"Dinizulu, my boy Jim" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceMacFarlane-Muirhead/5
ArchiveMacFarlane Collection
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date13 August 1892
Address FromCape Town, Western Cape
Address ToMason’s College, Birmingham, West Midlands
Who ToRobert Franklin ('Bob') Muirhead
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Mrs Hazel MacFarlane for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter to Bob Muirhead, which is part of the MacFarlane family collection of Muirhead Papers, Special Collections, University of Glasgow Library. The address the letter was sent to is provided by an attached envelope.
1Cape Town
2Aug 13 / 92
4My dear Bob,
6I wrote you a card three weeks ago, but I don’t think they posted it.
7 I’ve been six weeks in bed with measles. I got your letter while I
8was ill. I was so glad of it Bob. It’s funny I’ve felt more I
9wanted to see you than any of my friends in England the last months. I
10wish I was a man, & you & I could camp about the world together. I’m
11very selfish, I never think whether it would be nice for you, only
12that it would be nice for me.
14I should like to go up to Scotland to your Mother’s if I came to
15England next winter ^summer^, but I don’t know whether I shall come back.
17Good bye.
18Muir is getting on very well here: much-liked. Give my love to our E C
19when you write