"Rhodes as almighty might-have-been" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/72
ArchiveNational English Literary Museum, Grahamstown
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date12 October 1914
Address FromThe Windsor, 61 & 62 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, London
Address To
Who ToMinnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the National English Literary Museum (NELM) for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. This letter is written on printed headed notepaper.
1 The Windsor
261 & 62 Lancaster Gate, W
4 London
5 Oct 12th 1914
7 My dear dear Friend,
9 I am thinking of you all so often my heart seems to cling closer &
10closer to Africa & all in it the longer I am separated from it.
12 Do write to me & tell me all the news about yourselves that I long so
13to know. I hope the garden gives you joy, - what joy is there like the
14peaceful joy of a garden? How does it go with the dear children I've
15been very ill but am better. I am going to a little Hotel in the heart
16of London where I think it will be drier. Oh my anxiety about de Aar &
17my dear Husband. I am thankful your darling Bobbie is not old enough
18to sent to the war to spill his dear young blood on those terrible
19sands. Yesterday we heard of the fall of Antwerp. All the lights are
20darkened in London tonight as they are afraid of the zeplins. The
21fighting is now going on only 60 miles from London as the crow flies -
22though of course it is mostly over water. Oh how I long for news from
23South Africa, & the papers give none. The last news I had was that
24dear old de la Rey had been shot in a motor car. He was a large peace
25loving gentle man. Oh my dear friend I hate war more & more the more I
26see of it. I awaken all the hatred & bitterness & narrowness that lies
27at the bottom of human nature. My brother is still in England. His son
28has joined the English army as an officer my dear beautiful Oliver!
30 Good bye; my dear love to you all. Shall we ever meet again, I think
32 Olive
34 Nauheim did me wonderful good, but the last few weeks seem to have don
35undone it all.
37 Address c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clement's Lane Lombard Street London, as
38I am moving about. A letter addressed there will always find me.