"Writing process, 'Prelude', 'Peter Halket', you can't alter the pictures as they come to you" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceSmuts A1/194/9/64
ArchiveNational Archives Repository, Pretoria
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date2 August 1911
Address FromDe Aar, Northern Cape
Address To
Who ToIsie Smuts nee Krige
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the National Archives Repository, Pretoria, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections.
1 de Aar
2 Aug 2 1911
4 Dear Isie
6 I am writing this to introduce you to Dr. Jacobs. I am sure she is a
7woman you will be delighted to know. She was the first woman doctor &
8a fast friend of ours during the war. She wanted to come out & doctor
9the women in the camps but of course was not allowed.
11 If you would invite her & the friend who is travelling with her ^out to Irene^
12– a lady from Holland – I am sure it would give them as much
13pleasure to know you as it will give you to know them.
15 Dr. Jacobs is travelling over the world in the cause of woman’s
16suffrage It was she who translated "Woman & Labour" into Dutch.
18 Good bye.
19 Your little Auntie
20 Olive