"South African whites all philistines, no classes" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceLytton 01229/9
ArchiveLytton Family Papers, Knebworth
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date31 October 1893
Address FromThomson’s Hotel, Middelburg, Eastern Cape
Address To
Who ToElizabeth Loch nee Villiers
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the Knebworth House Archive (www.knebworthhouse.com) for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter to Lady Loch, which is part of the Knebworth collections.
1Thomson’s Hotel
3Oct 31 / 93.
5Dearest Lady Loch
7Today you will get back to Cape Town. I wish so much I could have been
8there to welcome you, but my chest was so bad I had to leave. I have
9been in bed ever since I got here, but this fine air will soon make me
10all right.
12I saw Con & Adela the day I left London. It was a real sorrow to me
13that I could not get out into the country to see your sister. I think
14Adela is much stronger than when she was at the Cape. You would hardly
15recognize her for the same person!
17I am greatly concerned about affairs in the North. I wish to God Sir
18Henry had the power to carry out his own ideas in more matters than
19this. We should be a more just, & justly governed people. All men &
20parties seem under some hideous spell which no one seems to have the
21courage to break.
23Did you read a paper by no on Politics Ethics, ^& organization^ by my
24friend Cronwright lately in the Midland News? If not should like to
25send you a copy.
27I do hope the change to Kimberley has done you great good & that
28you’ve entirely got rid of this terrible influenza. The Dr here says
29it has been influenza & not asthma at all that I’ve had; & every one
30here has been having it.
32Please forgive this stupid s-cribble, but I couldn’t wait till I was
33well to write.
35I was so glad to get your note on board. Thank you so much for the
36lovely flowers.
38Yours ever lovingly,
39Olive Schreiner
Cronwright-Schreiner published numerous short pieces of journalism in local Eastern Cape newspapers; the particular article is: S.C. Cronwright 'Political Ethics and Political Organization' Midland News 7 October 1893 (pp.5, 6 & 7); it originated as an address he gave to the Cradock Farmers Association. Elizabeth Loch, in passing this letter on to Constance Lytton, has written on it as follows:

“?Fm Olive Schreiner

She has been very ill I fear - but her brother says much better now – I was so sorry to miss her – Does she tell Adela about Mr Fort do you think? I do hope unreadable ^not^ as he wd never never make her happy. Burn this.”