"'From Man To Man', can she dedicate to Pearson" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner: Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner MSC 26/2.16/506
ArchiveNational Library of South Africa, Special Collections, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeExtract
Letter Date7 June 1911
Address FromVictoria Falls Hotel, Zimbabwe
Address To
Who ToS.C. (‘Cron’) Cronwright-Schreiner
Other VersionsCronwright-Schreiner 1924: 300-1
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Extracts of Letters to Cronwright-Schreiner were produced by Cronwright-Schreiner in preparing The Life and The Letters of Olive Schreiner. They appear on slips of paper in his writing, taken from letters that were then destroyed; many of these extracts have also been edited by him. They are artefacts of his editorial practices and their relationship to original Schreiner letters cannot now be gauged. They should be read with considerable caution for the reasons given. The date of this extract and where it was sent from are implied by its place in the sequence of extracts. There are some differences between this transcription and the version that appears in The Letters….
1 …We saw the Falls yesterday. I walked all through the Rain Forest &
2past the Danger Point. Oh Cron, no words can describe it, can give the
3faintest idea of it. I was glad the wet rain was falling on my face
4that no one could see I was crying. You must see it, dear one. There
5is nothing like it on earth. We have just had breakfast and are now
6starting in a steam launch to go to Kandahar up the stream. We shall
7be back at one to lunch. This afternoon I am going quite alone through
8the Rain Forest to see it all…