"On women, marriage, prostitution" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Edward Carpenter 359/72 |
Archive | Sheffield Archives, Archives & Local Studies, Sheffield |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 17 May 1894 |
Address From | Krantz Plaats, Halesowen, Eastern Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Edward Carpenter |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the Sheffield Archives, Sheffield Libraries, Archives and Information Services, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Archive Collections.
Krantz Plaats
2 May 17 / 94
4 Dear E.C.
6 Thanks for letter, would much like to help forward any movement for
7the dropping of clothes, but I haven’t any likeness in light dress;
8& intensely as I feel on the question & good as I feel Shaw’s
9intentions are & open & sunshiney his feelings, I don’t think he
10always treats the matter quite rationally. Its a bigger broader
11question than it would appear from his handling.
13 If you were to write a pamphlet on the subject it would be much more
14satisfactory. I’ll send any native photos I can get. I send you by
15this post a picture of my Husband & myself standing at our front door.
16The photographs are bad, but the picture of the door is excellent; you
17can even see the hollow under it, worn away by countless generations
18of Dutch Ooms & Tantes’ feet; & which the snakes now find convenient
19for making an entrance by. My Husband grows sweeter & gentler daily to
20me; I’m very happy & thankful that I married him.
22 Yours ever
23 Olive.
25 ^I am sending photos next week to Lucy of the house & one for Max of
26Cron & myself by the river at our bathing place but unfortunately we
27are in full civilized dress.^
2 May 17 / 94
4 Dear E.C.
6 Thanks for letter, would much like to help forward any movement for
7the dropping of clothes, but I haven’t any likeness in light dress;
8& intensely as I feel on the question & good as I feel Shaw’s
9intentions are & open & sunshiney his feelings, I don’t think he
10always treats the matter quite rationally. Its a bigger broader
11question than it would appear from his handling.
13 If you were to write a pamphlet on the subject it would be much more
14satisfactory. I’ll send any native photos I can get. I send you by
15this post a picture of my Husband & myself standing at our front door.
16The photographs are bad, but the picture of the door is excellent; you
17can even see the hollow under it, worn away by countless generations
18of Dutch Ooms & Tantes’ feet; & which the snakes now find convenient
19for making an entrance by. My Husband grows sweeter & gentler daily to
20me; I’m very happy & thankful that I married him.
22 Yours ever
23 Olive.
25 ^I am sending photos next week to Lucy of the house & one for Max of
26Cron & myself by the river at our bathing place but unfortunately we
27are in full civilized dress.^