"Never thought Cronwright-Schreiner loved Philpot" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | E.L. Earp MSC 47/1.17/4 |
Archive | National Library of South Africa, Special Collections, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | Sunday November 1889 |
Address From | The Sanatorium, Ceres, Western Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Emma Earp nee Findlay |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections. The year has been written on this letter in an unknown hand. Schreiner stayed in Ceres for some weeks during November 1889.
The Sanatorium
2 Ceres
3 Sunday Night
5 My dear Emma
7 Thank you so very much for your kind letter. I should have answered it
8at once, but I have been ill ever since I left Cape Town. Thank you so
9much for your loving invitation. If it be possible before I leave
10Africa I should much like to come & spend a few days with you, & learn
11really to know your husband & your beautiful boy. It was a great
12pleasure to me to see Fred & Alice in Cape Town. I was delighted with
15 Please give my best love to Maggie & Eliza. ?Shoul I suppose you have
16heard of Grandmama's very serious illness. I am very anxious for fresh
19 Good bye, dear Emma. Forgive this hurried line this is one of the
20first notes I have written since I came. Your with much love & hoping
21to see you all.
23 Olive Schreiner
2 Ceres
3 Sunday Night
5 My dear Emma
7 Thank you so very much for your kind letter. I should have answered it
8at once, but I have been ill ever since I left Cape Town. Thank you so
9much for your loving invitation. If it be possible before I leave
10Africa I should much like to come & spend a few days with you, & learn
11really to know your husband & your beautiful boy. It was a great
12pleasure to me to see Fred & Alice in Cape Town. I was delighted with
15 Please give my best love to Maggie & Eliza. ?Shoul I suppose you have
16heard of Grandmama's very serious illness. I am very anxious for fresh
19 Good bye, dear Emma. Forgive this hurried line this is one of the
20first notes I have written since I came. Your with much love & hoping
21to see you all.
23 Olive Schreiner