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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner: John & Mary Brown MSC 26/2.2.2
ArchiveNational Library of South Africa, Special Collections, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date5 May 1881
Address FromNew College, Eastbourne, East Sussex
Address To
Who ToJohn Brown
Other VersionsRive 1987: 32-3
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections. Rive’s (1987) version omits part of this letter and is also in a number of respects incorrect.
1 New College
2 Eastbourne
3 May 5th 1881
5 My dear Dr. Brown,
7 You see I have followed your advice for the second-time. Here I am at
8Eastbourne, & am going to begin my studies as soon as possible.
10 My brother arrived in Edinburgh on Tues-day evening. I should like to
11have rem-ain-ed my month out at the Infirmary, but he said I was I was
12not well, & brought me down with him, goods & all.
14 I don't think I shall go in for the London University exams, as that
15would take me longer, & I am in a hurry. My generous old brother says
16I needn't be, of course, but I am.
18 It's awfully good of you to have taken so much trouble about me. I
19hope my health will remain good enough for me to justify all
20expectations, but I have half a fear I shall find myself a great fool
21when I come to measure myself mind by mind with other people.
23 Give my best love to Mrs Brown: tell her I liked the work at the
24Infirmary much, liked Miss Pringle, & liked best of all Miss Spencer.
26 Your sister wrote me a very kind note which I got the evening before I
27left. I was very sorry I had not time to go & see her
29 I am yours in haste & with many thanks
31 Olive Schreiner