"Families of the Hanover men executed, Mrs Nienaber's maching machine" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceSchreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/174
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date10 March 1920
Address From9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Westminster, London
Address ToMarsh’s Homes, Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape
Who ToWynnie Hemming
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The address this letter was sent to is provided by an attached envelope.
1 9 Porchester Place,
2 Edgware Rd
3 March 10th 1920
5 My darling Wynnie
7 I can’t thank you enough for your beautiful letters to me. They have
8comforted & helped me as only love can. I am going to try & come out
9when Oliver & Edna come out in August or September but my great
10difficulty is to find a place to stay in, when I land. I could go to
11any hotel or boarding house for the first day – but the difficulty
12will be to find a place where I can stay through the heat of summer. I
13dread the heat more than any cold.
15 Dear Aunt Fan has asked me to come & stay with her at St James but I
16cant spend even one night there on account of the asthma if the worst
17comes to the worst I must just come out & look for a place when I got
18there. In Cape Town its too hot & near the sea (right on the shore) I
19get asthma. Plumstead & Kenilworth are the parts that have suited me
20best. I hope that perhaps some one who has a larger house than they
21need might hire me a room or rooms where I could do for myself or get
22a girl in for a couple of hours every day. I have some furniture at
23Mrs Purcell’s. if I could get unfurnished rooms it would do. But I
24feel I cant stay here any more I must come.
26 I long so to see you all. It would be better to die in the heat there,
27than alone in the fog here.
29 I went to see Edna today. The babe is long with large large round full
30eyes – but dear Edna had to be operated on yesterday for an ulcer in
31the breast & will of course be in bed a long time.
33 I am hoping with much joy to see dear Ray Brown soon. She landed
34yesterday. She’ll tell me about you all.
36 Good bye my darling Wynnie. You are such a comfort & help to me.
38 Your small
39 aunt Olive