"I've got a little Socialist dream, the men in the morgue" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | GFP/OS-AG/5 |
Archive | Greene Family Papers |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 14 November 1901 |
Address From | Hanover, Northern Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Alice Greene |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to John Barham and the Greene Family for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter to Alice Greene, which is part of the family collections. The name of the addressee the letter was sent to is indicated by content.
2Nov 14 / 01
4Darling Friend
6I was glad to see your handwriting again. I must be delightful having
7all those nice children about one.
9Did Miss Molteno get my letter thanking her for the cheque? I think I
10shall be able to sell my little house in Kimberly this week, I hope so
11I’ve had three offers, not for as much as it cost me, but then I
12will pay off all my debts & die with a good cons-cience!!!
14Are Mary & Mary & her husband & little Paul quite well.
16When Miss Molteno wrote some weeks ago saying she had seen Mrs R & her
17poor little babe, I wondered why she should call it poor. I have only
18just heard about her husband having had such a terrible fall from his
19horse. Is he better & able to get about again or is he ^still^ confined
20to his bed. We are allowed to get no news papers here so we know
21nothing of what is happening anywhere to our friends or the world at
22large. I have not seen an English newspaper for four months. One
23doesn’t mind about the political news because its generally lies,
24but one misses the literary & artistic news. I got such a beautiful
25photograph of Edward Carpenter last week.
27^Good bye dear one. Oh I long so to see you both sometimes its like a
2Nov 14 / 01
4Darling Friend
6I was glad to see your handwriting again. I must be delightful having
7all those nice children about one.
9Did Miss Molteno get my letter thanking her for the cheque? I think I
10shall be able to sell my little house in Kimberly this week, I hope so
11I’ve had three offers, not for as much as it cost me, but then I
12will pay off all my debts & die with a good cons-cience!!!
14Are Mary & Mary & her husband & little Paul quite well.
16When Miss Molteno wrote some weeks ago saying she had seen Mrs R & her
17poor little babe, I wondered why she should call it poor. I have only
18just heard about her husband having had such a terrible fall from his
19horse. Is he better & able to get about again or is he ^still^ confined
20to his bed. We are allowed to get no news papers here so we know
21nothing of what is happening anywhere to our friends or the world at
22large. I have not seen an English newspaper for four months. One
23doesn’t mind about the political news because its generally lies,
24but one misses the literary & artistic news. I got such a beautiful
25photograph of Edward Carpenter last week.
27^Good bye dear one. Oh I long so to see you both sometimes its like a