"That I may finish that book, 'From Man to Man', being of some use, tragedy & bitterness of woman's fate" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceSmuts A1/187/99
ArchiveNational Archives Repository, Pretoria
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date28 June 1903
Address FromPO Uitkik, Frasersburg Road, Western Cape (now Leeu Gamka, Prince Albert, Western Cape)
Address To
Who ToIsie Smuts nee Krige
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the National Archives Repository, Pretoria, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections.
1 P.O. Uitkÿk
2 near Frasersburg Rd
3 Cape Colony
4 June 28 / 03.
6 Dear Isie
8 Thankyou for your long letter & the pleasant messages. Also for the
9magazines I got last night.
11 This is a beautiful place to me, very bare, open, Karroo, but the air
12is wonderfully fresh & clear & we can see the far mountains, always on
13every hand. Yesterday my husband came for the day from Cape Town. He
14left again by the afternoon train but it was very nice to see him, it
15makes this place seem more home like. The Le Roux’s are very nice kind
16people & I couldn’t be more comfortable boarding anywhere than here.
17Mrs. Le Roux who was a Miss ?Fütch says she remembers you as a little
18girl at the school at Stellenbosch when she was there: two of her
19brothers died fighting on the Transvaal side; one was shot & one died
20of disease: Yes, I always feel more significantly with the Transvaal &
21Freestate than this Colony. This old Bond is a stick in the mud
23^?fast of organization; but one must take life as it comes. Good bye my
24love to you all
26 Olive Schreiner^
28 PS. Do you know Dr. Kolk did not write those poems, but some one else
29who does not at all wish their name known. It was a great surprise to
30me when I found out Have you perhaps got another copy of Songs of the
31Veld you could send me? I want one so much to send to Mrs Malan^’s^
32aunt Mrs. Van Heerden, & I can’t get a copy in Cape Town.
34 Good bye again
35 OS
37 ^I shall perhaps be going up to Bloemfontein for a week or ten days
38before I return to Hanover in August. I wish the air at Pretoria more
39like the air at Bloemfontein. I have about 12 stories most of them I
40made during the first year of the war. Since the peace all life seems
41to have died out of me.^
The book referred to is: Anonymous (1902) Songs of the Veld and Other Poems: Reprinted from ‘The New Age’ London: New Age Press.