"Climbing Table Mountain, silence is golden, don't talk about personal, love you for loving Shippard" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceLytton 01229/2
ArchiveLytton Family Papers, Knebworth
Epistolary Type
Letter Date After Start: Tuesday 21 May 1893 ; Before End: 7 October 1893
Address FromNew College, Eastbourne, East Sussex
Address To
Who ToConstance Lytton
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the Knebworth House Archive (www.knebworthhouse.com) for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner lettercard to Lady Constance Lytton, which is part of the Knebworth collections. The lettercard has a printed address but no envelope; it has been dated by reference to content and the period of Schreiner’s sojourn in Britain in 1893, which was between 21 May and 7 October.
1New College,
3 ^
7Dear Con, Any time after 9.30 I shall be at Morley’s Hotel. If you
8could meet me there & go with me at 11 o cl ten to eleven to Water loo
9I might have a few moments for a quiet talk.
11Yours Olive
13I send a letter just got ^from Seymour Fort. Show it Adela if you think
14well Ol.^