"Best blood of youth, beginning of half century of war" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box11/Fold2/Undated/70 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | Monday 1917 |
Address From | na |
Address To | |
Who To | William Philip ('Will') Schreiner |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The year has been written on this letter in an unknown hand.
3 My dear Laddie
5 I went to see the Brackenbury’s today. The eldest Miss B- was away
6but I gave your message to her sister who was very glad to have it &
7would send it on. Mrs Brackenbury had a very beautiful death. She had
8been to church, & was laughing & chatting making some fritters at the
9little stove, when she suddenly said she felt ill & faint. She went up
10stairs, & they sent for the doctor, he said there was nothing
11seriously wrong but five minutes after he went, she was dead. She had
12had no idea she was dying nor had they. She was 84. Her heart failed.
14 Did you ever get the letter I sent you ten days ^or more^ ago, in which
15I enclosed that offer of the publishers to put the African Farm on a
16philm for a picture Palace, & giving me £500 ^as a royalty. It was
17from Wat & Sons.^ if you did get it please return it me, as if I
18don’t take it up ^myself^ Cron might like to do so after I am dead.
20 I suppose you never wrote to that American farm as you so kindly
21proposed doing? I suppose taking money as a gift from them would not
22in any way make them feel they had a right to publish the philm here??
23I’m so stupid about these points of law. This accursed war has taken
24three fourths of my wretched little income to support it.
26 Do tell me if you have news of Ol.
28 Good bye dear.
29 Ol
3 My dear Laddie
5 I went to see the Brackenbury’s today. The eldest Miss B- was away
6but I gave your message to her sister who was very glad to have it &
7would send it on. Mrs Brackenbury had a very beautiful death. She had
8been to church, & was laughing & chatting making some fritters at the
9little stove, when she suddenly said she felt ill & faint. She went up
10stairs, & they sent for the doctor, he said there was nothing
11seriously wrong but five minutes after he went, she was dead. She had
12had no idea she was dying nor had they. She was 84. Her heart failed.
14 Did you ever get the letter I sent you ten days ^or more^ ago, in which
15I enclosed that offer of the publishers to put the African Farm on a
16philm for a picture Palace, & giving me £500 ^as a royalty. It was
17from Wat & Sons.^ if you did get it please return it me, as if I
18don’t take it up ^myself^ Cron might like to do so after I am dead.
20 I suppose you never wrote to that American farm as you so kindly
21proposed doing? I suppose taking money as a gift from them would not
22in any way make them feel they had a right to publish the philm here??
23I’m so stupid about these points of law. This accursed war has taken
24three fourths of my wretched little income to support it.
26 Do tell me if you have news of Ol.
28 Good bye dear.
29 Ol