"Prostitution, changing a whole system" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner BC16/Box2/Fold2/July-Dec1899/48
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date13 December 1899
Address FromLyndall, Newlands, Cape Town, Western Cape
Address Toc/o Dr Murray, Kenilworth, Cape Town, Western Cape
Who ToCaroline Murray nee Molteno
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The year of this letter has been provided by the postmark on an attached envelope, which also provides the address it was sent to.
1 Lyndall
2 Dec 13th
4 Dear Mrs Murray
6 I am sending you a few of the letters sympathetic towards the
7Transvaal which I have received this week. Every week the number
8steadily increases. I had 11 this week from people I don’t know in
9England & America. It seems to me to indicate that already a certain
10feeling of sympathy with the Transvaal is growing though slowly, &
11that some are beginning to perceive the injustice of the war.
13 I am always wanting to come & see you but never seem to have any time.
14I am up with asthma the best part of every night, & in the day never
15seem to be able to do more than my writing.
17 I went to see some prisoners on Monday however I do
19 Yours sincerely
20 Olive Schreiner
22 Please return the letters.
The letters referred to are no longer attached.