"Support for John Simon in opposing the introduction of conscription" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | E.L. Earp MSC 47/1.17/3 |
Archive | National Library of South Africa, Special Collections, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 20 September 1888 |
Address From | Roseneath, Harpenden, Hertfordshire |
Address To | |
Who To | Emma Earp nee Findlay |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections.
2 Harpenden
3 Herts
4 Sep 20 / 88
6 My dear Emma,
8 Thank you very much for the letter which I greatly valued. I liked so
9much to hear of your dear little home & can quite clearly picture it.
10Do write to me again & tell me more about yourselves.
12 I am still living in my solitary little cottage at Harpenden but as
13the winter comes on my chest warns me to be off to the south. I shall
14be sorry to leave my little house, but hope to return next summer. I
15am going back to Italy to the little village Alassio that I like so
16much. Tomorrow I am going into London for the day to get some books. I
17have not been in for a long time, but it is only 45 minutes from this
18by train. I think I shall have my likeness taken before I leave
19England & shall send you one.
21 Give my love please to all the dear folk at Fraserburg, whom I've not
22seen since they were so small. Who is Fred like? Is Alice still so
23very pretty? Eliza was a tiny very fat baby when I saw her.
25 I should like much to see you all again. I hope it may come some day.
27 Always with love to your husband & yourself
28 Your affectate little Aunt Olive!
30 ^Please send the enclosed to Hudson^
2 Harpenden
3 Herts
4 Sep 20 / 88
6 My dear Emma,
8 Thank you very much for the letter which I greatly valued. I liked so
9much to hear of your dear little home & can quite clearly picture it.
10Do write to me again & tell me more about yourselves.
12 I am still living in my solitary little cottage at Harpenden but as
13the winter comes on my chest warns me to be off to the south. I shall
14be sorry to leave my little house, but hope to return next summer. I
15am going back to Italy to the little village Alassio that I like so
16much. Tomorrow I am going into London for the day to get some books. I
17have not been in for a long time, but it is only 45 minutes from this
18by train. I think I shall have my likeness taken before I leave
19England & shall send you one.
21 Give my love please to all the dear folk at Fraserburg, whom I've not
22seen since they were so small. Who is Fred like? Is Alice still so
23very pretty? Eliza was a tiny very fat baby when I saw her.
25 I should like much to see you all again. I hope it may come some day.
27 Always with love to your husband & yourself
28 Your affectate little Aunt Olive!
30 ^Please send the enclosed to Hudson^