a cheque made out to Miss Molteno signed by Olive Schreiner.
27If you If it is stolen they will have to forge ^sign^ your name to cash
28it! Please let me know at once. I put the letter to you & the cheque
29inside a letter to Miss Greene which I addressed to Harston House
32 My brother Will is going to England next week to try a cure for his
33heart. I fear he is breaking down for good.
35^I have only seen Anna Purcell once for a few moments. I can’t go out
36to Bergvliet on account of the bad asthma I get there. Neta was
37operated on five days ago. We cannot yet say how it will go. I would
38like to meet your young sister. I suppose she is not with Mrs Murray.^