"On prostitution and the woman question" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold1/Dated/24
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date6 March 1909
Address FromMatjesfontein, Western Cape
Address To
Who ToBetty Molteno
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections.
1 Matjesfontein
2 March 6 / 09
4 My darling friend
6 Do please address your letters to Matjesfontein always in future. Even
7if I go to Cape Town for a few weeks they can quickly be sent on.
8Don’t send Post Cards if you mention Logan &c. as all post cards are
9carefully studied in small places!
11 We are making what little fight we can in unreadable & Federation & to
12protect the native. We shall be beaten every where. The Boer & the
13capitalist will be too strong for us every-where. But "Tomorrow is
14also a day."
16 Mrs Murray says she did send on to you my paper ^which I sent^ to her &
17which I asked her to send on. I also sent you a copy straight to your
18brother Percies care. Dear y I must have expressed myself very badly
19if you thought I wanted or dreamed of such a thing as him taking back
20anything he had said. I’m quite concerned about it.
22 My darling Con Lytton will be out of prison by the time you get this.
23But if her health can stand it Emmeline Pethick Lawrence will still be
24in prison. I seem fated to have all my friends in prison some time or
25other, sooner or later.
27 The more I think of your coming here the more I feel there would be a
28splendid opening but that Mr Logan would make things impossible for
31 My brother Will & his wife are coming to spend Saturday here on their
32way to Queenstown. You will have seen that they sentenced Dinuzulu
33after all for sheltering Rebels! I wonder where I & thousands of Dutch
34South Africans would be if all those who gave food & shelter to Rebels
35were imprisoned.
37 Good bye dear. I am going through one of those dark times of
38depression & crushing loneliness that I suppose come to all sometimes.
40 Olive
Schreiner's 'paper' is her 'Views on closer union', a lengthy article published in the Transvaal Leader on 21 December 1908 and the Cape Times on 22 December 1908 (p.9); it appeared as a short book in 1909.