"Going with me to England, think it all over carefully" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceT120 (M722): W.T. Stead Papers/3- pages 45-6
ArchiveNational Archives Depot, Pretoria
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date After Start: Thursday June 1889 ; Before End: August 1889
Address FromLadies Chambers, Chenies Street, Camden, London
Address To
Who ToWilliam Thomas Stead
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the National Archives Repository, Pretoria, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Micofilm Collections. The year has been written on this letter in an unknown hand; Schreiner was resident in Ladies Chambers from early June to late August 1889 then returned to South Africa in early October, and thus its dating.
1Ladies Chambers
2Chenies St.
3Thursday Night.
5My dear Mr Stead
7My article is not coming out in this months Fortnightly, I hear this
10I would like to see you. I shan’t be alone tomorrow afternoon, but I
11shall be in the evening, or Saturday morning. If as is most likely you
12are too busy to call Please when return me the allegory:
13perhaps I ought not to have shown it you before it was published (I
14don’t know the rule in these cases, but I wanted so much to know what
15you thought of it. When I’m in Africa I want to write some short
16articles des-cribing it; & the relation of the Dutch & English races
17&c. Shall I le send them you. Of course if I ^you^ don’t like them you
18can return them to the friend who will see after my papers here.
20I would like to see you before I go, because I don’t think you
21understood how very tired I was feeling the last time we met. One has
22so many problems to think out, & one is such a very little person.
24Olive Schreiner
26^Please address here^
The article was ‘not coming out in the Fortnightly’ because of its length. See "The sunlight lay across my bed: Part I - Hell" New Review Vol 1, no 11, April 1890, pp.300-309; and "The sunlight lay across my bed: Part II - Heaven", New Review Vol 1, no 12, May 1890, pp.423-431. The ‘short articles’ referred to are Schreiner's ‘A Returned South African’ essays, originally published in a range of magazines and intended to be reworked in book form as Stray Thoughts on South Africa. A dispute with a US publisher and then the outbreak of the South African War (1899-1902) prevented this, and they were in the event with some additional essays published posthumously as Thoughts on South Africa.