"Spending the last days destroying letters & papers, no daughter to leave them to" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner: Ruth Alexander MSC 26/2.1.8 |
Archive | National Library of South Africa, Special Collections, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 22 August 1915 |
Address From | Llandrindod Wells, Wales |
Address To | |
Who To | Ruth Alexander nee Schechter |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections.
Llandrindod Wells
2 Wales
3 Aug 22nd 1910^15^
5 Dear Ruth
7 I think Solly's picture is sweet: - bursting with intelligence & life,
8& sweet too. Oh don't spoil him. I hope you will have another boy, &
9not a girl if you have another child, so that he may not be the only
10boy. One ought to train a girl to be unselfish, but one must train a
11boy: all life teaches him he's a superior person.
13 I like both your little poems, dear, much. The baby one has most music
14& go in it: the other's good too.
16 I enclose you Mrs Havelock Ellis' card about them.
18 She's such a fine ?breeze woman. She's been lecturing in America & is
19going again this autumn I think.
21 I am so much better & so happy here with dear May "Murray." (Parker)
23 My love to you, dear.
24 Olive
26 ^I think your muse has greatly gained in music^
28 ^I am so glad Russia is being beaten. It may mean freedom for Russia,
29but I fear England & France will come to the Autocracys help again as
30they did after the Japanese war, & crush down the movement for freedom.
31 If only Finland would rise & just proclaim herself free.^
2 Wales
3 Aug 22nd 1910^15^
5 Dear Ruth
7 I think Solly's picture is sweet: - bursting with intelligence & life,
8& sweet too. Oh don't spoil him. I hope you will have another boy, &
9not a girl if you have another child, so that he may not be the only
10boy. One ought to train a girl to be unselfish, but one must train a
11boy: all life teaches him he's a superior person.
13 I like both your little poems, dear, much. The baby one has most music
14& go in it: the other's good too.
16 I enclose you Mrs Havelock Ellis' card about them.
18 She's such a fine ?breeze woman. She's been lecturing in America & is
19going again this autumn I think.
21 I am so much better & so happy here with dear May "Murray." (Parker)
23 My love to you, dear.
24 Olive
26 ^I think your muse has greatly gained in music^
28 ^I am so glad Russia is being beaten. It may mean freedom for Russia,
29but I fear England & France will come to the Autocracys help again as
30they did after the Japanese war, & crush down the movement for freedom.
31 If only Finland would rise & just proclaim herself free.^
Attached to this letter is a card from Edith Ellis, in which she briefly comments on Ruth Alexander's 'charming' poems; these cannot be traced.
Attached to this letter is a card from Edith Ellis, in which she briefly comments on Ruth Alexander's 'charming' poems; these cannot be traced.