"Never thought Cronwright-Schreiner loved Philpot" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceAletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/296
ArchiveAletta, International Archives for the Women’s Movement, Amsterdam
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date17 August 1915
Address FromLlandrindod Wells, Wales
Address To
Who ToAletta Jacobs
Other Versions
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Olive Schreiner's letters to Aletta Jacobs are part of the International Archives for the Women's Movement collections, to whom thanks are due for access to the microfilm of the Aletta Jacobs Papers.
1Llandrindod Wells
4Aug 17th 1915
6My dear Aletta
8Thank you so much for sending me the good news of the birth of my
9friends little baby. Please if you can tell her how glad I am it is a
10little girl: I know she longed for one so after having four boys.
11Please tell her I wish I could have been with her; I fear her husband
12was away. But she makes every one about her love her.
14I am still staying here with my friends the Parkers & am feeling such
15great good from my stay here that I shall stay for some weeks longer.
16But the Standard Bank is my best address as I have all my letters sent
19I do hope Emily Hobhouse will be able to stay on for some time. I have
20not heard from her since the post card she wrote me when she landed in
21Flushing. Tell her I am thinking of going to Cornwall in the winter.
22My favourite nephew Oliver is now fighting in the trenches in France
23as I think I told you.
25How I wish I were in Holland too.
27Yours with love, & many thanks for your letter
The friend referred to is Dorothy von Moltke, withAletta Jacobs over the period of the war because of censorship problems relaying news and information between Moltke and Schreiner, and then between Moltke and her parents Jessie and James Rose Innes; see Schreiner to Dorothy von Moltke, August 1914 (Olive Schreiner: Dorothy Moltke MSC 26/2.7/12), and also Schreiner to Aletta Jacobs, 8 February 1915 (Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/291) and 31 August 1915 (Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/297).