"Kruger's funeral" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | HRC/OliveSchreinerLetters/OS-JOANHodgson/8 |
Archive | Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 29 August 1919 |
Address From | 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Westminster, London |
Address To | |
Who To | Joan Hodgson nee Wickham |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections.
19 Porchester Place
2Edgware Rd
4Aug 29th 1919
6Dear Joan
8I hope you are not doing too much. Exercise is very good but you
9mustn’t let yourself get tired or worried about anything – just
10let the house go for the present. I have been looking up in both my
11maps for Royal Avenue but can’t find it. I do hope its some where
12close to a bus. What is it near? Is it just off Eaton Sq?
14Ursula is so happy with her baby. I’ve never seen any woman any
15where so absorbed in her child, & rejoicing so over it. And it was the
16last thing one would have expected! It is almost comic. She does every
17thing for him her self.
19I do hope you’ll be easy to get at when you come. It will be so
20lovely to see you.
22I’ve just seen General Botha’s death in the papers. There’s
23something sad when the old land marks disappear one by one.
25Did I tell you my nephew Olivers wife is expecting a little one in
26February. Oh I hope it will be a better happier world these little
27ones will come into.
29I’ve just had a long letter from my dear friend Lady Constance
30Lytton. I don’t know if you knew her in the suffrage days. She’s
31one of the most beautiful women souls the Gods ever made. She has to
32undergo a great operation in two months. For 25 years she & her cousin
33Adela Smith have been my two closest friends. In this dark time one
34clings so to the thought of these great self-less souls; there’s
35nothing in life matters much but love.
37Good bye dear. My love to John. I hope by the time the cold dark
38winter days come he will be able to have a motor car. That long ride
39in the motor-bike to & from his work seems to me the only drawback in
40your ideal home It must have been beautiful there this summer.
42Good bye Love to John
43Your small Aunt
2Edgware Rd
4Aug 29th 1919
6Dear Joan
8I hope you are not doing too much. Exercise is very good but you
9mustn’t let yourself get tired or worried about anything – just
10let the house go for the present. I have been looking up in both my
11maps for Royal Avenue but can’t find it. I do hope its some where
12close to a bus. What is it near? Is it just off Eaton Sq?
14Ursula is so happy with her baby. I’ve never seen any woman any
15where so absorbed in her child, & rejoicing so over it. And it was the
16last thing one would have expected! It is almost comic. She does every
17thing for him her self.
19I do hope you’ll be easy to get at when you come. It will be so
20lovely to see you.
22I’ve just seen General Botha’s death in the papers. There’s
23something sad when the old land marks disappear one by one.
25Did I tell you my nephew Olivers wife is expecting a little one in
26February. Oh I hope it will be a better happier world these little
27ones will come into.
29I’ve just had a long letter from my dear friend Lady Constance
30Lytton. I don’t know if you knew her in the suffrage days. She’s
31one of the most beautiful women souls the Gods ever made. She has to
32undergo a great operation in two months. For 25 years she & her cousin
33Adela Smith have been my two closest friends. In this dark time one
34clings so to the thought of these great self-less souls; there’s
35nothing in life matters much but love.
37Good bye dear. My love to John. I hope by the time the cold dark
38winter days come he will be able to have a motor car. That long ride
39in the motor-bike to & from his work seems to me the only drawback in
40your ideal home It must have been beautiful there this summer.
42Good bye Love to John
43Your small Aunt